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Games Discussion Thread


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dare I ask what that quest is about 0_o


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dare I ask what that quest is about 0_o
Not so much what the quest was about, as it seemed rather interesting, but more how the end of the quest went down is what made it annoying.

Though as for what it was about...

Someone hires you to find their son in one of the casinos, you follow a bunch of clues discovering that a few other guests have vanished. Turns out they're being kidnapped by one of the casino workers who is then cooking them and serving them to the rest of his high class buddies as the new limits of exquisite cuisine. Of course they'll only buy into this if they are duped into eating flesh. So if you swap the food before they eat and reveal the kid that was kidnapped after the one worker's speech then he's supposed to be exposed or something.

Turns out they just fucking attacked me, and I had to fight my way through a casino of pissed off blue bloods with nasty little canes, and me with no weapons save a sawed off shotgun with only a handful of shells smuggled into the casino by someone else. So despite me making it to the entrance they pissed off bastards always kill the guy I got the quest from making sure that I can't complete it. It was infuriating.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ohyeah, *that* quest. We were talking about that at game night last week. Friend revealed the truly asshole way to finish the quest, but that's about it.

I really need to pick this game up, but I want to wait until the GotY edition comes down a little. Extra content for the win.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread



Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I saw the New Dante... and it looks to me like an obvious cop-out. Wasn't it also given to a western studio to make? I was so annoyed.

Also I heard Fable 3 is more about running the kingdom. I was horrible at Sim City, so I don't think I will be picking it up.

Bioshock infinity looks gorgeous and seems to be quite promising. Usually escorting games is something i abhor, but they hinted at unique opportunities given by the other character in real combat. They were also going to focus a lot on the relationship you have with the character, which means story and drama! yay!


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not so much what the quest was about, as it seemed rather interesting, but more how the end of the quest went down is what made it annoying.

Though as for what it was about...

Someone hires you to find their son in one of the casinos, you follow a bunch of clues discovering that a few other guests have vanished. Turns out they're being kidnapped by one of the casino workers who is then cooking them and serving them to the rest of his high class buddies as the new limits of exquisite cuisine. Of course they'll only buy into this if they are duped into eating flesh. So if you swap the food before they eat and reveal the kid that was kidnapped after the one worker's speech then he's supposed to be exposed or something.

Turns out they just fucking attacked me, and I had to fight my way through a casino of pissed off blue bloods with nasty little canes, and me with no weapons save a sawed off shotgun with only a handful of shells smuggled into the casino by someone else. So despite me making it to the entrance they pissed off bastards always kill the guy I got the quest from making sure that I can't complete it. It was infuriating.
Heh, well with a name like that, it had me wondering.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't find it in too many places outside The Strip, but I'm pretty set with my basic 9mm pistol and Service Rifle.
I've only just saved the deputy in Primm, I did try to go to the NCR Outpost to get the person there to be the sheriff but I got gang raped by a load of Feral Ghouls so I switched it off for the night. I would've played on it last night but I stayed at a friends place and all of us played Reach all night.

EDIT: Reached Novac and decided to do the side quest for Manny Vargas. Dear christ the Nightkin are fucking insane. I may just go back and break into his room and access his terminal.
Last edited:


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ohyeah, *that* quest. We were talking about that at game night last week. Friend revealed the truly asshole way to finish the quest, but that's about it.

I really need to pick this game up, but I want to wait until the GotY edition comes down a little. Extra content for the win.
There is no GotY version out yet... it does't even have anyone calling it the game of the year really... it just came out.

I saw the New Dante... and it looks to me like an obvious cop-out. Wasn't it also given to a western studio to make? I was so annoyed.

Also I heard Fable 3 is more about running the kingdom. I was horrible at Sim City, so I don't think I will be picking it up.

Bioshock infinity looks gorgeous and seems to be quite promising. Usually escorting games is something i abhor, but they hinted at unique opportunities given by the other character in real combat. They were also going to focus a lot on the relationship you have with the character, which means story and drama! yay!
Frankly I tend to like Western studios more than Eastern ones, and I've not had much enjoyment out of the entire DMC series so far so what they're doing hasn't bothered me too much.

Fable 3, at its core, is still a action/adventure RPG. The running the kingdom thing is a portion of the game, but comparing it to something as indepth as Sim City is like comparing Call of Duty to Hearts of Iron simply because they both involve the second world war.

I never got into Bioshock, can't say much about the new one.


Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

...So am I in the minority of people wanting Fable 3? Or am I just misunderstanding y'all?


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Frankly I tend to like Western studios more than Eastern ones, and I've not had much enjoyment out of the entire DMC series so far so what they're doing hasn't bothered me too much.

Fable 3, at its core, is still a action/adventure RPG. The running the kingdom thing is a portion of the game, but comparing it to something as indepth as Sim City is like comparing Call of Duty to Hearts of Iron simply because they both involve the second world war.

I never got into Bioshock, can't say much about the new one.
I may like eastern ones, but when I heard that rumor, and seen "new dante", I instantly seen a shameless plug. I'm not trying to be hateful toward western ones, as I'm sure eastern studios are just as likely to try and appease their own demographs and link into recent culture, but there must have been other ways to make Dante look more feeble without going "Oh, lets get the twilight emo fans on the bandwagon too!"

