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I've noticed that DLsite started preventing people from being able to copy and paste the names of their products, probably to make it harder for people to search for them elsewhere. Needless to say, you can still use the RJ code as a workaround in any search engine and copy the work name listed from the results.
that has been applied for like year now, but this is only if you attempt to copy the game name in it's page, if you enter the circle page you can still copy paste the game name on the catalog list, it's just force you to go extra step of moving to other page first

Right click on the name and click inspect, in the debug box that pops up you should be able to copy inner html on the line that has the title and that should do it for you. Bunch of extra steps but you can manage it.
For quite awhile, this snippet worked for Stylus:
@-moz-document domain("dlsite.com") {
    h1#work_name { user-select: auto }
Long story short, having some issues getting hgames running on windows 11. This is the first time I've tried on Windows 11, and I've never had any major issues on Windows 10.

I am 99% sure its system locale/font/language related. My system locale is set to Japanese.

I redownloaded the zip in question after I realised my initial mistake (ie. just in case the act of downloading it and opening it using whatever windows 11 natively uses to open zips broke something, before I changed my locale)

I am pretty sure I have the appropriate language packs installed and stuff. But I clearly do not, as the folder and file names in the attached screenshot are clearly wrong.

Would love some direction on what to try!

The game in question is RJ01027690, and it is returning a "cannot find xyz file" during the inital loading after the opening splash screen. However, I don't think the game itself is at fault.


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Long story short, having some issues getting hgames running on windows 11. This is the first time I've tried on Windows 11, and I've never had any major issues on Windows 10.

I am 99% sure its system locale/font/language related. My system locale is set to Japanese.

I redownloaded the zip in question after I realised my initial mistake (ie. just in case the act of downloading it and opening it using whatever windows 11 natively uses to open zips broke something, before I changed my locale)

I am pretty sure I have the appropriate language packs installed and stuff. But I clearly do not, as the folder and file names in the attached screenshot are clearly wrong.

Would love some direction on what to try!

The game in question is RJ01027690, and it is returning a "cannot find xyz file" during the inital loading after the opening splash screen. However, I don't think the game itself is at fault.

From the screenshot, all the file name are corrupted.
Your PC most likely haven't the Asian language pack installed and so can't read (and write) Japanese Kanji.

Install the Asian language pack, and try to re extract the file. (you just might have to re download the archive).
I am pretty sure I have the appropriate language packs installed and stuff. But I clearly do not, as the folder and file names in the attached screenshot are clearly wrong.
also test other dl source if using a pirate copy. Sometimes those are corrupted to begin with.
hello, i wanted to translate a wolf rpg game for some time but i don't know how. I tried using textractor and other stuff but for some reason they don't work (it either gives me errors or just won't translate) so i wanted to access the game files and manually translate the text but when i decoded them i couldn't find the dialogues.
the game in question is this ( ).

could you guys give me any advice on how to translate it?
does anyone know a good alternative to purchase things on DLsite?
simply put, my visa is no longer available to purchase things on DLsite anymore so i need to find alternatives, i once heard about JP prepaid visa card, or virtual visa card, or something, checked it but didn't bother because my Visa was working at the moment
does anyone know a good alternative to purchase things on DLsite?
simply put, my visa is no longer available to purchase things on DLsite anymore so i need to find alternatives, i once heard about JP prepaid visa card, or virtual visa card, or something, checked it but didn't bother because my Visa was working at the moment

Haven't checked in a while, but you could buy point with paypal on their all age version (1 point = 1 yen). Then use thoses point to pay for work, even on the adul section of the site.
Haven't checked in a while, but you could buy point with paypal on their all age version (1 point = 1 yen). Then use thoses point to pay for work, even on the adul section of the site.
yeah, found that solution on other forum, it works, guess i have to rely on Paypal for some more time
yeah, found that solution on other forum, it works, guess i have to rely on Paypal for some more time

Well, dlsite IS a Japanese site, so they mainly propose payment option that are only avaiable in Japan or in eastern Asia outside of Paypal (on all age page) or international bank card.
Admitelly, since I can use my card to pay directly, I haven't check the others option myself...
Are there any speedhack/speed plugins that work with pixel game maker MV?
good ol cheat engine
I can get cheat engine working with virtually any other game engine but for some reason it just doesn't work with even the lightest of PGMMV games.
I tried multiple games from multiple developers, the speedhack just messes with my FPS counter but doesn't affect the game at all besides that.
Have you tried MTOOL? not sure about pixel game maker, but it works on most RPGmaker stuff
Not really but it made me realize speedhacks work but only to make the games slower for some reason. You can half the speed on cheat engine or mtool and it works, but trying to go over 1x doesn't.
That goes for any pixel game maker game, including mini club (possibly the least demanding game on the engine), so it's not a hardware or developer problem. Maybe the game has some internal stuff to ensure it doesn't run faster than it should and that messes with traditional speedhacks. I wonder if you could use the console to work around that somehow.
Yurikago no sora (Japanese title : ゆりかごのそら) - Nonlinear

I'd like to extract sprites from the game mentioned above. Does anyone know how to do it? This game is made by DXLibrary.
I found a tool called DXExtract, but I couldn't use it because I don't know the Decrypt key.
, or Peeping Ninja 2 is a game by MuMu-Factory, a now-inactive dev.
The game uses DXLibrary, and it uses .dxa and .mpda file format. I have no success in decrypting the file. DXDecode and DXArc failed to extract the data. I don't even know the decrypt key for this game. For DXExtract, nothing happens other than "Parsing". I have lost all hope to ever extract the sprites, let alone translate their games. If anyone knows more about DXLib and .dxa, please contact me.
I just recently bought and for some reason starting it up just gives me a blank black window. I've tried waiting to see if it's just slow to load, I tried redownloading it, and I made sure my system locale is set to Japanese, but still nothing. The circle's previous game didn't give me any issues so I'm not sure what is going on.
I just recently bought and for some reason starting it up just gives me a blank black window. I've tried waiting to see if it's just slow to load, I tried redownloading it, and I made sure my system locale is set to Japanese, but still nothing. The circle's previous game didn't give me any issues so I'm not sure what is going on.

I'm supposing you got the minimum requirement in CPU, memory, OS....

First, try moving the game folder to the Hard drive root folder (like C:\).
If it work, it mean the game path was too long, move it where you want but make it shorter.
If it still don't work, rename the game folder. Make it short (just to test), remove any syntax, number and non local character - like JP kanji or Cyrillic letter on a latin letter computer.
If it work, it mean your computer was unable to read the file because the data adress was messed up by a foreign symbol.
If it still don't work, I can only see 3 other possibility 1) you got an old save file (trial ?) blocking the game. Delete the game save folder and retry
2) your AV is bugging it out. Try putting a temporary exeption for the folder
3) The game actually need you to use some JP setting, tring starting the game exe in forced admin mod using a local emulating tool (NTLEA / LE), while maling sure you're ste on JP timezone.