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Fun Flash game

Re: Fun Flash game

Australia is under oceania or something.

Anyway, it's good that they want to protect the animals, it's just that they are doing it wrong.

I'd keep these kinds of people away from children at all costs, other then that, humans are not suited for only eating plants, and not suited for only eating meat. It is possible to live like that but a lot better for you to take both(In normal amounts).
Re: Fun Flash game

one of the bests sets i've gotten was:
"alright so i know that in the southern hemisphere the seasons are reversed but are there name switched around to meet that as well? or is your summer really cold?"

Later that day:
"No, your not joking or something are you? the seasons aren't really reversed in the southern hemisphere!"

xDDDD I went to Australia. In JUNE. Sydney wasn't all that bad... but I about froze my nipples off in the 4AM cold when we went hot air ballooning Somewhere outside of Alice Springs.

Then we went to Cairns. Where it was cloudy and a wonderful temperature... I wants to go back D:
Re: Fun Flash game

*loses all concentration on the topic at the thought of Chibi's nipples.*
Y-You tease!
Re: Fun Flash game


Nunu, teh verdict please: Is your home a continent, country, or both? :p


They say they're against 'cruelty' to animals, but then they go and rag on companies who produce the food we eat?
Okay, PETA, YOU make my burgers, hot dogs, and other such products of meat. See how YOU do it. And NO vegan switcharoo crap, I know when I'm eating soy/tofu.

What I really love is when vegetarians come up to me and go 'Eww, how can you eat that! A cow had to die for that, you know.'
I just tell 'em 'Yeah, and a whole fucking forest had to die for your meal. I'm maintaining the balance. YOU'RE the ones making our planet uninhabitable.'

Re: Fun Flash game

*loses all concentration on the topic at the thought of Chibi's nipples.*
Y-You tease!

Hey! It's true though. Thank God I had a Friend there who decided it was his job to keep me warm. I got lots of hugses.

I like to tell Vegans that their happy little meat free work is causing a rise in global temperature because they are killing the plants we need to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and make our O2. Not to mention the pesticides used on all of those plants and the mice and other animals killed when the fields are tilled. *Watches "The Secret of NIHM"*

I made one person cry, i think i shattered her illusions.
Re: Fun Flash game

Nunu, teh verdict please: Is your home a continent, country, or both? :p

its a continent you moron, check it on wikipedia.

and chibi, you came to Australia and didn't visit me? *sad face*
Re: Fun Flash game

Lol I have a friend back from college who was a vegan. It wasnt a choice made by him of his own free will, he had to because he's allergic to so many things to the point that he'd die if he ate any of them. He's already had a crap load of operations since he's been born because his body is so weak.
Re: Fun Flash game

its a continent you moron, check it on wikipedia.

and chibi, you came to Australia and didn't visit me? *sad face*

I didn't know you then!


I should visit you one of these days too... just to find out your real Gender and yell it from the rooftops. *still thinks you're a boy*
Re: Fun Flash game

yes you should, and when we meet i will be in some ridiculous costume that you cant tell my gender through. i wont speak, i'll just give you hugs and tim tams.
Re: Fun Flash game

yes you should, and when we meet i will be in some ridiculous costume that you cant tell my gender through. i wont speak, i'll just give you hugs and tim tams.

I'll have to bring the ropes and scissors then. And back-up
Re: Fun Flash game

its a continent you moron, check it on wikipedia.


I'm a pervert, not a moron.

Either you were in a bad mood, or you really do suck at joking >.<

Or maybe it's I who suck at joking?

Re: Fun Flash game

i knew it was a bad joke when i made it. then i figured a bad joke was better than no joke.
Re: Fun Flash game

Hey! It's true though. Thank God I had a Friend there who decided it was his job to keep me warm. I got lots of hugses.

I like to tell Vegans that their happy little meat free work is causing a rise in global temperature because they are killing the plants we need to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and make our O2. Not to mention the pesticides used on all of those plants and the mice and other animals killed when the fields are tilled. *Watches "The Secret of NIHM"*

I made one person cry, i think i shattered her illusions.

I'm going to play the devil's advocate here! But first, let me say, yes I think that PETA is really really stupid.

Okay - yes, it's true, Vegans eat plants. What do you think, say, a cow grown to be burgers eats?

How much do you think it eats VS how much would we eat /instead/ of the cow?
Re: Fun Flash game

Cows shouldn't be eating as much plants as us as we are accordingly eating them too. :D
Re: Fun Flash game

Cows eat grass.

If they're being fed anything else, the farmer's a gullible-ass idiot who needs to have his farming license taken away >.<


Grass is easily replacable. Plus, vegans don't eat grass. They eat soybeans and such.

Besides, what do you expect us to do with the old dairy cows who no longer give milk? Let them die and be buried? If there's a use, I say we put it out of it's misery and eat it.
If it's someone's 'pet', then yeah, I understand not killing it. But once it's dead...


And yes, when I die, I hope some cannibal finds my flesh delicious. I'd rather give back, than lie there rotting.