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Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Yesyesyes! I'm fine!" she said hastily, even as a small twinge comes from her head, though not enough to cause pain yet.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

No... am I... going to die... here?...

Time slowed to a crawl as the small snake watched Mia's hand thrust forward frame by frame, fingers together to form a "knife", intent on severing his head from his neck.

"I didn't mean to poison her! All I want to do is get home! "

In a strong burst of psychic energy, Sly sent a mental "shout" to virtually everyone in the vicinity, his fear causing him to lose control of his powers. Anyone near the girl's dorm, or in it more sensitive to such abilities would have his cry conveyed directly to their minds, its "volume" depending on how far they were from him.

This action however, had a profound effect on Mia, as she realized the snake’s origins, her hand scarcely a few centimeters away from the reptile’s head. A magus?... No, he’s from that world… A sinister smile breaking out on her face, Mia whispered softly into the frightened animal’s ear.

“Congratulations… you get to live a bit longer…. “

This did little to help pacify Sly, it was obvious that behind that smile she was planning something worse for him. As he slowly rebuilt his composure, he began to quickly contemplate his choices. Transforming was out of the question, the speed she had moved earlier meant that if he tried anything visible to the naked eye, he would find himself in pieces on the ground. Sending out a mental cry for help seemed to be out of the question as well, seeing as the woman was sensitive enough to detect his earlier shout. Hypnosis? That could work, seeing as psychic abilities obviously had some effect on her. Provided he kept the command simple enough, it should be feasible to even force such a strong minded person as her to temporarily subject to his will in some form. It’s not like things were going to improve if he continued hanging from his tail. Drawing on the energies within his mind, he began his attempt at hypnotizing the one holding him… only to be foiled again by Lady Luck, who had apparently made it her personal agenda to ensure Sly failed in anything he attempted.

” Hey! Are you ok over there? “

So as fate would have it, at the precise moment Sly attempted his hypnosis, Mia dropped Sly head first, into what appeared to be a “portal of shadow” so as to confront the girl who had come up behind her.

“I’m ok! I was just looking for something.”

“Looking for what?”

“Oh… just a little something I dropped. I found it already though.” [color]

“Oh, ok…”

“Now if you’ll excuse me… there’s someone I need to go meet now. Talk to you another time?...”

“Um… yeah… sure…”

Hand grasping her face as she walked away from the dorm, the girl could not help but smile as a thing “veil” covered each of her eyes, the scarlet red pupils replaced with ones of bright blue. Masquerading around as Ima wasn’t too bad, still more annoying than it was worth though. Well either way, it would be easier to move around on campus as her weaker self, she could work on changing her appearance later…
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Suddenly, some sort of force smote against her, causing her to reel and her mind to scream in pain. Even as she gasped for breath, she foused herself at trying to stay human, and the only thing the girl maw have noticed is a pair of claws appearing for a few seconds before sinking back to fingers.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho spit the orange juice she just sipped back into her cup, slamming the glass down onto the counter as the girl in front of her seemed suddenly, if briefly, wracked with pain.

"You don't look all right. C'mon. Come sit down." She glanced around to see if anyone else noticed the 'outburst,' but only her noise seemed to have gotten the briefest of attention. She made to guide the other girl over to the nearest chair so she could at least catch her breath and allow her to not be as noticable to anyone else that might be nearby.

((Just want to make sure I'm reading that right. Sho's not psychicly sensative, so I'm thinking she didn't hear the cry. If she did, the spit-take is still appropriate reaction, since, again, not really psychic, not as much impact.))
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((In comparison, Trix is hypersensitive to psycic emissions.))

