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G Building

Re: G Building

Having just constructed a fine dinner of free bread rolls and assorted sauce packets, Harrel was on his way to a nice looking table full of young ladies when something snapped in his brain. Sensing a distinct spiritual signature far off, he puts his meal aside and hurries out of the building, breaking into a run as he gets outside. "That's got to be it! I've found you bastard." He says to himself as he finds himself heading in the direction of the girls dorms.
Re: G Building

Dragging Aya along with her, since the blonde wasn't doing anything at the moment, Sho was on her way to the cafeteria, letting out a bit of an "Eep!" as Harrel came racing down the path. "Cripes, where's the fire?" She turns to watch him for a second or so, but given that it isn't exactly out of the ordinary, she shakes her head and puts her attention back on the notion of getting dinner.

While they're in the queue, she notices Aya being a little on edge. Letting her gaze sweep casually around the room, she soon finds out why, eyes settling in the corner. She turns to her companion. "So, think we ought to go bother him, or leave him be for now?"
Re: G Building

Aya looked up at Sho and smiled slightly.

"Yeah, let's see what he's up to, he looks bored."

She chuckled lightly, though had to step aside to allow the other man through.

"Wow, he's in a bit of a hurry huh? Wonder what got him so fired up. Oh well ... hey ..."

She cut off as a VERY tall man, easily breaking seven feet tall suddenly zipped past her, and unless Sho moved quickly he'd practically bowl her over on his way out the door in a sudden rush. Either way, it was clear he wasn't stopping at all, and Aya definitely was not happy.

The blonde made motion to say something, though she suddenly froze in place as a sense of spinal shivers went through her.

Shuddering light, she moved away from the door, as the man vanished.

"Ugh, what the hell? Something about that tall guy just ... creeps me out. That's a new sensation for me."
Re: G Building

"Cripe, what the hell is this? The expressway?" Thankfully, Sho's able to get to the side to avoid the taller man, gawking after him, given his height. There's a bit of a stir in the air, too, her nervous habit of shifting the breeze whenever she's startled.

"Well, he's obviously a freak of nature to begin with," she says, sort of dismissing the feeling, but still watching her roomie closely. "Maybe Siphon's got some insight into it. Either way, dinner first, creeps later, huh?" She gathers up a tray and makes to head over to the table, provided no one else decides to barrel past them between here and there.

"Hey, stranger." She slides into the chair opposite Siphon, pushing out one to the side for Aya to sit in as well. "What's new?"
Re: G Building

"Yeah, let's get food first. Anything to get that guy out of my head."

As Sho approaches, Siphon looks up.

"Hey. Well ... more hunters earlier, gave them a message to take back home. I've also called in a few ... favors to try and help, but for right now, just trying to relax before more shit decides to hit the fan. As for the guy you mentioned, sorry couldn't help but over hear, I have no idea, he seemed to avoid having his face seen. I suppose he could just be private about things, perhaps seeing you two ladies walked in made him a bit ... uncomfortable I believe is the word."

Aya nodded as Siphon spoke. She wasn't so sure about things, she had a feeling that that creeped out feeling meant something, though she had no idea what. Finally she just let it go and nodded.

"Yeah, could be. Anyways, I'm glad your alright, good to see you again."

Siphon nodded as he replied.

"Thanks. It's good to actually have the sense I'm in control of myself again. I wasn't so sure earlier, I am now. Could change, but I don't think it will. So ... how's your day been? Both of you."

Aya's only reply was to let loose a groan and sag back into her chair, imitating a tired, worn out person with a slight smile before going back to her dinner.
Re: G Building

"Right. Add super-senses to your growing list of changes," Sho quips a little, though she keeps her voice low enough to stay between the three of them. "Wait, hunters? What sort of hunters? Is this...I saw a commotion in the courtyard earlier. Is that what that was about?" She hides her eyes. Given it wasn't all over campus, it obviously was handled, but still, this couldn't be good. And now Siphon's talking about worrying about his control. Wonderful. Yet, in the same breath, he was asking them about their day. She couldn't help but shake her head.

