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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

"Yes, and it's rational to not believe anything you're told, but do you know how frustrating it is to speak the truth and have a man call it a lie?" she asked him in return. "I haven't harmed either Roy nor Valencia, and believe me, what both of them tried to do is worthy of extreme punishment." she informed Grave. "As my promised present of friendship, I'll show you to your rehabilitated friend." she announced, leading Cynder out of his room, through the hallways, and to a large area with a lot of demons inside. It seemed to be a large massage parlor, where a lot of succubi in sexy work attire were giving massages to other succubi, but Grave could even see a few humans among them.

"Grave!" shouted a familiar voice from his side. And directly to his left, in revealing clothing, Valencia stood. She was in a lewd pose, her cheeks were flushed, and she was dressed lewdly, much like the demons around, to show sexual appeal. Without warning, she rushed at him, and wrapped her arms around his neck, and placed a heavy kiss on hip lips, moaning as he felt her erect nipples poke his chest, and her soft lips take his own.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave was feeling rather out of place as he entered the parlour. So many people, and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, as if he wasn't welcome here. Truth be told, he usually wasn't welcome anywhere - situation like this one was a first. Valencia's cry and the subsequent kiss caught him off guard, and he didn't manage to react in time to stop it. The sudden contact, so close to a person that this morning looked eager to skin him alive made him tense up noticeably, though he offered no resistance. It took Cynder a while to collect himself - which let the girl glomp him as she pleased - before he decided to calmly break the kiss, partially because he was starting to run out of air. "H-hi." He was flushed, partially because of the girl's attire and behaviour, partially because he was feeling very embarassed. Turning his head to Luna, the half-blood gave her a half-sheepish, half-wary look. "Rehabilitated is putting it mildly... Ever considered becoming a politician? You'd do well with that kind of ability to convince people." 'And you haven't answered my questions. Sorry, madam, I'm not buying it until I hear everything.'
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

"Isn't it nice, Grave?" she asked him, while Valencia giggled, and gave a small hop, at which point, her legs wrapped around him, and her arms clung to him, her sudden added weight toppling Cynder backwards, and luckily right onto one of the pool chairs, where she then straddled him, and took a fancy to rubbing herself up and down along his body. He could feel her nipples and crotch grinding on his body while she seemed so sex driven that nothing else was getting through to her. "A little succubus magic, and all problems disappear." she announced. "I could very well have killed Valencia as punishment for what she tried to do, but I think welcoming her into my world is more fitting. Now she thinks nothing of wanting to kill you, she only wants to fuck you now!"

"Cross me, Grave, and you will meet the same fate as Roy. With that being said, just enjoy yourself! We don't need to be enemies..." she informed him, before turning on her heel, and walking back the way she came. "Once you get tired of her, you can come see Roy in my office at the top floor, and give me your final decision there. Do not come there with anything less than that." she announced, before walking away. Meanwhile, Valencia was growing tired of rubbing herself on him, as one of her hands reached down, and was undoing his pants, her palm once finding his shaft, and gripping it with longing.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave didn't even manage to protest before Valencia pinned him to the pool chair, grinding against him just like Envy did not too long ago. He glanced at Luna as she explained what happened. Magic? So it meant that Valencia's mind was warped by his host. Was this something that most demons did, turning others into something akin to them? He felt repulsed by the idea. "Wait! What do you mean?" Cynder tried to ask Luna, but the succubus had already walked away, leaving him alone with the sex-crazed girl on top of him. The threat she left him with was plain in sight, even if the consequences remained a mystery. 'So it's a join me or else scenario? So much for demonic benevolence.' Regardless of what happened, though, he had to find out what was wrong with Roy, even if that meant confronting the demon.

