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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fuck everyone that's using the Kraken Roller too...

The one whose special ability turns you into the kraken? Because I unlocked that earlier and I'm having so much fun with it. And it turns out Splatoon is a game I'm pretty fucking great at. First of my team almost every match and my K/D ratio is pretty great with me scoring a ton more kills than deaths every match.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double post, but fuck it.

So seems to be on its way from Bethesda.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would say they've done stuff like this before, which they have, but this is a bit bigger.... way bigger... and there's been a lot of rumors lately.

Also XCOM 2, quite hype for that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hatred came out

And steam has introduced refunds

Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. But it sure seems people think Hatred is kinda crap
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Speaking of coincidences.

From TotalBiscuit.

Centres on violence in video games, context/narrative and the media-frenzy when Hatred was announced, apparently with Twitch announcing new rules that affect little other than Hatred.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hatred came out

And steam has introduced refunds

Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. But it sure seems people think Hatred is kinda crap

Certainly funny coincidence.

Also, this is what happens when you expect controversy to sell your game instead of it, yaknow, MAKING A GOOD GAME.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You're not Postal
Re: Games Discussion Thread

When you hype up your game and advertise everything it has to offer as a boundary pushing piece meant to be as violent and offensive to the senses as possible, you're bound to disappoint people if the full extent of the violence you inflict is shooting and stabbing people in a fashion that could hardly cause malaise for even the softest and most sensitive of special snowflakes. There has been hundreds of games with more violent and disturbing content than this, I've seen flash games from the 90s push more boundaries in not so much as a quarter of the fucking file size. Of course people are disappointed.

On the bright side, every feminazi, overcompensating white knight, corrupt writer or blogger who's been practically living with their ass suspended over an active fan waiting to take another putrid dump and whine about what is turning out to be (imo) one of the tamest and most generic slaughter simulators around are sure to seem smart when Mortal Kombat fatalities from 20 years ago are more likely to give someone pause.

The fuck is your second paragraph even about?

It's an over-elaboration on the analogy of shit hitting the fan, what with Hatred receiving such huge publicity spurts from various sources based on it's "3edgy5me" reputation pre-release. Seeing as how it's all hype, and practically everyone who was complaining in the first place will probably never play the game, or even plays games all that much in general, I was poking fun at the idea that they'll keep making it out to be a big deal even though it very clearly isn't, which is funny, because they are dumb.

Now, I went out of my way to explain this because I understand that I used a roundabout way of saying it, but all of my second paragraph is legible and comprehensive English, perhaps not grammatically perfect but I'm pretty sure it's intuitive enough for most competent English speakers to read, so don't give me sass just because you're salty, sally.

It is spelled "Mortal Kombat."

You got me there, I misspelled the title of a game that intentionally misspells a phrase in order to make itself seem more original and/or edgy, forgive me for forgetting for a second that marketing ploys play the human race for complete fuckwits and get proven correct on their presumptions on a regular basis.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

But what if the repper wasn't a competent English speaker? There are plenty on these boards whose first language is not English...

And there are some who speak English as their first (possibly only) language and still aren't competent at it.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

In other news, Brutal Doom Version 20 is out with apparently a bunch of new shininess to it's changelog.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Steam sales!

And we're already being scammed

Re: Games Discussion Thread

You only get scammed if you fall for it ;)

Edit: Also looking at the link now, it seems this is another case of poor research :p Granted, there are some scummy things going on, but the vast majority of claims being thrown around aren't true.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

In other news, Brutal Doom Version 20 is out with apparently a bunch of new shininess to it's changelog.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

But what if the repper wasn't a competent English speaker? There are plenty on these boards whose first language is not English...

And there are some who speak English as their first (possibly only) language and still aren't competent at it.

Then they shouldn't have been questioning the legitimacy of my statement on the bounds of my language considering my clearly native level of articulation, English-wise at least. Especially not in a neg-rep, assuming that it was all intentional and straightforward as I suspect.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Speaking about Doom indeed, the Gore system they seem to have reminds me of Killing Floor 2's 'M.E.A.T' system, and hopefully the player will have the mobility and agility as suggested in the trailer.

Re: Games Discussion Thread


Also, "Ghost Riders In The Sky" is a curious choice for a trailer. Wonder if it has any significance, or if New Shepard just likes Johny Cash.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

You say curious I say horrible, though I guess it's no worse than the dub-step from the other games in the series. So I guess the important thing is to look forward to more Mass Effect.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Players will be able to choose from Germany, USA, France, Sweden, England, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Spain, China, Italy, and Mexico, and there will be official likenesses of many of the most famous women's football players, including motion capture and everything.

I can't even describe how happy I am to hear about this. It's been a long time coming and should have happened a long time ago, but good on EA and Fifa for finally giving women's football fans and gamers the game they deserve. I'll probably pick up the game for full price when it comes out in September, and I hardly ever do that because I'm so cheap when it comes to games, but I don't care! I want to play this game! Now we just need women's international hockey games too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Man, the Witcher 3 is just so damn good. Havin' a ton of fun. :)