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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm assuming that he just put up a video that offended a developer. Since technically, whenever he shows gameplay, it's copy written material. Just takes one developer to be like, NOPE. Then his site goes down.
He probably just removed whatever it was that needed to get taken down, so they restored his account.

Technically that comes under fair use, at least under US copyright law. Not that the people posting DMCA notices pay attention to such things.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The founder of EA games, Trip Hawkins, has just recently funded a new game firm, If You Can, a game developing company that is based in London, UK. The new company has employed Ben Geliher, the former lead producer at Mind Candy on Moshi Monsters and he has annouced that one of the first games the company is working on is a project which is a "Monster catching style of RPG" that apparently will rival Nintendo's Pokémon Series!.

Geliher has stated that "The game will be a top down RPG for kids, so very stylized in its look and feel. Think Pokémon, Animal Crossing or The Legend of Zelda for an idea of what would be expected."

What do you think of this? Will it work? Or are they swinging above their weight class but challenging the Pokémon franchise? Let us know in the comments below!

Oh dear...

Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, apparently there's a new Disgaea game coming out in Japan in March called Disgaea Dimension 2, which will be a direct sequel to Disgaea; Hour of Darkness.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those that are interested in MechWarrior Online, or has an account on it, this weekend is going to be a Double XP Weekend, meaning you can work on your self-owned mechs and or your pilot stats faster then normal from the 18th to the 20th. They're also releasing the Spider into the game, which scuttlebutt says is the most radial-free mech released thus far. Could be fun, but saving for my Stalker now :3
Re: Games Discussion Thread

How about Pyongyang Racer?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

How about a game called 'Life'? I heard there's a pretty sweet DLC called 'Suicide'.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I heard that expansion had an abrupt and disappointing ending, kind of like mass effect 3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I dunno, not many endings can be as bad as ME3's.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Warframe. Co-op vs AI free-to-play third-person shooter/hack-n'-slash. Currently in closed beta. A fun little game, but if you play it and like it, now is the time to voice your concerns, otherwise you may or may not see them addressed.

Site is currently down, I'll (probably) update later with the actual site. For now, here's the FB site:

Also, trailer video:

Also also, would highly recommend playing with friends. Most pubbies suck (when DON'T they), and the first boss got a buff recently that makes him much harder to solo. Then again I was using shitty weapons and a low-level frame when I fought him rather than my preferred ones, so IDK.

There are a couple of sites with Keys for the Beta, but I'd recommend the MMORPG one, since they have, like, 8,000 Keys left.
Alternatively, I have 5 Keys, so PM me if you're interested and either unable to or too lazy/scared/opposed to make an account with MMORPG so you can get your key.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fun fact: There is apparently a glitch in the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer that turns your assault rifle into a missile launcher, with every round being a missile.

Related: full extraction on platinum, total playtime twenty minutes.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

um, okay this may get buried somewhere behind a wall but I was wondering if there are any other fellow adventurers in Ragnarok Odyssey around here?

One of my looks in-game:

The latest:

I think I've gotten to a point of conceding failure is unavoidable now...

I would show screenshots but of course I try to be careful of what I post around so I don't mess up or get anyone annoyed/etc.

My current progress: St-9.6B (Boss: Surt) -this boss looks more like Sigma from Megaman-X7, and of course acts like him! Ouch! :(
I'm also as terrible to admit here that so far:
St-9.1 has been cleared with only the very last HillGiant Chief giving me a hit while as a Mage before he failed to just a silly girl,
St-9.2 is not finished, failed badly due to time-over two times in a row; both attempts the last 30 got away (Nooooooooo!!!!!!! T_T ),
St-9.3 is not finished, didn't even try since the same conditions predicted will happen except with a chance worse could break out,
St-9.4 is not finished, also not even attempted since most likely this will be "Mission Impossible" due to tight rings, the worst Giant-type enemies (not in size though), and also all under 20 minutes,
St-9.5 has been cleared, basically an all-out catfight of three girls; two against me alone, we all were kicking eachother all over the ring, lol :rolleyes:
St-9.6 is where I'm currently stuck. "Surt? Hell no! That's SIGMA!! :eek: "


My best friend (also on the same Vita) is currently at St-5.3, she's been following my tactics nicely though a few bumpy roads every now and then.


My boyfriend (the actual owner of the Vita) um.... well we've been a bit greedy on it as of late so he didn't have a chance to do much. Mostly my fault there. Whoops! :eek:


My b/f's brother managed to get all the way to St-6.2 so far as well so I've been giving him working tips of how to pull off most likely Safe-Kills against bosses which he sometimes got carried away with and messed up from time to time being way too aggressive.

so, um, how far did the rest of you go if any other players? As for side questions in check now, I have more than one so I hope you have some free time on hands, sorry.....

