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Free to Break (Lionfire)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Azelith: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Ruin had come to Azelith's domain. Time was unknowable in the state that he had been left in, but when his soul had overtaken his host, he had "awakened" to find that the place where he had lured foes to his dueling ring could no longer be accurately called a dungeon, but had been reduced by time to little more than a pile of rubble. The man whose body he had claimed had been a sorcerer of some sort, and had come here looking for relics and treasure, but it seemed that Azelith's wealth had been claimed by looters - or perhaps his own former allies and servants - long ago. Comprehending the language was difficult, but what knowledge he could claim from his victim's soul as he consumed allowed him a refresher on the local tongue... It had had time enough to change such that he could only barely communicate with the fool who had damned himself by donning the caestus that Azelith's soul had been trapped in.

For the first time in who knew how long, Azelith looked through living eyes. They could not pierce the darkness around him, forcing him to take up the lantern that his host body had brought in with it. The cobwebs on his memory faded, and he realized that his host had lain down for the last time - at least of their own free will - where Azelith's last shell had been destroyed and he had been trapped in these caestus. His blood formed a red-brown stain on the stone floor of his arena, but there was no sign of any remains of his body. He had changed his host's body, strengthening it enough that it would serve as a shell... For now, and scarred off the insignia on the chainmail that they had worn for protection to ensure that they weren't recognized too easily.

There were two ways out of his arena, one to his personal chambers and the other to the dungeon that would take him outside. He could hear distant noises echoing through the halls; the scuffling of motion and the titter of voices too far for him to make out what they were saying or the sort of being that was doing the talking. At that point the choice was his; to wait and listen, or to get moving immediately.
As Azelith slowly started to awaken, the first thing that came to mind was the feeling of the air around him properly once more as he started to stir. The calm, dark air of the dungeon he had once ruled welcomes him as his body, having been steadily changed to become more befitting, aches from the newly gained musculature he had given it... Though in comparison to having felt little to nothing for so, so long, it almost felt like a massage to him, though feeling the chain mail squeezing his arms and body, he cannot help but move carefully as he sat up. Thankfully the man who had been tempted by his whispers had at least some room to grow into without him breaking it from the imbued physique he gave his temporary shell.

Feeling around himself until he found the lantern, he takes a second to figure it out before he gets it lit. After many, many years now, he can finally see something that isn't darkness. Could almost bring a tear to his eyes, though as he peers around he cannot help but stare in wide eyed horror at the rubble that surrounds him. His dueling ring...! His precious ring that he had fought so many at has gone to such decay... Did everyone leave after he had been sealed away? With how it looks, this place has no doubt been left to fade for possibly centuries... Eyebrows furrowing as he slowly rises to his feet, he holds the lantern up to peer around for a bit, though as he catches the insignia on his shoulder, he peers down at it before he reaches a hand down towards it. It takes a few attempts to grip it thanks to his cestus being a bit in the way, but eventually he grips it enough to forcefully rip it off before he lets it fall onto the floor beneath him, onto his own blood stain. Delvin Balimund... Once he regains his original shell, maybe he will figure out a way to honor the man who he had consumed the soul of. The least he can do in return for giving him such a second chance at regaining his former glory.

After a minute or two of stretching his arms and legs a bit, bouncing on his feet and waiting for the soreness to fade, he eventually starts paying attention to the voices he was starting to hear, staring into the darkness in the direction of the dungeons proper... More people coming to loot his ruined home, or creatures having moved in? Though he did take a step forward to go investigate, he pauses after the first one before he peers over his shoulder in the direction of where he knew was his personal room. Where he stored away some of the more unique treasures he had gotten from adventurers who had lost fighting him, or died in the dungeon proper and his servants would bring him their valuables from their corpses... He seriously doubted there'd be much left, but... Still. Turning and heading towards his personal chambers with the lantern lighting his way so he doesn't trip on rubble, he is spurred by his memories. How much has his dungeon he had grown so, so fond of has been destroyed... All he can hope is that it can be brought back to it's former glory once he frees himself.
Azelith: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Perception: 1 success

As he approached the door, Azelith's foggy memory would flicker uncontrollably. He would realize two things just as he was opening the door; firstly, that a small amount of flickering light was visible at the edges of the door, and secondly that the door was not only not the one that had been there when he'd been occupying the place, but also much newer than the dusty, crumbling stone that surrounded it.

The light was dim even as he pulled open the door, and flickered like a low fire. The origin of it was off to the side somewhere, out of his immediate line of view upon opening the door into what had once been his chambers, but he could hear the soft crackle of an open flame coming from within the room.

