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GD 217 Suzy's room


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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After she had acquired her room's card key, Suzy quickly made it her own. Dumping her bag, which was a backpack instead of a trunk, very long, but quite thin. Her possessions were in it, but no trunk could hold the plumed spear and heavy, bolt-action rifle concealed within this particular bag. Her clothes were shoved haphazardly into drawers, the only things that got hung up were her uniform and her splendid cloak, black with silver linings, and a Celtic broach. It was made by her grandmother before her death, and was Suzy's most treasured piece of clothing. In the rest of her room, her textbooks would be piled, and a laptop would sit at her desk. So far Suzy hadn't done much. She hadn't really been out much apart from the tour, and hadn't made any acquaintances yet. This was in part due to her lack of effort to meet anyone, and also through her strange abilities to be unnoticeable, a ghost in the crowd. She might not have been here long, but if one looked around enough, there would be scratches in the wood here and there where she solo-practised with her spear every night. The bed sheets were a tangled mess, which was just how she liked them.
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Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

After leaving the Club Grounds, Suzy quickly returned to her room. Dumping her bags in a corner, and her uniform in a half-hearted attempt at folding at the bottom of her wardrobe, she pulled on her casual clothes, all loose and grey, and her signature gloves, the old leather creaking as she flexed her hands. Happy, she checked that her watch was on, pulled on an old iPod Nano, and left for the Communal Room.
Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

Reaching her room and slamming the door, Suzy pulled open her wardrobe, delving inside to emerge shortly after with her rifle.

Opening the window slightly, she poked the barrel out, even though the weapon was still unloaded, and currently missing the bolt, and stared down the scope at the meeting, even if she couldn't hear what they were saying.

"It's a little bloody late for the cosplay guys to be out and about..." she muttered, focusing the crosshair on the armour-clad figure. For now though, she sat in her window, watching the group, and more specifically, the long blade in his hand.

After a short time, she pulled the rifle in, and removed a small box from the bottom of her wardrobe, which contained the bolt and ammunition for her rifle. Inserting and locking the bolt into the rifle, Suzy returned to the window, leaving the ammo box next to her as she watched from above.
Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

Gah. This can't be good. Someone's going to get really hurt. Suzy thought to herself, reach down to pick up one of the magazines from the box. Checking it was full, she pulled the bolt back, slid the magazine in, and closed the bolt, chambering a round. Flicking the safety switch on, she gently let the barrel out of the window again, focusing once more on the gathering, which seemed to be growing all the time.

Charles' lightning attack caused her to pull back, blinking a little and rubbing her eyes. "Fucking bitch..." she whispered softly to herself, before going back to the scope, pushing the safety back off, but keeping her finger away from the trigger for now...
Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

Surveying from her vantage point, Suzy blanched after Charles had finished with Yume, and her lip began trembling. Pulling back to regain herself, she leant against the wall, breathing deeply.

After a short while, she went back once again to her position, eyes burning as she slid her finger down to fit over the trigger, the scope moving across to focus on Charles' leg. "Motherfucker gonna go down. No bitch starts killing for no reason." She muttered, steadying herself as her finger tightened, the crosshair hovering over Charles' right knee.

Suddenly, she stopped breathing, and her whole body stopped moving completely apart from the one finger on the trigger, and then that finger squeezed slowly, the shot coming off just as Charles drew back his armoured head, flying straight for his knee.
Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

Suzy grinned maliciously as she saw the knight go down, hoping in a dark corner of her mind that he was in immense pain, so her shock when he came almost instantly back to his feet came out in a muffled squeak as she fought to control herself. An icy chill settled over her when he turned, and looked straight back up at her, seemingly none-the-worse for being hit by a bullet. Trembling as feeling returned to her body, she cycled the bolt back, catching the ejected casing and putting it in another small box by her side by instinct. Another round chambered, Suzy brought herself to the scope again. With a puff of breath, she blew a lock of fiery hair that had draped across her face, getting in the way of the scope. "N-no fair! You can't do that! Bullets... they hurt! Get on the fucking floor!" She whimpered softly to herself, aiming this time at the knights chest, before once again allowing her limbs to deaden and breathing to stop, steadying the shot, though her trigger finger remained stationary, waiting for him to stop moving again before she would fire.
Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

Watching through her scope, Suzy was having a muttered conversation with herself as the other students displayed powers she would never have guessed existed, though they all were against this knight. "Goddamn. This is silly. Why is everyone flashing around!? The damn guy in armour is stupidly tough. What the fuck is he doing still standing, eh? Oi! You're not going to get away with this you bastard!" she finished up, quickly focusing on Charles' chest again as he drew back to finish Trixie. Still remaining professional, she didn't snatch at the trigger in a panic, instead controlling her squeeze, the final click before the bang coming just after Rolf immobilised the sword, sending the shot dead on target while the sword was preoccupied.
Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

With the conclusion of the battle, Suzy stayed in position, watching with growing doubt as Siphon shifted between the bodies. Grimacing as the smell of cordite filled her nostrils, she pulled the rifle inside again, and grabbing a pillow, beat at the wisps of smoke until they drifted out of the window. Done, she closed the window, and picked up her rifle again, opening the bolt, removing the magazine, and then taking the bolt out. Laying them inside her bag, she then moved on, refilling the used magazine with loose rounds, and putting the box back with the rifle.

Standing up, Suzy tossed the used casings in her hand, before slipping them into a pocket in her trousers, and heading out of the door towards the common room.
Re: GD 217 Suzy's room

Suzy awoke with a groan, having forgotten to close the curtains the previous night, and her bed allowed the morning sun to shine straight onto her face. Cursing softly, she pushed off the covers and pulled the curtains shut, grumbling complaints at the sun. Pulling on her clothes in a haphazard manner, Suzy headed off to the common room for breakfast.