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GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Those who have chars for GenX Labs, please copypaste ovar to this one, and take some time to bring them up to date experience, item. and statwise?
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Jenelle Taylor
Race: Human
Class: Botanist
Age: 24

Description: About 5'8" with a well-built figure from her habit of constantly exercisng in her spare time. She has wild black hair that goes just past her shoulder blades, when working she keeps it in a pony tail but other times she doesn't even boher to comb it. She has light blue eyes, and a pair of small plain looking glasses.

Attitude: Has a very free attitude, and prefers to work alone. Has trouble connecting with and understanding other people. She doesn't make friends easily, but is very loyal to people she actually calls her friend.

Body: 6 (5+1)
Brains: 5 (2+3)
Aim: 2 (2+0)
Agility: 5 (2+3)
Max pleasure: 50

Cloth panties: 3
Cloth Shirt: 3
Denim shorts: 5
Leather boots: 5

Pruning shears


Plant information scan

XP: 4 experience points gained.
Last edited:
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Alexis Archer

Race: Human

Class: Security Officer

Age: 22

Appearance: Tall and curvy, with waist length dark hair kept back in a pony tail.

Background: Having lost her previous security job (due in no part to herself, of course) and unable to find a new one, Alexis was down on her luck. When she saw the job listing the for the GenX corporation, and more importantly, the high pay they were offering, she immediately applied. Baby-sitting a bunch of eggheads? Easy job. It wasn't until after she had been at the facility for a while that she realized the danger she was in. After witnessing a scientist get raped by a monster over the security monitors, Alexis immediately applied for a transfer, but was told that if she transferred, her contract (with the high pay she needed) would be null and void. Grudgingly, she settled back in to finish up her term...

Attitude: Alexis doesn't really enjoy being a security guard for GenX, but at least she's got some weapons to keep her safe from the various monsters. Her contract says she has to watch out for the various GenX scientists, but she'd rather just get out of here. Alexis will help out where she's needed, but her own safety, and purity, is important to her.

Body: 4 (2+2)
Brains: 3 (2+1)
Aim: 7 (5+1) (+1)
Agility: 5 (2+3)
Max Pleasure: 50
Exp: 5

Cloth Bra: 3
Cloth Panties: 3
Cloth Shirt: 3
Denim Pants: 5
Leather Boots: 5
Kevlar Vest: 10

Good Aim - Called Shot penalties only have an additional 2 to their chance to miss, instead of 4
Physical Training - Restraints are easier to get out of.

Combat Knife
Security Handgun (? ammo)
Taser (1 shot)
Shock Rifle
Plasma Rifle
9 plasma containers
2 Tactical Ammo
2 Flash Grenades
2 Smoke Grenades
7 Sticky Grenades
20 Grenades
4 Sleep Bombs
1 Medkit
1 Flashlight
1 Headset
1 Access Card
Last edited:
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Carol Morey

Race: Human

Class: Receptionist

Age: 19

Carol is a young woman who recently graduated from high school and is currently in need of some quick cash to finance her future studies at some collage or university. When she heard of a job offer as a receptionist at a science compound she was eager to accept and earn this money by merely doing simple tasks such as answering phones, hanging around and taking it easy, or so she thought…

Carol has shining dark brown hair, deep green eyes and pale skin, she wears her hair loose and shoulder long and is constantly pushing it away from her eyes. She stands at 5 feet and 3 inches, usually having to look up at other people.
Carol has a tendency to panic in pressured situations, a trait that still clings on since her time in school where she was terrified of the stern teachers. She can also at times be childish and naïve, refusing to grow up and accept responsibility as an adult.
When at work she usually wears a short black skirt with socks drawn high towards her knees and a white shirt to match it.

Silk Bra - 1
Silk Panties - 1
Cloth Skirt - 3
Cloth Shirt - 3

Starting Body: 2 + 1 +1(statbonus) = 4
Starting Brains: 2 + 2 + 1(Class Bonus) = 5
Starting Aim: 2 + 2 = 4
Starting Agility: 2+ 2 = 4
Max Pleasure: 50

No starting equipment

Sexy!- Creatures with a variable attitude will suddenly switch to lusty upon seeing your character.
Experience- Erotic-style damage from 'normal' sex actions is reduced by 3. Reduced damage cannot be reduced to less then 3.
+1 Brains
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Norma Imberman
Race: Human
Class: ScienceTech- Science-loving class. Good for quick identifycation, and with a better weapon, can be a decent melee character. Found all over the lab.

