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GD 321- Trixie's Room


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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A sparsely decorated room, with homework and other piles of debris and clothing here and there, comprising of Trixie's meager belongings. However, the bed is piled with several soft furs, a hallmark of her old cave livings.

Softly sliding back in, Trixie made sure the door clicked shut before she started tossing off her clothing, quickly allowing her mutative powers to relax, allowing her to return to 'normal.'

Softly, the joints of her limbs cricked softly, as her legs started to streatch, her feet growing more beastial. A large lump began developing on her back, soon growing into a small, multi-layered shell that covered her upper back, except for two smaller bumps that soon grew and grew, turning into a pair of scythe-tipped limbs. Sighing, Trixie felt her teeth grow more beastial, fangs developing from human canines and pupils growing larger and slitted like a cats. Her spine grew, soon turning into a long tail with a few small jagged spikes attatched. Falling onto all fours, the girl now resembled some form of alien- sleek but still feminine, deadly but alluring.

Yawning slightly, Trixie went to her bed, tossing some of her furs from previous conquests of prey. Nuzzling into the pile slightly, she let herself recover from her forced mental state, allowing mind to work itself down so she could continue hiding her true form. Besides a few people last year that saw her, she had no idea how they would take her 'normal' appearence, so it's best to keep it hidden for now...
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

Quickly going into the room, a still human Trixie bumped the door open- forgetting to shut it all the way- and started digging around untill she found what she was looking for- a long, red dress, one she got out of the surplus that was left over from her college spendings. Grinning a bit, Trixie then turned to the mirror, shedding clothing as she went. Curiously, she looked at her reflection, then seemed to sit there for a bit, reforming herself slightly- letting her ears become more pointed, allowing teeth to grow slight fangs- enough so that her usual beastial tendencies were showing, but she was still 'human' enough not to scare anyone. After finishing, she slowly slid into the dress, working it over hips as she slid it on, before zipping it close. Confident in her appearence, she shut the door behind her, headed for the dance from another exit. She was curious to see what was going to happen...
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

---Last Night---

Having been escorted back to the dorms, Trixie had thanked Kyo, then headed inside, not noticing the drawing on the wall of the dorms as she soon reached her room, simply stepping out of her dress before leaping into the bed, allowing herself to detransform before falling asleep...


Yawning as she awoke, Trix gently rolled outta her fur pile she had nuzzled into- just to clunk loudly on the floor. Muttering darkly as she got back up from the floor, she looked around groggily at the bare walls, then slowly got up, reforming into her human appearence as she did, then got dressed and headed to the commons.
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

After stopping to get her uniform and her class schedule, Trixie returned to her room, reading over the scedule as she tried to figure out what classes she had managed to get for her, setting the outfit on a nearby table gently. As she read it, a part of her mind was curious about the comment Art had made. Could she risk heading out to the springs? The last time she had gone there... it kinda sparked both confusion and embarressment. Still, Art seemed nice, so...
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

As Trixie reads over her time table she'd notice that she has class everyday. Starting at 9am until 4pm, with a 15 minute break at 10:30am and an hour for lunch at 12:15pm.
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

Sighing, she puts the scedule onto the table, as she takes up her uniform. Smiling a bit, she slid her clothing off and then dressed in the uniform. Looking into the mirror, she grins as she sees her appearence.

Sighing again, she takes off the uniform, balling up into the furs as she lets her body relax, returning to normal.
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

Quietly, Trix woke back up, streatching slightly, before getting out of bed, dressing in normal clothing, and sneaking out the back way of the dorm rooms.
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

Quickly sliding into her room, Trixie dressed for school as fast as she could. After all, it would be a bad idea to rip open her new uniform on the first day of class.

After dressing, she headed for the commons.
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

Getting back from the cosplay club, Trixie slowly opened the door, going in and shutting it again, setting down the three costumes she had found- firstly, the strange armor, then a flowing magician-style robe labeled as a 'necromancer's garb - f', then finally a ensamble that was mostly pink colored, labeled 'Kairi'- and placing them in three piles on a table. Sighing, she pulled up a seat at a table and stripped off her uniform, grabbing a pencil before starting to write on the homework she had, letting herself de-form a bit as she went.
Re: GD 321- Trixie's Room

Sighing and opening her door, Trix slammed it behind herself as she sighed and massaged her head. The last couple of days she found the strain over her body almost equally as painful as she used to feel when she was sitting in classes, though now she didn't know what was causing it. Still, she stripped down, massaging her head as she hopped into the furs covering it as she went to go into a small, fitful sleep...