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Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Erryn, Shivara, Sylvia and Lynn could be considered a motley crew, even if they did happen to be Descendants. The group met up during a Kobold 'siege' of the village - really, it only ended up being five or six cocky 'Bolds, but the four teamed up and gave them all bruises the creatures lived to regret. Since then, the four have been inseparable. Maybe it stems from Shivara and Erryn sheltering the shy Sylvia and Lynn; maybe it comes from Lynn's stories of the outside world. Whatever the reason, they've stuck together, ready to face whatever lies ahead.

... They just had to get started.

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"Something to do to pass the time perhaps?"

A Slight Dispute
The Goblins and Kobolds haven't been getting along lately. It's usually something we don't pay attention to, but we've recently lost a young girl we believed may have been a Descendant, and fear it's from the arguing tribes. Most Kobolds and Goblins aren't too aggressive, so approaching them shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Get information from either a Goblin or a Kobold.

10 Wood, 5 Food, 5 water
Triple reward for speaking to both parties.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

Erryn was psyched up. Not over anything in particular, it was just her standard state of being. Another day meant another chance to get stronger and take a few more steps on her journey to being what she felt was a proper earth descendant, unlike that silly Emelie. Had she ever even picked up a sandbag? The boisterous woman would have to show the wayward descendant some proper training for a daughter of Medini someday, then her fellow descendant would surely see how silly it was for her to have her head in the clouds.

Speaking of having her head in the clouds, the bruiser had almost forgotten that she wasn't by herself until Sylvia spoke up. "No better way to defend the village from darkness and all that other stuff the old geezer said than by cracking some goblin and kobold skulls, right? Count me in," Erryn replied with a cocky smile.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

While Erryn spoke of such outward violence towards the feuding tribes, the soft spoken Lyna could not help but interject before the bruisers plan was even considered for another second. "Surely you can't be serious and feel violence is the only answer? Nothing explicitly states that we have to exterminate either group. Perhaps if we heard them out and try to understand the dispute, we'd be able to solve the problem peacefully."

Lyna had always been quick to denounce any violent options, having seen what hasty decisions can lead to back when she was serving with that merchant caravan. So many lives she could have saved...So many people she failed to protect.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"Tch. Since when has just talking things out with 'bolds and gobbos solved anything?" Shivara said, striding up behind Sylvia and drooping both arms over the girl's shoulders, clutching her in a possessive hug as she continued on. "Let's compromise! We'll settle this with threats of violence to both sides unless they get their acts together and give up the location of the girl. Erryn will flex her tremendous biceps* and they'll all just have to cave to our hostile demands for a peaceful solution."

Having spoken her part, Shivara proceeded to fake "gnaw" on Sylvia's shoulder in a playful manner. The water wizard tended to be a bit sloshy when it came to her personality - her temperament dipping and rising like the tides of her ancestor.

* = exaggerated, low voice, suggestive of excessive manliness on Erryn's part.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"Well, I don't know if they're tremendous," the bruiser replied to the water descendant, flexing a bicep and running one hand over it as if to check the truth of the other woman's claims. She had failed to read Shivara's meaning and had instead took her words as a compliment. "Just defined. You three could get similar if you'd just use my training regiment, I'd even help you out. It's only like six hours a day, but you increase it over time. It's the simplest stuff, too. You just spend the first two hours punching a tree – don't worry, you use a bit of cloth to guard your knuckles from harm – and after that you just set up a sandbag to hit yourself in the torso repeatedly so you can build endurance. The second part is a bit tricky because after the first hour it gets really hard to reset the sandbag, but I think with more than one of us it'll be no problem..."

As suddenly as she had launched into her training advice, Erryn snapped out of it. "Oh, right, kobolds and goblins. I can agree with that plan. We try to talk to them and then when they don't tell us anything useful we punch it out of them!" Another wide smile grew on her face as she interlocked her fingers and stretched her arms over her head.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

Sylvia was only a tiny bit startled when Shivara suddenly wrapped her arms over the monk's shoulders, and afterwards nuzzled lightly into the water mage's embrace with a light smirk. "We're trying to avoid violence," she began with a sigh, "But.... We're probably going to have to beat them up, yes. Can we just keep an open mind?" Erryn's tirade about training caused her to roll her eyes, her usual reaction to the powerful woman's suggestions, and replied; "I'll take not getting hit over smashing myself against a sandbag, thanks~
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

Of all the people that she could have counted on(Shivara) how was it that she'd be fine with such a barbaric act? Before Lyna could interject with her opposition, the bruiser began ranting about her ridiculous training regime. What in heavens name would punching a tree accomplish? And the plan on dealing with the mission was equally ridiculous. Threats of violence always backfired and always cost lives! Not wanting to remain silent, the healer spoke up. " Surely you can't mean that? Intimidation has a very good chance of failing. They would call our bluff in a heartbeat and many of us could end up hurt or worse! We need to keep the option of negotiation open, even if our first attempt fails.