It's good to hear that Fable 3 will still keep to it's roots, the Sim City was more of a joke than anything. Still, I hope it doesn't become tedious, that's my worry.

Bioshock was ok, the little I played. Even if I'm not a follower of it, Infinity sounds like a breath of fresh air on it's own.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

...So am I in the minority of people wanting Fable 3? Or am I just misunderstanding y'all?
Ye might be, but I'm still getting it this Tuesday even if we are both in the minority.

And yes, hopefully the kingdom building doesn't become tedious.


Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yay! Yeah, this is one of the few games I have ever preordered, since I don't really play my xbox too much, but I just love the Fable series. I think that the kingdom "Creation" for lack of a better term will be an interesting twist. I was reading somewhere that you can still go down to the street-level and kick some butt too. I imagine a noble queen leading her troops into battle, her dog by her side...

... then kicking some major ass! ^.^


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I actually like the fable series despite Molyneux's shenanigans, but I only buy 2-3 games new every year. Fable is just one of those games that I want to play but don't want to pay full price on and will end up playing in a year or so.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

No no, I like Fable too. It's a great series, and one of the most unique RPG's out there. It is strangely one of those "Marmite" games though. I know a good load of friends who both either love it or can't get into it at all. I'm not sure why.

As far as the kingdom stuff, I'm looking forward to it. And of course your still going to be out there doing adventuring type stuff (just with with option of extra spiffy kingly hats). Molyneux's shenanigans aside, he's been quite specific about the game not being about 2D menu management. Suposedly Fable 3 will actually have less game stopping menu based stuff than the previous games, which already had far less than most RPG's. He want's it to be about role playing a king/queen, not playing a RTS or kingdom sim. I guess we'll have to wait and see how exactly it'll all actually work.

On a side note I just discovered that John Cleese is on board voicing your personal butler. I'm not someone to get excited about guest stars, but that should be fun. =)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

One thing I really, really enjoyed about Fable 2 (the only one I've played) was the ability to not only purchase pretty much every property you could see, but that doing so actually served the utility of making you money. It was a really cool aspect of the game that you don't see in very many others. Assassin's Creed 2 did the same sort of thing to a smaller extent and it was oddly enough one of the more fun and rewarding parts of the game.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

One thing I really, really enjoyed about Fable 2 (the only one I've played) was the ability to not only purchase pretty much every property you could see, but that doing so actually served the utility of making you money. It was a really cool aspect of the game that you don't see in very many others. Assassin's Creed 2 did the same sort of thing to a smaller extent and it was oddly enough one of the more fun and rewarding parts of the game.
I really liked that in Fable II as well. AC II just... I ran out of money sinks too damn fast. I was earning money faster than I could throw it at the peas- err, I mean, townspeople. Hopefully AC III will have more/better money sinks. I just get antsy when I have millions of coins/dollars/ruppees/etc., and nothing to spend them on.

I'm just glad that doesn't extend to my real life. I'd be bro- OH MY GOD IT'S A REPLICA SWORD FROM MY FAVORITE ANIME/MANGA/MOVIE I MUST HAVES THE PRECIOUS!!!


... ermm, so, yeah, doesn't creep into my real life. Not one bit.



Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

A game being developed by a friend from uni was featured on .


Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

One thing I really, really enjoyed about Fable 2 (the only one I've played) was the ability to not only purchase pretty much every property you could see, but that doing so actually served the utility of making you money. It was a really cool aspect of the game that you don't see in very many others. Assassin's Creed 2 did the same sort of thing to a smaller extent and it was oddly enough one of the more fun and rewarding parts of the game.
I also liked the idea of getting paid rent even when not playing. Though, I'm actually scared to put Fable 2 in because I had so much property and haven't played in so long. I fear I will not have anything to do but buy every. single. thing. in the game. ^.^


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, just did some calcumalations, and according to them, League of Legends costs about $1070 USD if you were to just buy every champion and skin in the game. $965 if you use IP to get the 1350 IP and below champions. Of course, that's only for now. They're still releasing a new champion just about every other week, sometimes every week.

I just find this funny, because I know people that pretty much purchase everything in that game with money. For that same amount, they could go to about 4-6 anime/manga/comic/game -cons. And yes, I say 4-6, because the hotel + the tickets will run @ $150, and food will run @ $50.
My point is, I just find it hilarious that they - or their parents - put that much money into the game. Don't get me wrong, yeah, LoL needs to make money somehow, but Jebus. Hell, even if you don't buy any champions, the skins alone will run you @ $755, if you want all of them.

..... meh. I was bored.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, just did some calcumalations, and according to them, League of Legends costs about $1070 USD if you were to just buy every champion and skin in the game. $965 if you use IP to get the 1350 IP and below champions. Of course, that's only for now. They're still releasing a new champion just about every other week, sometimes every week.

I just find this funny, because I know people that pretty much purchase everything in that game with money. For that same amount, they could go to about 4-6 anime/manga/comic/game -cons. And yes, I say 4-6, because the hotel + the tickets will run @ $150, and food will run @ $50.
My point is, I just find it hilarious that they - or their parents - put that much money into the game. Don't get me wrong, yeah, LoL needs to make money somehow, but Jebus. Hell, even if you don't buy any champions, the skins alone will run you @ $755, if you want all of them.

..... meh. I was bored.
Stop making me feel funny for spending 20 on a champ or two I use regularly >,>;