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G Building

Re: G Building

It took Aya a second to make the connection as to what he meant by no one would have his head, and another after that to realize he was jesting.

She smiles back at him, before speaking. "Well that's good then. You know, I was told there was going to be dancing and all here tonight, but it doesn't seem like anyone is... Would you like to change that?"

Siphon around the same time Aya was asking that question of Ian looked to Sho and asked her something similar. "Well, seems like the dance floor is totally dead at the moment, shall we go and liven it up some?"

His gaze fell over Ian and Aya, and he softly chuckled some. "Seems Aya has made friends with Ian, or at least they are talking."
Re: G Building

Ellisia felt quite uncomfortable without the reassuring weight of a blade at her back or hip. There were very few times in her life she had not carried one. Right now she had to try her best at being "off duty", if she could manage that concept. It was a unique experience for her. Grace had in family company, been to several dances of sorts, all of which she had refused to take part in. Though this one seemed it should be more fun. Far less old people. Spare the few exceptionally "old" people present, but that was beside the point.

The pair strolled in and looked around. Neither late nor early, things seemed to be starting off. Grace was sporting one of her preferred , the one her parents had complained was too showy. Ellisia with a simple straight but elegant white dress, a navy blue ribbon making the single feature at the waist.

Grace spots Siphon and Sho across the room and waves with a smile, then looks around and spots the food layed out. "Ah hah!"
"I thought you got some food back in town?" Ellisia says with a small amused sigh.
"Well yeah, but then we had to walk all the way up that damned hill! And now I'm hungry again, ok? I never walked up it on the way here. Got dropped off by the gates."
"Really now, that hill was nothing. Your terrible..."
Re: G Building

Yoshio was shocked at how quickly a new arrival came through the doors, a woman paired, spotted the food, and begun to dig in as af it were her first meal today!

Softly laughing to himself:

"Hope she don't choke..."
Re: G Building

"Sometimes all it takes is one or two ta get things goin'. Figures Ah'd pick myself a brave Sheila. What the hell." He offers Aya his hand and guides her out toward the center of the floor.

Sho grins, sliding her hand into Siphons. "More than just talk, it looks like," she replies with a smile. "This should be interesting. If I didn't want them to be the only ones out there, I'd be tempted to stand by and watch for the moment, but, lets."

And, as is the case with most dances, once one or two couples brave being the first ones out, it seems to be an invitation for others to follow suit.
Re: G Building

"A brave Sheila? That's a new one." Aya chuckled, clearly amused by that.

Siphon nodded. "Yeah, well hell it's good for them both here, and she can definitely use a good start here. I'm amazed at one thing though, notice how fast she seems to have grasped English? Enough with thinking, more dancing."

He chuckles there and heads out with her, nothing more going through his mind for now.
Re: G Building

"Just a figyah of speech is all," he explains. The music's slow enough for a few ballroom steps, though it looks like he's keeping the two of them to a simple box step for the moment, obviously a subtle way of gauging Aya's prowess on the dance floor.

Sho, on the other hand, comfortably settles herself in Siphon's arms, more content to sway than to move, but she'll still follow his lead, having an understanding of more complicated steps. Still basic, but beyond simple.

"And talking to Ian's likely going to get her confused. Or adopting an accent." She chuckles. At his remark about her learning English, she grins. "How long did it take you?"
Re: G Building

"Not long, but then again I had the benefit of having another brain helping me out, whereas she doesn't."

He seems content with the pace for now, seemingly warming up.

Aya too seems as if she is simply warming up here, and responds, "ah I see. I'll have to keep that one in mind."
Re: G Building

Yoshio came to a grim realization...

The only person he was acquainted with in this room was Siphon...

Everyone else was a complete "Variable" and any one could be the one to leave that grisly scene in the woods...

Drying corpses, old footprints, a splintered tree... What happened not a quarter of a kilometer from where he was staying?

(I was just... Right... THERE too!)
Re: G Building

"Maybe that just means she's clever. She is older than you, isn't she?" The remark is accompanied by a smirk, given that she knows how old he really is, though by his words, Aya's a lot older than she looks, too.

Ian seems to be concentrating on his steps, though not so much that he can't make eye contact with his partner, seeing how she's doing and if she's enjoying herself.
Re: G Building

He nods. "Yes, substantially older. I don't know, maybe it's possible she was exposed to the language in some way elsewhere before going into stasis, or maybe that's just how Ancients are, able to learn languages in a short time. The one thing I don't get is this, if she's been in stasis for as long as I THINK she has been, that makes a lot of assumptions that the area around here hasn't changed much in the past several million years. Almost unreasonable to assume that."