Starting Weapons: Scalpel

Optional Weapons: (None)

Starting Items: Access Card

Optional Items: Med Kit

silk bra 1
silk panties 1
cloth shirt 3
denim pants 5
spandex labcoat 4

Experiment Knowladge- A player can request a scan to see the full stats of any type of creature. The stats are then recorded into the beastiry for future perusal.
Surgical Persision- Melee attacks have a small chance of causing Instant Kill damage.
+3 Brains


Attitude and background: Norma is usual a cheerful glass is half full kind of person. She is caring and would never let any of the experiments come to true harm. She would be a voice of reason and question her orders if said orders go against her principles.

Norma Graduated from the College of Staten Island with a 4.0 avg and has a PHD in physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology with minors in computer science and engineering almost 25 years of full time schooling.
Starting Body: 2 +2=4
Starting Brains: 2 +3 +1 =6
Starting Aim: 2 +2 =4
Starting Agility: 2 +2 =4
Max Pleasure: 50
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: "Dr. Dreadful" Hannelore Ritter
Race: Human
Class: Science Tech
Total XP: 15
Dr. Ritter has a slender and tall build with hips flaring into a magnificent ass. Her blonde hair is kept in a french braid that falls down her back, and her grey eyes are hidden behind gold-framed glasses.

Dr. Ritter is... eccentric. She takes delight in acting like the stereotypical mad scientist and goes as far as speaking with a fake German accent, even though her English is fluent. More often than not she cackles madly during her experiments, a habit that has earned her the nickname "Dr. Dreadful" among her colleagues.
Hannelore is not a sensual person. Science is her true love, and since a few flings in university she hasn't known anything else.

Body: 4
Brains: 6
Aim: 4
Agility: 5
Max Pleasure: 50

Silk Bra - 1
Silk Panties - 1
Nylon Stockings - 4
Linen Skirt - 3
Linen Blouse - 3
Labcoat - 3
Leather Pumps - 5

Skills: Experiment Knowledge, Surgical Precision

Access Card
Portal Plans
Mini Turrets x4
10 clips tactical ammo
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Alane Baker

Race: Human

Class: Receptionist

Age: 20

Appearence: Curvy figure, blond hair, bright shining blue eyes and a pale skin. She is 5'5" high and tries to hide her shyness behind reliable acting. Due to her appearance she often got to fight with stereotypes that causes that she sometimes hate her haircolor but she never found the courage to change it.
She is a warm hearted person whose is unable to see other people suffer, that is the cause why she often stuck in problems which she solved with her special way. She don´t mind to use more then sweet words to get out of a difficult situation.

Attitude: She wanted to start a new life in a new city and the job as receptionist was a perfectly offer. She is very inquisitive and ever wanted to study but couldn´t afford it. Due to this fakt she look up to the scientists whose reached that what she never will do.
Sometimes she try to involve the scientist into a conversation about science but she never earned more then weird looks.

Background: After she ended school with a very good graduation she wanted to study but she couldn´t afford it. So she lived her midclass way but her dream to be a scientist always kept in her mind.
One day a good friend of her stucked in a very big problem and of course she offered her help but this situation wasn´t simply solfed like the other. She never lose a word what happened after that she only say that this was the reason why she leaved her hometown and started her new life.

Body: 2+3
Brains: 2+2(+1 Class)
Aim: 2
Agility: 2+2
Max Pleasure: 50

Silk Bra - 1
Silk Panties - 1
Silk Stockings - 4
Cloth Skirt - 3
Cloth Blouse - 3
Leather Pumps - 5


Skills: Sexy!- Creatures with a variable attitude will suddenly switch to lusty upon seeing your character.
Experience- Erotic-style damage from 'normal' sex actions is reduced by 3. Reduced damage cannot be reduced to less then 3.
+1 Brains
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Beca Wright

Race: Neko

age: 18

Class: Receptionist

Appearence: Beca is a short and thin Neko with deep red hair. her ears are covered with deep red fur, and she has a large bushy red tail. she has a very slight build, leaving her physically weak, not that she expects to have to do any heavy lifting or fighting!

Attitude: Beca is a happy and cheerful person, if a little airheaded at times. she's usually the first to offer to help anyone who needs it. she keeps finding herself in awkward situations, and usually blushes almost as red as her hair.

