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Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

(Figured communal since it's not actually their room...that, and I don't remember the numbers *laughs*)

After leaving her room, Sho slipped into the hall and glanced around. From what she'd seen so far, the damage to the roof hadn't gotten through to the actual ceiling, at least not here. Padding over to the door to the room Alazais shared, she none-too-quietly pounded on the door. Likely the neighboring rooms would be inconvenienced, if they were light sleepers, but this was an emergency and a few minutes of beauty sleep could be sacrificed for the sake of someone else's well-being.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ellisia was up and cooking in the communal kitchen. She made good use of the eggs and bacon available. After last night she wanted something with a bit of protein. She was getting better at cooking with the food and tools in this world. The strange stoves were really simple once you got the gist of them. As it cooked she was still gently stretching out her aches.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((While normal snakes probably can't see this well/smell this well... I'm going to just rub it off as any other animal since I'm too lazy to research the precise details of snakes...))

The small snake slithered through the hallways familiarizing himself with his surroundings. Having been born in a less technologically developed world, many of the more "modern" renovations were complete mysteries to him, from kitchen appliances and bathrooms... even the electronically locked doors were foreign to him.

"Where in Qua'Sylvsta am I anyway? I remember falling asleep in a cloth bag next to an Oasis in the DESERT, and now I'm stuck in some... madhouse seemingly created by some crazed tinkerer with a boatload of... females...

Sly hoped to himself that he wouldn't be encountering one anytime soon, getting beaten to death by an angry mob of the "fairer sex" was NOT the way he wanted to go...
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Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((Appreciated, thank you!.))
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Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

As the day grew longer, it became more and more inevitable that Sly would be unable to retain his inconspicuousness in his adventures around the girls dormitory. It was only a matter of time before he was spotted by one of the fairer sex, and after that would come the classical cries of "snake" or "viper" followed by the throwing of stones. Sighing mentally, Sly continued his explorations of the building, being unable to find an actual exit out of the place, seeing as he was forced to move in roundabout ways in order to avoid detection.

His time would come amongst his travels, as he was eventually spotted by a girl just exiting her room to grab some breakfast on the second floor (having finally found a way to get off the third floor) while attempting to slither past the particular door while it remained closed. Seeing that she was about to scream Sly reacted swiftly, gazing deep into the girl's eyes and tapping into the most basic form of magic he had as his disposal.

"Stop. Do not scream... Go back into your room slowly and lie down... slowly... just a little bit more..."

Despite his quick thinking however, lady luck was not on his side, as his concentration was snapped by screams behind his back.

"Snake! It's a snake!"

Cursing his misfortune, the snake magus began to "run away" as fast as his serpent body would take him, hoping to avoid the "stones" that would be cast by the bolder of the women. However, even he did not expect the manner of objects that were flung at him, his heart skipping a beat as a bladed weapon of some sorts buried itself in front of him.

Blades? BLADES? I thought this was a civilian residence! What the he-

A variety of pointy sharp objects nearly hitting him made him opt to ponder on it another time as he morphed himself into a smaller snake so as to make himself a smaller target. Fleeing as fast as he could from the "cliche" angry mob, he began to swear mentally while what appeared to be a miniature fireball (don't ask where that came from) lightly singed his tail, "Being chased by angry housewives at home and being chased by killer girls here... I really hate women... Ah sh- is my tail on fire? Damn it, this is seriously not my day!"
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ellisia had long finished her breakfast by now and had visited her room, 205 right by the stairs, to collect something. Leaving it though she heard the commotion from the corridor round the corner. As she walked over to see what was going on, she came straight into the path of Sly and his 'fans'. She wasn't fazed by the tiny snake, but as a community problem solver type she decided to remove the source of the ruckus.

Quickly taking two steps back, she then lunges forwards as Sly (I assume) changes course to avoid her. Grabbing him by the tail and upper body, she wastes no time in sliding her hand up to hold the jaw shut. She then swiftly moves back to the stairs and heads to the exit. Little serpent carried firmly but gently in hand.

(Sly may wish to intervene before she reaches the outside. If not, and the snake doesn't miraculously grow in her hands, her intentions are to find a bush to throw him in.)
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

( I have some plans for Sly involving Ima, but it doesn't matter whether Sly's outside or inside really... but let's stir things up more either way... say, how well does Elissia do against snake venom?)

Sly squirmed furiously in Elissia's grasp, rather ticked off from having been grabbed in the fashion in which she had done it. It wasn't that he wasn't thankful for her saving him from the angry mob, it was that being grabbed and held in the way one might one of those "show animals" he saw occasionally at bazaars dealt a severe blow to his pride as a snake magus, that and he REALLY hated to have his mouth clamped shut forcibly. Forcing Elissia's hold on his mouth open slightly with a metamorphosis to a slightly larger snake, Sly proceeded to sink his fangs down, with no real intent other than to let her know that he didn't appreciate being held in such a manner. Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize his fangs were still coated with venom, despite having shifted to a "venomless snake"'s body, the said poison being strong enough to make that of a black mamba's seem little more than some cleaning detergent...
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Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((*Goes to research Black Mamba venom* A neurotoxin, 15 mg can equal death within 30 minutes, typical bite being 100mg... major paralysis and failure of... just about everything... Holy crap, it makes THAT seem like detergent? Ehm, well I guess I can claim the Sword Spirit keeps her alive, if a little far fetched. She is still only human after all. She's just going to be bed ridden and kinda "under the weather" for a while. She'll recover, but man is she going to be pissed that she let a tiny snake do this to her, and not even in the sake of her mission. (Oh, and you put Graces name in there by mistake.) ))

Ellisia had just reached the front door when something strange happened. The little snake she had safely between thumb and finger, changed. Seeming to grow before her eyes it wriggled out and bit her hand. With shock and a little bit of pain she cut her journey short and kicked the door open and threw Sly spinning towards the gardens.

