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GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Getting up and doing a few test stretches, Graces answers, "I'm alright. I feel fine." She says merely rubbing her neck a little. Watching Isabella with simple fascination as she sketches, and then as the beast climbs out. She climbs up with the assistance offered and sits looking down at the curious steed with a smile. As their ride begins to move and Isabella wraps around, a confusing warm flush flows though Grace once more. She continues looking ahead to hide her face. She was aware that this was a dream, though she hardly felt in control of things.

Naturally again, the forest seemed to go on forever.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

After a considerable time of silence Isabella lets out a sigh of irritation as the pink forest seems to go on endlessly. "Argh, this just doesn't make any sense..." Isabella mutters, frustration in her voice. Leaning her head against Grace's back the younger girl goes silent once more, trying to think of another way to tackle this problem.

After several minutes an idea hits her. "Try climbing one of these tree's." Isabella orders the beast, and once it does she gently pushes Grace forward against the creatures back. Gripping tightly onto the creature Isabella squishes herself against Grace so that the two of them don't fall off once it begins its ascent.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

With the exotic steed quickly going to near vertical Grace quickly leans forwards and gets a good handful of fur to grip on to, wrapping her limbs round as far as they'll go. Sandwiched between Isabella and the cat like beast as they easily climb the highly grip-able tree like thread. Isabella would have difficulty determining how high the pink fibrous tower went, seeming to simply fade and disappear into a pure white sky beyond a certain height. Grace meanwhile clutched tighter at the beast, eye's shut closed. She wasn't afraid of the false height at all, yet her heart was racing. The only thing in her mind was Isabella hugging so closely behind her. Just as the girl commanding the sketched servant might be starting to have second thoughts about the climb as they are confronted with what seems to be a field of simple sheer blinding light, both would recieve an awful shock as suddenly they find themselves holding on to thin air. The beast spontaneously vanishing from beneath them, along with the thread and the rest of the world.

Yet their fall lasts only a fraction of a second before gently touching down on an unseen surface. Grace letting out only a short yelp before being silenced by the unexpected and sudden safe landing. All around, nothing but clean featureless white, though no longer blinding. Grace layed there on her front stunned for a moment, merely blinking, though it would have been difficult to get up anyway with Isabella still wrapped round and lying on top of her.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella shuts her eyes tight as the light becomes too much for her to handle, though as her beast disappears and the two girls suddenly land on what appears to be solid floor she opens her eyes once.

"Oh what now?" She asks, more of a rhetorical question than one directed at Grace. Gently climbing up off Grace Isabella offers the girl a hand to pull her back up to her feet before looking around the area once more. "I think I preferred it when we were in that pink forest..." Letting out a sigh Isabella sits down, staring out at the ever expanding void of white she begins to think, wondering what this place could be and why they have been brought here.

"Hrm...One thing doesn't add up..." Isabella mutters are a long silence. Picking up her sketchbook she stares at it, as if it was completely alien to her. "This didn't appear until I thought about it. The same is for Charles. I wonder... Say Grace, whats the first thing you'd wish for if you could have it without worrying where it comes from?"
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Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Grace too ends up sitting, a small distance away whilst looking out over the white horizon-less field in something of a trance. The thing that didn't make sense to her wasn't the surreal landscapes or the encounters thus far, but the way her dream was constantly trying to rationalise itself. She was drifting along through this, unable to see what was coming next, whilst the dream whisked her along asking strange questions. Surely nothing mattered in a dream, yet she couldn't seem to relax.

At Isabella's query she snaps out of her momentary trance, seeming a little taken off guard. Blinking with an uncertain face for a moment, her eyes once again flit futilely around the void as if searching for an answer. Isabella would notice again how incredibly strangely Grace was behaving. Quiet, in a daze, and now this. The blond girl remains silent, hugging her knees, staring off into the empty part of the world acting as if Isabella wasn't even there.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella had assumed Grace's earlier behaviour was because the two of them had entered this strange place, though as the girl remains silent to the question Isabella realises that something is up.

"Whats wrong? You're not normally this quiet. Not that you being energetic is a bad thing," Isabella adds quickly, not wanting to insult her new friend as she crawled over and sat next to Grace. "If you're worried we wont get out of here you don't have to be, I'm certain I'll find a way out. I even have an idea of how this...dimension works. Watch." Mentally Isabella calls out for her very first memory with Grace; a replica of the G Building while the dance was going on complete with the students, albeit unaware of Grace and Isabella.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

This dream was more and more like a trippy self psych analysis by the second. Though 'figment-of-her-imagination-Isabella' was right, what was she doing curled up and hiding on the floor?

