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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Matt took the shovel to the chest, thankfully getting hit with the blunt side. Straining to breathe now, he brought the rifle back up, took aim, and pulled the trigger.

A single click echoed. "... Useless piece of shit!"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia waits for the shot, when none came, she rounds the corner, reaching over the door to vault herself spinning into the air as she grins, reaching the apex of her jump as she tries to aim a leg at where she thinks the janitor man is, driving down in his direction in an oddly elaborate form of kicking, yelling out to the man as she does so, "Stop running away before I make you stop running!"
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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Matt spotted movement at the door, and for a moment briefly considered fighting his pursuer without a gun. He lost his train of thought when he realized a student was diving at him. "Wait, you're not a-!" He begins, but immediately gets stomped on, tumbling to the ground. He threw an elbow at her in an attempt to push her off, or at the very least make her dodge back a little.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia reels back as the elbow hits her nose, causing a small amount of blood to leak out as she lets out a cry of anger, "You bastard! You punched me in the face!" She responds by lifting up her foot, swinging it forward as hard as she could, going for the family jewels.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

The look of victory on Matt's face was short-lived the minute the kick connected. Already struggling to breathe from the shovel, he curled into a fetal position, gasping for air.
"I regret... Everything I've ever done... In life..." He whimpered, trying to crawl away.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia holds her nose with one hand as she grabs onto the janitor with her other hand, her voice sounding a little funny as she threatened the man, trying to hide her fear that perhaps the man had found something out about her, "What do you know janitor man? Why did you run away from me?" She frowns, the man seemed... relatively normal, compared to some of the other people she had met anyway.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Taking a moment to recover, Matt slowly regained his composure. He wasn't going to be walking anywhere soon, but he was at least rational again. "All I know is that I HAVE A BOOTKNIFE!" he shouted, reaching for his boot and grabbing absolutely nothing. "Um. How about we talk this over?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia blinks at the man, then pushes him away as she holds onto her nose, "...You don't even know anything... do you." She gives him a hand to help him up, "Listen... I was hoping I could convince you to not do any work in the main school grounds for now, I will be willing to help you keep the area to your specifics for now, I am mainly conducting an... experiment that I wish to keep secret."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Matt groaned and made a face not unlike an angsty teenager at a place they didn't want to be. "God damn it, you're a student. And chances are, you're one of those students. I know your games. I agree to do something for you guys and then suddenly it's 'Help us with the zombie outbreak, Matt!' or 'Let us borrow your boat! We wanna go somewhere!' Nononono, I'm done with that. You can wait until summer vacation to do your little experiments because I will do everything in my power to stop you from whatever it is you're doing." He crossed in arms in a rare show of seriousness.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

She continues to hold her nose as she frowns at the janitor's disapproval as she raises a finger, "What? I am not one of those students. And my experiments are perfectly safe. Unless you accidentally run your stupid vegetation cutting machine over something I set up over there. Then maybe we'll have problems." She shakes her head, "I apologize for applying my foot to your genitals, but it is very important that you leave my research alone! And that you do not enter the pool area!"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Matt had already zoned out and stopped listening to her, more focused on her nose. Digging into his pocket, he handed her a small handkerchief. "It's for your nose."
He managed to catch the last bit of her sentence, hearing something about a pool. "Oh for Christ's sake, you put something in the pool too!?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

She shakes her head as she takes the hankerchief, using it to stem the bloodflow from her nose as she shrugs before replying, "Not... in the water. Not yet anyway." She apologizes again, "It hopefully won't affect you, as long as Siphon owns up to what he did to me..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"AND Siphon's involved?! Okay, you're done. I'm going to the pool, and I'm going to get rid of whatever it is you're doing." He turned around and took a running start, and jumped off the building. Of course, when he landed his legs immediately gave in and collapsed on him. "Dear God, why did I do that!?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia runs to the edge, expecting the man to fly off, or teleport, or anything that would save him. What she did not expect was for the man to land with a sickening sound, but yet still appear alright, despite the fact that likely he wouldn't be walking for awhile. Turning around, she makes her way down the dorm and out the door, then back around the building until she got to the spot where the man had jumped, a cruel smile on her face, "You overestimated yourself, hedge trimming man, now that you can't move, you have no choice but to accept my terms!"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Who says I can't stand?" He managed to strain out of his voice. "I'm... JUST... Fine!" He pushes himself to his feet, crackling sounds echoing. His face winced in horrible pain, but he actually managed to keep himself up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the pool!" Each step he took was unsteady and slow, but he was really was walking after having jumped off a building.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia thinks to herself, then walks up to the man and stands beside him, then gives him a light shove, testing to see if she could tip the man over. There wasn't really much justification for this, she simply wanted to see if she could tip the man over.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Argh, you bitch!" he shouted, immediately tipping over, more crackling sounds coming from his ankle. His legs began to cave in again, but at the last moment, he widened his stance, giving himself more balance. "So you really are here to kill me..." He glared at her.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia responds with a swift boot to the shin, "Not trying to kill you per se, just trying to have you see things my way. You have no reason to fear my experiment... unless..." She narrows her eyes as she gets closer, "Unless you are involved with Siphon in some way... is that it? Are you his lover or something?!"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

The kick sent Matt straight to the ground again. "Lover!? Listen lady, you're the one with the revenge plot on Siphon! You sound more like his wife than me being his lover!" Getting in a pushup stance, he attempted to get back up again.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Athanasia quickly takes a chance and sits down on the janitor, deciding for now to prevent the man from further hurting himself, "My problem with Siphon is none of your concern, and I would rather kill myself then ever be his lover! Also, please stop trying to move, you are going to permanently break something."