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Re: Forest

Michelle narrowed her eyes as Siphon rattled off the figures, drawing back slightly. "... What?" She said, squeezing the neck of her shirt to get out a few more drops of blood. "Just how do you know that? Bah, never mind. You say it's close? Let's go get it then, lead the way." She finished, gesturing into the forest.
Re: Forest

Siphon half waved as he started off.

"Long story short, alien military tracking procedures. It's only heightened by my recent change ..."

Not too awful much later, they came to a clearing where a single doe stood, casually grazing. Siphon pointed just slightly to indicate the position.

"You want first lunge, or shall I bog her down first?"
Re: Forest

"Interesting... I can't say I'm interested in learning it though, I prefer my own hunting methods."

By the time Siphon turned to indicate the doe, Michelle was already gone, charging as fast as she could at the doe, leaping onto its back just as it realised she was there and started to bolt. Michelle wrapped her arms around its neck, pulling up to make it rear in the air, and slammed her mouth down on its neck, puncturing its throat with her fangs. The pair crashed to the ground, Michelle on top, tearing open its throat with her fangs, and then pushing the head back sharply, causing the wound to tear much further, the head barely hanging on, and the doe clearly dead.

Cackling happily, Michelle plunged her head into the blood stream, gulping hungrily from the massive blood flow from the arteries there, a fair amount spilling across her face, hair and shirt, although she managed to drink the most of it. A while later, when she had sucked it dry, she straightened up, licking the blood from her face and hands, wringing it from her hair and shirt again. Looking down at the drained corpse, she pointed at it, and a few seconds later it burst into arcane flame, purple and green sparks flying into the air. When it was finished, there was nothing left apart from scorch marks on the ground, which Michelle quickly covered up with foliage.

"That was nice!" She giggled, sucking up a bit more blood from her shirt. "I want more. I want human blood, but I am aware you will not let me, Siphon. Worry not, unless someone dies of their own accord, I will not have any human blood. Do you know somewhere I can wash myself? I do not think turning back up there covered in red is a good idea, especially for that whole 'blending in' thing you talked about."
Re: Forest

Siphon watched her attack with virtually no show of emotion whatsoever, his face damn near unreadable, though it seemed maybe he was lightly amused.

"Yes, there is a hot spring not far from here which should do nicely, and the water replenishes itself quickly enough to wash away any lingering blood in the pools due to a waterfall not far from it. You can use either the fall, or the 'pool' it's your choice."
Re: Forest

"Ah, good. If you would care to take me to the waterfall, it should do a better job than a simple pool." Michelle said, looking up at Siphon again. "What's so funny? Are you laughing at me?" She demanded, her eyes pulsing red again.
Re: Forest

Siphon only shook his head.

"No, not at you, at the situation. A few hours ago I'd have done everything in my power to destroy you simply because of what you were, and I find it ironic a bit that now, I'm very much like you in some ways. Makes one rethink what their beliefs are, and I find that a tad amusing. Of course, my sanity isn't exactly ... the best right now, so it may pass, it may not, I have no idea. But enough of me, the falls, this way."
Re: Forest

Once Emily made her way to the edge of the forest, an area a little ways away from the school so that no one who wasn't purposely looking for her would find or even spot her, she took a pair of fingerless leather gloves out of her bag and put them on. She then threw the bag against a tree and leant against it, her foot tapping impatiently as she waited for Ellisia to arrive.

"That must have been her," Emily thought to herself, her gaze on the path a little ways ahead of her. "The description mother gave me matches her. I'll teach her to mess with a Wingate. Mother didn't say I couldn't rough her up before giving her the letter after all." A slight grin then spreads across Emily's face as she thinks about the revenge for Art she is about to deliver.
Re: Forest

Emily stood waiting impatiently, her back against one of the tree's as her foot tapped rapidly against the floor. Though she had to close her eyes as the explosion bathed everything in its brilliant light. As the light faded away she gradually opened her eyes once more.

"What on earth was that about?" Emily thought to herself, all thoughts of Ellisia pushed to the back of her mind momentarily. Though as she went to investigate she remembered why she was here, and so she begrudgingly stayed put, hoping that she wasnt kept waiting for much longer.
Re: Forest

Emily now sat at the base of a tree, one leg stretched out and the other bent up with an arm resting on her knee. With her other hand she snapped her fingers, and with each snap an ember flickered into existence before dying an instant later.
Re: Forest

Jonathan entered the forest a considerable distance away from Emily. He was rather relaxed now, moving at a slow pace and taking in the scenery. He intended to spend the next few hours here and explore the forest during night, when he felt best. Bird didn't even consider the possibility that there might be someone in the forest and was completely unaware of the fact that the short-tempered girl he met before was here as well. On the other hand, he wasn't close enough to Emily's position to notice her. Jonathan wouldn't be interested in meeting her anyway - he was here to calm himself down, not to talk.
Re: Forest

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Corax and Siphon were walking together.