But first, he had to deal with Valencia, who was getting more and more assertive with her advances. "O-oi! Valencia! Get a grip!" He held her close to him. If this was anything like Envy's condition, pushing her back would probably only make her more aggressive. Grave tried to focus, doing his best to ignore her hand on his dick. An idea struck him: if he managed to break an enchantment earlier by overfeeding his sister, then perhaps forcing magic into Valencia would have a similiar effect. He just had one simple problem with that - he had little idea how to channel his power due to his lack of training. He tried to concentrate and visualise a link between them through his arms, picturing an image of him pouring his soul into the girl like he visualised the various illusions and objects he conjured before, hoping that it would somehow work, desperately forcing himself to keep the image in his mind. A part of him, however, was afraid of awakening her and facing the wrath that would immediately follow, of the trouble it would cause, while an entirely different one was growing eager to sample more of that physical pleasure he was being given so often these days, and get back at the girl who treated him like dirt not too long ago and got him into this mess in the first place.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

When Grave held her close, Valencia suddenly whispered into his ear, "Just fuck me, you stupid bastard! I barely managed to avoid becoming one of them! Let's save Roy and get out of here!" she urged him. "I agreed... Agreed to behave, and treat you nicely... So just play along... They still injected me with succubus magic, so I'm so horny I can't think straight!" she announced shamelessly, her hand on his dick pulling his length out. "Worse things have gone into there as of late..." she said, seemingly more to herself than to Cynder as she braced herself mentally to willingly spear herself on his dick, even parting her panties to the side in preparation.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Though the last sentence apparently wasn't directed at him, it still managed to find it's mark. Grave let Valencia go, giving up on resisting, though one would notice he seemed to avoid eye contact. On top of that, even as he leaned back, seemingly relaxing, his grip on the chair's armrests was tight enough to make one think he'd break it in a minute. Though his body was reacting normally, Cynder's mind was once again regressing into the usual pattern of fear, self-loathing and hatred directed at everything he could think of - a kind of mental tunnel vision. He didn't exactly have time to go far, though, as reality didn't take kindly to being ignored and quickly reasserted itself firmly in the center of his attention. The half-blood was rather startled to realize that Valencia was about to have sex with him, but decided to bite back any response and hope it went quickly.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

'C'mon, get hard!' Valencia whispered with a bit of annoyance on her tone. 'How can I... If you don't... Ugh!' she growled with frustration, before her body suddenly flattened against his, her breasts squishing against his chest as she put one hand on his head, holding it to the side as she leaned her head in. A moment later, and he felt a sudden wet sensation at his ear. Quick realization lead him to understand that she was licking him. Toying with such a sensitive area. 'It keeps getting worse... The more you make me wait...' Valencia whispered. If he looked, he'd see her eyes were starting to become dull. The slight licking made him the rest of the way erect, his pole stiff, which Valencia was more than happy to find with the entrance to her pussy, and drop down on. Her soft lips graced along his tip, before he felt the open pocket almost latch onto his length. Then, he felt the hole widen, and envelope his length slowly. That one part of him was easily swallowed whole by a sensation perhaps alien to Grave. Valencia's insides were much softer, and more plush than the vice grip that was Club's pussy, and the powerful suction that was Envy's.

With such a more soft womanhood, Cynder might discern the major difference between mamono and human women. Mostly, it actually seemed like Grave could hurt Valencia if he, even though unlikely as it may be, got rough with her. Though as he had resigned himself to simply laying back and letting it be over with, Valencia thankfully didn't have to worry about that. Still, even despite any movement on his part, Valencia seemed to be able to manage fine on her own. Without wasting more than a beat, Valencia began to pump her hips up and down, massaging his length with her soft insides. Strangely enough, he wouldn't quite feel as stimulated as his experiences with Club or Envy. Something about sex with them, as monsters, was better than... With a human. But even though he may not have been as pleased, Valencia seemed to be enjoying herself. Moaning as she lay against him, thrusting her hips down onto him, he could tell without her words that the softer pleasure wouldn't relent until he came.

Once he got started on his orgasm, Valencia seemed to pick up on it, almost as well as Club and Envy. And just like them, she only became even more horny. 'I can't stop myself... You have to cum inside me...' she whispered to him. And should he unlikely try to resist, he'd find her clinging to him tight with a relentless grip, holding on until she made sure he came. 'I'm so close... I'm so close...!' she moaned, burying her face against him, pounding her hips wildly onto his own, until he hit his peak, and she slammed her hips down, grinding around, moaning orgasmically and loudly, milking his cum from his length.

