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Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)


Nov 9, 2008
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"Fufufufufufu...It is not often that two twins so reminiscent of Castor and Pollux appear before me. Those twins who opted to share immortality, I wonder what became of them since the last that I saw them? Fufufufufu, oh well, a visit shall have to wait until later on. After all, why play with pieces of old when you have new ones to toy with?...




Water dripping once again...the same sound that had been in the dream...was she still trapped in that illusion, or was she somewhere else. Such were the thoughts that most likely filled the girl's mind as she stirred from her slumber to behold that she was in a small room amidst a plethora of antique dolls. To her left, was a tinted glass of sorts that stretched across the wall and reflection upon the room's contents, in front of her was a single door that appeared to be the only exit out of this room. The air was deathly silent after the dripping had stopped, and noise seemed to be unusually downscaled in this room, as if it was soundproof. Where was she? And what had happened to her? She would have to find out such for herself...



A incessant ringing her head...the tolling of a bell... memories of the illusionary world plague the woman as she slowly stirred from her slumber. Had the experience been a dream, or not a dream? Such were questions that possibly ran through Pollusia's mind as her senses returned to her, revealing that she was in a narrow room reminiscent of one used during police interrogations...albeit, on the other side of the looking glass, but still in one nontheless. To her right, was a small envelope, tied to a small ceremonial dagger embedded in the ground. To her left, was the door that would most likely lead her out of there...

And in front of her, through the glass, was her sister completely naked and trapped in a room amidst many dolls...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea groaned and went to roll over. "Not just yet... so tired..." she groaned, but froze up as she regained her senses and felt the cold hard floor beneath her. Immediately she let out a gasp and sat up, curling into a ball as she took stock of her surroundings.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Where am I?" she called out in a quivering voice, as her eyes continued to scan the room in sharp, jerky movements.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia lies still for the longest time, bare back rising and falling with natural breath, dreamless sleep. Finally.. the blonde shifts, arms curling around something that should have been beside her.. and was not.

In an instant, blue eyes are open and alert, and the blonde is on her feet.

Cell... I remember.. fuzzy. Drugs. Castea!

Promptly ignoring the dagger and envelope, the girl dashes heedless to the window, tapping the glass to attract her sister's attention, calling out.

"Cas! Castea! Can you hear me? Are you hurt? Cas!"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)


A quick scan of the room failed to reveal anything of particular interest, that is until a muffled tapping sound broke the dead silence in the air, appearing to come from the glass on the girl's left hand side. This was all she heard however, as the voice failed to reach the room...and all she saw, was her own reflection...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea practically flinches away from the glass, immediately recognising the rhythmic knock as a noise that had to be made by someone, and someone human at that.

"Who is it? Who's there? Is that you Pollusia? This isn't funny, where am I?" she pleaded.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

She can't hear me... but there -is- a door in that room. If I can get out of here..

Wildly, the blonde spins around, scanning the room for something.. an intercom, a chair to break the window with....

Blue eyes light fiercely on the envelope, and she crosses the room in seconds. Yanking the dagger from the ground, Pollusia shows no mercy in her opening of the envelope, tipping the contents immediately onto the ground. Shaking hands reach to unfold a letter, nearly dropping it twice, and she glances over to the glass again before turning her attention to the writing..
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)


The contents of the letter read as the following:

"Mirror mirror on the wall, a little birdie trapped in a cage. Can the prince save the princess before she becomes a slave to desire?...

Let the games begin,
The Lady and master of this world.​

P.S: You might want to hurry, the slimes do enjoy a dainty maiden every now and then...

And that was all which was written on the letter, save for the key glued at the very bottom of the parchment. But almost as if on cue, it was then that Pollusia would be able to bear witness what the letter meant by "slime" as a gel like creature dropped behind her sister on the other side of the looking glass...




The dripping sound had resumed again, this time sounding much closer than before. What could possibly be the source of such a sound in a room such as this?...

Unbeknownst to the girl however, the source of that noise had been in the same room with her the entire time, having attached its liquid-based body to the ceiling and been lying in wait until a certain "stimulus" commanded it to act. When this stimulus arrived, the creature would then plop its blue, see-through form down onto the ground behind its soon to be prey. Raising itself up... it appeared that it planned to engulf the woman completely..
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Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Silence greets the letter's contents, before furious blue eyes turn to the window before her.. just in time to see a creature drop. The futility of warning Castea was obvious.. which meant it was time to go.