With Isabella's concern for her quietness, and attempt to reassure her about "finding a way out", Grace turns her head to face her smiling meekly in thanks. She wasn't really trying to escape, but it felt nice all the same. With the dance hall appearing she looks around the room, eyes widening with mild surprise. "You made it into the dance hall?" she says with a light laugh, standing up and taking a few steps forward. Within the passing of a blink Isabella would notice that Grace had suddenly changed to match the scene herself, now in her red party dress once more, though possibly hadn't even noticed yet.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Yep, it's our first memory together, so I thought it would jolt you out of your silence," Isabella says happily as Grace seems to return to her normal self. "Looks like me wishing for this memory also changed your clothes."

Isabella looks around the room for a moment, just watching the other students go about their business while calling out for her own outfit she had worn to the dance that night. "I think this time I'll skip on the punch. I think someone spiked it with alcohol last time." Musing aloud to herself Isabella's gaze falls to the buffet table, where she and Grace had first met and talked at length while the two steadily got drunk. As if in a trance her eyes drift from the table to the dance floor once more, watching the dancers before laying her gaze on Grace. "Well, while we're here...do you want to dance again? I think I've worked out a way to get out of here now so we should have some fun here before we go." Almost as soon as those words leave her lips Isa blushes slightly at the memory of the dream suddenly rushing to the front of her mind. Trying her best to push it back Isabella holds a hand out for Grace to take hold of.


Somewhere deep in the recesses of the dream, trapped from their usual connection and left powerless to act two beings, one man and one woman, siblings, watch the dreamscape unfold, curious as to who is stopping them contacting their master. Dark tendrils of consciousness creep out blindly, feeling for the being intruding upon their domain, though for now no hostility would be felt in their presense, only confusion and intrigue.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Blinking as she notices her change of outfit, she smirks at how surreal everything was. She liked this dress. "It was more like alcohol spiked with punch." She says with a giggle, retelling the same joke she'd said on the day, simply dropping into the flow of the nonsense around her now. As the hand is offered, Grace regards it with the strange fleeting feeling that once she took it she would be doomed, yet it called out to her, "... Sure. Sounds fun. Just like last time." She says simply with a smile, stepping forward and adding a little spin, taking Isabella's hand as she goes into an exaggerated starting dance pose.

Why was Isabella haunting her thoughts so much. The one thing that had remained solid throughout this dream, and seemingly been the leading edge of it all. 'I can't seriously be...'


To one side of the room was another conciousness, distinct to the imaginary students mingling convincingly in the false room. Sitting at a table enjoying a glass of punch was the girl the two dreamers knew vaguely as Yume. This was infact Monday. Not standing out from the crowd in any way, she spectated full of curiosity. These two had caught her attention and brought up an odd feeling of nostalgia, though her memory failed to explain to her why. She could clearly sense the two other unusual consciousnesses searching for her in the far distance, but wasn't concerned with them right now. She was merely interested in those ahead of her. Not interfering with their dream, content in helping to weave it together and observe.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Clasping Grace's hand in hers and placing her free hand on Grace's hip Isabella takes the lead this time and begins a slow dance so they both could still talk whilst dancing.

"To be honest I can't really remember much the dance, though I do remember us talking at the table, then dancing and then walking back to the dorms. Though the morning after will stay fresh in my mind for a long time," Isabella adds, giggling slightly.


As Monday watches the two girls dance she would feel the demonic presense grow closer as they try to unravel whatever she had done to stop them from interfering. Eventually she'd feel a ping, a kind of emotional message, one that asks her to allow them through so they may talk.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Bit of a blur to me too. Although..." Grace laughs to her self, remembering something before quoting, "... 'All girls will be required to wear tiny mini skirts!' Remember that bit? You tried to hide." She says with another giggle, before sinking into her thought's a little once more. How had it came back to the dance a third time? She couldn't take this. Starting to blush madly, Isabella would feel Grace's grip tighten as the girl looks her in the eyes. Suddenly and without warning Grace lunges forward hugging onto her partner, and pulls her into a kiss.


Monday hears the message from the pair of demon guardians, and after a moment decides to show herself. Remaining at the table she continues sipping her endless glass of punch.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Oh god, yeah I remember that. A shame about what happened to him though..." As Grace falls silent so does Isabella, who watches the older girl for a moment before Grace's sudden kiss takes her completely by surprise. Despite herself Isabella is taken in by the moment, her body relaxes as Isa allows herself to be kissed by Grace, she too reciprocating the kiss as her own hand tightens on Grace's hip.