However it might have looked back when he had occupied it, Azelith's chamber was very different now. There was what looked like a hastily constructed desk partly in view on one side, and a large, four poster bed was placed against the back wall, also in only partial line of sight from the doorway and further from the fire. The bed was surrounded by a partially transparent veil made of white cloth, and through it Azelith could still easily make out the lavish bedding; there were sheets that looked to be made of silk, over a half dozen pillows encased in colorful but mismatched cotton sacks, and a bright red comforter.

The bed was also plainly occupied, by a woman of exceptional beauty no less, who was lying splayed on top of the covers and apparently asleep upon Azelith's entrance. The woman was clearly in the prime of her life, with smooth, creamy skin with just a hint of paleness to it, straight symmetrical features with well defined structure to her facial features including high cheek bones and a narrow nose, long platinum blonde hair that was splayed out around her. She was wearing lacy white lingerie, including a corset that barely contained her fairly impressive bosom, white stockings on her long legs that were clipped at her thighs to a garter belt hanging upon wide hips, and nearly transparent white lacy underwear that clung to the swell of her rear and hid her clearly clean-shaven womanhood. There was a studded collar around her neck, with a silver chain tying her to the headboard of the bed.

While she had seemingly been asleep when she had entered, the woman seemed to awaken as she heard him entering the room. There was little else to see; part of the wall opposite the fireplace had collapsed but then been shored up by fresh-looking wooden beams, with signs of partial reconstruction in the works. The fireplace had a chimney going straight upwards, nothing at all on the mantle, and a few pieces of extra wood sitting on the ground next to it. "H-hello.... Is someone there?" the woman called out, sitting up and looking around, easily spotting Azelith if he didn't make some effort to hide. There was a frightened tremor in her voice, and a vulnerable, uncertain look marring her otherwise pretty features, whether or not he had opted to hide in the doorway. If he did make himself known, the woman would ask; "Who are you? Are.... Are you here to rescue me?"
After having been left for a long time to just stew in his frustrations, it was little surprise that his memories were a bit hazy to him... Though as he lifted the lantern and came to face a rather unfamiliar door in the way, he cannot help but blink in surprise, looking over it for a solid second or two. Did... Someone bring a door down here? All the way down here? How'd they do that? Sure he had a few wooden pieces of furniture here and there, but he was sure the door was made of something else in the past... Why did someone remove his door and replace it with wood? What, did someone lose the ke-... Actually, he was the one carrying the key previously... Did that cleric leave with that too? What else did that bastard steal? Rubbing his chin as he thinks about it, he opens it and steps inside.

Looking around the dimly lit room with a confused expression across his face as he enters, he cannot help but feel a pang of sorrow. It used to be a lot more... Personal, in here. More silks, more collected weapons upon the walls that were kept as trophies with an oversized, enchanted warhammer having been the center of it all to accent it, though no surprise that he cannot see it there, even if it used to glow in the dark. Probably was one of the first things to get looted... Typical. He loved how it looked. A desk nearby that he can somewhat see some familiar looking marks on it... Is that made from his dresser?! Dammit, he had some spare armors in there that would have fitted this smaller shell that he held onto! The insignia on one of those plate mail chest pieces looked amazing too... And at the back he could easily recognize the broken, collapsed wall was the one leading to his treasure room. No doubt empty of all of the treasure he tempted adventurers with as a prize.

When he does draw his eyes over the rest of the furniture, he does eventually come to notice the bed off to the side, somewhat familiar outside of the veil that surrounds it alongside the sheets being silk too... Along with a woman laying on it! Someone having a nap down here of all places? Sure his bed is comfy, but... Though he does end up looking her over for a minute, he cannot help but stare a bit... At least until he snaps out of it, tensing up for a second. What has gotten into him? He wasn't one for such things except for with proven warrior women, s-... Dipping into his thoughts, he recalls memories of this human he has inhabited. Of views of Delvin oogling random passing, beautiful mage women in the library where he hardly studied his magical art, and of him being slapped by one when one with a rather short skirt had passed close and was fondled by him... Of course he would end up in the body of a pervert. Probably is why he didn't gain any magical arts from him, seems like he hardly learned a thing before this young man was thrown out for his lechery. Hopefully can tame this body from it's needs...

