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Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Cliff edge sounds like a good spot. Yeah it's strange, if she's what you say she is then daylight shouldn't be a problem. Only thing I can think of is that it's cursed somehow, or it's hiding something else. A larger reason why it has to be in before daybreak."

He stops a moment, then says, "wait a second. Your telling me there might be more than one of these things lurking about?"
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"I never said that exactly, but this seems a different beast to the one I've been hunting till now. It may have simply changed tactics and not displayed it's power till now, but it is suspicious. My senses are too vague to properly determine if there could be more one one, but since this morning it has been more noticeable at least. That could indicate a second shadow being, or just increased activity. Either way, no way to be certain yet."
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He nods quickly. "Better to be prepared for both instances so as to not be taken by surprise."

He thinks for a moment then says, "right now you have the most information on her, if she's the one you've been hunting, so I'll defer to you on these. What we do know for certain is that energy blast did in fact hurt her. She shouldn't have even been standing though after it. If I have to next time I'll use a heavier setting, unless you recommend the kill/vaporize setting?"
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"No killing or vaporizing until we get answers, unless it's absolutely necessary." Sho gave Siphon a light jab on the arm with a finger. She turned to Elissa. "Sorry about the cold, but if I want a tropical breeze, I have to think about it more." Hearing the two of them talking about privacy, she was fairly certain she could count on Elissa not talking about the whole flying thing.

Wrapping her arms around Siphon, she gave him a hug, almost nestling against him. "I'm going to go try and check on Alazais. Maybe she was lying." She says it quietly, a faint bit of hope in the words. "Okay if I meet the two of you tomorrow for your...meeting?" A wane grin played at her lips.
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Fine by me, and yeah I'd like to get answers and not shoot to kill first, but we'll take what we get I suppose."

He smiles as best as he can and adds, "we can hope she was lying. I'd love to be wrong just this once..."
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

Sho's subtle joke seemed lost on Ellisia. "Of course your invited, unless you'd rather not be a part of this. Oh and don't worry about the wind, I'm just not wearing enough for a night like this." It was a cold night for gym wear on the roof.

Looking to Siphon, "You can't compare the effect of such weapons on these creatures. They're not made like we are, don't function like we do, don't think like we do. But we can discuss this further tomorrow."

She herself had been intending on cleaving the shadow being in two the first chance she got, though she did not say this. Perhaps she needed to reassess her mission anyway in light of these events, though she couldn't she the need to practice any more mercy than her opponent had shown her today.

"For now, I should get some rest. I'll Meet you first break then, by the cliffs. Farewell for now."

With that she began to head towards the door.
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He nods. "Indeed it would appear that way. Alright, get some rest and we'll all meet tomorrow."

He suddenly realizes he's still holding the weapon in his hand, and twirls it for a second before putting it away, the gun seeming to disappear the second it nears his side.

"Sho hun, you going to be alright?"

He's obviously worried about her too.
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"See you tomorrow, then," Sho says to the departing Ellissia. She turns back to Siphon at his words. "I think I'll be better once I've found out whether or not she was lying about Al. Look around in the daylight. Checked out her room." She wraps her arms around him, cheek resting against his shoulder. "I'm glad you're here." Suddenly, she pulls back, as though something's just occured to her. "Though, why are you here? Were things really that loud, or..." It's not that she thinks it's a bad thing, just that stuff is finally catching up to her. And he was supposed to be in bed. Of course, so was she.
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"I know what you mean Sho, and I hope you find the right answers."

He smiles a bit and adds, "well I came over here to let you know I got the cloak working for the most part, knowing you usually walk a little before bed. Was hoping to catch you around before you went in, then saw you flying and knew something had to be up. Then I heard psycho bitch cackling, so I knew something really bad was going on. I..."