She knew she was fighting a losing battle, but damnit! She didn't want anyone hurt or killed so soon! Sure they were unique amongst the village, but wasting their talents on mindless violence would cost them more people in the end. She had to be the voice of reason, even if no one listens.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"On the contrary, Lyna!" Shivara said, pushing her way towards the healer and taking Sylvia with her. "Intimidation works wonders. For kobolds and goblins, it's one of the few negotiation tactics they understand, poor buggers. Playing nice nice will probably get us in trouble. Gotta show 'em that we've got a backbone!"

She pinched Lyna's cheek. "Better yet, we'll offer to teach them Erryn's secrets of getting buff. After the last of them is crushed by a sandbag, we'll take the girl, and any loot, and run back to the village!"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

((Assuming that the temporary recruits are actually supposed to post here...))

Having opted to mostly keep out of conversation in what appeared to be a close group of friends (even if she would have begged to differ on the training regiment just a bit), Ares, self proclaimed guardian and protector of the village would have opted to stay mostly silent. Not that she was displeased about being left out of course, rather simply watching such camaraderie among sisters was a wonderful thing in itself, and enough to satisfy her. Though she did opt to express her agreement as per the best solution in dealing with kobolds and goblins, opting to further shatter any delusions (or so she believed) of simply being able to just talk things over with them.

"A firm hand is necessary in dealing with the little people. Else they tend to become...bold. Firm raps against the skull and ribs, a slap upon the offending hand, and promises of repetitive dunking for lies is the best option."

((Note if this post isn't supposed to be here, disregard this and blame Sillth for being a confusing bugger.))
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"That sounds unpleasant," Emelie said, leaning against Ares. "Shouldn't we want them to like us, rather than dislike us? Besides, if they've got our girl, they might do more unpleasant things to her if we make them mad. We don't want that!"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

While the healer was not too keen on the agreement to go with the more heavy handed diplomacy, she could not help but be somewhat patronized by the treatment she was receiving from Shivara. As the girl pinched her cheek, the healer couldn't help but have a somewhat annoyed expression on her face. However, the annoyance was replaced by shock as Ares, one of the others joining the trip, suggest an even more aggressive approach then Shivara and Erryn's. Thankfully her opinions were shared by Emelie and she couldn't help but speak in support of the girl.

"While I may not agree with my sister on their approach, such aggression would only serve to turn them against us. Miss Emelie's concerns are well placed and we should consider them. If nothing else, the girls safety is our top priority. You assume that simply because they are more...bestial then the rest of us that they are below any chance of discussion! If we're looking to anger them and spend the rest of our lives in fear, then we'll go with your suggestion, but for now I suggest we try something a little less barbaric and heavy handed!" To any who knew the healer, this sort of outburst was quite rare. So rare in fact that few remember the last time she had one this explosive. But she meant every word and she was going to stand by them.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"Live our lives in fear?" Erryn scratched her head and frowned at Lyna's warning. "They're just kobolds and goblins. I think the sandbag hits harder than most of them." The bruiser looked toward Emelie next. "I guess you're right though, they could hurt the girl if they're the ones that grabbed her and we're too rough with them." She crinkled her nose as she admitted it. "But if one of the groups did kidnap her then I still say they deserve a proper thrashing once she's safe."

Afterward, Erryn strode toward Lyna, fixing her with a serious look and laying a hand on the healer's shoulder, or any part of her skin that wasn't already occupied by the clingy water mage. "But could you tell me something? Do you have, like... a 'bold or gobby friend or something?" The hand-to-hand fighter completely missed the point. "Is that why you're so worried about this? You can tell us, I'm sure none of us will judge or anything. To each their own and all that. If it comes to blows you can just point them out to me and I'll try really hard not to hit them in the face, I promise." For whatever could be said about her less than stellar ability to read the atmosphere, it was a sincere offer at least.
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Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"Lyna and the ko-bold, sittin' in a tree... f-u-c... kekekeke!" Shivara giggled and then clutched Sylvia tightly, deliberately going along with Erryn's misjudging of the situation. Then, as suddenly as she had started laughing, she stopped and put her chin to rest on Sylvia's shoulder, a glum look coming over her face.