Once the afterglow of both of their orgasms faded... Valencia seemed spent. Motionless on top of him, she took a few moments before pushing herself up weakly, moaning when his length gracefully slipped out of her moist pussy, and the seed he left inside her began oozing out, and dripping all over her legs. Deep within him, a long time gone presence made herself known.

"Don't act so pathetic," his mother lectured him. "This is good. You'll make a proper heir with her body. In a few days, if she is not pregnant, fuck her again." she commanded him.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Though he didn't intend to put any effort on his part, Grave was too distraught to actually resist Valencia's teasing and stimulation, particularly when she started to lick him. This forced him to finally start paying attention, but two things made him hesitate - first, the dull look in the girl's eyes, and more importantly the soft feeling of her insides. Cynder, who expected to feel a powerful sensation like before, found himself facing a much more gentle stimulation. While he did find the physical pleasure to be somewhat lacking compared to the likes of Club or Envy, the half-blood was actually a bit relieved by the difference, and simply let himself go with the flow, his body responding with small movements while his mind was getting it's bearings back. To his suprise, he found it easier to think when doing it with Valencia, a small mercy that actually brought him a more psychological sense of pleasure, unwittingly making him relax a bit.

Wrapping his arms around her and rocking back and forth to match her moves, Grave thought. He once more looked back over his actions on the island, going over and over them. However, being knocked out of his previous train of thought helped him notice it's foolishness - his idiotic tendency to blame himself and put himself in a victim's position, doing nothing to improve. He was distracted from his musings as he felt the familiar feeling of pressure building, signalling that he was getting close to his limit. Valencia realized it too, it seemed, and began to move with greater vigor, forcing him to respond in kind. When the climax hit, he held her close, his body tensing. Compared to his previous lovers, she felt so... Fragile. And unlike the others, she also seemed tired after sex. Club didn't seem to be bothered by the intense workout and Envy was actually revitalized by it - another difference between human and mamono it seemed.

It seemed, however, that Cynder wouldn't be allowed to rest. His mother, a presence he nearly forgot about at times, chose to make herself known in that moment. And as her son mulled over the order she gave him, he felt a surge of genuine anger, for a brief moment. Though he squashed it quickly, it still left a bitter aftertaste. Frowning, Grave once more gathered his thoughts and looked back into his past. This time, however, he looked differently. He looked into what he never dared to touch before - his old feelings. And he felt the anger return, a hot current of fiery rage running through him. And in that very moment, he made his decision. He felt shame because of what he did, anger at nearly everyone he knew for various reasons (some of them irrational, he admitted), and an urge that burned him like acid. An urge to finally let out everything he kept bottled up for his entire life, without giving a damn about anything else.

'Oh hey, so you can talk. Nice to know that, I guess. And for the record, I'll knock her up when - or IF - I feel like it. Now if you excuse me, I have an offer to turn down and some relationships to clear up before I get to fixing this mess you've left me with. I do agree with one thing, though - I really have to stop being so pathetic. And I'm going to start by doing things MY way for once. In case you ever disagree with my decision, do keep in mind I have the right to ignore everything you say. And just to be completely honest with you - I am touched by your sacrifice and pissed off at you beyond all reason for pretty much everything else. So excuse me if I find dealing with what I determine to be a priority to be far more important than what you have in mind!'

Grave knew that his rant was petty and immature, but he couldn't help it anymore. He reached his breaking point, and could no longer contain his temper. Even though he waited patiently for Valencia to get off him, it was becoming increasingly obvious that something was building up in him and was about to explode. He stood up and got himself back in order suprisingly quickly, seemingly teeming with energy, and turned to leave. He paused in half-step, however, as if he remembered something, then glanced back at Valencia.

"You coming?"

