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Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Entering the girls dorm Isabella only see's a few people, one of them is Emily. Noting that Ima isn't here and that she doesnt know her room number she quickly scrawls out a note asking her to come to her room when she gets back and leaves it on the counter. Isabella then heads to her room before anyone tries talking to her.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Trixie returned to the commans area, a few hours after she had left into her room. She looked around, seemingly lost still.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Leaving Siphon and the nurse's station behind, Sho finally makes her way back to the dorms, slipping in and glancing around. Normally, she'd be a bit more sociable, but she was on a mission for the time being.

First was the note on the community board. It basically cautioned any of the girls in the dorm about the snake that bit Elissia. Not having seen it, she pretty much just cautioned them away from strange snakes in general, citing that yes, it is poisonous and yes, Elissia is doing fine, though that's how they found out it was poisonous.

That done, she headed upstairs to change, liking the fact that she didn't have a roomie to contend with. She did pause, though, outside of Al's door, knocking on it again after she'd gotten changed. Still not getting an answer, she sighed and headed back downstairs and out again.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sitting there bored, Emily notices two other girls, one of which left pretty much as soon as she entered. Getting up she walks over to the girl.

"Hey," She says to Trixie. "You new here too?" It's apparent that Emily isnt the best when it comes to dealing with new people.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Wha? Oh, yeah, I'm new here," she said with an odvious nerviousness.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ellisia arrives at the Girls dorm, with the componany of Sho and Aya. It had been a steady paced walk, but she was doing well. Compared to her state this morning it was an incredible recovery.

(Sorry, not much time for a proper post. Not my computer.)
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((No worries. Taking a few liberties, Squid. Hope you don't mind, but it frees us all up.))

"All right, Ellisia, where are we taking you?" Sho asked with a smile. After getting the girl's room number, she smiled even more. "That's convenient. I'm right down the hall, then. So if you need anything, you can give me a holler."

Taking the stairs slowly, since they were a bit tricky, Sho lead Ellisia up to the third floor, stopping outside the room number she'd been given. "You going to be all right?"

"Yeah. My room mate should be back soon, if she isn't already. Thank you."

"Any time. And remember, holler if you need me." It didn't look like Ellisia had a phone, so she didn't offer to trade numbers, at least for now. Once she was certain the other girl could get settled on her own, she took a couple steps away from the door, heading for her own room. Aya was still with her and Sho felt a definite awkwardness being alone with her now.

"Thanks for the help," she said, meaning that. "I'll...see you in the morning, I guess." Inclining her head slighty, she turned and strode down to her own door, fishing for her key in the process.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Aya waited to be certain that Elissia would be fine on her own, and smiled to her. "Let one of us know if you need anything, seems then that we're all in close proximity to each other. I'm in 328."

Once Elissia was in her room, door closed, she turned back to find Sho already heading off. "Your welcome, I'll do what I can to help any of you. Um... before you go?" She paused, obviously feeling a little awkward herself, though the reason for it became clear a moment later. "I did want to just say I'm sorry if I ruined your night for you, I honestly didn't expect that anyone else knew of that location. I'll admit, when I first saw the two of you, I almost panicked thinking you were there to hunt me."

There was another pause and she finally added, "I don't suppose you know of somewhere that I can get some more clothing? I've only got this school uniform thing and what I am wearing now, and that just isn't going to cut it. I'm really going to have to adjust to living here, and I was wondering if.... well I was wondering if you could help me out with that since by all indications, your native to this planet."

She stopped, seeming to droop her head slightly, probably worried that her choice of words may have offended her, but it was pretty clear, she knew next to nothing about how she should be speaking around here.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho stopped at Aya's words, turning around to look at her, arms crossing lightly at her chest. "Well," she says, after considering her words for the moment, "it did kind of ruin the mood a little bit, but there'll be other opportunities. I find it a little hard to believe you never ran into anyone else there, though. It's a pretty popular spot." Still, it was entirely possible that she managed to avoid running into folks and she and Siphon had just gotten lucky. Thank goodness they hadn't been doing what some of the kids slipped out there to do. Wouldn't that have been a shock, especially for Aya?

At the second question, she cocked her head to the side. "Well, there's a little bitty town within walking distance and I know there's places to shop there. We could probably hook you up with something. Though unless they donate to poor students, cash might be a problem." She pauses. "And ix-nay on the planet talk. The folks in the nurses room, they're all...special cases. It's safe to talk freely in front of them, but the general populace doesn't have any idea about those of us that are a bit quirky. Yes, though. Unlike Siphon, I am native. Quirky, but native."
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

She semi-smiled, a sort of embarrassed look on her face. "I can partially explain that. Including tonight, I've only left that cave maybe three times. I have encountered other people before, but I think they were what you would call predators? They tried to hurt me, three of them. I um... well let's just say they got a taste of my fiery temper when it comes to that, minus the temper, if you catch my meaning? Anyway, until tonight, I hadn't actually encountered anyone in that particular area, I suppose I just got lucky with it. I know I feel pretty lucky that, despite the problems I caused, it was you two and not anyone who would have really gone batshit over a woman just... walking through a wall."

She thought a moment about the town, then said, "maybe I can find some kind of cash generation in that town? All I know is I need to figure something out. I guess I could TRY to make my own clothing, but I'd need proper material, and the clothing I do know how to make likely would attract way too much attention around here."