He pauses for a moment, then embraces her again. "I really hate to think what may have happened if she hadn't been forced to retreat from you folks. Especially you."
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Me, too." A weak smile, one that gains a bit of strength. "What would have happened would be me making a strategic withdraw, hopefully with Ellissia and Damon with me, and getting out of range. Then I'd have given her category four." She winks at him, then her smile broadens into a larger one. "You fixed it? Got it working properly?"
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He chuckles, knowing full well category four for her is probably stronger than a real hurricane at five would be.

"Well as best as I can. The field seems to work just fine, but I can't ditch the bloody radiation field it gives off. At first I thought it was a containment issue of the power source, now I'm thinking maybe something from the dimension I duck into for the cloak to work is what's causing it. I've rigged the device to only work for myself, since I'm immune to the radiation. Still, I have to wonder exactly WHY the radiation is there. Has to be a reason, I just can't think of it right now."

He pauses then says, "though I did notice one thing with it I hadn't expected. Not only am I invisible, but I am completely out of phase with the rest of you. Back when she was tossing things there, one of those tendrils would have gutted me if I'd been solid, but with the cloak it passed right through me like I wasn't there. That tells me I'm not in phase with the rest of you, though why that is I have no idea."

He hugs her again. "Though as you can see now, I'm solid and can interact without the cloak on, so I guess it's all good in the end?"
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Well, not having been there, I can't theorize on it." She grins. "But yes, you not getting gutted and now being able to be here is a very good thing." She hugs him back, nestling with him again. He can tell she's getting tired, just by posture and the slight murmur to her words. "Normally, I'd be thrilled to death to have you up here, but having that...thing...up here too sort of put a palor on this place. Maybe I'll start hanging out on the guy's roof instead." She gives him a slightly goofy grin.
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Yeah, you know I am kind of partial to my body being intact too." He laughs a little at this, though she can tell he's grateful for the unexpected bonus of the device.

He laughs a bit harder at her next words. "Well your welcome to come on over there I suppose, but then again the roof top isn't exactly a place I'd call very romantic, not with the likelyhood of getting caught up here. Then again, I might be wrong."

He does notice she seems to be getting tired. "Hey, you look like your about to fall asleep on me here, and while I would love to spend the night with you, I don't think up here is the best of ideas. Especially since we don't know if psycho woman will come back here again. Why don't you head back inside and get some rest? Come daybreak when it's easier to see I'll have a quick look around and see if I can find anything more concrete myself."
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

"Psssh. Anyone interrupts us, I just blow them off the roof." She'd never do that, really, but it makes her smile to say it.

"Mmmyeah, sleep good. It's been one helluva long day and I'll see you...later...at the cliff edge. You can start without me if I'm late, since I'll probably just be sleeping anyway." She slips her arms around his neck, gently drawing him down into a warm kiss. "Hope you don't find anything," she says quietly, slowly stepping back from him, glancing at the roof edge. "Time to sneak in my way and see if I still have a roof. G'night, Siphon."

Baring any final goodbyes, she actually walks over to the edge of the roof and steps off, letting an updraft catch and cushion her until she can find the proper height to reach her window and clamber inside, once more grateful that she had no roomie to wake up.
Re: Girls Dorm (Rooftop)

He nods, knowing what she means. "Same here. I'll see you some time tomorrow for certain though, take care, and get some rest."

He gives her one final kiss, then, after she has gone, heads over to the edge of the roof. He starts to push the button on the cloak and leap off, then gets a sudden mental image of being out of phase and passing through the ground instead of landing on it, since he wouldn't be making contact at the time of cloak. "Yeah, let's NOT test that theory," he mutters to himself.

Looking about and spotting no one, he quickly climbs down the ladder, and once on the ground, engages the cloak again. He looks around the perimiter of the place one last time, making certain Sho get's inside the building alright. Spotting nothing else, he shrugs his shoulders, then takes off at a dead run for the boy's dorm, knowing the boy Damon had a gigantic head start on him, hoping to catch him before losing track of him.