Body: (2+1) 3
Brains: (2+1) 3
Aim: (1+3) 4
Agility: (3+2) 5
Max Pleasure: 40

silk bra: 1
silk panties: 1
mesh stockings: 2
cloth skirt: 3
cloth blouse: 3
leather collar: 5
leather pumps: 5

weapons: none

Med Kit
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Rosa Garcia

Race: Human

Class: Botanist

Age: 22

Rosa is a 5'9" Latino with a compact frame and wild eyes. Formerly a gymnast, Rosa keeps her body in excellent shape. Her research trips into the Amazon rain forests also helped her physique. Her black hair is kept short and manageable, and she starts a death-march to the nearest pair of scissors whenever it gets too long, complaining that her hair has a mind of its own when it's not kept in check.

Rosa has a very 'devil-may-care' attitude, approaching just about any obstacle with both dangerous optimism, and equally dangerous abandon. To her, there is no such thing as impossible, and if you want to tell her otherwise, be out of arm's reach when you do so. She is quick to make friends, especially with the aqua-techs, having a love of water as well as plants.

Work related notes:
Has a particular interest in hydroponics, and will often visit the aquariums in her off time. Also has a habit of working as much as 20 hour days when focused, followed by invariably sleeping past her alarm the next day. Has a patent pending on her own brew of coffee, the dreaded (at least by the other staff) Mocha Crunch.

Body: 7 (5+2)
Brains: 4 (2+2)
Aim: 2 (2+0)
Agility: 5 (2+3)
Max pleasure: 50

Cloth Panties: 3
Cloth Shirt: 3
Spandex Sportsbra: 4
Denim Shorts: 5
Leather Boots: 5
Leather Gloves: 5

Sleeping Bomb x2
Net x2


Plant information scan
Bomb making
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: John Rooney A.K.A. Shadow

Race: Was once human now he has become something more...

Class: Test Subject

Shadow is the same size as a human male, with dark-colored skin. He also has a myriad of tentacles that can come from his back, and amazing regenerative properties.

Attitude and Backstory: Carefree and Quite most of the time Shadow as he later called himself Volunteered to become a test subject as GenX labs he was not prepared for what it would do to him however he has remained silent sense hes transformation.

Lab Hstory:
The various tests done on subject 789 has been mydrid and a interesting result has taken place. The tests gave him amazing regenerative powers, mydrids of tentacles limbs, and the ability to shapeshift. Unfortuneately, has also become docile and silent. A side effect being loss of inteligence? Unknown, more testing to check hypothosis.

Hospital Gown, 2 Resistance (Currently removed)

Health: 60
Starting Body: 2+1=3
Starting Brains: 2
Starting Aim: 2
Starting Agility: 2+4=6
Max Pleasure: 100

Starting Weapon:n/a

Starting Item:n/a

Unrapeable- Cannot lose a life from being raped out of vitality
Shapeshift- Reform to look like something else, gaining some of it's advantages.
Regeneration- Gains 1d6 HP back per turn

Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Tiffany Ryder

Race: Human

Class: Receptionist

Tiffany has long black hair reaching to her upper-middle back, and has an incredible ass and bust. She is very tidy, so she always shaves and keeps herself presentable. She wears a womans suit with a button shirt underneath. However, she has cut an inch of her skirt, and wears stockings.

Attitude and Backstory:
Tiffany is very aware that she is beautiful, and has a strange kind of pride of it. She likes to flaunt it no doubt, but doesn't like to be stared at unless its on her own terms. Partly the reason why she likes the tall desk she's behind, helps with the gawkers. She likes to stay active, with either exercise or her favorite hobby...

She also loves sex, which is another motivation for this job. She has been meaning to save up for one of those surgieries that increases one's sex drive, her friends swear by it. She has had plenty of flings, and has done almost anything with her previous boyfriends. The job pays well, and she was fine with it, until she found out what was happening here. She didnt know whether to be disgusted or oodly intrigued. She turned a blind, and just keeps working till she gets the cash she needs.

Age: 21


Silk Bra - 1
Silk Panties - 1
Nylon Stockings - 4
Linen Skirt - 3
Linen Blouse - 3
Leather heels - 5
Buttoned Linen Suit- 3

Starting Body: 2 + 3
Starting Brains: 2 + 2 + 1(Class Bonus)
Starting Aim: 2 + 1
Starting Agility: 2+ 3
Max Pleasure: 50

Starting Weapon: Stun Gun

Optional Item: Med Kit

Sexy!- Creatures with a variable attitude will suddenly switch to lusty upon seeing your character.
Experience- Erotic-style damage from 'normal' sex actions is reduced by 3. Reduced damage cannot be reduced to less then 3.
+1 Brains

Exp so far (As od Dec 7th): Tifanny has gained 1 Experience
Tifanny has gained Flashlight, 2 Batteries, 1 Sachet, 1 Love Bomb (Used) , and 2 Candy
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Naomi Yamamoto

Race: Neko

Class: Crematorium Tech

Age: 20

Naomi is a shorter then most girls, never grew pass the height of 4'5" She wasn't that well built, skinny but she wasn't strong at all. Wasn't the type of person that would work out too much. She had a head of pink hair, and her little fuzzy ears stuck out of, they were also pink. Having a much childish face still, and little fuzzy tail that was also pink.

