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Girls Dorm (Rooftop)


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Nov 9, 2008
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

As Mia retreated and the shadows once again began to shrink, Sho landed on the roof, perched close to the edge, near Siphon. Since his gaze was still trained on the other woman, she stayed out of his way, but definitely wanted to be closer to him. Her gaze flicked over to the others on the roof, finally having the time to breathe and realize who they were. The girl looked somewhat familiar, though she couldn't remember if she was new or not. The boy...wait, wasn't that the one earlier who...no...different guy. Very different guy. They seemed all right, but there was no telling. Still, she wasn't about to take her attention off of the shadow player, not until she knew it was safe.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

Siphon didn't take his eye off the woman, even though she didn't appear like she could take another blast from the weapon. Still, she shouldn't have even been standing so soon after taking a direct stun blast like that, so he wasn't taking any chances. While he wasn't going to push and attack again just yet, he also wasn't letting his guard down either.

He did however notice Sho land near him, and then come up close to him. For the moment, he said nothing to her, though he did in fact speak. When he did though, he neglected to keep the flang of the symbiote out of his voice.

"So, perhaps someone would like to explain just what the hell is going on here? Elissa? Sho?"

A slight frown, but he dared not bow his head to change control, for worry the insane woman would use that moment to attack, though her words about daybreak made him wonder. Why was she seemingly breaking off just because of daybreak nearing? There was something not right with this picture, something he didn't like, although why he couldn't say.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"The little valkyrie there mistook me for someone else, so I played with her a bit. Just like I did with the reaper before. Then you guys decide to interrupt our little game... so I would pin this."

Gesturing towards the mess they had made of the roof, Mia then continued,

"as your fault for forcing me to use such awfully boring tactics..."

Despite attempting to "sound" sane, in actuality she was holding out from letting loose as she was sorely tempted to do, seeing as she But alas, the things one must do to retain their cover from dimensional traversing watchdogs...

(Just a warning to Matt/Darkfire, Mia is rather annoyed she has to stop at the moment, so if he tries to shoot another bullet at her....she can and will track him down. (Then break an arm or two to vent.) :p (


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He was silent for the majority of the exchange, but when she was finished he simply said, "reaper girl? What the hell are you talking about?"

((If I know Darkfire with his character, he'll probably at least consider having had Matt get struck or nearly struck by one of the wayward stun blasts and fall out of the tree. Last time something like this went on where a random shot went out his general direction I believe he did something similar with him getting shot. Sigh.))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

A devilish smile broke out across Mia's face, unable to resist her habit of provoking others, "You may not be familiar with her... but I'm sure your lover there certainly is... Don't worry though, you'll see her again someday... as a pile of bones." She wasn't completely lying, Alazais certainly "was" a skeleton in one way or another.

(Cue Mia's uncalled for comments...)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He was stunned at this, and a bit angry, but outwardly did not show it. "I see. Something tells me you know more than you are saying though. Then again, cocky insane people such as yourself generally tend to think they know more than they really do. Of course, you shouldn't even be standing right now."

He gently thumbs the weapon to a higher setting for stun, as high as it can go without vaporizing her. He does however hope he doesn't need to use it.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

((If I know Darkfire with his character, he'll probably at least consider having had Matt get struck or nearly struck by one of the wayward stun blasts and fall out of the tree. Last time something like this went on where a random shot went out his general direction I believe he did something similar with him getting shot. Sigh.))
(Oh Siphon. You know me too well.)

Matt, watching through his scope still, was starting to panic, hoping he hadn't at least blown his cover. However familiar shots of red energy began to fly at the roof.

"Hm. Is that... Uh.. What's his face... Siph-" Was all he was able to say before an energy bolt came flying towards him.

"Oh hell no!" He muttered. "Not this time!" He swiftly flung his shoulder out, barely dodging the incoming shot.

"Heh heh heh." Matt readjusted his scope and looked back in. "Yep. Definitely Sipho- YEOW! SUNNUVABITCH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed through the night as he tried to smack an owl off his arm.

'GET OFF! GET OFF! GE-" and he fell out of his hollowed spot and began a five story descent to the rocky ground. His scream filled the forest and was probably heard all the way to the town.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Man, fuck this cryptic bullshit, you just spent the night trying to put holes in us. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to get the hell out of here before someone notices this mess, or the roof collapses, or both." He leapt off of the roof of the building, headed back towards the boy's dorm and the relative safety of his room. "I need a new jacket..." he muttered as he took off.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He only partially nods so the young man knows he heard him. "Go then. Doubtful the roof will collapse though."

