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Nov 10, 2008
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A brief summary of the clans and bloodlines available for play in Own the Night.


Baali - "Some of us just want to watch the world burn."
disciplines - daimonion, obfuscate, presence.
weakness - repulsed by the holy.
nicknames - demons.

Brujah - "Hold the quill in your left hand, the sword in your right. This is the law of ancient times. Never neglect it."
disciplines - celerity, potence, presence.
weakness - short fuse.
nicknames - fanatics.

Lasombra - "Only the heathen need fear the darkness my child, now sit and confess thy sins."
disciplines - dominate, obtenebration, potence.
weakness - cast no reflection.
nicknames - priests.

Malkavian - "I remember everything I saw when I was completely and truly dead. You'd be crazy, too."
disciplines - auspex, dementation, obfuscate.
weakness - derangement.
nicknames - oracles.

Nosferatu - "Death is not the worst thing that can happen to a man. Trust me I know."
disciplines - animalism, obfuscate, potence.
weakness - monstrous appearance.
nicknames - hermits.

Ravnos - "Call me a vagabond and I'll smile. Call me a thief and I'll laugh. Call me a liar and I'll feed you your liver."
disciplines - animalism, chimerstry, fortitude.
weakness - compulsion (vice).
nicknames - charlatans.

Toreador - "Art is forever, and so am I. A shame that pleasure is so fleeting."
disciplines - auspex, celerity, presence.
weakness - enraptured by beauty.
nicknames - hedonists.

Ventrue - "Politics is war without bloodshed, war is politics with bloodshed. Either way I'll still be here."
disciplines - dominate, fortitude, presence.
weakness - selective thirst.
nicknames - warlords.

Cappadocian - "You're worth more to me dead than you are alive. Do try to keep that in mind."
disciplines - auspex, fortitude, necromancy.
weakness - visage of death.
nicknames - graverobbers.

Gangrel - "There is no freedom without the hunt. It is a savage pleasure and we are born to it."
disciplines - animalism, fortitude, protean.
weakness - bestial traits.
nicknames - outlaws.

Tzimisce - "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often."
disciplines - animalism, auspex, vicissitude.
weakness - bound to the earth.
nicknames - fiends.

Assamite - "By Haqim's law must we all be judged, pray you do not come up short."
disciplines - auspex, obfuscate, quietus.
weakness - false amaranth.
nicknames - judges.

Salubri - "No burden I have ever carried is heavier than what this new eye has seen."
disciplines - auspex, fortitude, obeah.
weakness - prey exclusion (unwilling).
nicknames - healers.


Assamite warriors - "It is not my right to take your blood, it is my duty."
disciplines - celerity, obfuscate, quietus.
weakness - vitae addiction.
nicknames - assassins.

Lamia - "We are blessed by the dark mother, it is a shame that many are too weak to withstand her terrible and painful love."
disciplines - deimos, fortitude, potence.
weakness - diseased bite.
nicknames - lilins.

Lhiannan - "When the trees are pulling you apart, feel free to call out for your god. If he answers I shall give up my glade."
disciplines - animalism, ogham, presence.
weakness - territorial.
nicknames - witches.

Old clan Tzimisce - "Honored guest, I'm afraid you have taken advantage of my gracious hospitality. Know that the consequences will be quite serious."
disciplines - animalism, dominate, sorcery.
weakness - privacy obsession.
nicknames - sorcerers.

Salubri warriors - "The demons cannot hide forever and when they finally rear their ugly heads once more, we will cut them off."
disciplines - auspex, fortitude, valeren.
weakness - compulsion (chivalry).
nicknames - paladins.


Caitiff - "So what if I don't know my clan, you would think it's the most important thing in the world."
disciplines - one from parent clan, plus two of your choice.
weakness - social outcasts.
nicknames - bastards.

Ghouls - "Your will be done, my lord."
disciplines - potence, plus one from creators clan.
weakness - mortals.
nicknames - servants.
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Re: Clans and Disciplines

A brief summary of the disciplines available for play in Own the Night.

Physical disciplines

Celerity - This discipline grants the user increased reaction time, allowing him to move faster than the mortal eye can follow.

Fortitude - This discipline grants the user increased protection against all forms of physical damage, even against the three banes of kindred existence.

Potence - This discipline grants the user increased strength, well beyond the strength all vampires can gain through expenditure of blood.

Common disciplines

Animalism - This discipline grants the user the ability to speak with and control lesser beasts, as well as some control over the beast of vampires.
1. Feral speech - The ability to communicate with animals both wild and domestic.
2. Noah's call - The ability to call animals to your side for aid or sustenance.
3. Cowing the beast - The ability to use your beast to frighten others into submission.
4. Ride the wild mind - The ability to possess an animal and control it's every action.
5. Drawing out the beast - The ability to send your own beast into another, driving them to frenzy.
6. Quell the herd - The ability to subdue the passion and individuality of a group of mortals or animals.

