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GD 109 - Isabella Greenway


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Once Isabella had gotten her door card she went to the room designated to her. Sliding the card into the reader the lock clicked open. She pushed the door open and stepped to find that she had been given a single room, her suitcases already on her bed.

Isabella put her sketchbook down on her desk for a moment so that she could open up her suitcases. She then proceeded to hang her clothes up in the wardrobe and place her belongings around the room. Soon the room had been 'girlified', stuffed toys were strewn across her room, the quilt and pillow cases had been changed to her preferred pink covers and a soft pink shag rug was placed in the middle of the room. Noticing her messenger bag down by the side of the bed she picked up and placed her sketchbook into it. She then made her way to the second floor and to the communal room.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella slipped quietly into her room and placed her bag on her bed beside her as she sat down. Taking out her sketchbook she looked over the new people she had met today.

"I think you'll do," She said to the sketch of Sho. Taking out her odd-looking sketchbook and a thick, black pen she began sketching the image of Sho into this sketchbook whilst muttering different colours. A few minutes later and a miniature Sho climbed off the page of the sketchbook, fully detailed right down to the colour of the stitching of her clothes.

"Right, you wait here whilst I go have my shower," She said happily to the sketch-clone as she stripped down and went into the bathroom. She came back out after about thirty minutes or so, holding a towel tightly above her breasts as so that it wouldn't fall. Walking over to her drawers she opened them up to get out a pair of panties, plain black and silk, she quickly pulled them over her legs and up under her towel and up to her hips. Then, dropping her towel she pulled out a matching bra and put that on too.

"So, which dress do you think I should wear?" She asked Sketch-Sho as she open up her wardrobe. The mini Sho climbed down off the bed and started tugging at random dresses.

Isabella had tried on at least two dozen dresses, some of them more than once until she found the dress right for the dance. It was a black silk dress that shimmered a dark blue. The hem line came just above her knee's, a quite daring formal outfit for Isabella. Only two motif's made the dress stand out, a satin ribbon of the same colour of the dress around the waist that was tied into a bow and two strips of satin wrapped around the hip line of the dress. Once she had put it on Isabella slipped a pair of black tights over her legs and touched the outfit off with a pair of plain black .

"Time to go," She quietly said to herself as she picked up her pen and poked the Sketch-Sho which quickly disappeared back into the pen. Isabella then made her way to the dance.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella rushes into her room, the door slams as she staggers over to her bed and collapses into a heap.

"I'm such an idiot...." She says to herself quietly, whilst looking over at her sketch book. Though she had time to sober up she was still pretty buzzed from the spiked punch.

Clumsily getting up off her bed Isabella she heads towards her wardrobe where she pulls out a night gown. Undressing and redressing again she turns off the light and makes her way to her bed. For anyone trying to listen in a quiet noise could be heard coming from her room for quite some time before abruptly turning quiet again.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

As rays of light shone through the crack of her curtains Isabella woke up with a start, her head felt as if it was about to split in two.

Slowly she got up, every movement causing her head to thump even harder until she had managed to get up off her bed. Standing still for a moment she began to walk slowly walk towards her bathroom, though a sudden lurch made her run, knocking the door open she headed straight for the toilet where she emptied the contents of her stomach. Vomit covered the bowl of the toilet as wave after wave of nausea hit her resulting in her continual vomiting.

As the last chunks of vomit left her mouth she pulled herself back up and flushed the toilet.

"Never again...." She thinks to herself, even these thoughts seem to send a new wave of pain rushing to her head. De-robing, she steps into the shower and takes her time, letting the warm water take away most of her pain.

Once Isabella finished her shower she dries and changes, wearing a simple white silk shirt, denim short-shorts and a pair of black tights. She then makes her way to the communal room to get herself something to eat, hoping that there wont be much noise there.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Once Isabella had finished her food she quietly snuck back into her room. She then changed from her clothes and into her uniform to see how well it fit.