With the woman on the bed waking up and speaking, she would easily spot him standing there with a hand on his hip and a raised eyebrow, making no effort to hide himself. "Huh..." He pauses mid sentence at his voice, furrowing his eyebrows for a moment before he ahems and continues. Goodness, this guy was younger than he thought... 22? 23 years old? "Cannot say I was expecting someone to be chained down here at all... Have you been down here for long?" He at least can speak clearly enough, thankfully he quickly regained his voice as he spoke. His eyes glance over her collar and the chain connecting her to the bed. Must have taken her quite a way in order to take her all the way down here past all of the traps... Honestly the situation reminds him of this one servant he had who thought that the prize of a beautiful princess would motivate people even more, but he shot that idea down quick. If he remembers correctly, that servant was looking a bit too excited by that idea he no doubt made for his own benefit, plus then we would have to take care of her... Doubt she'd be a fan of sitting in the treasure room anyway. Getting a bit sidetracked, he lightly sighs before he starts to speak again. "Cannot really leave you here trapped on the silken fineries... Sure, sit tight." He starts to approach, staring at the silver chains she is collared by before he reaches a gauntlet covered hand towards the headboard, which lightly glints in the fireplace light. As luxurious as the chain is, he could probably break it unless it was enchanted, but then he could possibly just break the headboard for a bit. Ain't like he cared much for the wood this was made out of... Can always get another one once he gets this place fixed.
Azelith: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Excited

There weren't even signs of his former trophies hanging on the wall when Azelith looked around the room. He could picture where they had been before he had died, but even the mounts and backboards that had been used to display them were gone, without even a sign of their presence where once they had rested. Whether the bed was his or a replacement, whether the desk was cobbled together from his old furniture or a newer construction, where the door had come from... There was no telling any of it with any certainty.

"I don't know... A long while at least! It's... Hard to tell how long, days are hard to keep track of down here," the woman replied, hope creeping into her voice. She turned onto her side and shifted until she was up on hands and knees, and then turned towards him. The entire set of motions was an attention-grabbing show, and intentional or not it was effective in telling his body that it was time to send blood somewhere other than the brain in his head. The woman watched as he approached, nervous yet hopeful. He had to push aside the veil surrounding the bed and either climb onto it or stand directly against it in order to get a look at the chain connecting her neck to the bed's headboard, but a glance at it suggested that it wasn't any more durable than the sort that one might make a necklace out of. He could probably break it with his bare hands without much trouble, and it would be far easier to break the chain than the headboard.

"It has some sort of magic, whenever I try to break it... I don't understand it, but it just gets.... Longer," the captive girl explained. Enchanted chains of that sort weren't impossible, and their magic was normally reserved exclusively for their intended victim. Whether Azelith wanted to break the chain or the headboard was up to him, the latter would take considerably more effort, but the former might not work, or even be some sort of trap. "Please.... Will you free me?" the woman murmured softly, and actually reached out to run her hand over his arm somewhat hesitantly in encouragement.
His memories felt so... Fragmented. While before he had been sealed he had ample time to admire and get used to his home, the age that had taken over his dungeon had made everything give off this aura of being... Defiled. Trophies stolen, rooms decrepit, and none of his servants that would pretty much await him to regenerate his new shell if an adventurer won the battle was nearby... How many centuries had he been left to languish upon the stones of his own dungeon's arena? Looking over the woman as she talks about the days she had been stuck down here, he frowns a bit as he nods his head. "Ah... Fair point, not like there is a window to the outside down here..." He mutters a bit, glancing her up and down for a moment or two, against his better judgement as as soon as he does, he quickly ends up noticing her movements, making him blink a bit before he has to pry his eyes back to the headboard. Focus, this is YOUR body now. You can tame it.

With how the chain just seems to be embedded into the wood itself, Azelith hums as he glances along the length of the chain before he clenches a fist. Enchanted chains, so there might be the chance that if he tries to mess with the chains himself, he might end up dealing with some problems himself... And if it just gets longer as it extends from the headboard, then why not just remove the headboard itself? "Might wanna cover yourself with the blanket or something, just in case of splinters." Azelith warns her really quick, giving her some time to do so before he draws a fist back, then drives it forward, letting his spiked cestus strike against the wood. Not wanting to take the risk of whatever enchantment of the chain to be inflicted upon him as well possibly, he opts to just try to break the headboard around the chain! Might take more effort, but hey, ain't like there is a wood cutter's axe nearby! Needed some catharsis anyway, since he hasn't thrown a punch at ANYTHING for a long time.
Azelith: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Excited, Grappled

The captive woman grabbed some blankets and held them up in front of her, the chain hanging over the edge while she took cover. Without further adieu, Azelith aimed and struck; his fist smashed through the headboard with little trouble. The wood splintered under the blow, and the chain flopped around for a moment, stuck to one of the pieces, before disconnecting from it as if by magic. It shrank before his eyes while he retracted his fist, the gauntlets in which his soul had been trapped for so long ensuring that his new body's hand went unharmed. The enchanted chain shrank until it was only about a foot long, appearing now like a necklace save that it was only one strand still attached to the collar around the woman's neck.