Auspex - This discipline grants the user the ability to refine their senses in a multitude of ways.
1. Heightened senses - Increase the range and sensitivity of all the users senses.
2. Soul sight - Allows the user to view and understand the auras attached to the souls of others.
3. The spirits touch - Allows the user to read the psychic imprints left on objects by their owners.
4. Steal secrets - Allows the user to read the surface thoughts of another beings mind.
5. Anima walk - Allows the user to dislodge her spirit and wander the earth astrally.
6. Farsight - Allows the user to extend her senses over nearly any distance without leaving her body.

Dominate - This discipline allows the user to force the weak of will to submit to the strong.
1. Observance of the spoken word - Allows the user to give simple one word commands which must be obeyed.
2. Murmur of the false will - Allows the user to give carefully worded instructions which are then carried out immediately.
3. Reveler's memory - Allows the user to remove, recreate, and alter another beings memories.
4. Lure of subtle whispers - Allows the user to break in and mold a beings will as though it were soft clay.
5. Vessel - Allows the user to possess and gain complete control of another beings body.
6. Fealty - Allows the user to ensure the loyalty of those who voluntarily swear oaths of allegiance.

Obfuscate - This discipline grants the user the ability to hide or conceal his identity.
1. Cloak of shadows - Allows the user to hide his presence with the aid of shadows and concealment.
2. Unseen presence - Allows the user to remain concealed even while moving about
3. Mask of a thousand faces - Allows the user to change his appearance to fit a particular image.
4. Vanish from the mind's eye - Allows the user to disappear from plain sight, even while in clear view of others.
5. Cloak the gathering - Allows the user to extend his other powers of obfuscate over a group of individuals.
6. Soul mask - Allows the user to disguise or even remove his aura from those who can see such things.

Presence - This discipline grants the user the ability to enhance his attractiveness and charisma.
1. Awe - Allows the user to subtly swell in the mind's eye of all those around her.
2. Dread gaze - Allows the user to focus their true vampiric nature to insanely terrifying levels.
3. Entrancement - Allows the user to instill a sense of willing and just devotion toward the user.
4. Summon - Allows the user to call to her side any person she has ever met, across any distance.
5. Majesty - Allows the user to make one overwhelming fact clear: they were made to rule.
6. Passion - Allows the user to toy with the emotions of an entire crowd with but a glance or a subtle whisper.

Clan disciplines

Chimerstry - The Ravnos discipline grants the ability to create illusions and warp reality.
1. Ignis fatuus - Allows the user to create simple motionless illusions that affect a single sense.
2. Dweomer - Allows the user to create simple motionless illusions that can fool multiple senses.
3. Apparition - Allows the user to give a static illusion the semblance of movement.
4. Permanency - Allows the user to make already created illusions permanent.
5. Horrid reality - Allows the user to make an already created illusion real to one individual.
6. Mass horror - Allows the user to make horrid reality affect small groups of people.

Daimonion - The Baali discipline grants the ability to discern a subjects vices and to use them for their own purposes.
1. Sense the sin - Allows the user to discern a target's true vices and weaknesses.
2. Fear of the void below - Allows the user to send a target into panic or catatonia by playing upon their vices.
3. Conflagration - Allows the user to create a ball of cold, black flame capable of inflicting aggravated damage and rotschreck.
4. Psychomachia - Allows the user to pit a target against an apparition summoned from their own darkest selves.
5. Condemnation - Allows the user to inflict a target with a dark and frightening curse.
6. Concordance - Allows the user to make a pact with their dark masters, gaining some semblance of their master's power.

Dementation - The Malkavian discipline grants the ability to inflict madness and it's side effects on others.
1. Incubus passion - Allows the user to inflame or dull a targets emotions.
2. Haunt the soul - Allows the user to bombard a target with maddening visions for days or even months.
3. Eyes of chaos - Allows the user to portend the future and to see other being's goals and obsessions.
4. Silence the sane mind - Allows the user to suppress the conscious, sane mind of another for as long as a month.
5. Howling lunacy - Allows the user to turn a victim into a gibbering husk of madness temporarily.
6. Kiss of the moon - Allows the user to permanently inflict madness upon their target.

