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Fort Telladar

Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo fights the flinch, but it shows anyway, in the sudden tensing of her body, her frozen expression. When Isha finally steps away, the brunette relaxes, and her mask slips back into place.

"I... I see. Goodnight, then."

With no further words, the red-eyed woman vanishes into the other side room, though it is some time before sleep takes her.
Re: Fort Telladar

One thing that might catch attention, as the watches past, is an unadorned, slightly over-large shield hanging on the wall above the mantle of the fireplace in the "main" room.
Re: Fort Telladar

The shield catches Isha's attention the second time she gets up to check on Kiyo. Curious as to what a rather plain-looking shield is doing in an otherwise well-adorned room, she takes it down and studies it.
Re: Fort Telladar

Not long after, Kiyo stirs on cue. After a few nights of keeping the same watches, she had begun to wake at an appropriate time by herself. She stirs, quietly, and makes her way into the central room, staff in hand. She stands against the doorway to watch Isha, quietly.

"Something wrong?"
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha looks up as Kiyo enters, then goes back to examining the rather plain shield, flipping it end over end to get a look at every surface.

"Not really, just unusual. This shield here has to be the most modest thing in the room, but it holds a place of honour right above the fireplace, like its some treasure to be proud of. Is it your watch already?"
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo nods, with a bright, if slightly forced, smile.

"I believe it is. As for that, well.. Perhaps, it's a magic shield..."

Her good humour has obviously returned, bringing a certain shine to red eyes as she speaks.
Re: Fort Telladar

"True, that is entirely possible. I'll go rest, we can start looking for what we're here for tomorrow." She says, leaving the shield on the table and going into the other bedroom. She gives the room one last search for anything, then peels her leather armour off herself and leaves it, her backpack, and her weapons beside the bed, in easy reach as she puts on her spare set of woolen clothes. That done, she slides into the bed and quickly falls asleep.
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Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo stares after the departing Isha, then at the casually placed shield, and takes a careful step away from it. Apparently, the other woman hadn't picked up on her sarcasm.

"I... uh..Right. Goodnight."

As the hours pass, after some basic and limited staff drill, some balance exercises, Kiyo finds herself drawn back to the shield. At first, she only trails her fingers over the edge of it, but then, she grows more daring, rubbing the dust from it to see if there's a crest on the front.
Re: Fort Telladar

There isn't...However, the wall that would have been covered by it seems odd, somehow...Almost like it has some kind of disguised compartment.
Re: Fort Telladar

After examining the shield for some time, Kiyo shrugs, and stands up to return it to the spot over the fireplace. It is at this moment that she notices the odd-looking wall. With a frown, she sets the shield to one side, and raps the compartment with her staff. On discerning the fact that it seems to be hollow, she examines the area, looking for cracks to insert her fingertips, and remove the false panel.
Re: Fort Telladar

No unusual cracks are visible...Although something seems odd about the hook the shield had been hanging on.
Re: Fort Telladar

Finally, red eyes come to rest on the hook...and fingers follow. Gingerly, Kiyo gently tugs on the hook, half-expecting the whole wall to collapse with it.
Re: Fort Telladar

Well, the whole wall doesn't...Although the compartment does open.

Inside is a faintly glowing hammer.
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo takes two steps back, then a third as the compartment opens. Traps were nasty things. On seeing the hammer, and, more importantly, the glow, the brunette decides this would be a sensible time to wake Isha. A knock on her door is followed by a soft voice calling through..

"Isha? Wake up.. I found something."

She then returns to the compartment, testing the area near the hammer for warmth, but being careful not to touch it.
Re: Fort Telladar

The air around it wasn't warm, per se...But it seemed more like it was charged...
Re: Fort Telladar

A few moments pass before Isha appears from the room, clad in leather once again and strapping the last of her weapons on. She immediately notices the open compartment Kiyo is staring at, and walks over beside her. "What did you find?"
Re: Fort Telladar

Without taking her eyes off the luminescent hammer, Kiyo reaches for her staff. Lifting it up, she gingerly attempts to poke the glowing tool...

"A.. glowing hammer, I think. It was in a secret compartment behind the shield."
Re: Fort Telladar

The jolt isn't as bad as it could have been, but even through the staff, it would be enough to make Kiyo jump significantly. Depending on how clearly Isha is thinking, it might occur to her to check the encased fragment of text.
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo jumps back, and the staff clangs on the floor, dropped from shock-numbed fingers. The brunette stares suspiciously at the innocent-looking tool..

"It.. bit me... A sudden, numbing.. jolt, of some sort."
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha watches this, her eyes widening in surprise as Kiyo speaks. "Only the bracer can protect from the hammer's backlash... I think you've found what we are here for, Kiyo." She says excitedly, digging in her backpack and producing the bracer she had discovered in the forest. "This is what I found at the forest shrine, along with a note that led us here. The note said that only this can protect from the hammer's backlash. I had thought it meant when the hammer was used, but apparently even holding it requires the bracer." She said, then hands said bracer over to Kiyo. "Care to do the honours?"