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Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit felt the rush of heat as she charged through the flaming door of the hut, her eyes closed as she felt her flesh burning with intense pain. The beast within howled inside of her head as they fought for control of her body. The beasts sense of self-preservation fighting tooth and nail against her own willpower.

Finally it all seemed to end as she collapsed into the smoky interior of the hut, rolling in the dirt to put out any flames as she continued to fight back the overwhelming urge to flee. The fight had blocked out her senses and by the time she came to she could hardly remember what had happened, as the sound of the crying child pierced through the smoke-covered interior of the hut. The roof was burning sending a new sense of fear into the beast as hot embers floated down through the smoke. She had to find the child and then find a way out and she had to do it quickly.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

She kept herself in a crouch, as far as she could from the flames flickering across the roof. Each step was a battle of will against the beast inside. The beast's need to simply be away from here was almost overwhelming. But Ceit could not let the child die. So she pressed forward, into the hut. Deeper into this home that would soon be ruins.

"Be not afraid. I'm here to help. Stay low, help me find you," Ceit called, peering under the smoke that swirled around her.

Inwardly, she tried to scold the beast. The sooner she found the girl, the sooner she could get out. Looking towards the wall, she remembered her own being made with frames of sturdy wood, the walls themselves though....

With her new strength, she might be able to simply bash through.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Hearing another's voice the child called out for help as Ceit practically crawled to the small boy, where he was hiding beside a shelf. She only had a little time as the crack of timbers told her the roof would soon collapse. Grabbing the boy into her arms she stood and took a few steps back before charging into the wall. The beast within seemed to understand that safety was outside and she felt a surge of strength as she pulled back to charge once more, her and the small boy crashing through the wall into a heap on the other side.

She felt a momentary rush of panic as the beast made her crawl away from the collapsing hut. Her senses completely overwhelmed by the beast's fear and the crying child held close. Finally she felt the beast fade into the back of her mind as she relaxed her grip on the small boy.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

She should have been gasping for breath. Should have been in agony after crashing through the hut wall. But she wasn't. After scrambling across the ground, the beast more than her kicking at the grass and dirt with her feet to get away from the flames. But it faded. Slipping away into her mind.

Relaxing her grip, fearing she might have left bruises on the child, she looked down at him.

"Balloch. Get to safety now, hide yourself," Ceit said, able to recognize the youngster now that she was out of the smoke and away from the flames. Now that he was more than a shouting voice calling out for aid. She glanced around, getting to her feet, sword once more in hand.

"Have you seen my mother, my father?" she asked, looking down at him, waiting for an answer before rubbing his hair gently, and rushing off to find either her parents, her new sisters... or just more raiders.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The small boy sat on the ground coughing from the smoke in his lungs as Ceit told him to find a place to hide. He shook his head in the negative to Ceit's asking about her parents as he stood. The boy seemed frightened and confused as he hoarsely mumbled a thank you before scrambling off to safety elsewhere.

Ceit watched him depart into the smoke before she plunged deeper into the village. Her mind calm once more as she searched for either companion, enemy, or villager. There was a bit of pain in her leg where the fire had come to close singing her now dead flesh, but there would be time to worry about that later she thought as she continued to plunge through the smoke towards the center of the village. The fighting would be thickest there near the elder's home not to mention it would be the quickest route to her parents on the opposite end of town.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Quicker, and necessary. The elder would have to be saved, to help the village pull through this attack. Blade in hand, dead flesh bared to the world, painted with ancient runes that swirled over her skin, Ceit moved like a phamtom through the chaos. All her senses searching for anyone else. To gut them, to help them, or to save them.

It had been some time since a raid this bad happened, and Ceit did not think on it. Did not let her concentration waver. But she would have to ponder if the other two had been here for it as well. Protecting her family and neighbours from the shadows.

The Elder's was not far now, and the warrior stepped up her pace to get here.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The smoke seemed to obscure everything Ceit had ever known about her former home. She could hardly tell where she was going until she got close enough to see through the swirling smoke. The cries of fighting and the clash of steel were her guides through the almost alien world she stumbled through.