Obeah - The Salubri discipline grants the ability to judge and even improve a subject's health.
1. Sense vitality - Allows the user to read and understand a target's injuries and wounds.
2. Anesthetic touch - Allows the user to ease a target's pain or to place them in a deep soothing sleep with but a touch.
3. Corpore sano - Allows the user to heal wounds by simply laying their hands on a target.
4. Shepherd's watch - Allows the user to create an invisible barrier between those she protects and those who would harm them.
5. Mens sana - Allows the user to heal madness, quieting inner demons and bringing a soul to peace.
6. Unburdening the bestial soul - Allows the user to remove a target's soul into their own body in order to repair or cleanse it of evil spirits.

Obtenebration - The Lasombra discipline grants control over the shadows and the darkness of the abyss.
1. Shadow play - Allows the user to control local, ambient shadows to aid in intimidation or concealment.
2. Nocturne - Allows the user to create a cloud of unnatural darkness capable of muffling sound and completely eliminating light.
3. Arms of Ahriman - Allows the user to draw shadowy tendrils from ambient shadows to attack others.
4. Nightshades - Allows the user to create illusions crafted of shadow within an area.
5. Tenebrous avatar - Allows the user to transform their body into an inhuman shadowy form.
6. Walk the abyss - Allows the user to step into a nearby shadow only to reemerge from another in sight of the first.

Protean - The Gangrel discipline grants the ability to change their form to aid in hunting and survival.
1. Witness of darkness - Allows the user to see normally in ordinary darkness.
2. Interred in the earth - Allows the user to merge himself within the earth for protection and rest.
3. Talons of the beast - Allows the user to extrude wicked inch long claws from each finger tip.
4. Form of the beast - Allows the user to assume the shape and form of an animal, typically a wolf or bat.
5. Body of spirit - Allows the user to change herself into a small cloud of mist.
6. Blissful slumber - Allows the user to rest while in their mist form.

Quietus - The Assamite warrior discipline grants the ability to create unnatural silence and poisons.
1. Silence of fiery blood - Allows the user to create a zone of silence centered on themselves.
2. Scorpion's blood - Allows the user to transform her blood into a powerful venom that saps resilience.
3. Dagon's call - Allows the user to burst her target's blood vessels with but a touch.
4. Baal's caress - Allows the user to transform her blood into a virulent ichor that eats living or undead flesh.
5. Blood essence - Allows the user to extract and distill the life force of a vampire into the heart's blood.
6. Ripples of the heart - Allows the user to leave an emotional trace in one she has fed from, which will resonate in any who feed from that vessel.

Valeren - The Salubri warrior discipline grants the ability to help in combat against those who would harm others.
1. Sense vitality - Allows the user to learn how close to death a target might be so that it may be hastened.
2. Anesthetic touch - Allows the user to ease a target's pain or to place them in a deep soothing sleep with but a touch.
3. Burning touch - Allows the user to burn a target's flesh with his hands as if they were red hot metal.
4. Armor of Caine's fury - Allows the user to summon a halo of crimson armor for protection from physical injury and rotschreck.
5. Vengeance of Samiel - Allows the user to strike his foes with superhuman accuracy and strength.
6. Blissful agony - Allows the user to instill a lingering, swelling pain with a mere touch.

Vicissitude - The Tzimisce discipline grants the ability to change the forms of themselves and others as though clay.
1. Malleable visage - Allows the user to alter his own bodily parameters in minor, cosmetic ways.
2. Transmogrify the mortal clay - Allows the user to alter others flesh as well as his own in minor, cosmetic ways.
3. Rend the osseous frame - Allows the user to alter bone in the same manner that he alters flesh.
4. Awaken the zulo shape - Allows the user to alter his form into that of the zulo, the traditional monstrous war-form of the Voivodes.
5. Ascendancy of the sanguine humor - Allows the user to transform all or part of the body into sentient vitae.
6. Chiropteran marauder - Allows the user to alter his form into that of an monstrous bipedal bat.

Blood magic

Koldunic sorcery - The koldunic sorcerers blood magic grants the user control over the four elements of their homes.
Way of the earth - The path granting power of the very earth and soil of one's homeland.
1. Grasping soil - Allows the user to call up a spray of dirt which then crawls up a victims legs to hold them fast.
2. Endurance of stone - Allows the user to draw the essence of earth within himself to gain a measure of preternatural defense.
3. Hungry earth - Allows the user to have grasping soil drag a victim in to the earth with but a gesture.
4. Root of vitality - Allows the user to bury any target within the earth where the soil rejuvenates them back to health.
5. Kupala's fury - Allows the user to summon a powerful centralized quake by merely pounding the dirt and sending his anger through it.