Naomi, was a very friendly person... little too friendly at times. But she could be shy at first, mainly because she was smaller then most people having abit of fear that they would look down at her because of that. She liked to be around people being alone makes her abit scared.

Starting Body: 2
Starting Brains: 2+3=5
Starting Aim: 1+2=3
Starting Agility: 3+2=5
Max Pleasure: 40

(I am sorry if I did the clothing thing wrong)

Silk Panties: 1
Cloth Shirt: 3
Silk bra: 1
Denim Shorts: 5
Leather Boots: 5
Leather Gloves: 5

Fire Axe

Access Card

Fire Immunity- Any form of flames will not harm you.
Pyromania- Damage with any form of fire is increased by 5.
+1 Body
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Name: Catherine Bouvier
Race: Human
Class: ScienceTech
Age: 25

  • Slanted blue eyes
  • Thick, curly, very short brown hair
  • Short but amazonian build
  • Ruddy skin

Attitude: She is always friendly as long as the other one doesn't offend or nerves her. She is also very worried about nearly everything.

Body: 2
Brains: 5
Aim: 2
Agility: 2
Max pleasure: 50

Silk panties: 1
Silk bra: 1
Cloth Shirt: 3
Denim shorts: 5
Leather boots: 5


Access Card

Experiment Knowladge- A player can request a scan to see the full stats of any type of creature. The stats are then recorded into the beastiry for future perusal.
Surgical Persision- Melee attacks have a small chance of causing Instant Kill damage.
+3 Brains
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

...sometimes I wish people would ask first...

I guess you're in, but next time could you ask before trying to start up? In this case, enter at the Ground Floor
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

Sorry didn't knew that. Thank you very much that I am in the game now. I nearly thought it is only made for "VIP's" who also played in the first round or something like that.
Re: GenX Labs Sign-In Sheet

(Because Lurker said I could~) XD

Name: Scarlet Regoel

Race: Human

Class: AquaTech

Age: 19

Appearance: Short and slim, standing about 5'4'' very shapely body, red hair, deep green eyes. Her head had a distinct diamond shape to it. As afore mentioned, she was slim, only tipping the scales at 105. She was white Caucasian and had an average strength, but above average skill. She also featured smooth red hair, six inches past her shoulders. As well as featuring a perky 32A

Background: Through High School, she had a lot to keep her busy. She was a practiced vet. of the Swim and Dive team, having impressive scores since the seventh grade, and breaking two school records, one on dive an one in swimming by the end of her senior year. Her classes delved into the sciences, many advanced physics and chemistry classes partnered her calculus courses. Saturday evenings were filled with Shooting sports from 7-9. Asside from this busy life, she had many friends, but few good friends. With the massive debt of college looming over her, she joined the Air Force ROTC, preparing for a little time in the military to help pay for an education. Although her time was brief, (Being short is a way to get denyed access to the military) her potential as an information officer was noticed, and they suggested an I.T. position, but she passed, having recieved a notice of a vacant, high paying position at the GenX labs, that offered to help with schooling...

Attitude: She had an easy going demeanor most of the time… but under pressure of screwing up in front of a superior, she sometimes lost her nerve. But nothing except for nothing could keep her from helping a friend in need. She would risk life or limb… or virginity to save her companions, making her a valuable friend. Very outgoing, and kind, she tried to make it easy to talk to her at all times, doubling her efforts if she was upset or stressed, to try to mask her feelings.


Body: 2+2 (4)
Brains: 2+3 (5)
Aim: 2 (2)
Agility: 5+2 (7)
Max Pleasure: 50

Starting Weapons: Harpoon Gun, Knife

Starting Items: Rebreather, Headset

Optional Items: Fish Food, Tank Clearer, Bandages

Aquatic Studies: - A player can request a scan to see the full stats of a undersea-Type creature. The stats are then recorded into the beastiry for future perusal.
Good Swimmer- Aquatic actions are the same as land-based actions, just a little more gracefuly.

Spandex Sports Bra: 4
Cloth Panties: 3
Spandex Dive Suit: 4 (When applied)
Cloth Shirt: 4
Denim Pants: 5
Leather Boots: 5