It didn't look like he'd take no for an answer, though. Cynder felt a grim sense of determination rising from his anger, and wanted to ride it while it lasted. He wanted to exploit it for all it was worth.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave's hands suddenly moved on their own, and began pinching his own nipples relatively hard. "DON'T TALK BACK TO YOUR MOTHER!" his mother replied to his rant to her angrily, before he regained control of his arms. Following that, Valencia rose from the chair, and gingerly pulled up her panties with a blush. "Yeah, lets get Roy and get kill that bitch before she does any more harm." Valencia said angrily, even as Cynder could see she stood awkwardly with his cum still leaking out of her. She followed him regardless, and as he walked down the hallway, he was joined by Envy and Club.

"So, that's your decision?" Envy asked. "Good, her business is overpriced anyway."

"Club smash demon vampire! Let's go, Gwave!" Club roared, before following along.

Together, they reached Luna's main office, which was a wide room with a large window in the back. The tinting of the window made it seem as if the sun was red, casting blood red rays of light into the room, giving her office a very bloody appeal to match her vampiric traits. Behind a wide desk, Luna sat with her arms folded in front of her, looking straight on at Grave and company as they entered. "Did you come to me with all of your friends to truly tell me that you're not against me?" Luna asked. "To be against me, Mister Cynder, you would have to want to kill me... Are you really willing to sacrifice what mercy I've given you, and challenge me?"
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave winced, trying not to show just how much pain his mother caused him. The fact that she could do such a thing was more annoying than anything else, though, and did nothing to cool his head off. If anything, it prompted him to let her know about the source of his anger towards her. 'I'll talk back as much as I please, ESPECIALLY TOWARDS A MOTHER THAT NEVER WAS IN MY LIFE BEFORE!' Nodding to Valencia (and noting her awkward stance at the same time), he set off, intending to pick up Club and Envy first... Though it seemed the two of them had saved him the trouble. And neither had to be convinced to go along with the idea. Feeling motivated by that, Cynder moved directly to Luna's room, preparing himself mentally for the incoming confrontation. And it seemed that he was expected, too.

"Is that so?" Grave replied to Luna's question. "I've though that locals - your kind in particular - typically went for other methods than killing one's enemies." Despite the rather snarky nature of his jab, he didn't seem very amused. "More importantly, aside of letting you know that I am not interested in your proposition I came here to get Roy back. If you wish to get in my way..." Cynder focused, concentrating on summoning a knife in his right hand, positioning it in a way that hid the weapon from view. Rather than grasping the handle, he was holding the blade between his fingers, preparing to throw it at first sign of hostility. "Well, I didn't come here for bloodshed, but it'll take it as a bonus."
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave's hand rose after his outburst to his mother to slap him across the face harshly before he heard a reply. "I DIED for you, you ignorant child! Learn respect for me or I will continue this punishment until you break!" she warned him. Regardless of what he said, Valencia and the others would regard him strangely as he seemed to be punishing himself, and even more so if he continued to try and battle it out with his mother. Regardless, upon reaching Luna's room, the vampire grinned and laughed at him and his words to her. "My proposition was that you leave here peacefully, and with Roy as well, so you've agreed to it whether you like it or not, Grave." Luna replied to the blond man. "Since you simply want to leave without attacking me... That means you are on my side, whether you want to be or not. This world cares not for your choices. Other forces who would know of your choice here would regard you as their enemy, and thusly... You will eventually fall into another demon's protection if not mine... So, you'd best understand your position a far great deal better than you do currently before you bark off to me about how... I might attack you, as if I would ever have any such need. Don't be a fool, and simply realize I mean you no harm, unless you of course mean me harm." Luna stated simply.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave briefly considered continuing the banter with his mother by pointing out that if he broke, he wouldn't be able to meet her expectations, so essentially she'd undermine her own goal with that method, but decided against it. He didn't like hitting himself that much and he doubted she'd listen to him anyway. Plus, it was starting to look really weird, and he had bigger problems to take care of. Like the vampire in front of him that seemed to enjoy taunting him a wee bit too much for his tastes. "I see." Cynder sighed, seemingly relaxing. However, those familiar with knife-throwing would notice a certain movement of his arm and shoulder, indicating what would happen next. "So this world would treat me like the one I've left, huh? Should have seen that coming..."

