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Re: Forest

Emily, expecting another grapple is surprised as Ellisia launches a direct attack at her. Bringing her arms up as a temporary defense Emily takes the blows, her arms hiding the girls pained expression, before launching herself at the swordwomans waist, attempting to tackle Ellisia to the ground then following through with a blow to the head if she is successful.
Re: Forest

Ellisia was finding this fight difficult. Not out of combat ability, but in having to use her full strength against a non enemy. If she used any less, this girl would over power her, but she was concerned about accidentally harming her as well. It effected her fighting too. As Emily leaps forward, the instinctual reaction was to bring a knee to the face, but fearful for the damage that could do Ellisia hesitates and falters. Colliding the two crash to the ground, and Ellisia is forced to block and parry to the best of her ability from an awkward position as the unlikely power house bears down on top of her. She grits her teeth with beads of sweat starting to run down her face, the heat blazing down as heavily as the punches. Finaly getting a chance to escape her mistake, she is able to work a leg in, and grabbing Emilys fists catapults her over onto her back. Ellisia again springs to her feet before the girl can come back at her.
Re: Forest

Emily lets out a pained gasp as all the air in her lungs is forced out as she slams against the floor, and a moment later Emily unsteadily climbs to her feet. Shaking her head clear Emily silently glares as Ellisia and then charges at her once more, feinting at the last minute the younger girl sidesteps and attempts to grab and pin one of Ellisia's arms before attacking her once more.
Re: Forest

Emily's charging feint is successful, Ellisia throwing up the wrong defence to avoid the grab but however manages to twist away from the threat of the pin. The two grappling for a moment and trading a few blocks and blows, Ellisia wants to put a bit more distance between them before the girl repeats the fire flash trick, but also sees an opportunity. Manuvring the both of them a little closer to the edge of the clearing, Ellisia suddenly sends Emily into a light throw. Nothing that would take her off her feet, but pushing her away towards a tree. As Emily regains her balance Ellisia follows up with what would look like a mistake and an opening, spinning into an attack that wasn't quite going to make the distance. Before Emily would get a chance to make use of the opening though, something unexpected comes her way. With one hand reaching behind her back out of sight, Ellisia suddenly pulls a long claymore like sword seemingly out of thin air. With another flash seen in the tall girls eyes, she brings the blade round at a frightening speed, and with a loud *thunk* it stops inches from Emily's neck.

Ellisia freezes on the spot in a deliberate fashion. If Emily were to look behind her, she would see the blade dug half way through the tree behind her.
Re: Forest

Emily grunts as Ellisia breaks out of the pin, and then lets out an angry growl as the older girls abilities continue to seem more and more on par with her own. As she stops herself from landing on her back from the throw Emily's expression changes from anger to surprised as the large claymore seemingly appears from nowhere, and the next instant slams not far from her neck.

"Heh, looks like you were holding back," Emily says with a smile, placing her hand on the blade. Small embers dance along her hand, illuminating the sword before fizzling out. "I guess I can see how you helped beat Art." Emily finally says, her tone completely different from a moment ago. Now she sounds like the carefree young teenage girl that she looks like.
Re: Forest

Ellisia quietly sighs, apparently relieved that the fight was over, and releases her grip on the well stuck sword. "So were you. You can do more with that fire of yours than small flashes and short range bursts cant you?" She says wiping the sweat from her brow, and wishing she had a cool flannel on hand right now. "That was quite something. Though I still don't know your name. I'm Ellisia." She says, offering out a handshake.
Re: Forest

"Yeah, I guess I can. Not that I can use it much though," Emily says with a shrug, dismissing her own abilities as if they weren't that impressive. "Oh right, yeah. I'm Emily." Taking the older girls hand Emily shakes it briefly before pulling away. Ellisia would notice a considerable increase in her body temperature.
Re: Forest

As they leave the hand shake, whilst Emily wouldn't see anything, she'd be left with a strange feeling of an energy around Ellisia gradually fading away, as if the brief aura she'd seen was leaving. Ellisia retracts her hand and rubs her fingers back over her palm curiously, feeling the heat. As the invisible aura fades Emily would note her recent opponent beginning to finally show some signs of being tired from the fight, oddly after she'd already seemed to have caught her breath. "How old are you? I was trying not to underestimate you, and still did, but honestly, I imagine that's a mistake just about everyone makes hmm?"
Re: Forest