"Hmph. I suppose we can't let the girl get cut-up. But scaring the buggers might make one of them confess something about what they know. Maybe we could isolate just a few of 'em and squeeze some information out of them?"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"... I N G~" Sylvia finished bemusedly, before rolling her eyes. "Uh huh, I bet I know exactly what kind of "squeezing" you plan on doing to get them to talk, too!" she said, giggling, but after a moment Sylvia became more serious, and said; "We won't let her get hurt, not if we can help it... Hopefully, we can do this without anyone getting hurt."
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

"Whatever we do, we need to be on board with it. All of us. I say we agree to not turn to violence directly, but we make it clear that that option is on the table with whoever we talk to. These goblins and kobolds need to know we mean business." Shivara said, still talking in her more serious tone.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

The healer just stared at the bruiser with a look of confusion but also a slight hint of embarrassment. Friends? With those things? Sure the healer tried to be a friend to all but she wouldn't go that far. Attempting to put any rumors to rest , the healer spoke up. " No. It's not like that at all. I'm just suggesting a plan that will hurt as fee people as possible. I've seen what reckless disregard for life can do to a group. It gets people hurt, or worse, killed. The healers solemn attempts to plead her case however were met with a teasing comment from Shivara. The healers face turned red from embarrassment.

"What?! No! Its not like that at all! Please don't joke about something like that! She was frantic as she spoke, trying her best to dissuade any odd looks. Thankfully Sylvia brought the topic back on to serious business, allowing the flustered Lyna a moment to calm down.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium)

[Going Northeast. I guess.]

The large group heads towards the Northeast, trekking through the forest without a path; they were so large that they needn't really worry about being jumped. They openly 'debated' what to do with the Goblins and Kobolds; they were both lower than humans in general, so why would it matter if they just beat the creatures up and took the information they needed? The group would quickly find it may not be that easy...

Sylvia was the first one to spot a body. It was a Kobold, draped over a 'V' split between two trees. When they went to investigate, they found his throat slit open, blood spilt down the tree trunk. Then Ares spots a Goblin; and another Goblin; and as the group moved through the trees, the amount of bodies seemed... horrifying. Heads were bashed in; several goblins and kobolds had limbs missing; more had been disemboweled. It seemed impossible for there to be this many of the two races.. yet, here they were, trying to pick their way through the bodies - the first time that many of the group had even seen a corpse.

The Epicenter of the battle seemed to be a clearing, where the bodies had been dragged off to the sides by the Goblins and 'Bolds; the only figures in the tall grass were two of the tiny dog people, and two of the tiny green skins - but they were far larger, by the two race's standards, at least. The two Goblins were obviously the Headhunters - a select few that would do business with the village, but mainly were slavers for the Goblin Holes. The Kobolds, with dark black fur, were a new type that the women hadn't seen before; but judging from the muscles clearly visible through their fur, they did lift, much to Erryn's enjoyment.

They looked weary, as if they had been fighting for hours; they each sported several cuts and bruises, with a Kobold missing an ear, and a bloody rag covering one Goblin's eye. They seemed to be resting, glaring bloody murder at the other party from across the clearing. Apparently, the girls in the treeline had yet to be noticed...

[Current Position: 1,1]
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

The discussions continued for the duration of the trip, Lyna constantly finding herself on the defensive or having to explain herself in some way. Compared to the rest of the girls in the group, the former indentured servant was far more open to options other then combat. She possessed a gentle soul that some in the village saw as a welcome change of pace compared to some of the other girls. She even worked well with the children, acting as a sort of caretaker in her spare time. But if you talked to her about all this, she wouldn't consider herself very special. Just another face in the crowd.

However, all that meant nothing when she saw the horrors from what looked like a terrible battle. Slit throats...missing limbs...disembowelments...caved in skulls.All of it...all of it was too much. The healers knees grew weak at the sights and was starting to feel sick. Her face grew pale and her once calm face was frozen in an almost horrified expression. Was all this...because of one person? Did these two races squabble over one life? How? How could they do this!? Eventually she caught sight of the ongoing standoff between the remaining kobolds and goblins. 2 headhunters for the goblin side, and 2 dark furred kobolds. The combatants looked like hell. Thankfully, their focus on each other drew their attention away from the group, allowing them to hopefully observe the conclusion of the battle. In a hushed tone, Lyna whispered to her companions. "What...What should we do? This...this is not what I was expecting at all..."