He surprisingly wasn't too pissed about the crypticness of the woman, having dealt with his own ancestors and their cryptic styles, it didn't bother him anymore. A few hundred years ago it might have, but not now.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

((Actually, DF, I'm the one that knows you too well. I commented to Siphon about that last night, hehehe. I did not expect the owl, though.))

Reaper? That I know...? Unlike Siphon, Sho didn't bother to hide what she was thinking, first puzzlement, then shock. "Al?" Her voice picked up in a snarl. "What did you do to her? Where is she?"

All around the roof, the debris, loose tiles, anything that could be moved was starting to get stirred up by a rather violent wind. Hair and clothes snapped in the breeze...except for Sho's; she was the eye, the calm center to the whirlwind that Mia's comments brought about.

"Where is Alazais?"

((Of course, whether Mia chooses to answer or taunt and run (It's what *I'd* do if I were evil) is up to you *grins*))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

((Hey, great minds think alike don't they?))

"What do you think birdie?..."

A diabolic smile crossing her face, Mia continued her taunt as the shadows behind her slowly began wrapping themselves across her body,

"Her heartbeat... it was so lovely... I remember it now, the feel of it in my hands... the sweet smell with each pulse... she didn't even have the energy to scream as she fell..."

The demon was finally silent as the last of the shadow began to wrap themselves around her face, the malicious smile told the rest of the story before she was dragged back into the shadows and disappeared...


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Come back here, you crazy shadow-hopping bitch!" Sho growled, too late, of course, since the other woman had already vanished into the darkness. With the disappearance of Mia, her temper seemed to have cooled some, the wind dying down to a natural breeze now.

She killed Al? I...No. I'm not going to believe it! Still, that didn't keep her from cupping a hand to her mouth, trying to keep her breathing steady, little pricks of tears barely forming in the corners of her eyes.

"She said she fell..." She immediately turned around, looking behind her and down, trying to peer past the fire escape to the ground below. Not seeing anything, she starts stalking around the edge of the roof, trying to find some sign of whether she was telling the truth or not.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

As soon as he realized what the crazy woman was doing, he lunged towards her. Unfortunately, he was too late to do anything really, other than slam against the side of the building and nearly toss himself over. Managing to catch himself, he spun around, the fire in his eyes slowly subsiding. This didn't stop him from uttering, "Pentolak nevos tahn nek talh!"

While it was unclear the exact meaning, it wasn't hard to guess he had just said some form of a curse in his native language.

After waiting a moment to confirm his gut feeling, he bowed his head slightly then spoke again, this time with a normal voice. "She isn't coming back. Not tonight anyway. She was baiting us, getting in her last licks before leaving. Not sure why, but she seemed like she had to be gone before the sun came up, so the time she has to run wild is obviously finite."

He too begins searching the immediate area, but finds no traces of a body, or anything to indicate there ever was one. After several minutes he walks over to Sho and gently puts his arms over her. "I see no traces of a body at all, nor any signs of one being moved. We can check further out along the grounds, but I doubt we'll find anything. She couldn't possibly have had the time to move a body, clean up then get back up here before whoever found her first got to her."

His eyes shifted to the ground for a moment, and then he begrudgingly admitted, "yet, somehow... I don't think she was lying about having killed someone tonight. Which leaves the big time question. Where the fuck is the body?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

Having searched around the edge of the building, Sho knew that Siphon was right, and yet, that still didn't take away the nagging feeling that crazylady had hurt Alazais, maybe even worse.

Siphon feels Sho lean back against him, her hands coming up to rest on his arms, definitely wanting the comfort. She needed something, anything, to take her mind off of what just happened. "We should check on your friend," she murmurs quietly, inclining her head toward Elissa.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He just holds her for a few moments, knowing the hurt she was going through, both with the knowledge her friend might be hurt, or dead, and not even knowing which was the case. He does however turn the two of them so he can face Elissia. "Elissia, are you alright? You seem to have been here first, anything worth mentioning?"

