ADV [Gear Stone Software] Nラブ-ネ取りネ取られ生きるのさ- / N Love ~Life is full of stealing and stolen~ (RJ215701)


Jungle Girl
Glad the devs still working on stuff. Hopefully they'll take another crack at a game like this one, I feel there was still alot of potential not taped into.


Tentacle God
They won't.....this game could have easily been double even triple the size. Adding more days, making 3P/4P scenes, better NTR sprite scenes with Toko and Airi, specific girl endings, bigger variety of sprite scenes for all girls (like serious, we have 3 big breasted woman and only 1 paizuri scene)....but that takes a lot of time and effort and they wouldn't gain a significant boost in sales by doing so.....

So from a business stand-point better to just call it over and move on to next much as that sucks for us.
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New member
Only with Toko and Airi as far as I know.
The other girls have such a smaller window of time to win them over that while it may be possible, the actions you'll have to do would have to be VERY precise.
The problem i have when trying this is getting then to fuck one of the other guys while still being in love. From what i know you have to make them lose interest in you before they let the other guys have them. Unless i've misunderstood something then i need to find a way to get them to sleep with the other guys and then immediately win them back. But there's way too little time. the dev should just add a free mode option that just randomizes everything and has unlimited days until you press a button to end it.


Tentacle God
You're partly right. For Toko and Airi, You just need to lower their affection to 30, don't interrupt the target guy you want to impregnate them and once the first NTR scene play, you start raising their affection instead. They don't need to be won over by other guys.

For Toko it'll be something like this.
Day one - morning and noon, watch but don't interfere or choice a different girl. evening, choose Toko interfere and grope until she slams you.
Day two - noon, don't interfere.
Day three - evening, choose Toko interfere and immediately ask for sex (since there's an unlimited grope bug here).
Day four - get the 1st stage NTR scene for all 3 guys.
Day five - morning noon or evening, choose Toko interfere grope until requirements met and ask for sex. 2nd stage NTR for whichever ones you didn't choose. Have sex with Toko that night.
Day six - 3rd stage NTR for 1st year and/or 2nd year.
Day eight - Morning/noon/evening, Sprite NTR for which ever guys hit 3rd stage, for ones that didn't choose Toko interfere grope and sex to keep affection up.
Day nine - morning sprite NTR if already hit 3rd stage with old man, if not let it hit 3rd stage. And done, she should be impregnated by other guys while you still have highest affection.

As for your free mode idea there's a few reasons why that won't work.
One: The limited amount of scenes available.
Two: If not done right, randomizing everything sucks if you're trying to get specific stuff to happen.
Three: There are still bugs in the game, randomizing would just increase the chances of bugs popping up.

However here's how they could have made the game better.
One: Increase number of days to about 14 (two weeks) that way you can get all the scenes but not be in game too long.

Two: Not fully using but taking an idea from your randomizing idea...have all the girls appear on the map every day but have the guys randomly appear with one of them. And for the side girls, if they don't have a guy...give another random chance that their specific guy appears. (Kano her boyfriend, An her brother, Izumi her fiance). Going further on that idea.....if no one has claim a side girl by a specific day, you can see scenes between them and their specific guy. On other hand, you can or watch another guy NTR that girl while their guy is nearby. Include chance for two girls to appear at one place AND provide 3p scenes for it. Also if a girl is being NTR'd by two different guys add a chance that the two guys will appear with her for 3p.

Three: Change the scene at end of days if you've avoided NTR or make it to match the side girls too. If you didn't avoid, have the scene fully play out beyond just him opening curtains.

Four: Even if not using the randomization idea from two, make all the girls available all the time! And allow for groping multiple girls at same time!

Five: Have the girls start with 30 affection instead of 50 for their specific guy, this way you don't need to purposely sabotage Toko and Airi just to get them NTR'd. And make An easier to start netori scenes with.

Finally: Add date scenes and endings for all the girls.
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Jungle Girl
I would definitely purchase an expansion if they made it. They don't have to add everything in as updates if they don't want to. (Granted if the coding allows for it.)