And even as he said that, he suddenly twisted, letting the knife fly straight at Luna's face, launching his attack mid sentence. It was a nice little trick he learned from his master, that people rarely anticipated attacks pulled in the middle of a talk. Grave doubted it would be enough, however. He had a feeling he'd not catch the demon off guard that easily, but at least she'd be forced to defend herself, giving him enough time to draw his weapon and continue the assault. A dark smirk crept on his face, despite his grim feelings. "This might be fun."
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

His dagger flew through the air, while Envy, Club, and Valencia all seemed to get the same message to strike. Catching Grave's dagger in her hand, Envy's hair wove into a huge fist, while Valencia displayed her own skills with daggers. The both of them wouldn't allow Luna to catch the next few daggers, and with that, the vampire moved with a flash out of the way of their attacks. Her speed was beyond Grave's ability to sense, though with the slight magical training he received from Cynthia, he could barely tell where she was going: right behind him. "So, that's your choice," Luna said with displeasure, before fighting him unarmed, slamming her palm against his back, sending him off his feet from the impact before he slid along her desk, and right off of it, landing on the floor with a rough thud.

Envy's hair turned into blades, quickly coming back from Luna's desk to try and cut the vampire to pieces. Before her hair could come back from where her strands were attacking, Luna released fire from her palm, causing Envy to shriek and withdraw her hair before it was incinerated. As Luna focused on that, Club jumped in from behind, aiming to slam her club down on the back of Luna's head. Moving with blinding speed, her leg was up in an instant as Club swung her club, her heel slamming into Club's gut, and knocking her back through the air from which she jumped. Finally, Valencia charged at the vampire, using adept hand to hand combat attacks. Compared to Luna, Valencia seemed impossibly and frustratingly slow. Every kick, swing, punch and knee Valencia threw, Luna simply grinned and either stepped lightly out of the way, or simply blocked it before she caught Valencia's leg in mid swing, and lifted the girl off the ground to swing her full circle, and right along the desk where she had hit Cynder, either causing her to slam into him as he got up or land right on top of him.

Growling at Luna's smug grin, she suddenly charged at the vampire with frustration. With no one in the way, Envy seemed to fight harder than she had before. As Luna cast her fire, Envy blew winds that made the vampire rethink using flames lest she burn her property down. With that in mind, she launched her hair anew at the vampire, her blades slicing gashes into the floor, walls, and ceiling. Reaching into the hip cape she wore, she suddenly pulled forth a blade and lunged it at Envy just as the blond girl's hair curled up and formed a shell in front of her, completely stopping the blade in it's advance. "I'm really disappointed in you, Grave." Luna said aloud while she and Envy seemed to fight on almost even terms. "You're just acting on anger and stupidity. If all four of you were to actually work together instead of coming at me one at a time, I would actually break a sweat. Are you going to let your little sister do all the fighting, Grave?" she asked, laughing.

"Wouldn't your mother be proud of the son she sacrificed herself for? Such a shame."
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave frowned when his attempt at getting the first strike in failed, though fortunately his comrades followed suit without a pause. Unfortunately, Luna was much stronger than he had anticipated. As he flew over her desk, the half-blood couldn't help but think to himself, with a touch of sarcasm, 'I may have made a slight miscalculation.' Still, he was already in battle mode, and as soon as he touched the ground again he was rising to his feet with a grimace on his face and a complaint on his tongue.

"Why's it always the fu-"

However, Cynder didn't manage to finish the sentence before Valencia slammed into him, knocking him down again. He managed to catch her on reflex, twisting himself to fall in a way that wouldn't hurt them both. Rising from the floor again, the young man was already simmering with rage, and Luna's taunts didn't help him feel any better at all. However, as infuriating as her words were, there was some merit to them, and he saw it immediately. Regardless of her power, a properly co-ordinated attack could work where an immediate assault had failed.

