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G Building


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: G Building

Isabella walked into the cafeteria and looked around. "Its not too bad then, theres not that many people here." Isabella thinks to herself before making for the queue. Its not long before she has paid for her fried breakfast and made her way to a unoccupied table. She sits down and begins to eat, her sketchbook led open next to her.
Re: G Building

Damon walked into the cafeteria, stomach growling. He quickly loaded a plate with double everything, found an empty table, and began eating noisily.
Re: G Building

Isabella heard someone come in and quickly turned around to see who it was. To her shock it was a boy. "Oh great, I hope he doesnt come over here," she thinks to herself while he's queuing though as he goes to a table she lets out a sigh of relief as he goes to another table. She then continues to eat as the butterflies hover about her.
Re: G Building

Grace was pondering what today would be. Classes tomorrow, so maybe this was a good day to check out the various clubs. First on the agenda though, was definitely breakfast. Not in the mood for cereal or her own cooking, she came to G Building.

Picking out her meal she took her tray and had a look around the cafeteria. Mumbling quietly to her self. "Okay. Empty table, that dude, empty table, no space, some person..."

Voting for some person today she briskly walked over and set her tray down opposite Isabell. "Hi! How's the food?"

Grace then notices the butterflies, saying nothing but inwardly blinking. 'Uh? Butterflies... what's with that...'
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Re: G Building

Siphon made his way into the cafeteria, and gathered himself some food. He spotted Grace, sitting near another woman he didn't know off hand, most likely a new student. He walked past them, stopping just long enough to say good morning. "Morning Grace, and hello there. Welcome to Gosamer, I'm Siphon."

He would wait a moment to see if either wanted him to join them, and if not he would proceed to the nearest unoccupied table.
Re: G Building

(Sidenote: Ima "does" have the same face as Mia at this part, although without the killer psycho bitch feeling and red eyes (hers are blue) not sure if Siphon will be wary of her.)

Amazingly enough, Ima somehow managed to make her way to the cafeteria without losing her way in the middle. Relatively deprived of energy from the lack of food, Ima gathered a tray's worth of food without taking time to discriminate between likes and dislikes (thankfully, Ima wasn't picky about her food, partially due to her past experiences (albiet forgotten) of being forced to eat a mutated form of camel meet that made leather boots look delicious) before turning her attention to the tables available.

Empty... empty... stranger by himself... lots of strangers.... no room... that girl from before...

Deciding that it would be better to seat herself near a person she had already met before, Ima carried her tray over to the table where Grace was seated with another girl who had butterflys hovering about her.

"Um... can I sit here?..."
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Re: G Building

((I will say from the description that he does recognize her, but isn't likely to tip his hand to her, or challenge her for that matter. His line of thinking is that he had the element of surprise on the rooftop, and now it would be too evenly matched so to speak to risk mentioning he saw her there last night and whatnot. He won't outwardly show it, but he will be keeping an eye on her demeanor right now, and filing things away for reference.))

Siphon turned to see the other woman, and inwardly silent alarms went off. It was the woman from the rooftop last night, but she seemed different somehow. It was a moment before he realized the crazed killer look her features had taken on that night were missing, and that meant there was something he wasn't seeing here. He decided for now to file things away and just keep an eye on her, and with a friendly smile and a slight bow of his head he replied, "I'm fine with that, but this wasn't my spot first, it was this young ladies." He indicates Isabella, and then adds, "so I think we should let her make the call on that one."
Re: G Building

Isabella, realising that she had maybe grabbed a bit too much too eat began playing with the food left over on her plate until someone she didnt know sat down opposite her and greeted her.

"Uh.....hi.." Isabella said to her quietly, taken aback by the new arrival. "The foods not bad." Isabella reached for her sketchbook and pulled it closer to her. "At least its not a boy," She thought to herself though a few moments later another person walked by and greeted them, this time it was a boy. "H..Hi, I'm Isabella," She replied nervously to the boy who called himself Siphon. She then turned away from him and looked down at her food and continued playing with it until the another girl came over to her table and asked to sit down. "Uh, sure..." She says to her, this time pulling her sketchbook onto her lap and closing it in the process.
Re: G Building


Setting her tray down, Ima then sat herself down, pausing to inquire about the hovering insects before she began eating in a mechanical fashion,

"Um... why are there butterflies here?..."

It wasn't that Ima minded them, more so that she was curious of why a small group of insects was floating around Isabella and why no one had bothered to make a comment about them.

(*stabs self for making an epicly short post*)
Re: G Building

Damon finished eating, leaving what few remains there were scattered about the tray and table. He pulled two chairs together so he could watch the group forming at the other table. He saw the boy who woke him so rudely last night and two girls; one he hadn't seen before, and he could only see the back of the others head.
Re: G Building

"They're what I created," Isabella answered the girl, wondering whether this girl had never seen what she calls 'life art' before.

((lol dont worry, my post is shorter :D))
Re: G Building

Siphon bows his head slightly before sitting down. A brief moment passes and then he says, "you created them? Impressive."

He starts to eat, slowly, not noticing Damon just yet.
Re: G Building

"Ah, morning Siph! And Ima, Hey!" She greets cheerfully, settling down to enjoy her breakfast. Despite the noisy night she'd found she was in a good mood right now.

Grace raises an eye brow at the butterfly explanation though. "Created? Eh, you mean you caught some caterpillars or something?" She says as her gaze follows the colourful creatures about.

((Nothing wrong with short posts. I can be much more natural. People don't normally take turns monologuing dramatic speeches in casual conversation anyway. And sometimes there's simply no reason or need for in depth descriptive text either. Don't fret it.))
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Re: G Building

He bows his head slightly again. "How was everyone's nights? Good I hope?"
Re: G Building

"Mine was... good, if you call sleeping the entire night good of course..."

What Ima didn't mention, was that her "sleep" was fraught with visions of Mia's outing last night, amidst spiraling images of insanity of course.
Re: G Building

He nods. "Indeed, sleeping the entire night through is always a good thing, especially if you've needed it for a while like I did."

Inwardly his thoughts were moving. She doesn't seem to be lying about sleeping through the night, yet I KNOW she was there. Something is not right here.

He made a note to speak to Elissia later about this, then spoke again. "So, getting settled in well? I remember when I first came here, was kind of hecktic."
Re: G Building

"Uh, no they arent real butterflies," Isabella said quietly to Grace. She sat there holding her sketchbook tightly to her while looking around the group that had seated themselves around her table, her eyes going back and forth between the speakers.
Re: G Building

"You must be a heavy sleeper then." Grace says jokingly directed at Ima. Then looking to Siphon, "You should have heard the din going on in the Girls Dorm. I don't know what was going on, but just after midnight it sounded like Matt snuck onto the roof and broke out power tools, or something. I wouldn't be surprised if you said you heard it from your dorm." If only she knew.

"Oh?" Grace isn't sure what to say about the butterflies really. If they aren't real, then what are they exactly? They looked plenty real, though their fluttering made it hard to get a good look. She just gave the currious insects occasional quizical glances.
Re: G Building

"You should have heard the din going on in the Girls Dorm. I don't know what was going on, but just after midnight it sounded like Matt snuck onto the roof and broke out power tools, or something. I wouldn't be surprised if you said you heard it from your dorm."

Damon wasn't paying full attention to what was going on at the other table and was having a bit of trouble hearing them, but when he heard this tidbit he broke into a slight grin.