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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

With adventure ahead of them and fortune on their minds, Fiera and Sonja had seemingly stumbled upon a goldmine for both. Deep within the woods in the heartland of Badaria, where they had gone after Fiera had encountered a figure intent on murdering her for her heritage in the last village they had encountered, the duo had come upon a ruin, a complex of crumbling granite in the form of a gigantic raised platform with a trio of huts constructed upon it, one large in the center and two smaller ones in the corners beside the stairs leading up to, the smaller structures looking about shed sized while the larger was as big as a house. It looked uninhabited, a ruin, but footprints surrounded the area, some new and some old. Other treasure hunters, or perhaps outlaws might lie within, looting whatever plunder might hide within the ruins from its former inhabitants. Whether the two would consider it too much of a risk, or go in to investigate in search of treasure and glory, was up to them to figure out.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko)

"Cmon, slowpoke, or we'll miss out on going into the big fancy ruin things!"

Skipping towards the ruins was a rather obvious sight. A glowing red skinned demoness with hair of flames was hopping from one foot to the other on her way to the strange ruins ahead. A whip hung at her side as she went in her weird fashion, before she jumped straight up and turned around, landing with her hands on her hips and glaring back at her servitor.

"That means now, y'know. After that nonsense back in town, we need to get the money to rebuild that Inn I fixed for trying to kill me. And the guy who owned it. I was thinking we fix it by commissioning a statue of myself. Riding a tree trunk down a waterfall while battling flying orcs. It's autobiographical! Well, once I make it happen. Anyways, we need money to hire flying orcs and a sculptor so get up here before I make your butt sore in new fascinating ways!," rants the little demoness, waving her arms and gesturing frantically to emphasize the gibberish she was spouting.

In truth she didn't entirely remember how it went down per say. She laid down and took a nap, woke up, the inn was on fire, and she sort of left and Sonja got her out of town. She thinks she might have been tired and climbed in the window into the bed when she ignited it by accident. Huh. Whoops.

Immediately forgetting about the problem, she waited for Sonja to catch up so they could go in and gather treasures of all sorts to right her wrong. If she remembered it once she got in there.

"I'm waiting, servant! I had faster service from my legions of ill fed peasent folks!"

She never had ill-fed peasent folks.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko)

"Servant? I think you forget why I am here, Fiera."

Sonja would follow her "master", though calling their relationship that of a servant and a mistress would be a fallacy in everyone's mind but Fiera's. Sonja knew Fiera since.. almost forever it seems now. Sonja pledged herself to Fiera, so that once Fiera were restored to the nobility she once was, Sonja would be her first in command. Something like a first mate to the captain of a ship as it were for Sonja.

"I am here..Ready to go?"

In truth, Sonja was maybe a step behind Fiera. Though that would certainly never stop Fiera from.. embellishing when she could. Sonja would look rather mundane compared to Fiera. A fair skinned, human woman wearing breastplate armor that would cover enough of her top to be functional, while still showing off her sexy side with a little bit of underboob where her armor would end. Her lower half was simply protected by a miniskirt with some metallic frills here and there that while functional in combat, would allow Fiera, or anything else for that matter, quite easy access to her more private areas. The look was finsihed off by a pair of boots that went about halfway up to her knees. All in all, a very functional combatant when it came down to it. The business end of her mace that was wielded with both of her hands, would now be drawn as she were to venture forth.

One to let her actions speak for her while Fiera did most if not all of the talking, she would still be the one going first headlong into battle between the two. Fiera though would be the one to initally set her in motion.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko)

Fiera stared at Sonja a moment blankly, before speaking slowly to her like it was something Sonja had trouble following. "You are here because you work for me. Another work for work for is serve. People who serve me are servants. You are first amongst servants. There are no other servants. Ergo you are, a servant."

She promptly spins on her heel and stares up at the building. Or buildings, maybe. What treasures lay within? What peasantry would try to deny her her properly deserved moneys? Could she refurbish it and paint it bright orange?

"Well? What are you waiting for, get moving and check those little buildings. The left one first I guess. Scoot!," says Fiera with a sigh, moving behind Sonja and starting to push her towards the hut with a grumble.