"Valencia." Grave growled out in a voice that accepted no disagreement. "Stick to throwing things. Keep her distracted, shoot to kill if you can." He ordered, already looking for the second combatant on his side. "Club! Try to flank her if you can! Go for the legs!" As soon as he said that, Cynder was moving forward, focusing what magic he could muster into his sword. He planned to open up with a cutting wave of power and force the vampire away from his sister to give her some breathing room. "Envy, with me!" He shouted as he lunged forward. The plan forming in his head was simple - he'd alternate attacks with his sister to keep Luna on her toes while Club threatened her footing and Valencia supported them with more thrown daggers or whatever she had. Hopefully, they could pile on the pressure to the point where the demon would make a mistake, allowing one of them to go for the kill.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Charging, Luna was gone from Grave's intended strike. Retreating back, Luna moved swiftly as if flowing through water as Valencia threw her knives, all of which were attached to strings. Luna moved elegantly, grinning as all of the knives missed her. As Club came in, and tried to sweep under Luna's legs, she casually flipped backwards while swinging her blade, slicing all of the strings attached to Valencia's knives, leaving her without them. Growling, Club charged, and Envy threw out her hair as powerful fists. Lined up together, Cynder might be able to tell what happened next. "Get out of the way!" Envy shouted, before one of her fists glanced against Grave's shoulder, and hit Club's horn, knocking her over before Luna moved with swift speed, actually flowing through the barrage of blonde fists coming at her before slamming into Envy.

Envy let out a yelp before she was slammed into the ground. Luna's hand gripped the girl's neck and turned it aside. In an instant, Envy let out a cry as Luna sank her fangs into the girl's neck. The bite lasted for only a second before Luna retreated off of Envy, who seemed rather strongly affected from the bite as she squirmed on the floor, holding her neck. "A powerful aphrodisiac lies within the venom from my teeth. So, that's one down~" Luna giggled. "I'll save you for last, Grave." she promised, licking her lips. "I'll suck you for all you're worth."
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave grew more and more infuriated as Luna dodged everyone's attacks with frustrating ease. Sure, their teamwork was far from top notch, but that was bloody ridiculous! Hell, she even managed to disarm Valencia while avoiding all the strikes aimed at her. Was there a limit to her abilities?

And then, things went from bad to worse. Cynder somehow managed to avoid taking damage from Envy's brutal attack, but Club was not so lucky. The goblin went flying, allowing Luna to dash towards the demon of sin and tackle her to the ground. The half blood could only stare as his sister got bitten, too slow to do anything. "No!" He shouted, trying to catch the retreating vampire - and once again failing to score a hit.

Now, Grave was facing off with Luna again, sparing his sister a quick glance. Though she said it was only an aphrodisiac, it sure as Hell didn't look as if his sister wasn't suffering. "You condescending bitch!" He spat, still looking defiant, but internally he was growing fearful. Without Envy a good chunk of options he was considering went out the window, and he was becoming far less certain about the viability of distractions as a tactic. He could probably lure her into giving him a window of opportunity, but that would be incredibly risky and could spell his end if it didn't work immediately. It appeared that regardless of his planning or improvisation, Luna was simply too powerful for him to beat. Was this the strenght of a vampire?

Suddenly, the thoughts in Cynder's head came to a grinding halt. Luna was a vampire, right? While he was a kid, he liked to learn all kinds of things, including folk stories and such, developing a habit of picking up all kinds of trivial info. If he recalled correctly, vampires were said to be powerful, but not without weaknesses. Most of the time people spoke about stakes, holy items, and garlic. The first option was out of the question for obvious reasons, and he really doubted he could manage to create the second, especially as an atheist. The third... He doubted it'd be very effective, and Luna would probably counter that somehow. No, these options wouldn't do.

There was, however, one more weakness he could take advantage of. And now that he looked at it, Grave realized that there was something off about the room... Something that didn't confirm the theory, but made it look quite sound. The young man aimed his sword at Luna, charging it with all the magic he could. "The only blood you'll be sucking today, vampire, will be your own." He replied, calming down a bit. If this idea failed, he'd probably have to bait her into attacking him, maybe even grappling, and stab her with a summoned dagger while she wasn't looking. But that plan would wait - first, Cynder prepared himself to unleash the biggest blast he could muster... And rapidly spinned at the last second, firing it not at Luna, but at the tinted window of her office.