"Hrm...I'm not too fussed on the blazer..." She says quietly to herself as she buttons it up. "And I'll have to change this cotton shirt for one of my silk ones, but the skirts is pretty cute." She flicks the edge of her pleated skirt and watches it flutter around just below her knee's. Isabella admires it in the mirror for a couple of minutes before changing back out of it and into her pyjama's. Sitting down on her bed she picks up a sketchbook and starts sketching away.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

... Elsewhere, as Yume slept, she watched the floating thoughts of others turn to dreams...

That night Isabella had a dream.

She was back at the dance, just like before. As the dream came into focus she realises she was dancing with Grace again. The smell of sly punch floats through the air. Isabella feels her face go red once more as she glides across the dance floor in Grace's arms. Everything was much smoother this time. More like floating than the drunken stumbles of the other night. Grace just smiles at her. Isabella smiles back timidly, and finds her gaze slowly sinking little lower. For a moment normal behaviour tries to stop her, but the security of being in a dream pushes reality aside. Why not. Nothing here matters. Isabella lets her hand slide from Graces shoulder and down to her chest, gently squeezing and caressing. Grace simply looks down in surprise. Isabella continues her exploration, proceeding to softly slip her hand beneath the fabric of Graces dress when...

The jarring noise of an alarm clock shakes the dance hall, and everything pops out of existence.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

At the sound of the alarm going off Isabella wakes up and falls out of bed with a loud crash. Struggling to climb out of her twisted sheets she lets out a sound of frustration until, finally, she manages to detangle herself from the rest of the mess.

"Was that....a dream?" Isabella thinks to herself as she sits on the edge of her bed and holds out the hand she had fondled Grace with in her dream. "No, it can't have been. I've never had a dream before..." Isabella tried reasoning with herself, but she couldn't help but shake the feeling that it may have been something else. After all, she's never had a dream before.

It was quite sometime before Isabella had gotten up from the bed, she had been staring at her hand the whole time, her face glowing red at the thought of what may have gone on later. When she finally had gotten up Isabella headed for her bathroom, and a little while later she came out clean and fresh again. After getting changed into her uniform and collecting her bag she heads to the communal room.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

After grabbing something quick to eat from the communal room Isabella made her way back to her room. Setting her bag down she took out the sketch she had done in the club room and led it down on her desk. She admired it for a moment before heading to the bathroom to have a shower.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Making her way quietly up through the communal room Isabella quickly slips into her dorm before anyone could stop her for a chat. Once inside she stands still for a moment, hesitating, before she plunges her hand into her bag and pulls out of her sketchbook. Glaring at it Isabella throws it across the room before taking her bag off and falls onto her bed, her face buried into her pillow.

"...why..why was I given it..?" Isabella quietly cries to herself, looking over her shoulder she gives the sketchbook yet another glare. "All....all I want is a normal life..stupid mum and dad..." With that Isabella strips to her underwear and climbs into bed and shortly falls asleep.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabells gradually wakes up, the sun spilling into her room as she didn't bother closing her curtains last night. Sitting up, Isabella winces as the saliva and tear encrusted pillow peels off her face. As she becomes more alert to her surroundings the events of the night before hit her, and quickly glancing over to where she threw her sketchbook she notices it's no longer on the floor but instead it is back on her desk. Frowning slightly she gets up and strips off her underwear before heading into the bathroom to clean herself up.

After about 45 minutes Isabella steps out of the bathroom and makes her way to her dresser. Pulling out her underwear and putting them on she quickly gets dressed and collects her bag. Hesitating for a moment she then decides it would be best to take her 'other' sketchbook with her.

"It would probably be best if I acted as if nothing happened last night," She thinks to herself, and taking a deep breath then exhaling she makes her way to the communal room.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella ran into her room and slammed the door, unlocked, behind her. The fear and sadness had left her tear-streaked face, and in its place was anger; anger at herself but mostly anger at the sketchbook that she had been given before she had even started school.

Hefting the book out of the bag she opened it up and frantically tore pages out of it, though she knew it was a wasted effort as they'd reappear like magic in a couple of minutes time. This was, as it had always been, a method that she used to release her built up anger over the years. Once she had finished she tossed it to one side, it balanced on the edge of the bed for a moment before landing with a dull thud on the floor at the end fo the bed.

