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Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The shell is propelled a good distance, but falls well short of the village. It appears to be some sort of gas grenade, as there is no audible effect, only a greenish cloud that's barely visible without binoculars.

(OOC: Sorry about that. Razor only spotted the village because of a good roll. Plus, he was using binoculars.)
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Did it hit the village?" Raziel shouts up the hatch, unable to see the village properly he needs Julian to relay the results to him instead.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Julian frowns and lowers the binoculars slowly from his face in a disappointed manner, looking down at Raziel. "You fell short of the village." he says in a somber voice.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Dammit," The young man mutters to himself before climbing out of his seat. He returns several minutes later with an assortment of shells. Raziel reloads the cannon, again with a candy tagged shell as he's curious as to what it does exactly. "Let me know when we're close enough to the village." He calls back up to Julian, now fully switched over to gaming mode.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Duke frowned. "Yeesh... We're gonna find a better way to aim that thing in the future. Can't rely on shoot-and-watch tactics all the time." The blonde fell silent for a moment, concentrating as he pondered the problem. "I think I know enough about basic physics to calculate how a shell would fly... Assuming I know how fast it moves upon being fired." He shook his head. "Sadly, I have no idea how to include winds and air resistance in the calculations, so I'd be horribly innacurate."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Maybe this thing has a lock-on feature..." Raziel mumbles to himself as he tries to make sense of the extra controls on the cannon controls system.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

After a while of driving, the tank arrives at firing range. Meanwhile Raziel manages to open something that looks like radar,but it's not working.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Oh hey, I've found what looks to be a radar," Raziel says in pleasant surprise as he plays around with the controls for the cannon. Upon noticing they had gotten closer to the town the raven haired man decides now would be the best time to see what the candy-labeled shell can do. Positioning the cannon as accurately as he can Raziel launches the shell townwards, hoping to see what affect it'll have on the quaint neighbourhood.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The shell flies in a high arc, landing behind the first houses. The gas cloud encompasses the entire village, this time the green takes on a darker shade and thicker consistency as it mixes with smoke. After a few minutes the cloud starts to dissipate and the village seems to have disappeared entirely.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Duke blinked. Well, gas as a weapon wasn't something unusual, even if it was a nasty way to fight. But dissolving a whole village? That... That was something he did not expect. "Raziel..." The blonde spoke, without looking at his companion. "Exactly what the Hell did you fire out of that gun?" He slowed the tank down, reluctant to get any closer.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Raziels look of excitement is instantly replaced with a look of horror as the cloud of gas that had enveloped the town disappears and has seemingly taken the town with it.

"woah woah woah," Raziel begins, about to rebuff Dukes accusation. "I didn't know it would do that. The shell was labeled 'candy' so I was wondering what it would do. I thought the most it would do was create some kind of sweet pile or something like that, not wipe out the entire village."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Duke fell silent for a moment, hoping that he misheard Raziel's response. Alas, it seemed that his ears hadn't failed him this time. "Candy?" He asked, his voice full of suprise and disbelief. "You seriously had a shell labeled candy in there?" Whoever made those lables had to be sick, retarded or both. "What else do you have there?" He asked, this time out of curiosity. He half expected to hear something like "sweet beans" or "chocolate pudding". And even if the labels were normal, it wouldn't mean that the shells themselves were. This place seemed to be full of suprises.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Uh... other than the candy shell there's heat, cluster and smoke varieties," Raziel explains, counting the types down on his fingers. "I assumed the other three were pretty self explanatory."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Julian blinked several times from behind his binoculars. "What the devil was that?!" he asks, lowering them and staring down into the hatch "You just made that entire village disappear. I'm with Duke on this one, what did you load that thing with?!" he practically exclaims into the cabin as he shoves his head into the hatch
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Hey, woah, don't treat me like I'm the bad guy here," Raziel exclaims, surprised by Julians sudden appearance. "When something's labeled 'candy' you don't expect it to do something like erase an entire town. I thought it would've exploded into a mass of sweets or something, kind of like a peace offering to the residents."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Duke sighed. "Well, that does sound somewhat reasonable..." He muttered, uncertain of how something like that would have worked. "Anyway, I'm not sure whether we can assume that the other types really work like they're supposed to... But perhaps we can give them the benefit of doubt." A thoughtful frown appeared on his face. "Altough now that the village is gone... What should we do?" The village was their original target and destination. Now that it spectacularly failed to continue it's existence, the three men were left without a goal. On top of that, Duke was starting to feel less thrilled about the tank.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Maybe the village hasn't disappeared," Raziel suggests, opening up on an idea. "Perhaps the gas just made it invisible? We don't know what it does exactly, right? And we still don't know how this place works so maybe it's still there."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Well, the place completely disappeared, so let's try driving through where we saw a building and see if it's just invisible." Julian states, struggling for a few seconds as he yanks his portly neck out of the hatch and looks in the direction that the village had once stood. "Onward!"
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Hmm..." Duke hesitated for a moment. "Alright, sounds like a plan." He pointed the tank towards the place where he saw a building, then accelerated. He hoped the thing was sturdy enough to withstand the impact in case the shell merely made the village invisible. Honestly, this place was weird. Very weird. He couldn't really be certain of what happened next. This made him wonder - what exactly made things happen here? There had to be some kind of action-reaction chain going on here, but he couldn't exactly understand it's logic. Even the tank gave him some trouble earlier, and he still had no idea how exactly he made it work. This was very, very puzzling.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

As you arrive to where the village was, you see life-sized cardboard cutouts of houses lying on the ground.