He chuckled again then smiled at Sho. "For tonight though, I don't even care. I just want to relax, be able to spend one night here uninterrupted with you and do what WE want to do, and not have to worry about trivial or other matters."

Aya too was concentrating on her steps, though if she hadn't known how to dance before she was quickly learning from Ian, it was hard to tell. What was easy to tell was she was definitely having a good time, and was relaxed.
Re: G Building

Anyone keeping an eye out would suddenly notice Kyle standing off to one side, watching his pocket watch. Then, they'd see him nod, close the watch, and pocket it, before stepping to one side slightly, as if trying to get a better vantage point.

Less than a minute after this... A dull, somewhat distant *thump*, and the spread of green light fading to red, characteristic of fireworks, could be seen in the sky from the window. This was shortly followed by two more globe-style explosions of colored light, as the fireworks display that Kyle had spent most of his time the past couple of days working on started.
Re: G Building

When grace turned away from the food table she saw that people were heading to the dance floor. "Hmm, what now..."

Ellisia had similar thoughts. She wondered privately if such an opportunity had came up at home whether she would have a partner then. She still found it unlikely. Looking around the room didn't help, though she did notice a pair of swords wearing a student in the corner of the room. At least she had something in common with someone here.

Wandering over she stopped by Yoshio's corner, "Curious items to take to a dance aren't they?" Though saying this, she had had to fight her self not to bring her own. It was interesting to see another who refused to part with their blade, and she almost felt she'd 'lost' to this person in a way.

Upon hearing the thump in the sky Grace moved over to the window and took in the show. "Now how hard could it be to fire those from my finger..." She murmured to her drink.
Re: G Building

"A beautiful sight are they not?"

Sly nearly choked on his drink as he saw Mia next to Grace by the window. After spending the entire morning trying to avoid confrontation with the people most likely to engage in a fight with the demon, the said being was now directly speaking with one of them, and making no attempt to hide herself at that.

"What. The. Hell... are you doing?!"

"Amusing myself, what else?"

The ludicrosity of such a statement caused a exasperated Sly to bring his palm to his face. Of course it was for her own amusement, once again. She was the type that did as she like so long as it entertained her without even a thought for others, selfish brat that she was. What made it worse in Sly's case was that regardless of what she did, he would be dragged into it shortly after as he was bound to her by a contract (which he had been tricked into). Proof of this came soon as he continued his attempts to convince her that she did NOT want to be talking to someone that knew she had murdered a gathering of students just the other day.

"I know you are, but why with her? Are you trying to pick another fight already?"

"Why don't you lighten up a bit? Go chat with that little knight you bit the other day... That should be fun."

"I'll pass, thank you very much. Unlike some people, I prefer not to be so close to people that I nearly killed. Accident or not."

The snake magus would regret these words as they gave his "partner" a rather horrendous idea regarding on how to play a cruel trick on him.

"Really now?... In that case I insist you greet her at once. That's an order."

A sharp knife-like pain piercing his heart as he attempted to resist the order, Sly was nearly brought to his knees as he used the refreshment table as a support to remain barely standing.


"Now be a good boy and do as I say... you know what happens if you don't."

The young boy cursed under his breath as he finally managed to steady himself once more. The torment had stopped... for the moment. However, chances were that if he didn't do as he had been commanded to, the pain would return in short order. Sighing, Sly began walking toward Elissa, thinking of the best way to greet her without letting it slip that he was responsible for her poisoning a while back, seeing as the event still weighed heavily on his conscious.
Re: G Building

Yoshio snaps to attention, taking a moment to register that the woman was speaking to him...

But who else was near? AND carrying weapons to boot?

He replies a bit sheepihly with a half-smile,

"I like to come prepared, I guess..."

Standing up to offer her a seat,

"Uh, Sakakida Yoshio... My name... And your-s?"

His grip tightens briefly as the fireworks go off. And slowly calms the warning klaxxons hardwired to his brain.

(Not anything more than fireworks... I need to switch to decaff...)
Re: G Building

"Right. I'll help. Less thinking, more dancing," Sho says with a laugh. "Time for mysteries tomorrow." Of course, knowing him, he didn't consider his living, breathing history lesson to be a trivial matter, but he was right. Mysteries could wait until after the dance, which, in itself, was interrupted by the bah-booms of the fireworks.

