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Fort Telladar

Re: Fort Telladar

With more than the usual amount of suspicion, Kiyo slips on the bracer. She locks eyes with Isha for a long moment, searching for any trace of deception. Finally, crimson eyes drop.

Gingerly, Kiyo reaches for the hammer, one finger outstretched just to touch it, gently.
Re: Fort Telladar

Well, it seems that Isha's idea worked.

Nothing happens this time.
Re: Fort Telladar

Emboldened by an apparent lack of painful shocks, Kiyo picks up the hammer, a little surprised by the thing's weight. Her eyes turn thoughtful, and she swings it through the air gently.

"So.. what are we supposed to do with this?"
Re: Fort Telladar

Both Isha and Kiyo suddenly get the same mental image...

A hooded man, seemingly bound in place, surrounded by a ring of flames on the ground. A glowing orb, sitting in front of the ring. The room this is in seems somewhat ruined.

As the mental image fades...It would strike Isha. The bound man was Elric.
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha jumps as the vision hits her, drawing a weapon before she has realized that it was a vision and not some sort of attack. When it fades, she sheathes it and places a hand on her temple. "Did you see that? That was Elric..."
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo tenses, but, unused to magic, remains frozen in place. When the more familiar room returns to her, red eyes blink once, then twice in surprise. Finally, she breathes out, and refocuses.

"I.. saw a man. A prisoner. Was that.. Lord Elric?"
Re: Fort Telladar

"I think it was, and I think he's still in Calladris. It's where he disappeared, and according to that vision, he's still in some kind of ruin." She says, mostly thinking out loud.
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo watches Isha carefully, unsure of how much the other woman knows, that the brunette does not.

"Calladris? I have heard, at best, only rumours of the events around his disappearance. What can we do to free him? Those bindings appeared arcane in nature, and neither you nor I are mages."

A suspicious glance.

"At least, I believe that to be true."
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha just laughs for a moment before answering. "If I had command of magic, I probably would have been hunted down by now. The only reason I've made it through several encounters with the imperials is because I can pass as half-elven, if I had any potential in me, they'd have scorched me where I stood.

"As for Calladris, its rather a short story. The battle had barely been joined and we were winning. Last I had heard, Lord Elric was fighting Muristan himself, when something happenned, I didn't know what. With this, it would appear that they had managed to trap him within a spell, and the tide of battle turned. Our army did a full retreat, while me and my squad stayed behind to buy some time." Her eyes darken with this, and she stops entirely. He's hand drifts to th rapier at her side, running a lazy finger over the scrollwork on the guard.
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo laughs with Isha, the smile concealing her thoughts..

That isn't to say you don't possess it.. just that you don't appear to.

Her face falls as the events of Calladris are recounted, though. After alll, she'd pinned her hopes on Elric, and if he couldn't help her..

"So we free him!"

Red eyes are bright, and determined.

"It's as simple as that."
Re: Fort Telladar

"That's the plan." Isha says, her thoughts coming back to the present. "To Calladris then?"
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo blinks, in surprise.. glancing out of the nearest window to ascertain that it is, in fact, still pre-dawn, though the sky is lightening.

"Unless.. you'd prefer to rest a little more? I did cut your sleep shift short, after all.."
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha looks outside as well, and shrugs. "Another hour or so wouldn't help all that much anyway. Might as well get an early start." She takes a quick look around the room to make sure they weren't forgetting anything, then turns back to her companion. "Ready?"
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo suspects, that perhaps carrying the hammer would not be wise. Instead, she wraps it in a spare tunic, and deposits it inside her pack, along with the bracer. Staff in hand, she returns to Isha.

Re: Fort Telladar

Isha nods, and the companions depart the crumbling fort.

A couple hours pass in silence as they travel. Isha seems distracted the entire time, spending more time watching the ground pass below her feet than on watching the surrounding area for threats, though her head still turns and checks out any unusual sounds.
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo follows in what has become her usual silence.. eyes turned downwards, staff tapping out the rhythm of her gait. Walking for so long with it, while blind.. was a tough habit to break, and one she had no intention of breaking. After a couple of hours, though, as the morning draws on, she breaks her own silence.

"Is.. something the matter? You seem.. ill at ease."
Re: Fort Telladar

Isha nods. "Thinking..." She takes a bundle from her backpack, unwrapping it to reveal Arianna's Tiara, symbol of office for the general of Kalivor's army. She runs her hand over it for a moment, tracing the lines of detail with her finger before continuing.

"...About this. I think we may need to go to the Twilight Forest before Calladris. I am General of the army, but I don't even know how much of an army is left. If we free Elric, I wouldn't even be able to tell him where we stand against the Imperials. Do you mind waiting just a little longer?" She asks calmly, reasoning her way through the conversation as she came to it.
Re: Fort Telladar

Kiyo pauses, and her expression halts in place, fixed, unblinking, even. That tiara... changed a lot of things.

"I... see. Well.. of course. As general, it is your duty to see to the needs of the army, first. I suppose.. Lord Elric isn't going anywhere."
Re: Fort Telladar

((Psst... Kiyo hasn't seen the tiara before, but she knew Isha commanded the army. Isha read the note aloud to her to gain her trust. Of course, I guess Kiyo might not have trusted that, though. Just a friendly reminder.))

"I don't like it any more than you do, and I would pass it on if I knew of someone better. But if Arianna is captured or dead, the only other people I would know well enough to suggest were my squad and... They're gone." Isha says with a half-hearted shrug.
Re: Fort Telladar

Arianna... the other option. Perhaps the only other person I could have gone to.. if she is dead.. then Elric truly is my only hope.

"Of course. I am certain responsibility would not have fallen into incompetent hands. Though.. the measuring of those hands is not the catching, but the holding, if you understand me. The power of Atlas lay not in his ability to lift the sky.. but to keep it there for as long as the burden was his."

Kiyo turns away, embarassed.

"Apologies. I had not meant to make a speech. Let it simply be said.. I am sure we will be fine."