After several long minutes, which seemed like an eternity to Isabella she pulls away from the kiss, doing so begrudgingly. "I..uh....I didn't..expect that..." Isabella mutters quietly, Isa's mouth curling up slightly into a sheepish smile and her face crimson and tilted slightly though still looking straight into Grace's eyes. Isabella's hands remain fastened to Grace's body and unknown to her she's still pushed tight against the older girl.


Two figures appear either side of Monday as the two girls finish their kiss, one male and one female, both stunningly attractive and completely invisible to Grace and Isabella. Both of them have a pure white complexion, hair shoulder length and obsidian in colour with red eyes as dazzling as a blazing inferno. The man wears only a pair of what seems to be leather trousers, a multitude of belts adorn the waist as well as a pair of fingerless leather gloves. The female wears a similar pair of bottoms to the male and a tight leather strapless top which pull her breasts into a tight embrace. The two of them also sport a pair of very large bat-like wings as well as curved horns sprouting at the side of their heads.

"What manner of trickery is this?" Asks the male demon, curiosity in his voice tinted with a very subtle tone of authority. The female, for now, remainds quiet, merely watching her mistress and her apparent lover.
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Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Eventually drifting away also, Grace slowly opens her eyes blinking a little with a new contented smile on. Her cheeks keeping the warm colour as she gets her breath back. "... I think, I like you." She says with a nervous laugh at making such a silly and apparently obvious statement. "I needed to test it." She continues glancing off side in embarrassment, though only for a second before gazing straight ahead again, lovingly and just a little apologetically.


"Welcome to the party." Monday replies in a casual, perhaps a little over relaxed manner, considering her effective status as an intruder here. Her eyes glaze over ever so slightly as she continues to watch the girls, a hint of sadness creeping in behind her smile before she sighs and finally looks to the fairly imposing demons either side of her. "Nice to meet you. I rarely encounter extra residents like this."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"...You like me...?" Isabella repeats Grace's confession quietly, her eyes zone out for a moment as the girls mind becomes blank except for those three words echoing repeatedly. With each repetition memories flash for a second, each one shared exclusively with Grace and with each one Isabella quickly comes to a realisation.

Taking Grace's other hand into her own Isabella looks straight at the older girl, her face getting redder and redder by the second. "I...I like you too..." Finally hearing herself admit it out loud leaves Isabella feeling lightened by it, though as she peers into Grace's eyes a thought comes to her. "I've been wondering this since realising how this place works...What if I'm not real in this dimension? Charles seemed to be self aware, what if you've conjured me up, to try and help you admit how you feel? Me in the real world wouldn't know of this..." At this Isabella's face drops slightly, as if saddened by this realisation.


"Yes, we tend to not have any visitors in our Mistress' subconscious either," The male demon replies as his gaze moves to Grace and Isabella, wondering just what their mistress is talking about with the stranger.

"I take it you're the one who connected our Mistress' and that other girls subsconscious together the other night?" The female finally speaks, a soft, almost inaudible voice.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"What if I conj... huh...?" Grace mutters in response, looking somewhat confused and concerned hearing the new line of thought. Her dream Isa was now worried that she didn't really exist? That was something she never expected. Grace wanted naturally to reassure her otherwise, but that was a ridiculous and terrifying thought. As she tries to wrap her brain around the notion, she eventually cracks into a slightly perplexed smile, "So would the real you want to know? Hmm?" She asks the wonderful "figment" in her arms. It was as if the dream was now trying to convince her to confess as well. It was all rather overwhelming.


"The other nigh...?"
Monday asks herself quietly upon the female demons question, looking inside herself for a moment as she has difficulty with her memory. "...Yes, that is correct. They were both calling to each other. I simply assisted in arranging their meeting."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Of course I'd want to know," Isabella replies almost as soon as Grace's question had formed on her lips. "It's just...I don't know..I'm too shy to really act on my feelings, so if I'm only a figment I doubt the real me would be able to be the first one to confess..." Isabella then goes silent, her head hanging down slightly as her worries finally get a grip on her.

A few minutes later Isabella looks back up at Grace, a memory suddenly emerging. "This may sound odd, but...the night after the dance. I, uh... I had a dream..about the dance...and, uh...and about us.." It would be clear from the way Isabella's face had began to flush crimson once more that the dream had been somewhat embarrassing for her to admit in 'person'. "I'm...not sure whether that proves I'm me or not...though it was the first dream I've ever had..."


"This is quite an odd ability you have," The female demon speaks again as Monday goes silent once more. "To intrude in other people's subconsciousness and manipulate it, that must take quite a bit of effort."