First question: does saved Demo(US) data carry over? I was always asking and yet to get a reply. Even up to now I've gotten beyond the point but still need to confirm if so or not. If not then I guess the demo can get trashed without being backed (which I am guessing).

Second question: I often hear "please 'Near'-send me *insertbosscardnamehere*" a lot. Apparently most players there are lazy (rofl!) and I worked my rear off to get as far to where I've gone, but now to help a few other friends of mine who aren't in the same home as me I was wondering how to specifically send some items to them personally. I tried it from the "near" application but seems they never got it since apparently they are not nearby... or did they? Also if to confirm, will the item be lost or still in place? I checked it but seems I'm wandering an endless loop and the item is still there so I doubt it was successful/went to the wrong hands.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Someone on a different forum asked for a list of good (Somewhat old) games they could play for over 50 hours, and I've put together a little list for them of stuff I personally recommend.

Now I thought about it, and figured.
Hey, if anyone at ULMF is bored, they might appreciate that list as well, we all know how few big titles come out early in the year.

His criteria:
I need several games to get lost in for more than 50h.

Genre dose not matter.
Hard games are good games.
Age or graphics dose not matter.
No always/require online games.
Preferably vanilla games (no mods).
Fairly low end PC requirement FarCry 3 or worse.

Gaming challenges are welcome.

My suggestions:

Dwarf Fortress(Learning curve may be an issue)
Pathologic/The Void(Both of these are incredibly hard, and at the same time fairly easy. Not much in terms of fans in mainstream stuff, but they're loved by fans of alternate games. It's nearly impossible to fit them into a genre. Lots of good qualities, but a few bad as well. They're both well over 50 hours of gameplay if you can stick with them. I can spend an entire post praising these games, but the truth is that they're not for everyone. If you do pick them up and like them/their concepts, then they're going to be a lot of fun for a long time. You said you'd welcome challenges, and these are both challenges to even just complete with a good ending)
STALKER series
Sword of the Stars (Hard, but fair, even if it seems unfair at first.)
Crusader Kings (2 is recommended, but 1 is still fun. edit; 2 might be a bit hard on older computers)
Other Grand Strategy games(Hearts of Iron, Victoria, Europa Universalis..And so on. They take some getting used to, but they last ages.)
Heroes of Might and Magic 4(Amazing music, good gameplay.)

Hope this helps someone in the cold dark months of no-new-games season.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

How about the King's Quest series, if you can find it. I know there was a collection out several years back and we're talking really old school there *chuckle*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, I have fond memories of V and VI in that series. Oh King Graham, and Prince Alexander... absence makes the heart go yonder.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, are we going to discuss the tanking of THQ here, and how their franchises and licenses are going to fare in new hands?

Personally, I want to see what the new WWE games are like - the last one, WWE '13, suuuuuuuuucked. Somehow, they managed to make the Create-A-Wrestler mode even worse, and it hadn't been that great for a few years now, what with cut features and limited points for 3D objects. And to be clear, Create-A-Wrestler makes up 95 % of my playtime on these games. I only care about new wrestlers for their moves and entrances.
Now that a different company is handling the franchise, I sincerely hope for some desperately needed fresh ideas. Granted, there is only so much you can do with the WWE being what it is, but still. The CAW mode had practically been stagnant these last few years.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

THQ tanked?? Fuck, this is news to me.

...I'm not sure what games they did, either, so I should probably go look that up real quFUCK THEY'RE THE SAINT'S ROW GUYS?!

Shit. Apparently that was acquired by the Dead Island guys. THQ handled it pretty well if you ignore SR3, but I've never heard of the guys doing Dead Island, and as that's an FPS it's hard to place a judgement on how well they'll handle it. That's rather worrying.

WWE13 was pretty shit, also. Create-a-Wrassler is fun time s, but setting movesets was a bitch in that game, and the controls were wonky as fuck. I wonder how that one's gonna go...

Red Faction: Guerrilla was a good game. I haven't played the other one they did, and I heard it sunk, so I guess there isn't much being lost there, but still. They did good with the DoW games, I think, too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

They did good with the DoW games, I think, too.

THQ pretty much did EVERY Warhammer licensed game. This kinda seals any more race expansions to DOW2 though, and depending on if all of THQ's licenses were included, it may be a long time until they see the Space Hulk reboot.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, I have fond memories of V and VI in that series. Oh King Graham, and Prince Alexander... absence makes the heart go yonder.

Only ever played 5 (on my NES!), watched a friend play 6, and got pretty far in 7 (or was it 8? Perils of Rosella) until the game glitched, I'm fairly certain, and I couldn't progress any further. That was annoying, too, since I was in the underworld at that point and damn close to beating the game. Will have to see how it handles on my new computer and maybe give some old fashioned thinking games a shot.