"Easier than Aya's. But you know me. I make them easy." She chuckles, doing her best to keep the conversation light and about as normal as it got between the three of them.
Re: G Building

Siphon half shrugged.

"Pretty sure they're demon hunters. Corax seems to think they might have been drawn here by the whole incident with Charles taking over Art and they just happened to pick up on myself and some other demon here, but we can't be sure. Seems plausible enough though. I don't think we've seen the last of them, but I think I may have bought us some time at least. I've ah, asked my former commander Julia to pay us a visit, I'm hopeful that she can help out with our hunter problem along with another blast from the past so to speak. She should be here sometime in the next day or two if all goes well, but we'll see. I'll be sure to introduce her to you both, you'll get along with her just fine. Funny enough, she's actually way older than I am too, not many of the older ones survived. Actually she's old enough to be my mother or grand mother."

He took a quick bite of food, then spoke.

"One thing about being this way though. Food and drink are a hell of a lot sharper than they used to be, can really taste them now. Oh, and if the folk lore on what I have on the particular type is to be believed, apparently I'm supposed to be immune to the effects of alcohol too, though I don't feel like testing that theory."

Aya listened carefully, taking everything in while she ate. Finally she spoke to them, looking at Sho as she spoke.

"So do you folks want to take some time together here? Cuz you know, I could always go track down Ian ..."

She trailed off, a bit of a mischievious smile on her face, apparently a bit re-energized by her meal and some relaxation.
Re: G Building

"Charming, lovely," Sho mutters around her fork. "Well, then, if he does show up again, Gods forbid, maybe we'll have some help in putting his ass down again. Although help from your friends might be a bit more welcome," she says with regard to Julia showing up. She listens to Siphon go on about the food, relaxing a little and finding it amusing, actually. "So...no slipping super hot pepper or tobasco into your food, huh?" She grins. "And speaking of hot..." She trails off as Aya makes a remark about Ian. "Methinks someone wants alone time of her own, what do you think, Siphon?" She smirks and makes a "shoo" gesture to Aya, followed by a thumbs-up to encourage her as well.
Re: G Building

Not particularly part of anything going on at the moment, Yume is sitting alone, simply eating dinner like the rest of the students, though perhaps looking a little preoccupied and out of sync with the room.
Re: G Building

Siphon chuckled, then nodded over to Aya.

"Go on ahead, we'll catch up with you later. Be safe."

Aya only smiled lightly, and barely hid the red tint to her skin.

"Alright, let's hope I can find him. I'll see you folks later then."

She quickly exited the building, on her way to find Ian.
Re: G Building

Sho watches her go with a slight grin on her face. "She's adorable. Especially when it come to him." Her attention goes back to Siphon. "Would that retaliation from teasing her was the only thing I had to be worried about. So, you think we need to be on watch?"
Re: G Building

Siphon half chuckled.

"That she is. I'm glad though that she's found something to look forward to and someone she can open up to. For a while when she first came here ... I honestly wasn't sure she'd be able to adjust after that many years. She's done well, more so than I did when I first arrived."

He leaned back, thinking for a moment.

"I honestly don't know regarding Charles. I can't imagine that we destroyed him, though one can hope. Unfortunately, experience has taught me never to make that kind of call without proof the enemy in question was utterly destroyed. As for the hunters, I think they are the more immediate threat to us. I'm not sure how close exactly their base is from us, but it can't be far if they sent out another advance scout unit less than twenty four hours after the ass kicking they got. And then there's that one woman that showed up. She's from one of the worlds we thought had been utterly wiped out before we left our own dimension. Now though ... at least one person survived that, I can't help but wonder ... were there more that we abandoned and left to die?"
Re: G Building

"Yeah. Never presume that the villain is dead if you don't have a body to put a few more rounds into," she remarks with regard to Charles. "Gods, though. The thought of him coming back?" She shivers.

