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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace gasps a little as she spots Stella crash down across the room, "Aw hell, that's got to hurt. I worry about that girl sometimes..." Grace says, hesitating on her food, but going back to it as Sho seems to have things covered. Ellisia too looks round concerned and ready to help, but like the rest stays put. "Hmm, sorry, there's not really enough of this to make up another portion. Perhaps I could do enough for everyone sometime though. Wouldn't be hard to simply make a bit more."

"Hey Isa, you wanna meet up first break? I've got french second period so I'll be coming out of L Building." Grace asks turning her head to face Isa a little as she finishes off her meal.

A little way behind Stella Yume emerges as well with her normal sleepy face, having just missed the fall she simply moves past quietly and fixes her self a simple breakfast. Not paying too much attention to the others she sits down alone a little way off, and stares with a warm preoccupied smile at her cereal.
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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabella finishes chewing her food before answering Grace. "uh, sure," She replies, though as she looks at Grace her face reddens slightly at the memory of how pathetic she must've seemed yesterday. "I've got a class in the N Building before then, so we'll meet up halfway?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Trixie entered the room, looking half tired and half happy as she moved into the area with the fridge, quietly grabbing some breakfast while her hands went through her ever-messy hair. She did a polite nod to the pile of people still in the room before sitting to eat.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella nods and smiles at Sho as she shakes her head, trying to fight the voices that told her to try to kill the girls in the room and eat their delicious gray matter. She coughs slightly as she makes her way over to the fridge, reaching in and pull out the first thing she could find and sticking it into her mouth.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Yeah, halfway sounds good." Grace says getting up and taking her bowl away. Passing back by the table on her way to the door, "I'll see you latter then." She says with a wave. Ellisia returning a small wave too as she also finishes and begins to get up.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabella waves back as Grace leaves and a short while later she too leaves to head for class, washing up her plate before she goes. As she goes she bids the rest of them goodbye.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Well, doesn't look like I get to torment my roomie any much longer." After taking care of her dishes, Sho heads over and picks up her blazer, shrugging it on. "Guess I'll have to save that for lunchtime." She bids a good-bye and and good day to those still in the dorms and heads out, actually heading to class today, for the sole reason it will keep her mind off of teasing Aya further. At least that's the plan.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Disregarding a certain rule in favour of confirming the presence of the elusive spirit he'd been trying to track down since arriving, Harrel strides suddenly and purposefully into the girls dorm building, reaching the communal room he ignores a few passing comments, laughs and protests and after seeming to hurriedly look round randomly at nothing but the walls, he quickly sets off again in the general direction of room 109. Though before he quite reaches or determines the room he stops in his tracks, and begins tracing his head as if watching an invisible object move through space, then suddenly looking somewhat confused. "The shit... it just disappeared. That was him for sure." He mutters to himself, still trying to relocate the signature he'd detected. 'There's no way such a powerful spirit can just slip off my radar like that...'
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

With no sign of the spirit returning, Harrel decides to leave before any more passing residents start glaring at him. He grumbles a little, but shrugs it off and begins to make his way out of the building and back to the main grounds, smiling and waving whilst passing a group of girls as if it's completely normal.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Figuring whoever was chasing him was a male, Matt decided to duck in the girl's dormitory. After all, who'd be so unmannerly as to run in here? "Maybe the thing I left on the roof is still there..." He muttered out of breath, making his way to the stairs.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

As Matt bounds up the first set of stairs coming to the first floor he'd find himself on a collision course with a sleepy faced girl with long black hair, as she walked past the stairwell. Only just spotting the threat in time she sequels and ducks away from Matt with a spin.

By the time Yume has pushed her self away from the wall she fell against and swept her hair out of her eyes, the mystery assailant/hurried student is already out of sight. "What's the big rush?" Yume mutters setting herself straight again, "Who was that anyway? She was huge..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia storms into the girl's dormitory and runs up the stairs, lightly crashing into Yume as well before rolling slightly and continuing to give chase to the slippery man, "You can't run forever Gardening man!"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"What kind of person barges into a women's dormitory, you sick fuck!?" He shouts, climbing the staircase. Another girl passes by, carrying a stack of books. Matt slaps the books out of her hand, covering the staircase with a small obstacle. "Jesus, it's like high school all over again..." he mutters, continuing up.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

She lets out a grunt as she hops over the book, continuing to chase after the man, now more interested in why he was running through the dromitory, she responds to his ravings, "You're the one who's running through the girl's dormitory!"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"You see this keyring!?" He yelled back, digging into his pocket and presenting a huge set of keys. "This means I'm allowed to go anywhere in this school! YOU'RE the guy who's barging into places they don't belong in." At this point, Matt doesn't even realize the person chasing him was a female, and still hasn't turned around.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

She grabs one of the books that were knocked to the ground and throws it as hard as she could at the retreating figure, "What's wrong with a girl running around the girl's dormitory you prevert?!"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"The hell you talkin' abou-!" He began to say until he was nailed in the head with a book. Matt tripped and fell right at the top of final flight of stairs. "Okay, that's fucked up!" clutching the back of his head. Trying to scramble to his feet, he trips and falls on the door to the roof, breaking it open.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia starts to run out of breath as she finally makes it to the top, having been running around for longer than Matt. She looks around and picks up the book that she threw, planning on throw it again before seeing the door to the roof open and close. She sighs and drops the book, then looks around before summoning a weapon, deciding not to go for anything too powerful at the moment and settles with a very interesting earth weapon she had found, a long wooden pole with a flat piece of metal on one end, and a grip on the other. She holds the shovel in one hand and slowly pushes open the door with the other, trying to peek out.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Matt sprints around the roof, searching for what he came up here for. After a panicked two seconds, he found his prized M1 Garand still perched at the corner of the building. "For the love of God, please be loaded..." He says, pulling the bolt back and aiming at the door.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

She slowly pokes her head out, seeing the glint of metal and giving an angry cry and throws her shovel at the direction of the janitor before slamming the door shut again.