Lazy servant, but she was good at what she did. Well, usually.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

The huts upon the platform where in just as bad repair as the whole ruin with one of the smaller one's sporting an collapsed roof making it all but uselss. The other had a smell that reeked of urine and it was clear what it was used for now despite what it was once before. The larger hut however seemed to clue the duo in. Bedrolls and packs lay scattered around a small burned mark on the stone. Clearly someone else was here and recently. Looking about it was clear that they had either gone out hunting or down a rather plain stone stair at the back of the hut.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Well, nothing here." Sonja states the obvious.

"Shall we go down the stairs?"

Sonja is clearly uninterested in the huts as they have nothing seemingly of value. Though the decision of what the pair does would generally fall to Fiera in situations like this. For Sonja, the choice was fairly obvious as to what she wanted to do.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera glared at Sonja's back. She took one casual glance at the buildings and didn't even go and check as she had told her. Lazy servant. Still, one was basically rubble and the other reeked, so maybe she could forgive her. This time.

"Then up! Get up there lazy! If you can't be bothered to do more than glance at things then you can at least move like you mean it!," huffs Fiera, drawing her whip and prodding Sonja's back with the pommel, before stomping her foot.

"Argh, I'll do it myself! God you're slow!," she growls and stomps past and up the stairs quickly, cracking her whip to the side. She'd get a new servant but she didn't have any on hand. First servant indeed, if she couldn't be assed to put an effort in...

Getting up to the room with the camp inside she looked about a bit. Packs and a fire spot and bedrolls. She hummed and gathered up the packs before starting to go through them curiously. Maybe she could find out what was camped here before.

And more importantly, maybe she could find shinies of some sort. Sonja seemed interested in the stairs but Fiera glared at her. "After I'm done. Bloody hell, we're spending some of this loot on getting you servant training."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

For the most part the packs seemed to contains some extra cloths and preserved rations. Though one seemed to hold a lot of empty shell casings. Besides that was some little things, a compass which looked to nice to be in the hands of simple travalers, several whet stones for sharpining blades. A small highly polished steel mirror and a shaving kit.

As Fiera examined the packs Sonja examined the door before her. It was made of oak and despite the wear and tear of the elements it had mostly held it shape. Though scrapes on the ground told Sonja that the door was warped and would be hard to open and close. Still if it was to much of a bother she could just bash it down.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Are you done looking about yet? You plan on stealing their things while you are at it too? First we should find them and kill them, then none of that will be theirs anymore. ...Though, I certainly could do with those whetstones." Sonja would seem to be more interested in what she could do with those whetstones than returning the mockery toward Fiera.

Sonja would attempt to get the door open now. Were Fiera to help in this endeavor, it would probably be far easier to open than if she were to attempt moving the door open herself. If the door were not to open by simple physical effort, a different application of strength would be applied to the door in the form of Sonja's mace. Sonja full well knew the implication of resorting to bashing the door down, as it would give their location away if anyone were to return to the huts while they were here.

Whatever it was behind the door, Sonja still clearly wanted to find out.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera glanced up at Sonja flatly again. "They're obviously bandits, who else would have so many bullet casings and whetstones? Ooo compass. Besides. It's in an ancient ruin, ergo it constitutes as loot. If they didn't want me taking it they would not have left it in an ancient ruin. Sheesh, what do they teach you humans these days?"

Fiera shook her head then went through, smirking a bit, "You're so violent. Are you all pent up cus I haven't been burning much energy? You could always go ride your mace handle over there a little while, I'll wait. I know how moody you get when you're not wrapped around something.," teases Fiera, as she picked up the whetstones and began juggling them.

"Let me know when you're done trying to glare down that door. I think you're winning! Ooo snacks!," says Fiera amusedly, as she abruptly stops juggling, whetstones clattering on the floor as she takes out one of the rations and starts munching on it.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

The door was stiff but the warrior was able to budge the warpped thing. Looking down the dank and dark hallway Sonja found it curved off to the right. Entering would limit her vision and from her current position she couldn't hear anything. The air stank however of mildew and sweat. No doubt this place presented hidden danger. Burn marks near the door lead Sonja to belive that someone with a torch had passed by recently.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Thanks for helping...." Sonja would mockingly spit at Fiera as she gets the door open.