Completely forgetting the dance, Sho lets out a delighted noise and instead guides Siphon over toward the windows for a better view before too many people crowd around them.

Ian's doing his best to gauge Aya's skill, for the most part keeping things relatively simple, but occasionally working in a slow spin or a reverse. He's not quite brave enough to try any fancy dips...yet.

Of course, the erruption of the fireworks interrupts both the music and the dancing and Aya might even feel Ian jump at the first thump or two, obviously not expecting them. She can, though, hear him chuckle as he catches sight of what's making the noise.

"Heh, would'ja lookit that," he says with a slight grin on his face.
Re: G Building

Depending on how much attention Siphon was paying to his surroundings, he might catch an impish gleam in Kyle's eyes as the latter waited...

...And the fireworks display suddenly burst into a sequenced pattern, the explosions forming into what for most there would be a famous, or infamous depending on your point of view, percussion sequence.

((You guys probably excepted someone was going to do that...))
Re: G Building

Siphon did catch the gleam in Kyles eyes, and it was all he could do not to burst out with laughter. He allowed himself a small chuckle, heading over with Sho to watch the display. As the percussion sequence went off, he had to shake his head and this time he did chuckle a bit more.

Aya barely noticed Ian jump, the sounds of the fireworks going off distracting her some what. She didn't recognize the sound of the sequence they started making, but she knew it was making some kind of pattern. She smiles back to Ian and nods. "Yeah, those are nice actually. I think I heard someone call them fireworks earlier? Shall we get a closer view of them?"

Neither had noticed Mia there just yet, though it was unlikely in this kind of setting either would say or do anything any way.
Re: G Building

(The "another who refused to part with their blade" was refering to Yoshio, and not spoken. Just in case you misread that.)

Ellisia looks towards the firework for a moment, then back again and takes the offered seat. "Ellisia Alvante. Always a pleasure to meet another sword. However unexpected."

"Yeah, they're pretty neat. Don't often get to... Gah... You!?" Grace quickly glances side to side, locates Ellisia, Siphon, and looks back to Mia. She pauses for a moment unsure how one would respond to a murderous demon in an instance like this, "Sooo... you have fireworks displays back where you come from?" Grace asks in a false act of casual conversation. Perhaps it was naive of her to imagine the demon wouldn't want to join in on the party. She faced the window, eyes flicking uncertainly between Mia and the display.

Meanwhile, Simon broke open a bottle of cream soda on the rooftop and poured himself a glass (plastic cup). With picnic mat, egg sandwich one side, miniature sausage rolls the other, binoculars, scarf, portable stereo, a few self burnt CDs of choice, handmade party hat, book titled "evolution of dance", big box of confetti. All check. Party hard.
Re: G Building

Detecting the uncertainty in the girl's voice, Mia kept her gaze fixed at the display, smiling slightly as she replied.

"Something like this?... If there was, I've long forgotten about it now. Living thousands of years does that you know? But..."

Pausing as if trying to remember something from long ago, the demon's eyes become temporarily downcast for a moment, but only for a moment.

"...It certainly would be better if there had been. Displays give more life to the sky than bullets do."

Oddly enough, when the demonic being was "fully sane" (a rare occurance), she seemed almost... "human", similar to her other self. Of course, it still didn't help that enjoyed teasing and playing cruel jokes on people regardless of sanity.

"...You don't have to worry about anyone dying tonight. Even I wouldn't hunt on an occasion such as this. Although if you wanted to give me a drink yourself..."

A devilish smile appeared on her face as she looked towards the magician, devoid of malice but full of mischief.

I wouldn't be too opposed to that. I am a bit thirsty after all."
Re: G Building

Sho's completely enrapt with the display. It's clear that she's picking up on the 'rhythm' of the explosions, but she hasn't quite caught what it's supposed to be yet. For the time being, she's just enjoying the show, especially now that it has a beat.

"That's exactly what they are. And pretty impressive, too." He escorts her over to the windows for a better view, chuckling and shaking his head as he comes to realize about the pattern.

Given that he hasn't had any dealings with Ima, Mia, or Sly for that matter, the two of them don't ping his radar outside of being anything more than fellow students, albeit ones that stick out a little more, particularly Sly.