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Fort Shard

Re: Fort Shard

Silence is the response...Probably because the occupant of the office is outside at the moment.
Re: Fort Shard

Em ignored the man bursting from the office. What happened in the fort wasn't her problem. Instead her gaze flowed into the room and at the message and the metal box that had immediately caught her eye. She walked in, looking over the room, then back out to make sure the man wasn't coming back. Grabbing the letter, she quickly skimmed it, then knelt down by the metal box and attempted to open it.
Re: Fort Shard

The letter indicated that the most important of the 'key items' seemed to be the one stored at the ruins of Fort Selan. The container had be specially prepared to carry the artifact at Calladris, and was to be given to the group.

The container was, unsurprisingly, unlocked and empty. It was rather padded on the inside, though.
Re: Fort Shard

Em, surprised that the container was empty, closed the lid with a resounding bang. She called out to the others, "Looks like our next stop is Fort Selan, all the way on the other side of the damn Empire." Looking over at Zagan with a smirk, she added, "Up for a little riding, wild man?" She bent over and grabbed the container, then left the room. As she walked past Lydia, Em handed the box to her and said, "Hold this for me." She then walked down the stairs and out the keep, looking for the commander, or perhaps someplace free of soldiers where she could relax.
Re: Fort Shard

Lydia stares blankly at the box, a little confused. "Horseys?" She asks as she follows after the EM.
Re: Fort Shard

You know, maybe we should have waited to take that until after our briefing. Also, let's at least wait until tomorrow to ride the damn horses. Zagan says trailing after the pair.
Re: Fort Shard

A set of rooms, apparently set up as a resting area for travelers, was quickly found.

The next morning, a cart with some supplies was sitting near where the group left their horses. The preparations were still underway.
Re: Fort Shard

Stretching his legs Granth looks at the cart for a bit. Maybe, when we're taking that cart along, I'll be able to walk along side part of the way.
Re: Fort Shard

Lydia blinks and shrugs. She wonders which of the horses will pull the cart. "Maybe Zagan, maybe" She says to him thinking. "What do you think Em? Who drives and whose horse is hitched to the cart?"
Re: Fort Shard

Em grimaces. She didn't like carts. They were slow as all hell, and couldn't move through rough terrain. She'd seen too many carts get taken without a real fight to be comfortable traveling with one. Seeing as how the alternative was to listen to Zagan gripe about his ass all the way to Selan though, Em decided to take the good with the bad.

"You can drive if you want, Lydia. And Zagan wants to hoof it, so hook your horses up to it, and I'll ride escort." Riding separate from the cart meant she could keep a better eye on their surroundings, and scouting ahead was a good excuse to take a break if those two were getting on her nerves. "It'll take us some time to get all the way to Selan, and I'd like to make good time. If either of you have something you need to do before we leave, do it now."
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Re: Fort Shard

Lydia thinks for a moment and shrugs, remembering to take the map and the coin purse assigned to her. She hooked Siva and stopped a little before hooking Gardont up to the cart and asked. "You okay with your horse pulling Zagan?"
Re: Fort Shard

That'll work nicely. Once we get away from the fort I'll string my bow for some extra defense. Don't want to do it to early, keeping a bow strung can ruin the wood and cord.
Re: Fort Shard

Lydia hitches up the horses and calls out to Em "Were ready to go, are you leading since your on the non hitched horse?"
Re: Fort Shard

Em looked over at Lydia and called, "Sure." Walking over to her horse, Em grinned. The stable boy was patting Cloud down, apparently having been scared into taking quite good care of her. Moving quietly up beside him, she lightly placed a hand on the back of his neck, and looked down at him with a vicious looking smirk. The boy looked up at her with a bit of fear. She let him stew like that for a few seconds before saying, "Looks like you did a good job." After the boy nervously thanked her for the compliment, Em laughed once and let her hand drop from the back of his head, then gave him a slap on the bottom, before jumping up into the saddle on her horse's back. "Alright, let's go," she called to the others, a smile still on her face, as she spurred the horse into a walk that the cart would easily be able to match.
Re: Fort Shard

Lydia remembering on how to drive a cart from recent memory, knew how to drive relatively well, if the weather wasn't overly bad or any mud slicked roads. She lightly snapped the reins to get the horses to go into a trot, that would match Em's speed.
Re: Fort Shard

Zagan himself would settle into a simple, ground-eating stride, something that he could easily use to keep up with the slow cart for several hours a day.
Re: Fort Shard

As the hours passed, Em grew pensive. Neither of the others had said much since they left Shard. Normally this wouldn't bother her, but before they had trouble keeping their yaps shut. Maybe she missed the noise... "So," she asked, "either of you know much about Selan?" I'm from out that way, but all I know is it's been a ruin since the war."
Re: Fort Shard

Lydia shrugs and replies "Selan? I'm sorry, but I really don't know much about Selan. Do you know anything Zagan?" Lydia grimaced as a cart wheel hit a pothole, causing her to bounce in her seat and hit her ass against the hard cart bench which she sat on.
Re: Fort Shard

I don't know much myself. Never went that far north. Zagan replies, trotting alongside the cart.
Re: Fort Shard

12 Hours Later​

It's getting dark. Think we should give the horses a rest? Zagan asks.