'Please work please work please work please work...'
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

"Are you just becoming reckless again?" Luna asked with a confident grin. Charging at him, she did not miss a single beat. His blows hit nothing but air as Luna simply refused to be wherever he attacked. Like trying to grab something small in water, every one of his attacks glanced so smoothly just past her without even touching her. Then, when his last plan came into action, soaring towards the window, Luna gasped before the window was shattered, and daylight poured in. The beams were faster than Luna, who could obviously not travel at the speed of light. Caught, she let out a moan of agony as her body twitched. Her skin shined, revealing the magical nature of her being. Under the sun's rays, she fell backwards as if a doll that lost it's strings, before slamming into the floor in a heap. Still, however, she grinned, weakly laughing. "So... You actually do have a brain..." she commented on him. "Just as savage in your hatred as the humans... Go ahead and finish me off, Grave. It's ironic, how you're becoming more like the devil who killed your mother's people..." Luna said, laughing.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

'... Please work please work PLEASE WORK HOLY CRAP IT WORKED!'

When Grave heard Luna gasp, he felt that he managed to hit the jackpot. As the window burst into pieces and sunlight filled the room, he expected the vampire to burst into flames like some legends proclaimed. Gruesome, but he could associate a certain feeling of vindication with it. Though when she merely fell down to the ground, apparently rendered powerless by mother nature, he was only slightly disappointed. After all, it's not like it changed a damn thing - he won. Far from a perfect victory, but why bother complaining?

And yet, it seemed that Luna wasn't going to miss a chance to have the last word. And her words hurt. Cynder clenched the sword in his hand tighter as he listened before making his way towards the vampire. Standing above her and staring down, he paused to compose himself and briefly mull over his feelings. "Perhaps." He quietly replied back. "But then again... I am part human, no? Even if I might not like it. And frankly, your kind ain't any better." He raised the blade, grasping it firmly with both hands. "You were the one who impressed the importance of doing this on me anyway."

This was it. With a shout, Grave brought the blade down, aiming at Luna's neck. He passed the point of no return the moment he started the fight. Now, he just had to finish what he started. She was too dangerous to be left alive... And she said it herself - unless he made the first move to become her enemy, he might as well become an ally of demons. The corruption around this place would only spread if things were left in their current state. No, something had to be done, no matter how drastic it would have to be. He would have to actively fight against them, not just refuse to go along with them. And if he could release some pent-up hatred while at it... Hell, why not?
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

His blade going down, it went through her neck, and into the floor. Even though he saw his blade go through her, her eyes remained open, looking at him. There was no lifeless appearance in her eyes. She was still very much alive, while not even a single drop of blood left her body. Suddenly, he saw her magical threads, although weakened, quickly moving, before her whole body shrank within an instant, her clothes loosely flattening on the floor, before a bat suddenly flew at Grave's face before flying past him. "I've not survived hundreds of years for nothing! Bye bye, Grave! With your choice, you will have to kill your sister as well! So long as there are demons, the corruption will spread! Have fun murdering your sister! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Luna laughed at him with a squeaky voice, before flying rapidly out of view as a few flying knives tried to off the bat, coming from Valencia.

"This way!" Cynder heard voices shouting from down the hall of Luna's office.

"Luna's guards or something!" Club announced.

"Let's get Roy out of her room in the back and just get out of here before those other demons get us." Valencia suggested quickly.
Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave grew concerned as he noticed that Luna didn't seem to die from his last attack. Before that concern could grow into full-blown fear, the vampire fled, mocking him despite her puny form. A part of him noted, with some amusement, that he should have seen this coming, seeing as myths about vampires spoke about their power to shapeshift. The other path was busy hurling insults at the escaping creature, perhaps a bit too loudly. Not that it mattered - the fight already drew someone's attention and the way things looked, a second battle could end badly. "Lead the way." Cynder replied to Valencia, figuring that she knew more about the mansion's layout than he did. "In case of trouble, ask Club to break down a wall and make a bypass." Not a subtle method, but subtlety went out the window a while ago and didn't seem eager to return. He ran up to his sister, picking her up and hoping she'd stay calm while he carried her.