"What my sister is trying to say is, why are you doing this? While you don't show any signs of hostility it begs the question as to what your intentions are." While his question hasn't got any malice or a threatening tone the male demon is making it quite clear that they are the ones in charge.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"But... that's my dream. I had one that night, where we were dancing again, and you..." Grace says eyes wide with puzzlement. What was she implying here? The line of thought was quickly getting too heavy for a sleeping mind to handle properly. This Isabella had so far been ahead of Grace at every turn, and continually insisted on questioning the nature of this dream. Though the questions seemed more and more valid by the second. Subtle worrying thoughts started creeping into Grace's mind.


"It comes naturally to me. Infact, it requires far more effort, to suppress." Monday answers, tilting her head a little to one side inquisitively as the girls conversation went on, muttering very quietly, "Unusual." before continuing her reply, "My intentions..." The strange visitor says softly repeating the question to herself, "... I have none. I'm here because, they remind me of something. I... can't remember..." The whole time she maintains her real attention on the other two, answering the demons questions, but seemingly rather un-bothered by their presence. 'Hmm. If they keep up this discussion they're going to wake themselves...'
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Your dream? But...I remember waking up the next day, then...well..being too embarrassed to face you..." Isabella says, muttering the last part as she tries to desperately reason with herself that maybe she is real after all. Isabella then releases one of Grace's hands and lifts her own up, hesitating for a moment before gently touching the older girl's lips with the tip of a finger. "I...I don't want to be an illusion..." Her mind goes blank for a moment before conjuring up the lake in the school grounds, imagining the two of them standing on the surface as they're bathed in moonlight. If Grace was to look she'd notice Isabella's eyes had begun to mist up, slight tears forming in the corner of her eyes.


"Your ability must be quite bothersome then," The female demon says once Monday had explained her situation. "Though I assume it must be useful sometimes. Other people's subconscious can be an interesting place." A slight grin forms on the female demon's lips, hinting that they have already seen what its like in Isabella's subconscious.

"Unusual?" Being the nearest to Monday the male demon had picked up on her observations of his mistress and her friend, and questions Monday, a hint of curiosity in his voice?
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella's increasingly distressed face struck Grace deep. She couldn't help but be saddened by it as well. "But... I didn't bring us to this lake, or the dance. I never thought about Charles or your book either. Your the only thing that's stayed no matter what..." She finds herself trying to reassure Isabella. Though who was she trying to convince here? Throughout this entire thing, she had naturally been believing and banking on Isabella merely being another part of the dream. But now...

Realisation and Terror begin to flood in. For the first time in this place, she was looking at the Isabella before her seeing the actual person rather than the inconsequential fleeting figure she thought she was with all this time. "Oh god... Isa... Isabella!?" She stammers eyes wide with panic, her tone suggesting her thoughts and late sudden revelation. "I.. I didn't think it was really...!" She says hurriedly, her body locking up.


"Humans are insincere. They want to say something, and avoid doing so at all costs. They make up stories to hide their true thoughts and feelings, even from themselves. All that breaks down here. This is where I live." Monday says plainly, stopping to put on a slight smile as Isabella calls in the lake. "She is. Your young 'Mistress' there." Monday answers the male. "She's seeing and feeding this dream this differently to most. And quite an artist. She calls upon these scenes so easily..." Monday says leaning down, resting her elbows on the invisible table now sitting to one side of the lake.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

At Grace's reaction to what Isabella could imagine was her realising that she was indeed the real Isabella she takes a couple of steps back, a fearful look in her expression as slight tears begin to form and run down the girls face. "G-Grace...what do you mean..? Y-you were lying then?" Taking another step back the frightened girl brings her arms close to her body, an instinctive act to keep anything hurtful away from her that she had developed over the years. "I...I opened myself up to you...was worried that I may not be real and wouldn't know about this..."

As Isabella's mind rushes with thoughts of rejection and humiliation she inadvertently conjures up a new landscape; this one a true representation of her subconscious. The landscape quickly warps into a jagged landscape of blackened surreal shapes, twisting and turning in awkward positions though all seeming to congregate towards Isabella. Desolate except for the two girls and their unnoticed watchers a low, almost inaudible moan full of melancholy can be heard echoing all around them as sharp claw-like formations slowly rise up from the ground beneath Isa, threatening to seal her off from Grace.


"This is unexpected," The male demon says, surprise in his voice as the landscape shifts before he can question what Monday meant about Isabella seeing the dreams differently.

"What exactly is going on over there?" The female demon inquires before her brother has the chance, a tone of suspicion in her voice. It would be clear to Monday now that while they could obverse their reach didn't extend to being able to hear what was being said. "Answer quickly or we'll be forced to hold you accountable for whatever damage this does to our Mistress."
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