Finally she stumbled into the center of the village in front of the town hall, the smoke swirling heavily around a desperate fight between the few warriors of the village and the viking raiders. The villagers were badly outnumbered but seemed to be holding their own against the thrall soldiers that made up the bulk of the raiding force. One of the viking warriors seemed to stand out as beyond all the others though. A woman like Ceit herself, her hair as dark as the look on her face as she almost gleefully cut her way through the defenders towards some unseen goal.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

It was her Ceit focused upon, her eyes narrowing. A leader, a source of inspiration, or merely a raider trying to make a name for herself. It did not matter, cutting her down was Ceit's first goal.

Moving forward, coming out from the smoke, near naked, painted with bloody runes, the fledgling rushed to come up behind the woman, slashing at the thrall soldiers in her path. An aim to plunge her blade into the woman's back. Between her ribs.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

The woman continued to shout at the thralls to cut down the defenders in her Norse tongue. Her words seeming to drive the normally reticent slaves to the height of bloodlust only seen among the hardiest viking raiders. Still they were only slaves and the first fell with a scream as Ceit charged out of the smoke towards the leader. No sooner had the first thrall fallen to the ground less an arm than the next found himself impaled on the end of her blade.

Ceit's sudden charge gave all involved a shock, the thralls turned wide-eyed as a few rushed to head off the demon who had already cut their numbers by a quarter. The men of her village, many of whom would no doubt recognize her, seemed to take encouragement at her sudden appearance fighting back against the thralls with a sudden burst of courage.

The Norse woman curled her lips in rage as she saw her thralls thrown into disarray. With a shout full of rage and intimidation she grabbed a spear and deftly threw it towards Ceit, as she began to charge at the new threat.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Twisting her body with a speed she never had before, Ceit felt the spear pass just over her shoulder. She had no intention of testing her wards to their limit. Splashed with fresh blood, bare skin glistening in the firelight, she rushed forward to meet the charge of this leader.

Cut the head from the snake.

As they came closer together, Ceit slashed upwards, aiming to go from the woman's hip to her shoulder, the blade catching the light of the fire in its swift journey to flesh and bone.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit felt the spear whistle passed her shoulder and the thunk of it sinking into the earth as she charged with sword drawn towards the woman. Ceit knew if she could drive the leader off the rest of the raiders would soon flee back into the sea.

The leader growled in anger as Ceit avoided the spear and drew her own sword as she charged to meet the newcomer amidst the whirling smoke and sounds of battle. Ceit struck first though the woman was no slouch as she dodged to the side while blocking the upward strike with her blade. For a brief second their blades locked together and the women found themselves face to face.

The woman grimaced as though shocked her Norse accent thick as she growled in Ceit's own tongue. "You may be different from the others but you will die like the rest. Nothing will stop me from collecting what I have come for. Not even the once dead like yourself."
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Steel digging into steel, making new notches in the blades, the women stared at each other. Hearing, even through the thick accent, what the raider captain said, Ceit pulled her lips back, baring her fangs to the woman.

"Cut my flesh, if you can. Spill my blood, if you can. But I shall not die this night," she snarled, driving her knee upwards into the raider's thigh, before twisting her blade to angle to raider's sword outwards.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Ceit's opponent let out a growl as the knee made contact with her thigh, her blade angling outwards exactly as Ceit had intended. The raider reacted swiftly by grabbing for Ceit's arm with her free hand and using her momentum to pull the young vampire to the side. Once more she growled as she took a defensive stance having created a bit of distance from Ceit.

The woman seemed to at least be equal to Ceit in her martial skills, perhaps a bit stronger but not enough to make up for Ceit's speed. The woman's eyes seemed to follow Ceit's every movement as the pair circled waiting for a new opportunity to strike.
Re: Furain an taoigh a thig, greas an taoigh tha falbh. (Ceit)

Flames flickered around her, the acrid scent of smoke and blood filling her nostrils, Ceit returned the gaze. Watching the raider's movement, the careful placement of her feet, the sway of her shoulders. The vampire took it in, moving with her, sword held upright before her, not forecasting her attacks.

The fledgling struck high, an angular cut, aiming for the raider's shoulder and towards the opposite hip, leaning in to strike one handed. She watched for the parry, free hand curled into a fist, aiming to strike into the woman's armpit.