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Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

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Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

No reason to drop out, just find a way to separate yourself from the group if you need to, it might make you die faster, but...
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I think I may just fade out like Janna seems to have. I'm not going to baw about the why's or the howcome's, I don't want to pull a Kayi. XD Sorry, hope that the rest of it continues to be fun!
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Waiting on Tass right now, if you're wondering.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

So, is Robert just not that bright, or is Tass not making the intuitive leap?
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

common sense isnt common for a thousand alex....just kidding . who knows maybe robert has alot on his mind and just isnt paying attention.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)


Robert: *Sees people who might be zombies* Hmmm, zombies, meh. *Bored look on face/wanders back to barricades sedately* Zombies, sir.

Police Chief: Oh, well, do they want a cup of tea?

Robert: Forgot to ask sir, you want me to go back?

PC: Yes, do. Mustn't let anyone miss out on tea time.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

The guy in charge told him to come back and tell him if anything showed up. And it's not like the zombies are all that fast, or he's going that far. No reason to panic.
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Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

They're clumsy and aren't running, but they are moving at about a walking pace. If he walks, they'll be a short ways into the parking lot and visible from the main barricade before he tells anyone.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I put "Immediately" in there for a reason. He's not just going to casually stroll over to the guy and go; "Yo sir, some zombies are crashing our party," he's going to run.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Dreana, you still interested?
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

yah you just didnt give me much to work with on the last post so i'm kinda hoping for another post on the combat action and maybe me finishing up on the welding job.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I didn't give you anything in the last post because you hadn't responded to the one before that...
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

*peeks in* Er, Phee? Mind one more in the game? I've been following (at least while the groups been bunched up. Haven't read the solos yet) and I'm just crazy enough to add another game to my plate...if you want another player, that is. If not, I understand. Know how hard it is to bring in a new player for established stuff. Thought I'd ask, tho. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Also, Moira strikes me as the type in the horror movie that's the bitch that you *want* to die and yet somehow manages to survive to the end. Just saying *grins*
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I can probably add you in starting you out in the wallmart. (Also, as a small hint, the wallmart stronghold won't last very long. The biggest challenge of this game will be finding a place that can last long enough for the problem to go away.)
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

That could work. And of course not Wal-Mart. You at least need a shopping mall *grins* All good survival horror has a shopping mall. Even not good survival horror. Like "Night of the Comet."

So, what would you like me to do and where would you like me to post information? (I need a concept, too *laughs* So no rush.)
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Just a description, background, job, and main hobby along with stats.

For stats start with this:

Str: 1
Dex: 1
MD: 1
Vit: 1

And add 5 points divided as you please.

In other news: I just remembered the whole sanity thing! Wheeeee! It will be applied from here on, hopefully.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I play entirely too much Arkham to worry about a silly little thing like sanity!

Okay, I will think and will edit this post when I come up with something. Though what's MD stand for?

Edit: Gotcha. And I think I have a concept...just took thinking of Maxium Overdrive to help.

Name: Anna-Lee Justice
Job: Diner Waitress
Main Hobby: Cooking

Anna-Lee's fairly young, having just recently turned 23. Not liking her options of college or marriage after high school, she decided to leave home in an attempt to "make something of herself." Unfortunately, her money started running low and she never made it to one of the bigger cities. Thankfully, Milton was just big enough and she decided to settle "until she could get on her feet again." That was about five years ago and after shifting between jobs initially, she finally settled on being a waitress/cook at one of the local restaurants. The pay isn't as good as she'd like, but it gives her a chance to work on her people skills: both charming customers out of tips and giving a severe tongue-lashing to any fool who thinks he's a better cook than she is. (She has, more than once, asked customers if they want to come back and use the kitchen themselves.)

She had the typical girl next door look about her: long blonde hair, blue eyes, and being on her feet all day has helped her keep something of the figure that she got from cheerleading as a student. She's not as active as she'd like, but she'll force herself to walk now and again, when she isn't dog tired. She's average height, about 5'6", and prefers skirts, though those don't always go over too well in the kitchen. When she's not working, she actually likes to swim (same amount of exercise, less stress on the body) and, despite complaining that it's taking work home with her, she likes to cook, too, seeing what she can do from scratch and by touch-and-taste rather than relying on recipies. Though actress was her first choice, she's begun thinking that having a cooking show might be the better way to go, and so she's trying to hone her skills.

Str: 1
Dex: 3 (+2)
MD: 3 (+2)
Vit: 2 (+1)

(Hope this is cool. If not, let me know!)
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Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Mind. It's used mostly for fatigue and fear points as well as skills that I believe require more mental ability than physical ability.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

(We're out of the dark room?)
Aye, check the map and you'll see that you've left the back room and are in the middle of one of the isles.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Okay, cool. I edited my post with my next action.
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