Isabella sat on the bed for a few minutes more, her breathing heavy from the release of rage before getting up. She begun to undress, and once naked she headed to the bathroom to have a much needed shower and to clear her mind.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

A faint sound of something being squeezed between door and carpet announces a common sketchpad sliding into the room. Sitting on top of the pad, is a small cheque sized distinctive paper note. Very faint intricate patterns of some kind seem almost weaved in beneath the texture of the paper. Written in the centre of the note in strange reddish slightly metallic ink, are the words,
"You are not a monster"
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

It was some time before Isabella came out of the bathroom, and she seemed a little better from the shower. Dropping her towel Isa headed to her wardrobe and pulled out what appeared to be her most expensive set of pyjama's; a cream silk set that had a band of pink lace running around the cuffs and collar. She slipped into them, the feeling of silk against her bare flesh seemed to increase her mood slightly more, and as she slowly made her way back to pick up the now reformed sketchbook she noticed out of the corner of her eye something edged underneath her door.

Walking over and picking it up she pauses for a moment at the sight of the note. Though a true smile breaks across her lips as she blushes slightly, suddenly realising who had returned her book and gave her the note. Isabella picked up the other sketchbook and looked at it for a moment. This time no malice or hatred for it in her expression. And then she placed it gently on her desk.

With the returned sketchbook Isabella made her way over to her bed, and picking a pencil off the bedside table she begun to work on a picture. Though this time she took her time, each line drawn with such delicate precision that she hadn't used in such a long time.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella had fallen asleep halfway through finishing her picture, and as she woke up she found the book to have fallen on the floor. Quickly picking up the book as she got out of bed Isabella put it on her desk as she headed to the bathroom.

After about half an hour Isabella came back out and proceeded to change into her school uniform and then pack her bag, making sure to pack up the sketchbook she had been working on last night. Then she headed to the communal room.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

As soon as classes was finished for the day Isabella quickly made her way back to the dorms and to her own room. She then quickly tidied the place up, hiding any dirty clothes that she hadn't taken down for washing yet in an attempt to hide her laziness from Grace once she arrived.

Then it hit her. Phys Ed was her last class, and as such she was pretty sweaty and somewhat stinky. That wouldn't do, she thought and quickly made her way to the bathroom hoping she'd finish her quick shower before Grace arrived.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Reaching the room, Grace stops only momentarily to check the number on the door before taking the handle and stepping in, knocking as she goes. "Heyo! Anyone home...?"
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Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella had finished her shower a short while before Grace had come to her room, and after drying in the bathroom she walked into her room to change. Isabella had only managed to pull on a pair of panties and just put on and done up her shirt to just below her breasts when Grace had walked in.

"Aaaah, don't look!" Isabella cried out, embarassment in her voice as she bent over trying to cover her lower half as much as she could with the bottom of her shirt while trying to and failing to quickly do up the rest of her shirt buttons.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Oh!!! Shit! I..." Grace stammers suddenly, steping back and forth uncertainly, covering her eyes with one hand, before spining on her feet and stepping to face the wall. "Sorry! I didn't think you'd be... gah!" She says cutting off, to quickly lean over and swing shut the door she'd left open, returning to stiffly facing the wall. "My bad..."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella quickly dresses herself, making sure that all her buttons was done up and nothing was on show before addressing Grace once more.

"It's, uh...it's alright for you to turn around now..." Isabella stutters quietly, her face flushed heavily. Now wearing a loose silk shirt with the top button undone and denim short shorts, Isabella sits on the bed, her otherworldly sketchbook next to her.

"Uh..sorry for the reaction...I didn't expect anyone to walk in..." Isabella says quietly again, her face slowly returning to its normal colour.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"No, really, my bad." Grace says, hesitantly peeking round before turning proper. "People always tell me to knock before going in a room and not after. But yeah, I had a big lunch, and so figured a small snack dinner on the way here would be good. Guess I got here pretty early." Shrugging with an apologetic grin. "So. What's up?" She says taking a step away from the wall.