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Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit sat in front of the fire letting the warmth soak into her as she tried to relax. Though the heat and the bit of food made her feel better she knew she wouldn't be able to relax till this was all over. Then again maybe she would never relax again, only tomorrow would tell.

The last of her food gone she waited patiently for her companion to return, letting her mind wander. Perhaps she was more tired than she thought as something furry brushed against her side startling her. A quick lick from a rough tongue and the sight of her fox companion relaxed her however.

As the fox curled up beside her and the fire she noticed a freshly caught rabbit sitting between them. She also couldn't help but notice her companion's fox form was far larger than any fox she had seen, more the size of a wolf. Though she could of swore that it had been a normal size the day before.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Getting her beating heart back to a normal rhythm, Ceit smiled gently, running her hand along the back of Brighde's head, and to her neck, letting her fingers dig through the fur to scratch at the skin hiding underneath.

"I don't remember you being so big yesterday," Ceit mentioned, blinking as sleep threatened to overtake her once again. She looked to the rabbit, and then to the fire.

"I'll cut off my portion to cook, if you're willing to share," the hunter said with another smile, the skin of her cheek glinting softly in the firelight where the fox had run its tongue over her.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Brighde seemed to enjoy the feel of being petted, a contented growl coming from her throat as she nuzzled closer and rested her head on Ceit's leg. Ceit watched as the fox slowly stretched and her appearance began to change.

The hair covering her body seemed to quickly grow backwards, even as her arms and legs grew out into a more human form. The way her bones and muscles seemed to move made Ceit worry a little as it looked painful. Finally her entire facial structure began to shift and reform until eventually she was human once more, a happy smile on her face as she looked up.

"Sounds good to me," She said regarding the rabbit before adding. "I was a little bigger, I can change into five different forms. That was sort of like being in between fox and human-fox, makes it a lot easier to hunt."
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit watched the transformation, a look of worry on her face as bones snapped into new positions. But Brighde looked happy, it couldn't be as bad as it looked.

"Well, the tail is cute," Ceit said with a smile, erasing the concern on her face as she reached for her dagger, though in no real hurry to get up. She ran her fingers one last time through the woman's hair, before finally leaning forward to pick up the dead rabbit, pushing the blade into its chest, and starting to peel downwards, the pelt splitting from the flesh beneath.

"I imagine you don't enjoy fur in your mouth... does it hurt?" she asked, pausing her work to glance at her lover, before looking down again to watch where her knife cut. It wouldn't do to spoil the meat.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

"It was pretty painful the first time it happened, but I guess you kind of grow used to it. It still feels a little...hmm, unnatural. Especially when the bones change their shape." Brighde said as she watched Ceit remove the skin from the rabbit. She nuzzled her head a bit against Ceit's leg before slowly sitting up next to her companion.

The worried look of earlier had gone from her lover's face and for a while neither of them said anything as they relaxed by the fire together. It was probably the closest thing to normal that Ceit had felt since her encounter with the fae. Once the rabbit was cut and separated from it's skin, she passed over Brighde's portion as she prepared to cook her own.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Slicing chunks of meat from the body, she handed it over to Brighde, blood dripping from her fingers and the dagger she used. What was left she carefully slid onto a stick, pushing the sharpened wood through the rabbit and holding it over the fire as she enjoyed Brighde's company.

As meat and the few fats of the animal sizzled over the crackling flames, Ceit kept herself pressed against her lover. It almost felt, normal, despite all that occurred. Despite Brighde being far from simply normal.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Brighde practically gulped down each of her pieces of meat, while she sat beside Ceit. As soon as she had finished her meal she took what remained of the rabbit and set in the fire as though she were making an offering. Finally she stood and said. "I'll be right back, just going to go wash up in the stream I saw up ahead."

By the time she had returned Ceit's had already begun her meal. The rabbit tasted so wonderful after nothing but jerky for a few days, that it was quickly gone. Leaving the pair to once more relax in front of the warm fire. Brighde lay her head against Ceit's shoulder and said. "You know I think it might not be as bad as I think it will be for you to become like Sileas. It will be nice knowing I have someone I can confide in, someone who understands the way the world really is. I was just worried that it might change who you really are."
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Licking the juices of the rabbit from her fingers after finishing, Ceit laid back, wrapping her arms around Brighde and holding herself close to the werefox, planting soft kisses on the top of her head and along her neck.

"I would be worried to, I would be lying if I wasn't worried. I don't want it to change who I am. Help me keep on that path?" Ceit said, looking into her lover's eyes, almost pleading.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Brighde snuggled further into her lover's arms as a soft giggle escaped her lips from where Ceit had kissed her neck. Turning her head to look up at her companion her shining eyes looking right into her eyes as she nodded her head and said.

