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Fort Telladar


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Long since abandoned, Fort Telladar will require a lot of work before it could again resemble a military structure. A skilled tracker might notice that there are signs that someone had been through, probably not long before the Calladris skirmish, but didn't stay long.
Re: Fort Telladar

For over an hour, the sun has left his perch, shrouding the fort first in the half-light of dusk, then the shadows of night. Moonbeams that pool where they please, provide a harsher light than soft stars, despite the chill of the air.

An interesting pair approach, though - a heavily armed mercenary, leading her prisoner, a bound and blindfolded brunette, hobbling along with the assistance of a stave, red bleached by moonlight.
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha leads her 'prisoner' carefully, avoiding the worst pits and ruts on the old road they were following on the fort. She stops near the remains of a small camp, bending down and examining the last traces of booted feet in the dirt.

"A small group had passed through here, but it looks like they're long gone." She says for Kiyo's benefit, making it sound as if she talked to herself, however. Glancing around once more, the two of them enter the remains of the Fort proper.
Re: Fort Telladar

"Maybe they'll free me from your cruel captivity, O Harsh Mistress!"

Kiyo's reply was low, but not so low that Isha would miss it. Of course, she carries on behind her captor, well-behaved as ever.. though it seemed as if they would find nothing here after all.
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha had known that Fort Telladar had been abandoned some time back, and it certain looked like it. There were sizable sections of the outer wall that had crumbled, and a couple of the perimeter towers were showing signs that they could be on the verge of collapsing. The central 'keep' seemed to be mostly intact, though.
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha leads Kiyo calmly through the courtyard, heading towards the main keep. "Looks like I'm not so cruel after all, you get to sleep under a roof tonight." She says, managing to turn her smile into somewhat of a sneer.
Re: Fort Telladar

It was tempting, even for the red-eyed woman, to carry on with the tease, but she dropped her nonsensical manner in seconds.

"Ruined? Is there anyone here? Abandoned? If it is... then I may as well remove the blindfold, and this pretence..."
Re: Fort Telladar

"Agreed, it looks abandoned, might as well make yourself comfortable." She says, gathering up the rope again once Kiyo frees herself. "I say we do a search of the inside first, at least find someplace sheltered inside for the night. I've spent few nights outside for quite some time now."
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Re: Fort Telladar

The blindfold is removed, tucked away, and the crimson woman takes a moment to adjust to the light, then smiles.

"Feels good. Now, let's wander."

True to her word, she sets off into the ruins, staff tapping the ground rhythmically, supporting her step. A step that no longer limps nearly as much as it did only moments before. A rat squeaks, and flees before her movement, but precious little else disturbs her footsteps. She continues through the ruined keep, looking for anything of value - a sealed door, a room with an intact roof, a fireplace - anywhere where they might stay in relative comfort.
Re: Fort Telladar

An interior room is rather quickly found. Three, in fact. Two bedrooms, and an adjoining room of some manner. All three rooms are intact, sealed up, and well-furnished, even. Fireplaces with fuel sitting nearby are in each of the bedrooms, and an oddly familiar "vibe" seems to resonate with the two Kaliverans.

It looks like the rooms had been set such that the previous occupants thought they'd be returning shortly. The dust near the entrance to the central room of the set tells that they never did.

((The two bedrooms only open towards the central room. The mentioned door is the only way in or out of the three rooms.))
Re: Fort Telladar

"Does this seem too good to be true to anyone else?" Isha asks aloud as she carefully searches all three rooms for anything dangerous, hidden, or unusual, in that order. "This just seems too easy."
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo pauses for a moment, before stepping through the one main entrance. Her hesitation is evident, looking around to find things so neatly arrayed. One door meant it was easily guarded.. but they could also easily be trapped inside.

"I... do not know. It seems like this is... too convenient, but.. it somehow feels right. As if I've.. been here before."
Re: Fort Telladar

"You too? That's part of what worries me, I have that same feeling, but I'm sure I've never been her before." Isha says, continuing her methodical search.
Re: Fort Telladar

Actually, it hits Isha that the appearance isn't what's so familiar about the rooms...There was a residue of wild magic in the rooms, something that she'd experienced during her childhood, in the Palace of Storms.
Re: Fort Telladar

"I just.. can't quite put my finger on it. Something here is very, very strange. Compelling.. Almost... as if this place -knows- us."

Even as she speaks, Kiyo is backing towards the door, most definitely not sure about staying in this oddly welcoming room. Her life had taught her paranoia, and paranoia led her to mistrust this apparent gift horse.
Re: Fort Telladar

"I think it does know us, or at least I know it." Isha says, stopping her search and sitting on the bed in the room she was searching. "This is what the Palace of storms used to feel like, before the fall. It must have been a group of wild mages that came through here."
Re: Fort Telladar

That, of course, did nothing to ease Kiyo's paranoia. In fact, she froze on the spot, watching the walls as if they themselves might be mages in disguise.

"It has not been in my limited scope of experience, the knowledge of magic.. I must confess to only an understanding cobbled from rumours and folk tales. Are we.. in danger?"
Re: Fort Telladar

"I think we should be fine. The imperials refuse to have anything to do with our brand of magic, so at least we know it isn't them. Has it really been so long since Kalivor was intact that I've forgotten this feeling?" She says, drifting off in memories of the crystal palace for a moment before continuing. "You said it felt familiar to you too, right? How old were you when your family left?"
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo starts to reply, lips moving as if to speak, but her cheeks pink with shame, and she turns away. Finally, her reply comes, though perhaps a little softer than was necessary..

"I.. do not quite know. My memories of home are precious and few. I think... I think it was before the Great Fall, so.."

She shakes her head.

"I have no memories of magic, but that is unsurprising. It is not something a little girl would naturally spend her time around. If you say this place is safe, then, we shall remain."
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha nods and puts on the most genuine smile Kiyo has seen from her so far. Her expression contains understanding, compassion, and trust in equal amounts. She places a hand on Kiyo's shoulder and squeezes it comfortingly.

"I understand." She says just as softly, gesturing with a tilt of her head towards one of the rooms. "Go get some sleep, I'll take first watch."

Isha waits for a confirmation, then lets go of her shoulder, then walks over and sits down in the middle of the center room, cross-legged and meditating in the comforting air of the place, but staying alert to any unusual sounds.