Another pause then she continued. "Yes, I figured that I wouldn't mention anything about what I am or where I am from truthfully to anyone else but the two of you. I'm not sure why, but I feel I can trust both of you enough to say if there is anyone else you feel can or should know, go ahead. Please try to understand, that for me here... I'm not even sure how long I was in stasis for, let alone what to expect here. I'm so out of place here that it really bothers me."

She shook her head, still obviously uncomfortable with being thrust into, what for her, was certainly an alien world, with no idea of who was who, who she should trust, or even how day to day life would be. "Thank you for the help Sho, and if I can return the favor, please, let me know. Now I need to figure out what to write on those papers for your principal about myself."
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho chuckled, indicating she got the other girl's meaning. "Well, we didn't exactly notice you walking through the wall. I just sort of, well, you weren't there one second and there the next. If that's what you say you did, I'm inclined to believe you."

As she speaks of making money, Sho frowns a little. "Well, I suppose you could get a job, but you might have to find somewhere that pays cash, since I'm guessing you don't have anything required for employment, let alone identification. That and your registration papers you might want to talk to Siphon about. See what sort of information he gave, since you're sort of in the same boat. But, if you want," she wasn't too sure about this invitation but it wouldn't hurt to be nice, "I'll go with you tomorrow and we can see what options you've got."

She gives her a smile and then, it fades. "The snake. I need to put something up about keeping away from strange reptiles. Not that I think anyone around here would try anything, but they might try to catch it and that could be bad." She thinks a moment. "Why don't you join the group of us for breakfast tomorrow and you can talk to Siphon then?"
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

She shakes her head. "Afraid I don't have any identification, at least not the type that your probably referring to." She pauses a moment, clearly surprised by the two offers. Finally she says, "breakfast sounds great, and if it isn't too much trouble for you I would be glad for the company and the help. I think it's pretty obvious, and not jumping the gun to say, I really know nothing about your culture here. So any help or advice I can get is very helpful, and much appreciated."

She considers about the snake issue then adds, "maybe some kind of poster or stick-it pad in a place everyone would see, or multiple places? If you have something to write on and with, I could help with placing things and spreading the word if you want to do it tonight."
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Well, you could always pass it off as being from another country. That might fly for a while, anyway. And people tend to be a little more sympathetic to those out of their element. Of course, there are also those that like to try and take advantage of them, but that's what I'm here for." She grins. "Was thinking something along the lines of a flyer in the main lobby, downstairs. Everybody has to see it. Might even stick it on the door out. Then they can't ignore it. Siphon said he'd hit the boy's dorm with the information, too, so we don't have to worry about that and, since everyone really has to be in one of those two places at some point in time, I think we're good. Thanks for the offer, though." Though, what do I tell them to do? Avoid it, yes, but then what? Call Matt, like Siphon and I talked about? I mean, he's tough, but...I don't know about demonic venom...
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

She smiled, obviously glad for the help. "Thanks, and yeah those all sound like good plans. More places you post it, the more likely to be seen. You want some help in setting up the posters fast?"
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Well, I've got to make them first. And since I'll just be going downstairs, I think I got it. Thanks, though." She gave the other girl a bit of a smile. "Breakfast is a bit early, so you might want to get some rest. I'll see you then. Meet me downstairs and we can walk over to the cafeteria together. How's that sound?"
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

She nodded. "Sounds good to me. Sleep well yourself and I'll see you in the morning. Sleep is a good idea, but I'm going to partake in that shower first."

She waves good night, then turns and walks a couple doors down, entering her room unless stopped.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Sho, it seems, is actually following Aya, given that her room is further down the hall. Bidding the other girl another good night, she slips into her room and settles at her desk to work on making up some sort of warning sign about the snake. She didn't want to give too much away but she didn't want to underplay the intensity of the thing either. Finally, she decided that simple was best and "Poisonous Snake roaming on grounds! Do not touch! Do not attempt to capture! If spotted, please contact janitor at once!"

Yeah, they were definitely going to have to fill Matt in on the situation. And stock him up on bullets.

Sign finished, she left her room and headed down to the lounge area of the dorms and tacked it up where it would be visible to the majority of the students. From the sound of things, Ellisia's situation had been much gossiped about, so hopefully it would only help keep people safe, should the scaley critter decide to show up again.

Once the sign was secure, she headed back up to her room, fully intent on crashing for the night.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

Aya was only slightly surprised when Sho seemed to be following her, but then she remembered that she was also on the same floor as her, and that she had said she was right down the hall from Elissia. It hadn't occurred to her just how close their three rooms might be. She nodded back and smiled to Sho one final time, then ducked into her room, closing the door behind her. She had every intention of utilizing the shower, and that is exactly what she would do.
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((For reference Ellisias room is actually 205, just down the stairs from theirs.
I interpreted the 205 part as meaning it was right next to the stairs. Third door on the left/right kinda thing.))
Re: Girls Dorm (Communal Areas)

((Whoopsis. I just thought that the way Grace was grumbling about the fight that we were right above her. Okay, for future reference, will keep that in mind. Doesn't change things around *too* much, so we'll just keep track in the future.))