"How in the hells did it... agh... crap. I hope it wasn't..."

She quickly sucked on the small bite marks and spat, but it wasn't as simple as the survival guides would make out. She was trying to think what to do incase there was a problem, best go to the nurses office right away, if there was anything they could do. It was already starting to hurt her hand, no doubt about it. Hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

Some of the girls that chased the snake followed her out and asked if she was ok, Ellisia calmly saying she'd head to the nurses office, and most left. By the time Ellisia had reached the dorm gates, her fingers were starting to tingle rather uncomfortably.

((If anyone cares to take control of some random NPC concerned for Ellisia heading off on her own, be my guest.))
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Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

As a result of being thrown by Elissia, Sly ended up crash landing into a thorny bush in an undignified manner, receiving multiple scratches and lacerations from the spike ridden plant. Disoriented from being spun about in midair, the snake magus began muttering mentally to himself, unsure whether the indignation from being picked up in such a manner and then thrown hurt more than the various scrapes and minor flesh wounds he had received.

"Geez, what's her problem anyway? Who in their right mind would pick up a snake like that anyway?

Sly’s thoughts were cut short however, as his attention to a conversation between two of the girls that had been chasing him earlier.

”Say… do you think she’ll be all right? She was swaying awfully strange…

Swaying? Who was swaying?

“You don’t suppose that snake was poisonous… do you?”

Poison?... Sly became a bit shaken at the accusation. It couldn’t be… could it? That would have killed the entire point of transforming into a king snake in the first place… A quick lap at one of his fangs with his tongue confirmed his fears, the bitter taste lingering in his mouth. Ashamed at what he had done, Sly shrunk back into the bush, fervently hoping that the girl he had bitten would be ok. However in his own heart, he knew that was extremely unlikely. In the past he had accidently bitten a villager that came too close to him while he was a hatchling, the villager died within the hour. And that was then, who knew how strong his poison was now. Lost in his lamentations, he failed to detect a person approaching from behind him, until he was seized by his tail and hefted into the air.

”Tell me worm, who gave you permission to poison MY prey? Speak swiftly now, or you’ll find your head crushed faster than you can bare your fangs at me.”

The young snake’s eyes beheld the same woman he had spotted before his fateful nap in the desert who evidently appeared extremely annoyed. The girl’s eyes grew ever more red as she glared at the poor hapless reptile who was now at her mercy, being ticked off at the putrid smell of poison mixed into the ever sweet smell of the blood she had been denied the previous night…
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

The door beeps as she enters, sniffing gently as she tried to guage who was in here.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho clomps down the stairs, settled back into that haze that comes from wanting to go *back* to sleep, even if you're upwardly mobile. She's about to reach the door when she stops. "Food."

She turns around, not seeing Trixie (?) coming in, as she's not paying attention, even hearing the door open. Her head is stuck in the fridge and she's digging for something edible.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Trixie sniffs out the smell of a crowded refrigerator a mile away. Quietly, she goes to investigate, seeing the other girl. After stratening her clothing a bit, she spoke out- "Um, Hi there!"
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Thankfully, the fridge isn't a mile away. Startled by the voice behind her, Sho picks her head up and promptly cracks her head on one of the shelves, making some of the contents rattle and then tip over. "Dammit to hell," she grumbles, rubbing the sore spot. She's glaring as she turns around to face the other girl, but her anger isn't really directed at Trixie. "Hi," she mumbles, turning back and snagging a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. She's obviously not a morning person.

Juggling a tub of butter, the bottle, and a jar of jelly, she heads over to the counter to hunt for bread and the toaster. Before she does that, she pauses, shakes her head and turns back to Trixie, one brow arching up at the girl's unusual appearance. "Did you...need something?"

(I'm presuming she's still in her animal skin clothes, since I haven't seen anything on her changing out of them.)
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

(Yeah, she's human and in the deerskin)

"Nothing, just getting some food is all," she said, going over to the fridge and peering in for something that seemed apitizing.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho just shrugs and goes back to making toast, or at least that's all it looks like she's doing. She casually leans on the counter as she waits for it to heat. "So, any particular reason you're not in uniform?" (asks the girl *also* not in uniform.)
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Uniform?" she asks in confusion, as she grabs a random slice of leftover pizza and scruitinizes it. Finding it edible, she chows it down in an eyeblink.

"To tell the truth, I'm still not fully enrolled..." she said, trying not to sound like she was scared out of her wits and completely clueless, instead leaning against the counter and staring at the light fixtures and thier bright lights.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Ah, that's likely the problem then. Uniforms are issued once you get enrolled. Of course, if you've gotten your card, you should have gotten them, too." Her gaze keeps flicking back and forth between the strange newcomer and the toaster, at this point, waiting for either one to spring, in one form or another. She hasn't mentioned the clothes yet, but that's mostly where her attention goes when she watches Trixie.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Oooooooohhh," she said to herself, trying hard to keep her focus at the light fixtures as she tries to think out of this perpicament before something worse happened.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"You feeling all right?" Sho's attention goes briefly to the toaster as it pops up, quickly snatching the bread from the machine and putting it onto a paper towel. She turns and roots for a butter knife while it cools, proceeding then to lightly butter and then jelly up the toast, afterward pouring herself some orange juice as well. Her attention mostly on her tasks, but trailing back to Trixie now and again as well.