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Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Duke sighed. No matter how much time he spent pondering his discovery, he couldn't come up with a reasonable conclusion. So, he decided to do change tactics. He stopped wondering about the cardboard and decided to see how Julian was doing. "So... Any luck with that thing?" He asked the fat genius as he tried to figure out what the man was doing to the computer. Whatever it was, it looked awfully complicated.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

As Julian works hard at the Pong clone, he thumbs through the manual and groans as he tries to remember how to program this infernal machine. His head was in a daze, and he hated not being able to remember who he was.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Prying out the panel Raziel sees a dark room beyond it. Feeling his way into it he finds it identical to the one he was in before, except this one has no hatch in the roof.

Programming seems to come naturally to Julian and he works quickly despite the unfamiliar language, yet it would be some time yet before the program was complete.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Hrm... maybe I should've checked to see if the tank had a toolbox with it..." Raziel comments as he bursts into the next room and notices that it is identical to the first albeit without a hatch. With a sigh the boy attacks the wall opposite the one he had just come through, hoping that he'll soon come to a room which requires a little less force to travel through.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Seeing that Julian seemed to be too focused on his task to respond, Duke decided to pick up his radio and see how Raziel was doing. "Yo, Raziel. You hear me?" The blonde spoke, hoping to get a reply from his comrade. "Found anything down there?" His eyes scanned the horizon as the man wished for something, anything to do...
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"let's see, put the decimal there, code lines........" Julian carries on, speaking what would be construed as geek-speech, when in actuality he was repeating to himself every step he was taking to getting the pong clone to work. He would be damned if he was going to spend the rest of his life in an empty world without some kind of entertainment.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Raziels finds yet another nearly identical room behind the wall, except this one's walls are giving off dim green light. While entering he hears Duke's voice echoing from behind him.

Meanwhile, Julian finishes the pong clone he was coding, but it appears mirrored on the screen.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Julian begins playing the Pong clone, and instantly becomes infuriated, with both himself and the machine. "Infernal machine!" he yells, then begins thumbing through the manual, trying to figure out a way to make it work properly
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Raziel frowns at the sight of the glowing walls, unsure whether he should continue through these or try another wall. Though before he can choose he hears Duke's voice echo behind him.

"I haven't actually gone all that far," The man calls back loudly. "Seems the space under the floor is segmented into cells, and I'm having to break through the walls. Doesn't help that I don't have any tools to make it easier." Having finally decided on what he is going to do Raziel tries to remove the wall plating in the direction he has been going since the first wall.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Duke let out a sigh. "Alright. Take care." He shouted back to Raziel, then glanced at Julian. He peeked over the fat man's shoulder, his eyebrows raising as he saw the screen. Shaking his head, the blonde man began to wander around the "village", resuming his quest of finding trails of the person who set the entire thing up. His mind just wouldn't get off this task, as if he needed to convince himself that yes, this world does follow some sane rules instead of cartoon logic. Looking around, he wished to find something, anything he could occupy himself with.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Julian easily finds and corrects the mistake, making the pong-clone work flawlessly.

Meanwhile, Raziel enters what he'd be able to tell was yet another nearly identical room with a hatch in the floor if it wasn't completely dark.

Duke, trying to find some track of whoever made this cardboard village comes across a small chest, not much bigger than his fist. It contains a mirror, a piece of chalk, a small nail and a length of yarn.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"What." Duke stared at the items he managed to obtain. Where did these things come from? They had to be left by whoever set this place up, but... This had to be one of the most random collections of items he came across. With a sigh, he took the items with him, examining each closely. They wouldn't be of much use. He didn't exactly have anything to use them on, and he sure as Hell couldn't figure out a way to combine them into something helpful. Still, they could come in handy later. Frowning, Duke decided to climb on top of the tank and survey the horizon. Perhaps he would notice something out there.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Well this is downright irritating..." Raziel mutters to himself, expecting this room to be lighted in some way. Getting frustrated Raziel begins to feel around the entire cell to see if there was anything that would allow him easier access into the next rooms instead of throwing himself at the walls until they caved in. After a few minutes checking Raziel makes an excited noise as he finds the hatch. Putting aside his gear for the moment the man sets about trying to open the hatch, wondering where it leads.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

/me gets down to the nitty gritty, and starts playing Pong with himself, strangely losing quite easily numerous times. Before long, his mind was lost in the game.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

As Raziel pulls the hatch with all his strength it pops open and he avoids falling through only by stumbling backwards as bright light fills the room. Looking through the hatch he sees only a very long fall through vast emptiness with ground at the end.

Duke fails to find anything of significance yet again. The sky looks maybe a hint darker, though it's impossible to tell if he's only imagining it.

Julius is completely enthralled by the few pixels moving on the screen.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Frustrated by the lack of results, Duke turns his attention to the items he collected, looking at them carefully, examining every detail. Perhaps their state would tell him something about the person who left them here, or at least something about the items themselves.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Woah, that was close," Raziel pants, opening the hatch and almost falling down it made him lose his breath. "Dunno how I'd fancy my chances falling down there." The raven haired man mutters to himself as he peers down the hole. And idea then forms in his mind. Leaving the hatch open Raziel quickly makes his way back through the cells that he had forced his way into and pops his head out from the entrance.

"Hey Duke," He calls out loudly to the blonde haired man. "Gonna need you to try something for me. Load up and fire several of those HEAT shells at the ground; a little bit away from us will do. There's something I want to test."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Hmm?" Duke paused his activities, looking at Raziel with a puzzled expression on his face. "O... K?" Somewhat reluctantly, he slipped back into the tank, taking the gunner's position. He took a HEAT shell, loaded it up into the cannon. He grabbed the turret controls, aiming the gun more-or-less away from the group, but not too far, then pushed the trigger. He wasn't willing to waste more than one, two shots like this, but perhaps the raven-haired man found something interesting.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The HEAT round goes of with a deafening sound, with another following as it hits the ground, kicking up a large dust cloud covering most of the "village". After the dust settles down, a large hole can be seen in the ground down to a half meter depth, uncovering large amount of metal, with a small, about an inch thick hole going deeper to the metal.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Leaving the tank's interior and standing on top of it's turret, Duke surveyed the damage caused by the round. He frowned when he noticed the piece of metal buried under the sand. "You think this is the place you've been exploring?" He turned his head towards Raziel. "I don't know how thick it is, but I'm not sure if we can punch through the plate. We don't have a good angle for it, I'm afraid - tanks weren't made for aiming down, you know." The blonde sighed. "I'll go take a closer look." He climbed down before carefully approaching the blast zone, trying to look for any signs of damage on the metal aside of the small hole.