"Mind shedding some light on the situation here?
Sonja could see a little way down the shaft that was just revealed. Sonja was pretty much ready to go into the shaft, but would wait for Fiera since she was the one who could light the way forward.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera rolls her eyes as she gets up, and walking over towards Sonja as she finishes eating her meal. "Sonja, I don't think you understand what a servant does. You do things for me and what I tell you to in exchange for status and compensation, hm? This is what you do. If you don't like that, why did you agree to it?," says Fiera with mild irritation.

She looked down the dark tunnel, wrinkling her nose a bit. "Ick. Smells gross. This had better be worth the effort of a fire demon.," grimaces Fiera, before casting her torch spell to form a floating wisp of flame to give off light for them.

Once light was made, Fiera started to head in, looking about curiously and skipping on occasion, even as she made faces at the smell.

Fiera casts Torch! It's a level one spell so I think she automatically succeeds?
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Most level 1 spells are going to auto suceed unless under extreme duress

The ball of fire conjured forth from her hand. Particulary this one seemed to have a face and the crackle of its magical fire seemed to almost laugh. With that done Fiera would enter first unless Sonja took the lead. With some lighting both woman could see specks of white pant on the walls as well as a few rusted out torch brackets. Sadly none had any usable torchs left. The hallway which curved off to the right seemed to have been carpeted at one point, if the soggy sticking mess their feet squished on was to be belived.

About half way threw the path which seemed to be a giant circle they came upon a door. The light cast its glow thew the long rotted wood to find an equally rotted balcony that seemed to follow the path of the wall. Other than that they had little luck seeing what was in this room without going in. The could of course risk the rotting balcony or explore down the rest of the hallway.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Well what now?" Sonja would see that they were getting near to a door. Being chastised by her partner previously for attempting to think for herself, Sonja would for now let Fiera pick the direction they would proceed in.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera brought her laughing flame, tossing it from one hand to the other as she went to their mutual glee. She looked along the path as they went, humming a bit, even as she herself glowed in the dark.

"Huh. Guess this place used to be painted white. Ew, the ground is sticky, ew ew ew, carry me. Oh wait, I got the torch. Damn it! I need a second servant to carry me on their shoulders from now on.," says Fiera, making a disgusted face as she stared at the gross carpet that was sticking to her. She really hoped that didn't indicate the future quality of her treasures from within. She settled with hurrying up to avoid staying on the carpet any longer than possible.

They soon came to a decaying door, practically falling apart, which let her see the falling apart balcony beyond. she looked to Sonja, nodding. "That balcony looks like the only thing it could support is a good fire, I'm not risking my neck, or yours on it. We keep going. Blurgh, more carpet, aaaaaaugh."

She continued going, muttering ew under her breath with every step.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Sadly the sticky and smelly mess continued for a while longer as they both saw much of the same. The only change was the ocassional discared burnt up torch. Soon enough they came to anther stair down. Following this the duo had to be slightly careful as the stone steps where slick making any rushing a dangerous endevor. Thankfull upon finishing the decent they where free of the musty stinking carpet and on soild stone floor. Before them the path split into 3 directions forward, left, and right. Signs of activity where here as well. Discarded junk lay on the floor as well as small sack filled with something that glinted in the torch light.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Eugh it's taking foreeeever!," grimaces Fiera as she hops from foot to foot. She couldn't even rush with how slippery points were, she did not want to trip and end up with it on the rest of her.

If she didn't need Sonja with her, she'd be tempted to ignite the whole carpet aflame. She wasn't even certain it could be ignited but she'd have bloody tried. She might need her energy up ahead though.

Finally they were free once past the bottom of the stairs. "Freedom, mwahaha! That sucked. There shall be a new rule, no carpets in my kingdom. Not if this can happen, ick."

She looked around in the light, three paths. but more importantly, discarded stuff! "Ooo... Alright, your turn Sonja. You go through the stuff on the ground here and I'll keep watch!"

Fiera hopped over to the middle of the room and took a determined guard pose, making faces to approximate stern determination as she looked down the various halls.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"While I am checking the bag.. why not pick a direction to go in?"

Sonja would go investigate said shiny bag. Possibly trying to discern anything useful from the discarded things thrown about the room.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Most of the junk found on the floor was just that junk. Yellow brittle papper as well as broken wood bits. The bag however seemed to have some bronze cups and plates. While not extremely valuable the sheer amount of it could net them at lest 20 -25 denari if they found the right buyer. Still someone would be comming back for this. From here on they should be cautious lest they be found out.
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