Little Jack

Demon Girl
They won't.....this game could have easily been double even triple the size. Adding more days, making 3P/4P scenes, better NTR sprite scenes with Toko and Airi, specific girl endings, bigger variety of sprite scenes for all girls (like serious, we have 3 big breasted woman and only 1 paizuri scene)....but that takes a lot of time and effort and they wouldn't gain a significant boost in sales by doing so.....

So from a business stand-point better to just call it over and move on to next much as that sucks for us.
yeah, you're right, It seems to me that they rushed the progress, decided to use chibi animation instead of full-body animation to shorten the time, didn't know why, but it was a damn shame, there was even a big flaw that it's impossible to get the 5 girls ending because there's not enough time to build relationships and stuff, so they added the orb thing to help players to advance to all the ending.


Tentacle God
yeah, you're right, It seems to me that they rushed the progress, decided to use chibi animation instead of full-body animation to shorten the time, didn't know why, but it was a damn shame, there was even a big flaw that it's impossible to get the 5 girls ending because there's not enough time to build relationships and stuff, so they added the orb thing to help players to advance to all the ending.
The reason for chibi was indeed to spend less time which is why the main girls only had them for major scenes. There was more planned but yeah they ran into more issues than they previous the first release didn't even have a complete game (ended at day 5, no scenes for side girls, no NTR at all). So they slowly added in stuff over time.....but stuff kept breaking when they did. So they had to spend time fixing, then updating, then fixing.....finally they ended with 1.05.....but it was still impossible to get harem or full NTR. And sadly, had they just changed a few would actually be possible to do.
Overall: lower starting affection to 30, thus erasing the need to interrupt and manually lower it.
day 1: Have Izumi gain development when she plays with her own breasts. Give Airi an evening scene thus making it possible to have sex with her day 1.
day 2: No real changes, except add some extra animation if you've already had sex with Airi or Toko.
day 3: An requires way too much attention, if made like the other girls you could start her this day instead of day 5. If day 1 was changed, could start Izumi's scenes in morning. Give one of An's scenes to Kano.
day 4: Make every scene interruptible! And for NTR, have it so that the side girls start this day if they have stats as well. Finally have NTR scenes play for both girls present if both satisfy conditions.
day 5: A good day really. Since Izumi started scenes earlier, you can give Kano one of her scenes.
day 6: Have all side girls NTR start on evening if conditions are satisfied. Give MC ability to interact more with girls if interrupted.
day 7: no changes needed.
day 8: Side girls take out the need to choose if you're having sex with multiple girls, also make all NTR scenes happen for girls who qualify.
day 9: No real changes, balance out girls who fall behind the others in scene counts.
day 10: Actually be available through normal means. Have different things happening depending on overall actions (Harem, all NTR, single girl won, single girl NTR)
day 14: If won Airi and Toko, have 2nd date day where you can choose girl you didn't choose on day 7.


Jungle Girl
You have to put the entire computer language into Japanese. If you system text is showing up as Japanese it should run fine. If that doesn't work then I'm not sure what the problem is... I had hoped this was going to get patched but sadly it did not.


New member
bought da game
is it norm dat all da gallery got unlock LOL

last game took me a while to unlock everything

worth every penny
discounted on DLSITE


New member
Hey, do you guys know what happens to this game dev? GearStoneSoftware..I think this gun plan to make a new game with the name clear girl?


Sex Demon
Hey, do you guys know what happens to this game dev? GearStoneSoftware..I think this gun plan to make a new game with the name clear girl?
his last site update is literally 1 year ago (8/4/2021). i hope he is fine, a whole year without any kind of news/update is.. worrying.


Tentacle God
his last site update is literally 1 year ago (8/4/2021). i hope he is fine, a whole year without any kind of news/update is.. worrying.
I check their site once a month at least and going a whole year without any additional info about their new game... yeah, "worrying" is the perfect word. If something happened, I hope they lost interest or fell into a slump rather than something happened to them personally.


Tentacle God
Does the creator have a social network like Twitter, or is there just the website?
No idea but usually if they have a website they would plug in their SN account somewhere. No such thing is on their site.

I gotta ask, is the dev still alive?
No idea, their last post is 2 months shy of being 2 years ago. And they haven't added any new information for their new game they were working on.
Hello, the last time I was there was in January, it's been 4 months, has something happened in this time or the developer still doesn't show any signs of activity?
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