"So. What did you want to talk about?"
Re: Forest

Siphon paused a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking.

"Well, as you may have guessed, the other woman is an Alveran, the one who was making the threats. For whatever reason, she believes I murdered her father fifteen years or so ago to acquire his symbiote. She further blames me for the fact her planet was left to die during the initial undead siege that hit us. I'm afraid things will get much worse with her now, for she's vowed to kill me in revenge. Unfortunately, she can't kill me really since I'm already dead, and this problem of mine having changed couldn't be at a worse time."

Another pause, and then he turned to face Coraxus.

"Those hunters from just a few minutes ago. They'll try to return and engage us again, as well as hunt anyone who got in their way tonight. That means they'll go after Elissia as well, since she directly challenged them. Much as I hate to say this man, I think it might be best if I left this place and took the fight to them. They won't stop until their entire lineage is dead, or they kill myself, Mirchelle and Elissia. And if there prove to be any other demons loose here, they'll find them too I'm sure. I need to know ... how long do you think I have before my absence becomes suspicious to the authorities here?"
Re: Forest

"I see. Well, you needn't worry about the authotities. We'll pull a few strings behind the scenes. We'll keep an eye on the Alveran woman too, and Elissia. I don't believe I've met this Mirchelle you mentioned. Could you fill me in on her a little?"
Re: Forest

Checking the time Emily realised that it was way past the time that she had told Ellisia to meet her at the forest, and despite wanting to wait a little while longer she knew that Ellisia was most likely not coming.

"Damn coward," Emily muttered to herself as she got up. "Couldn't even bear to face me. Looks like she wont be getting this then." Taking a letter out of her bag she holds it at the corner of the envelope for a moment before it is engulfed in flames. A few seconds later the fire dies and the letter disperses into the air as ashes. She then makes her way to the girls dorm.
Re: Forest

"Mirchelle is a demoness of some kind, I'm not entirely sure where she hails from. Claims her father banished her here for whatever reasons. Mischievous, devilish, and she definitely isn't afraid to kill or toy with other beings. We had an out and out fight earlier, pretty well ended in a stalemate. We agreed on a pact that she's not to harm anyone here, unless they happen to be say a rapist or a murderer, at which point they get what comes to them really. I'm not sure I fully trust her, but I don't think by herself she's willing to break that pact. We both know neither one of us can kill the other, or gain the upper hand one on one. Her human form assumes the name Michelle, she's taken up as a student here as far as I know. Oh and Coraxus, one other thing... I'm considering asking Julia to briefly show up to speak to the other girl. It might help."

((PM me if you need details on that Bartnum.))
Re: Forest

"Your friend? That's fine by me, so long as it doesn't stir up too much trouble. We'll be sure to keep an eye on Michelle, too. Though it looks like 'we' might be just Maria and me for the time being. You're sure you won't stick around and help?"
Re: Forest

Siphon paused.

"If I do, there's a good chance those Hunters will come back with huge forces. Then again .... If I go and they strike before I get back, no one knows enough about them to safely warn the others ... Shit. Alright, I'll stay, but I'm going to see what I can do about calling in a favor and getting those bastards off our backs for a while, maybe lead them on a false chase somewhere, or something. Got any ideas?"
Re: Forest

"Well like you said, I don't really know enough about them, but I have a few. If they attack with a large force, defeating them might be enough to ward them off through intimidation, but waiting for an attack puts us all at risk. If we could find someone who they thought posed a much larger threat, we could use them as bait to draw their attention away, but that leaves the problem of finding someone not only powerful enough, but also willing to do it. That, or we could just negotiate with them and come to a compromise that suits everyone. But they might not be so willing to do so."
Re: Forest

"I doubt they'll be willing to negotiate, they want all demonic types dead. However, I might just know someone crazy enough to provide a long term distraction, at least long enough for us to mount a proper counter-attack or defensive. The real question is can we get to them before they come at us again. My money says no, I have a bad feeling they won't be gone but more than a day or two. No I think the real question is can we somehow convince them that they're attacking on hallowed ground and endangering the very people they seek to protect by their actions."
Re: Forest

"That's not a bad idea. The tricky part is pulling it off though. We'd need the right people behind it, and I don't think any of the students fancy themselves as priests."