"I swear to Danu that you will not be corrupted by any form Balor may use. No matter what I have to do." She finished her promise by leaning forward and passionately pressing her lips into Ceit's own.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

As the promise was uttered, and Brighde started to lean upwards, Ceit came down to her, their lips meeting in a warm passionate kiss. The heat of skin mixing with the heat of the fire as their bodies pressed together once again. Ceit's lips opened, her tongue pushing out to find the werefox's with a soft groan, her hand sliding down her lover's side to settle on her hip.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

"Mmmm," Brighde said as Ceit returned her kiss, pushing her body upwards against her lover. Her arms wrapped further around Ceit's back as her hands slid down, sliding just under the edge of the thin skirt. Back and forth their tongues danced as the pair of lovers held each other in the flickering light of the fire. Slowly they drifted backwards to lie side by side in the soft grass, their bodies still clinging closely as their kiss continued.
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Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The leaves rustling in the wind, fire crackled below their warming feet, and the soft groans coming from both of them were the only sounds reaching Ceit's ears as they descended once more into the comfort of one another. The grass was not as wet and cold as it was the night before, and the pain was not so intense.

It let her feel more, take more in from the woman with whose limbs she had been entwined. Whose tongue danced in her mouth, whose hands exposed her once more.

It was like she was in one the legends of old, the stories told over mugs of ale around the hearth. That laughter and glory would follow, when in truth she knew she was fighting back the inevitable. The pain and coldness that she felt reaching out for her.

But tonight. Her breasts crushing tightly against Brighde's, her hands moving to the fox's shoulders, breaking their kiss. She grinned. Tonight, she had Brighde. She said this with the grin that curled her lips, before starting to kiss her way downwards.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

A dazed smile passed over Brighde's face as her lover finally broke off from kissing her with a grin. She could do little but mumble a pleased response as Ceit's lips brushed against her flesh once more. One of her hands lingered along side Ceit's shoulder as the kiss continued to travel down her body, her other hand curled tightly around a tuft of grass near her side as a soft moan escaped her mouth.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Marking a warm wet trail down her lover's body, over the swell of her breasts, and down the flat expanse of her belly, tongue dipping briefly into her navel, Ceit soon found herself between Brighde's legs. Breathing in her intimate scent, feeling the glow of the fire on her legs and hips, Ceit's tongue slithered outwards, running over those lower lips of the werefox with a soft groan.

Hands running slowly over Brighde's thighs, she began to lick faster, pushing inside her now, tip of her tongue curling within her depths as fingers grasped her lover's rear tightly, squeezing into soft skin.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Brighde's hand dug softly into Ceit's hair as her lover's tongue slid down her body. A pleasant squeal of lust erupted from her lips as it passed over her breasts and navel until finally reaching it's ultimate goal. Her body trembled a bit as she felt Ceit's hot breath on her body, which tensed up as she felt her lover take her first taste.

Her body shaking and her hand grasping onto whatever was handy, Brighde could not suppress an impassioned moan from escaping her lips. Soon she was eagerly pushing back with her hips as Ceit's tongue grew more eager and quickened it's pace much like her breathing.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Feeling the tug at her scalp, hair caught between Brighde's fingers, Ceit let out her own groan of desire, the sound muffled by her own actions. She let her hands slide upwards, over her lover's hips before curving back down. Nails grazing over the skin of her rump, feeling the slight give to her flesh. Her tongue continued to delve deeply, letting the slickness coat her lips, only pulling out to run the tip of her tongue upwards. A sharp flick against the clit of the werefox whose hips bucked to smear her lust across Ceit's lips and chin.

Her own breasts pushing into the warm grass, skin glistening in the firelight, Ceit was determined not to stop until Brighde had found release.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit's lover continued to buck and moan with each lust filled lick of her sex. Slowly the trembling and little screams of pleasure seemed to grow more and more intense as Ceit brought her lover to the very edge. Finally with a orgasmic gasp Brighde's hand dug into her companion's scalp and the grass as her entire body tensed up in blissful happiness. The were-fox could do little for several more seconds as the orgasm shook her body. Eventually though Ceit felt her relaxing the grip on her hair and slumping back to the ground as a happy sigh came from her lips.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit did not relent, her tongue sliding over and thrusting into the slick sex of her lover until she felt the grip in her hair relaxing. With a final soft kiss to Brighde's womanhood, and then her thigh, accompanied with a swift flick of her tongue, Ceit raised her head from between her lover's legs. Her lips curled in a smile, chin and mouth glistening from Brighde's orgasm.

Carefully, Ceit began to crawl up the werefox's form, letting her own body slide over hers. Skin against skin until she was laying atop her lover, and kissing her lips softly.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Brighde lay their with a dreamy smile upon her face as Ceit slowly moved up her body. A slight shiver went through them as their lips met once more in a loving kiss. The werefoxes body slowly returned to normal as they lay embraced for a few more minutes before she whispered.

"I've never met anyone like you before. I love you with every inch of my being and I will never let you fall to the wyrm, I promise."
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit laughed a little. It was a warm gently laugh, like the fire glowing upon her back as she kissed Brighde's cheeks and forehead. The feelings she had certainly felt like love, and she embraced them, letting them warm her heart. She felt like she was in one of the great legends her father used to whisper to her at the camp fire. Of great warriors and great loves amidst dark battles.

"Nor I you, mo gra," she whispered softly, breathing in her scent, not letting go of her. Settling her head upon Brighde's shoulder, Ceit closed her eyes.

"Whatever happens to me... I'll still be me."