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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Pleased to meet you, Stella... And as for Corax, well. If you knew Corax, you'd understand why it's creepy. Plus I think he's gay, anyway.."

The albino flicks a stray hand of hair off her right shoulder, and stifles a grin as Grace wanders in, complaining about food, as usual..

"We hid it, Grace.. we knew you were coming..."

She acknowledges Ellisia with a somewhat more solemn nod, though.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

After finishing her sketch of everyone Isabella makes sure that everything is as it should be, quickly looking back and forth from the group to her picture. If anyone were to catch a glimpse of it they'd notice the attention to detail was almost supernatural, it looked more like a photograph than a drawn picture. Admiring her work for a moment Isabella then closes her sketchbook and puts it in her messenger bag. She makes to leave, that is unless someone engages her first.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Trixie walks back into the room, fully dressed and re-humaned, looking around. "Geeze, lay down for a few moments, and everything gets eaten!" she jokes, flopping down onto one of the couchs. Once again, her nose wrinkles a bit as she catchs a wiff of something-or someone- dead, but she keeps it to herself, instead watching everyone else.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

As Trixie enters and sits down Isabella cant help but stare at her. Soon she starts to feel her face go red and to cover this up she pulls out a normal sketchbook and frantically sketches Trixie.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

The sound of sudden scribbling made Trixie's ears pop up a bit as she overhears the pencil start with her entry. Shrugging, she grabs a nearby magizine, laying back as she allows herself to relax slightly, going through the pages and trying to glean as much info as she could from it.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella smiles as she looks around, thinks felt so much... happier around here than what she remembered. Of course, what little she did remember was waking up face down in the dirt in a pool of her own blood...

She shakes her head, trying to get the uncomfortable thoughts out of her head as she points upstairs,

I'm going to our room, I need to unpack my fly zapper, those things really like hanging around me."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Announced by a creak in the floor as she walked in, Autumn winced visibly, and moved to the side of the room, head dipped. She looked at a seat briefly, but decided against it, leaning against the wall instead as she munched on an apple she had picked up on her way by the table.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Ohhhhhh, so many people that I need to draw," Isabella thinks to herself as Autumn walks in.

"Um....you couldn't, uh...put the magazine down for a moment please?" Isabella asks Trixie nervously, trying not to offend the girl. "It'll only be...for a few minutes. I've almost finished..I'm Isabella by the way..." She mutters her introduction quietly, as if it was an afterthought.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Ohhhhhh, so many people that I need to draw," Isabella thinks to herself as Autumn walks in.

"Um....you couldn't, uh...put the magazine down for a moment please?" Isabella asks Trixie nervously, trying not to offend the girl. "It'll only be...for a few minutes. I've almost finished..I'm Isabella by the way..." She mutters her introduction quietly, as if it was an afterthought.

"Eh?" Trix siad with a sudden jerk, actually feeling a small twinge as her ears become pointed for a split second before she gets under control again. "Oh, erm, sure thing!" she said, placing the magazine down before flopping back onto the couch, tryingn to give the girl stuff to draw better. "Dat better?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Fly zapper?" Grace mutters to her self. "Anyway, I've gotta get ready, see you there." She says briskly heading to the stairs. Ellisia returns the nod with a light smile, and quietly follows her room mate.

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Thank you..." Isabella muttered, unsure whether the girl heard her or not. It didn't take long, perhaps five minutes in total for her to finish the picture, albeit only black and white, and after one final check she closed the sketchbook up and slipped it back in her bag. "If you would excuse me," She said to Trixie as she made to get up. "I think I'll go prepare for the dance now..." With that Isabella made her way hastily out of the room.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Alazais hovers, uncomfortable, for a few minutes.. glancing from one new face to another. Finally, the albino gives up, and slips her hood over her head. Quietly, she slips from the room, heading, doubtless, to her dorm. At least, if she intended to attend the dance with anything more unusual than her jet black robes.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"No prob, call me Trix... wait, dance?" Trixie said befuddlely, before whacking herself in the head. Of course! The dance! Scrabbling from the couch, she practically ran on all fours as she zoomed towards her room, probably faster then most people could keep track.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Art, Corax and Leo stand waiting outside the girls dorm for Maria to come out.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Maria emerges from the dorm in a . Spying Art and Corax nearby, she heads over to them. "Why Artemis, you look relatively presentable. I'm impressed." She notices Leo standing with them. "Who's your friend?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Well one does have to dress appropriately to social events such as these. And you look delightful as usual. And this," He motions to Leo, "Is my new friend Leo."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Leo bows formally, his left hand over his stomach as he does so "Leonardo Shevanke, at your service, madam." he says, his right arm out to his side as he looks up at Maria
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Maria raises an eyebrow at Leo's formality. "Maria Rivers. Nice to meet you." She turns to Art. "He seems an interesting contrast to you. Perhaps it'll be nice to talk to someone with a degree of maturity... or someone who talks at all." She shoots a glance at Corax as she says the last part.
"If you have nothing to say, why say something?"
"Well, when you put it that way, it makes sense. Your strange take on things never ceases to intrigue me. Shall we be on our way?"

As the group makes their way to the dance, Corax falls in line with Maria and whispers to her.
"Art said to keep an eye on Leo. You know what that might mean."
Maria nods in achknowledgement, and the two move apart again.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Outside the girls dorm, once everyone had returned and there was no chance of being spotted, Art pulled from his pockets several cubes of metal.

"Right, this should be enough," Art hides behind the building as he creates a ladder from the Mythril. Moving back to the front Art props the ladder against the wall and climbs up it. Delving into his pockets again he takes out a tube of glue and starts to spread it on the wall.

It takes about thirty minutes for Art to put up the entire picture of Al drunkenly riding on Matt's shoulders.

"Heh, I can't wait to see their faces," Art quietly says to himself, a grin spreading across his face. "And Matt will have a hard time removing that glue." Art then makes the ladder back into Mythril cubes and heads towards the boys dorm.


Anyone wandering down to the communal room will see a new notice pinned to the notice board. It reads;

The acting Dean will be holding a talk in the gymnasium at 12pm, you will also be able to pick up your school uniform as well as your time table for this semester once the talk has finished.

After the talk Club signup's will take place. This will be open for the rest of the week though it is advised to signup early as the more popular the club the less chance you'll have at being able to signup at a later date.​
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Autumn arrives in the communal room, rubbing her temple slowly. She walks right past the noticeboard without noticing it, settling for an apple left over from the greeting platters still on the table from yesterday. Settling herself carefully down, she ate it slowly, trying to focus on the taste instead of the pounding in her head.