Necromancy - The Cappadocian blood sorcery grants the user the ability to unlock and use the secrets of death itself.
The graves decay - The path dealing with the effect of time on all things mortal.
1. Destroy the husk - Allows the user to turn a human corpse into a pile of unremarkable dust.
2. Rigor mortis - Allows the user to push a living or undead beings body till it's as stiff as a board.
3. Wither - Allows the user to cripple an opponents limb as if it were long dead.
4. Corrupt the undead flesh - Allows the user to blur the line between death and undeath, turning the undead body into a shell capable of little more than carrying disease.
5. Dissolve the flesh - Allows the user to turn undead flesh into a pile of unremarkable dust.

Deimos - The Lamia blood sorcery grants the user the ability to tap into the four humors found within their dead bodies: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile.
1. Whispers to the soul - Allows the user to slip a bit of their own humors into a target while they speak, giving them nightmares that interfere with rest.
2. Kiss of the dark mother - Allows the user to mix her vitae with black bile creating a noxious poison, with which to coat her teeth and lips.
3. Dark humors - Allows the user to exude a coat of a particular humor onto her skin providing different effects against her foes.
4. Clutching the shroud - Allows the user to infuse herself with the blood of a cold corpse transforming them into a being not wholly vampiric.
5. Black breath - Allows the user to mix black bile with outgoing breath which is exhaled as a dark mist that leaves the target full of despair and hopelessness.
6. Lilith's summons - Allows the user to spit upon her target, which causes wraiths to haunt and attack the victim.

Ogham - The Lhiannan blood sorcery grants the user the ability to tap into the spirit of their territory's power and commune with spirits of it's ilk.
1. Consecrate the grove - Allows the user to awaken the spirits of plant life in her territory to entangle their foes.
2. Crimson woad - Allows the user to trace mystical runes on her body to gird themselves with the spirits of war.
3. Inscribe the curse - Allows the user to curse an enemy by inscribing the enemies name on her body in blood.
4. Moon and sun - Allows the user to inscribe runes on her body to aid her while the moon is in the sky and to protect from the sun's harmful rays.
5. Drink dry the earth - Allows the user to draw spiritual energy from places of mystical power for aid in times of great need.
6. Inscribe the forgotten names - Allows the user to call upon her spirit shard in order to learn the names of forgotten and mythological creatures so that they may be summoned.
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Re: Clans/Disciplines/Roads

A brief summary of the roads available for play in Own the Night.

Road of humanity - Continued loyalty to the virtues of the living.
nickname: Prodigals.
- One is measured by their words, their deeds, and their heart. Not by an accident of birth or circumstance.
- The ability to reason separates human from beast.
- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- All men and women are brothers and sisters.
- Freedom is earned with dignity and justice.
virtues: Conscience and self-control.
variants: None.

Road of the beast - Acceptance of the virtues of the beast.
nickname: Ferals.
- Exist in accord with the needs of the beast.
- Do what you must to survive, no more no less.
- Mercy is for the weak, only the strong survive.
- The past is dead, the future is unborn, the moment is yours.
- Respect only the strong, and swear fealty to no one.
virtues: Conviction and instinct.
variants: Path of the grey hunter.

Road of kings - Disciplined pursuit of power and excellence.
nickname: Scions.
- There are only two roles in this world: that of master and that of servant.
- You are superior to mortals, made to rule.
- To master others, you must first master yourself and the beast within.
- Only those who seize power gain it, only those who use power keep it.
- Your word is your bond, without it you are nothing.
virtues: Conviction and self-control.
variants: Path of the merchant, path of the vizier.

Road of scholars - Contemplative pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
nickname: Savants.
- Approach your studies with wisdom and calm - never let passion be your guide.
- Take every opportunity for understanding.
- Never fear failure - it is a natural part of the cycle.
- Do not lose sight of the mystery you seek - it eclipses all earthly matters.
- Do not needlessly sacrifice yourself - your endeavors are too important.
virtues: Conviction and self-control.
variants: Path of the scientist, path of the connoisseur.

Road of faith - Rejection of vice despite damnation.
nickname: Faithful.
- A higher power laid his mark upon Caine and his childer as a part of his greater plan.
- The word of the higher power is law. Defiance of the higher power is a sin that leads to damnation.
- No one is above the higher power's law.
- Love and serve the higher power in all things.
- Deny the foes of the higher power through denial of the beast and all creatures of hell.
virtues: Conscience and self-control.
variants: None.

Road of sin - Indulgence in vice as a reward of damnation.
nickname: Sinners.
- You are already damned so nothing is forbidden to you.
- Claim the beast and make it yours, do not let it claim you.
- The night is yours, take what you want and do what you will.
- Act where others hesitate, the laws of neither man nor god bind you.
- In the dark depths of your heart lies pleasure, if you have the courage to free it.
virtues: Conviction and instinct.
variants: Path of screams.
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