Taking in what he has to say about the others, she frowns. "Great. More threats. Maybe we can put one against the other and then take out whatever's left." She pokes at the remnants of her dinner. "Other girl?" She looks curious about that for a moment, but as he continues, she pushes her fork around on her plate still. "Well, think about it, but don't dwell. Unless you have a means to go back and check, there's nothing you're going to be able to do about it. I know that sounds mean, but if they did survive, they've done so this long without your help. And if they didn't, you and yours were doing what had to be done. If you had the opportunity to help, I'm sure you would have, but mulling over it now won't change the past." She chuckles. "It only keeps you occupied until whatever it is comes back and bites you on the ass." All this, mind you, without her knowing about Anasatia's beef with Siphon.

((Yes, I know I probably spelled the charrie name wrong, but I can't check in the middle of a post.))
Re: G Building

"True enough. Hmm, if I run into her again I may ask her how the hell she managed to get here to begin with. If she made it here herself ... then maybe there's a way, or god forbid the damn rift opened up again. Actually ... that might explain why Charles's attack DIDN'T kill me..."
Re: G Building

She watches him theorize, looking just the slightest bit lost as he does so, even if she is familiar with some of the things he's talking about. "Well, let's not get into a situation where you have to test that theory, shall we?" She pokes a little at her plate. "So you think the rift opened up and...what? Undead getting loose again?" She arches a brow.
Re: G Building

He shook his head.

"No, if that were the case they'd almost certainly have flooded here by now. No, if I were to bet, I'd wager however she crossed here was a one shot activation, something like one of the gates I told you about that can only be opened by dialing, or some form of jump drive. I sorta blew up her ship thinking it was abandoned and the body vaporized because of the damage. Had I known she survived and who she was, I would have tried to find a way of hiding it. No, I doubt we have to worry about any undead."
Re: G Building

"Just crazy hunters, from the way you were talking." She shakes her head, internally amused at the way the two of them can have a conversation like this and she doesn't think he's completely insane. Anyone that might overhear the two of them probably would, but that's why they were tucked in a corner by themselves, for the most part. "Promise me you'll be careful and try not to wreck anything too much, hey?" She gives him a bit of a crooked grin.
Re: G Building

"I'll try not to break anything that can't be fixed quickly or that won't be missed."

He smiled slightly, then shook his head.

"This really has been a crazy week so far. Sad thing is, it's not over yet either. Just once I'd like to actually be able to sit down and have a casual meal with you and not have anything huge and apocalyptic hanging over our heads. Kinda pisses me off a bit that it seems like every time we actually have time to be able to spend with each other, all hell is breaking loose behind our backs."
Re: G Building

A very tired and disheveled looking Athanasia drags herself into the cafeteria, a chunk of unknown piping in her hand as she flops down at a table, trying to fight off tiredness. She wasn't sure how long she had stayed at that pool, standing vigiliant, and harassing anyone that came in. She had prepared a grand speech, even wrote it down on a piece of paper she had found in the changing rooms, waiting for the inevitable that never came. She slowly turns and looks at the food line, her eyes passing by Siphon but not registering out of tiredness, and because she was looking as his back. With a tired grunt, she drags herself to the food line and picks up a coffee, then slips back into her earlier spot, splashing the pipping hot liquid onto her face in the process.
Re: G Building

"If it weren't for the company, I'd have asked to transfer schools long ago," she laughs at the end of his speech. Not entirely true, given the school of "freaks" was a little more accepting of someone like her than "normal" society. Still, he had a point. Couldn't the apocalypse wait, just once?

That thought had her giggling some, though before he can ask, she catches sight of what Athanasia does with the coffee and she winces. "Yikes. Someone's got a drinking problem. That had to have hurt." If he looks, she tips her chin, indicating the other girl.

((Unless I misinterpreted the action, that is, heh.))