His eyes study the way she was gripping her blade still, and he had the sneaking suspicion she did in fact know something about the crazy woman. Under normal circumstances he would let it slide and not push, but with the possible death of an innocent tonight, and the potential for more should crazy woman return, he would do what it took to get useful information out of her, even if it meant bending his code of conduct slightly this once.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

Ellisia had charged forward with Siphon upon seeing Mia begin to escape, with no more success than he had. As Mia slipped into nothingness Ellisia stood for a moment, intently studying the surroundings.

"It's gone."
She said clearly extremely irritated by it with a heavy frown. She felt like adding one more hole for good measure, but that wasn't the way to do things. Her aura slowly began to fade away. After a short pause she spotted her leather sword case hanging from the side railings, now cut into two halves held together by the shoulder strap. Retrieving it she sighed, also looking over the edge to spy for this "Al" there was concern over. She headed back to near Sho and Siphon, but looking out over towards the rest of the school.

Siphon then addressed her and she looked up. "I'm unhurt. And as far as I'm aware, yes, I was up here first. When I came up there was nothing out of the ordinary. Then she attacked without warning, Damon came into it shortly after. I never saw anyone else or any hints that she'd been doing such things."

As she spoke her weight seemed to increase tenfold on her. She sheathed her sword the best she could with the case in two pieces, and leaned on it for support. Now that the sword spirit had receded, she was starting to feel the drain of her day, her tiredness showing in her eyes.

"I'm sorry that people got dragged into this... it would seem, that I underestimated the fiend. And now it's escaped."

In her mind Ellisia was still going over many things. The demon hadn't seemed to recognise her, and it's sudden change of behaviour was strange. It claimed she had mistaken it for someone else too. An exceedingly unlikely coincidence, but possible. Regardless, an insane murderous monster is a monster whether it was her official target or not. If she had two marks now, so be it. She was regretting the scene around her though. So much for a covert operation, but there was no helping it. An unexpected display from Damon and Sho too.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

((Squid's green!))

Siphon could feel Sho relax just a little as Elissa says she isn't hurt. She still looks rather worried, though, obviously still thinking about Alazais. As the other girl spoke, she turned toward her with a faint smile.

"Hey, not your fault. I was the dumbass that decided to come up and see what was going on. I'm just glad no one else got hurt." She pauses for a second. "You going to be okay? I can help you back to your room, if you want."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Not your fault what transpired Elissia. Take it easy though, you don't look like you should be trying very much at the moment right now, tired even?"

Truth be told, the day's events had drained him too, but the only reason he wasn't feeling them yet was because he had meditated twice during the day already. He would never have admitted to being even remotely tired though.

"I do have other questions for you, since it seems that you may know more about that woman than what your letting on, but up here is not the best place. Too open and too easy for the walls to have ears, if you catch my meaning. We discuss this later amongst ourselves in a more private setting."

He frowns slightly, remembering Damon left. "So now I have a name and a face to work with for the other boy up here. Once we're finished here I'll track him down and ask for his silence on the matter."

A moment and then once more, "again though, it isn't your fault what happened here. The important thing is at least no one here right now was hurt in any way, though... I have to admit, while she was certainly crazy, I don't believe she was lying about having had some kind of "fun" with another person before you arrived."

He moves so he can look at both her and Sho, then says, "you both should head back inside and try to get some sleep. I'll head out of here and back to the boys dorm. You both should be fine, if she's going to attack again tonight, which is highly unlikely, she's most likely to go after me since I did her the most damage tonight."

He starts to step to take one last look around then thinks of something else. "Elissia, any idea why she was so concerned about daybreak? She acted like when dawn breaks if she wasn't somewhere something bad would happen."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

((I sure am! Though I'm running out of colours.))

Ellisia smiles a small defeated smile at the offer of help from Sho, "Thank you, but I'll be able to make it back to my room. Just tired and sore. She has a hell of a kick. But nothing broken. I suppose I should be grateful for the assistance, those winds were pretty helpful. Cold too."

Turning to Siphon she nodded. Her face was clearly showing there was more on her mind. She saw little point hiding things in these circumstances. "Agreed. We can talk more on this latter. Shall we meet up somewhere first break? The cliff edge by the field perhaps? Or a short forest walk? As for the day break concern, I'm uncertain why she would retreat because of that, if that was the real reason. A shadow is not hindered by light, it shapes them. Neither was it shy of daylight before now, though I've had recent doubts on the identity of this being."

She picks her self up from her lean, resting the loosely cased sword across one shoulder. "I'll explain what I can tomorrow. Perhaps we can figure out a course of action. I can't let it get away."