''Perfect time for a little jog...'' As he decided before,John was exercising in the forest,going thowards the waterfall.''I need to somehow get some info on that building...When was it made,by who and if it wasn't a educational facility at it's begining''.He was getting closer to the waterfall but he suddenly froze up and stood inactively for 5 seconds.''That smell,i can't quite recognize it.And i tought i heard some unnusual sounds earlier.Wait it smells like something is burning,maybe it's only some students messing with a fire source,but i shouldn't assume anything''.After another minute of waiting,john decided to resume his jog to the waterfall.
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Re: Forest

Emily's eyes dart around for a moment as she notices the energy dissipate, as if she was trying to see where it was though her eyes quickly snap back to Ellisia.

"I'm thirteen," Emily answers, a slight boastful tone in her voice. "And yeah, people have often underestimated me. Though you're pretty powerful yourself. I'd say you're almost at the same level as me. You're probably at Art's level, makes sense seeing as you're part of the group that beat him."
Re: Forest

"Is that so?" Ellisia says in reply to Emily's appraisal of their comparative level, crossing her arms and smiling, not really bothered by the boast. "But a six year gap huh? Certainly impressive. I wouldn't have been able to lift this sword at that age." Said stepping to the side to place a hand on the grip of the sword again. Focusing for a second she wraps her fingers round it, and with a sudden short tug brings it free of the unfortunate tree, then lowering it to rest on the ground by her side. "Hmm. Are you aware of how exactly your brother ended up in his current state?"
Re: Forest

"Well... My strength isn't really what you'd call natural..." Emily admits, slight embarrassment in her voice. "Though my speed and skills are natural."

"All I know is that Art was possessed by something and you lot had to fight him off," Emily explains, sighing at the end. "I'm just glad you didn't actually kill him, though I did hear that Art's illness got worse and he almost died from that. Once he wakes up I'm going to have to give him a piece of my mind." Emily adds, more to herself than directed at Ellisia.
Re: Forest

"My strength doesn't exactly come from mere muscle either. Everyone makes use of the tools they have available." She says lifting the sword a short way from the ground once more, before dropping it. A red gyplh appears flat on the floor directly beneath the blade, seeming to absorb the weapon as it touches it, quickly disappearing from sight. The glyph shimmers out of existence shortly after.

"But yes, that's correct. More specifically it was a rogue spirit under the name of Charles. However, at either the point that Charles possessed your brother, or upon leaving, it also forced Art's own soul from his body. While he is overall stable, if not reunited his spirit will eventually begin to fade away, and his body could begin to fail again. This Charles phantom is also still at large." Ellisia states mater of factly, elaborating on her question. "Myself and another have been looking for both since the incident." She didn't have to tell Emily this extra information, but somehow she imagined that were she to have a brother in a situation like this, she'd like to know such things.
Re: Forest

"Thats pretty impressive, must be handy not having to carry your weapon around with you," Emily says after watching Ellisia seals her weapon away, with an obvious tone of surprise and child-like enthusiasm.

"Well if this 'Charles' ever appears again I'll make sure he'll regret messing with a Wingate," Emily then says, her tone and expression changing to a more serious one, a far cry from just moments ago. Then as quick as it changed Emily changes back to her child-like expression, proving that she is after all still a growing young girl. "I, uh, I'd like to apologise for the way I acted earlier...and uh..well, the letter...I destroyed it out of anger yesterday... But dont worry, I'm sure I can get my mother to send another one. She'll understand...hopefully..." As Emily apologises she becomes fidgety, as if she was suddenly uneasy and as she stumbles over her words Emily's face gradually begins to flush red.
Re: Forest

"Ohh, I see..." Ellisia says, in response to Emily's apology about the letter, keeping a light hearted face on in an attempt to put the girl at ease a little. "Oh dear. Well don't worry about it. I'm sure if it was urgent or specially important your mother would have said so. I think I can understand. Apology accepted and all that." She says with a smile, taking a step towards the school, indicating she intended on heading back now.
Re: Forest

"I'll make sure to tell her to send another one," Emily says as she sets off back to the school with Ellisia. As the two of them reach the path leading to each of the school buildings Emily begins moving towards the E Building. "It's been nice to meet you, and again I apologise for the way I acted earlier. Bye." With that Emily then heads to the E Building to visit Art before heading back to the girls dorm.