"Oh thank you! Thank you!" the woman said happily, and before he could do anything to stop it Azelith found her pressing against him in a manner that had his depraved host body reacting in a fairly predictable manner. Still kneeling on the bed, she draped a leg across his hip and twisted until Azelith was sitting on the bed and she was straddling him, making it seem like she'd used almost no force at all to perform the maneuver. It could have been an impressive wrestling move executed so masterfully that she used almost no power, or his host body may simply have been subject to a woman's wiles prior to Azelith taking possession of it and he simply hadn't gotten full control of it just yet. Either way, her hands pressed on his chest, forcing his back down onto the bed. "Thank you!" she repeated, leaning down suddenly to kiss him on the neck. Her breath was hot against his skin, and her body was now pressing entirely against his such that he could feel her curves quite distinctly.

"Mmmm, thank you! Let me... Repay you... For rescuing me," she purred before kissing Azelith's neck again, nipping at his skin and starting to trail downwards while her hands started roaming across his chest. His nails dragged lightly, but she seemed to be searching for a way to start taking his clothes off.
When his fist went through the wood, he cannot help but feel a smile cross his lips. At the very least, this body was receptive to Azelith's tuning to bulk it up. Watching as the chain shrank and retracted, he lets out a light hum in curiosity as he watches it shrink before it pretty much turns into a proper necklace for the woman, though by the time he had started to realize he was staring a bit too much, it was a bit too late for him to realize the woman's approach as she suddenly clings to him! With the moment of surprise easily being capitalized on thanks to the one two punch of the soft figure squishing against him, and her rather dexterous movement to place him right on his rump on the bed with her straddling him! "... Did you ju-" Before he can finish his confused thought, he is pressed onto his back and under immediate attack by her lips against his neck, which sends a shiver along his spine! Each breath along his skin making him tense!

While his hands do grasp her sides, as she thankfully can feel that there is at the least exposed skin underneath the cestuses he is wearing, it doesn't seem to be for encouragement as she feels him squirming a bit beneath her! "N-no no, no need for that, really!" While he probably seems pretty nervous to her, he is internally just being freaked out by how much his body is defying him in desire of what is coming next! It feels like his legs are turning to jelly each time her lips meet his body, and with him being so distracted it probably won't be hard for her to get that chain mail lifted up and off of him if she cannot figure out a way to get it off otherwise. The shell is willing. The soul is out of his depth with all the new experiences going on at once.
Azelith: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 44, Status = Fine, Excited, Grappled, Naked

With Azelith putting up at most token resistance, the woman he had rescued prove quite fervent in administering her reward. For the better part of a minute she trailed kisses along his neck and collar while fiddling with his armor and clothing, but then she pulled away long enough to pull it off of him and toss it aside, doing so without any apparent difficulty despite her soft-looking frame. The woman launched back onto Azelith without giving him a moment to stop and think, her kisses now trailing down his chest as her hands slid over him, tracing his shell's musculature and occasionally drawing her nails against his skin again. It was all very tactile in a manner that felt practically new to the long-sealed daemon, and the strange captive woman murmured with pleasure as she traced her way down his chest over the course of about half a minute, pausing to kiss one of his nipples and nip at it gently with her teeth. Then she lifted herself up to a sitting position, coincidentally causing her lower half to grind over his increasingly straining bulge as she reached back to undo her bra.

The lacy undergarment was removed and tossed aside as casually as Azelith's chainmail, leaving her large breasts spilling out for his viewing pleasure... And his shell, at least, greatly enjoyed the sight of her large, creamy breasts with their hardened pin tips and wrinkled aureola lightly jiggling as they were freed of their confines. With that she casually grabbed his hands just above the wrist, unbothered by the fact that his cestus hadn't come off yet, and guided them to her stomach, then up her body slowly to ultimately climb over the curve of her breasts and finally settle on them. She gyrated her hips slowly and sensually over his crotch while urging him with her grip to fondle her chest, giving whimpers and gasps and tiny moans to encourage him the more enthusiastic he got with her. "It's okay~ Touch me... I want you to..." the woman whispered softly if he uttered further refusal, her swaying hips causing her silvery hair to sway and tickle Azelith's forearms.

It would take real effort on his part to dislodge and dissuade her, and if Azelith didn't conjure the will to do that quickly he would find her changing positions on him again. She planted a hand on his chest and siddled backwards, off of his lap to plant her feet on the floor while her free hand smoothly undid his pants with shocking quickness. If not stopped, she would whisk them down and away in short order and do the same with whatever he was wearing underneath. The woman gasped excitedly once Azelith's manhood was free, eyeing it with an awe-struck look for a few moments before her features twisted into a sultry grin as her gaze traveled back up to meet his as her hands settled on his knees only to start steadily creeping upwards along his thighs.