"I-I- You didn't feel that?" she asks in confusion as she is led to a chair.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Cornelia tiredly and quietly pushes her door open as she plods into the kitchen, still wearing her pajamas, she tries to avoid contact with the other two already there and pours herself a glass of water, drinking it while standing; facing a wall.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho shakes her head. "I didn't. What was it that you felt?" Trixie can see the other girl looking her over, obviously making sure that she's all right, more concern than any type of suspicion in her eyes.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"I-I dunno, it was almost like an eplosion, but nothing else moved, y'know?" she said in confusion.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Not really," she replies with a chuckle. "But it's still a pretty detailed description. Are you feeling better, or is...whatever happened still bothering you?" It could have been magic, or, well, I'm not sure what else. Either way, something's not right here.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"I-I'm good now, yeah... is there any empty rooms running around here?" she asked.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho blinked. "Well, I'm sure there are. Weren't you assigned one when you got your card?"

((Don't the keycards work on our rooms as well as the gate? Trying to remember.))
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((yeah, the card keys work on the characters room as well as class rooms and other publically accessed rooms, and enter Emily! I'm bored so wing it xD))

Emily walks into the communal area of the girls dorm having finished putting her room exactly as she wanted it, the smell of ash following her in. She was still dressed the same, even to still wearing the hoodie. Looking around she realised that there people already here.

Great, oh well I guess I'd have to meet new people eventually... She thought to herself before speaking.

"Hey," She says to the room aloud. "Uh..I'm not very good at intro's so I'll make it short. I'm Emily Wingate, sister to, if any of you have been introduced to him yet, Artemis Wingate, my half-wit brother." Sniffing the air she could smell the faint aroma of just cooked toast. "Oh is that toast I smell? Just cooked about 3-5 minutes ago by the aroma coming from it."
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"To tell the truth, all I got was the card, soo..." she started explaining, but she hushed as the new girl came in.

"Nice to meet you," Trixie said to the new girl, as the mysterious attack seemed to not affect her anymore.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Wow, she's certainly dressed.......uniquely... Emily thought to herself as she looked at the girl who addressed her.

"The card should have your door number on, mine did. Failing that you could just try it on all the doors until you find your room."
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

She nods. "Ok," she said, ggetting to her feet.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Cornelia looks around, noticing the sudden increase in people and quietly slips back into her room to get dressed. She steps out of her room after getting dressed, the words "Hi" begin to form on her mouth, but she chickens out at the end and quickly leaves the building
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho chuckles at the words from the younger girl. "Hi, Emily. I'm Shoni, or Sho, if you prefer." She steps back as Trixie gets to her feet. "Are you sure you're going to be all right? If...it's still bothering you," come to think of it, she really didn't even know what 'it' was, "I can go with you. Or take you to the nurses' station." She was actually more concerned with Trixie's reaction than to her clothes. With everything she'd dealt with, these were pretty pale in comparison to the other weirdness that happens around here.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"I'm FINE," she said, maybe a little too forcefully. "Now, do you mind if I figure out which one of these rooms is mine?" she said, headed to the hallway to the rooms.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho holds up her hands. "Suit yourself." She moves, allowing Trixie to wander off on her own. With a sigh, she flops into the now vacated chair, digging into her pocket for her phone. "Way past time, so let's see where he is." She punches a few numbers and puts her phone to her ear.

After a couple of rings, she hears a "Hello?"
"Hi, sexy. What'cha up to?"
"Not much, just treating a case of waking wraith syndrome, you know how much I dislike early morning deals. You?"
"Mmm. Dealing with the Twilight Zone that is my life. You want I should help you come wake up?"
"If your not busy, though remember, waking wraith need to feed, so how about an early lunch?"
"Only if you're on the menu." She grins. "See you in five-ish, then."
"Sounds good, already in range."
"Roger that." She blew a kiss into the phone before hanging up and pushing herself out of the chair. "Looks like I've got a lunch date. See you around, Emily." Giving the other girl a wave, she strolls out the door.
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Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Well, she's sure odd. Emily thought to herself as the one girl quickly dashed off.

Then after the two other girls leave Emily walks over to the breadbin.

"Right, time for something to eat," Emily grabs a few pieces of bread and using her anima she burns them to a nice golden brown colour. Going for the butter she spreads it on thickly before sitting down to enjoy her meal.