With that curse, the letter drifts slowly towards the floor - and scarcely has it touched than Pollusia is yanking the door open, and charging fearlessly into the beyond. One wonders if the girl has even noticed her lack of clothing yet.. Perhaps the pink fluffy footwarmers around her ankles, and the dagger in her hands, were enough.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea whirls to react to the noise skittishly, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Seeing the blue blob looming over her, she screams and attempts to scurry back across the floor, getting away from the thing as quickly as she can manage.
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Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)


With no real room to maneuver, the girl soon finds herself pinned to the ground by the gel, a strange tingling sensation beginning to flow through her body from wherever her skin came into contact with the substance. Her nipples becoming erect, and her body becoming "flushed" as a result, it would appear that the slime had "unique" effects on a human... ones that may not necessarily be bad depending on perspective. That is...if not for the fact the creature was attempting to expand itself towards the girl's head, apparently not satisfied with engulfing the majority of her body within itself.



Rushing out of the room she was in and into the hallway, it did not take long for the girl to find the door leading to the room that held her sister. Frantically unlocking the door and throwing it wide open, Pollusia was just in time to see her sister be tackled to the floor by the blob... And for a similar creature to plop down right in front of her apparently with a similar intent. It would appear the Lady had planned moves in advance...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea screamed and continued to struggle against the creature, fear for her life and a need to fight or flee overpowering any other urges her body was giving her. In her panic, she barely acknowledged her sister's entrance to the room as she fought, perhaps in vain, to free herself.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

A moment to take in the situation.. a nervous swallow of fear pushed back, and Pollusia raises the dagger.

Coming for you, sis..

"As for you.. scum. En-fucking-garde."

Wary of being drawn into the slime's mass, Pollusia takes two swift steps to slash at it with the seemingly-pathetic dagger, then attempts to spring away again. Being caught at close range.. was a bad idea.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)


Due to Pollusia's hesitation, the two swift slashes with the dagger seemed to have little to no effect on the blob, merely nicking the surface of the creature. However, this same wariness would prove to be to her benefit as she is easily able to sidestep the creature's lunge, watching it land behind her messily as it attempted to reform itself for another strike.

The path was now clear to her sister...for the moment anyway.



In her struggle against the creature, the girl just barely manages to wriggle away from the blob's grasp, residue slime trailing down her body as she scrambles a short distance away from the abomination and into a small space littered with dolls. Strangely enough, however, the blob makes no continued lunge against her yet, apparently trying to reshape itself so that it could launch itself at its prey without accidentally absorbing anything else...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea reels as she manages to slip free of the thing, and breathing heavily and knowing her sister was right there, takes a moment to take stock of the situation. Thinking quickly, she ducks behind one of the dolls and gives it a push towards the blob that threatened her.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

With a clear path, Pollusia wasted no time in bounding across the room to meet her sister, narrowly avoiding the dolls scattered everywhere.

"Cas? Are you ok? We need to find a way to distract these things, get out of.."

Blue eyes watch her sister pushing the doll -towards- the slime, and suddenly light up in understanding.

"..Always one step ahead, huh sis.."

Despite the quip, she too quickly reaches for a doll, weighing it for a moment before throwing the thing in the direction of the slime in the hallway..

"I have the key for the door! If we can get them inside, and get past them, we should be able to lock them in!"

...Though.. they could just ooze through the keyhole. Fuck. Still. Bridge. Cross. Later.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

~Pollusia and Castea~

Castea's push of the doll was done in good time, as the slime lunged forward towards her at that exact moment, causing it to "gag" on the doll instead of wrapping itself around the girl once again. Similarly with the doll that Pollusia had thrown, the other slime bounded after the source of sound only to suffer the same fate as its companion as it fought to spit out the "distasteful" thing it had "swallowed"...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea, still panting heavily, scrambled to her feet and took another quick stock of the room. Picking up another of the dolls she looks pleadingly to Pollusia. "Is it safe to get out of here?" she asks.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"It sure isn't safe to stay! Besides! Why are you asking me! You're the smart one, remember!"

A pause, then Pollusia scoops up two more of the dolls, and nods to Castea.

"Ok, genius. Throw a doll at the close one.. run for the door. Give the other one another doll, then run in the opposite direction. Don't look back, and I'll be the only thing behind you. Now go!"

Even as she was speaking, the blonde was up on her feet, watching the creatures.. estimating which way the closer one would go.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Clutches the doll she was holding as she manoeuvres towards the door of the room. "I'll keep this... in case I need to block one of them... they're already busy with dolls..." she says in a quivering voice. "I'm glad you're here..." she adds.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Making use of the period of time in which the slimes were stunned, the girls manage to successfully slip out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind them and trapping the slime inside. Unfortunately however, they did not have the same degree of success with the other slime, as it managed to find their scent once again following it's regurgitation of the doll...