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Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

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Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Inventory: Salt+Pepper

Two things went through my mind upon seeing my inventory. One was "Caribbean zombies tend to be stopped by salt." and the other was "BURGERTIME!"

Find me a giant hamburger bun and we're golden!

Okay, done now *goes back to waiting, as I've a feeling things will be picking up soon*
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

You''l be brought in when they get back to Wallmart. Likely you'll be with Rachel when they look inside for Moira and her.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Figured as much. No worries. Ready to drop in at a moments notice *grins*
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Been a day...

Before I start reacting, question. Are there extra guns nearby? I'm thinking it's better to pass the weapons back and forth, the cops empty them, we hand 'em a full one and reload while they're firing the fresh one as opposed to passing ammo, which might get dropped. Unless of course, we're handing them clips, in which case, nevermind, I guess, but just a thought.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

You're handing clips.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Allrighty. Just making sure I've got a notion of what's going on.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Pestering again, for the sake of posting, and not editing, so you'll see it. Think I'd have had a chance to get to know Rachel a little bit before all the craziness started or is it just "We need help!" and she and I are the first few that managed to rush up?
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

There are a near a hundred people in the wallmart and you've likely only been there a few hours. One of the few people you're likely to know is moira, and then not for good reasons (She's been complaining the whole time). You might know that moira is her mother and that she was near the doors to avoid Moira, but that's about it.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Allrighty. Just checking before I made a remark about her dad being back or something. Wanted to make sure I knew/didn't know that or not.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Lol, poor Moira. She does seem to love to whine, and I don't think that's going to get her any more friends, which inevitably leads to more whining.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I do have a frying pan. I could keep her quiet for a while. Would make for a goose egg, but she'd be quiet...

And I'm likely not going to post much more than what I'm doing (passing Ammo) since I can't think of a reason Anna-Lee would do much more than that at the moment.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

You could chat with someone about the others being back, or suggest grabbing a few trucks and fleeing. Of course you could always clobber a cop and try your hand at shooting using his or her gun.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Not that suicidal to try and take one of the guns. Maybe if one of them went down, yes, but Anna-Lee knows "point the muzzle at the other guy" and maybe a bit about safeties, but other than that, no clue. We'll see what goes on *goes to check game post*
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Pestering again, since I want to make sure I'm doing the math right in my head.

I see 7/8ths and I see "nearly used up" but to clarify, does that mean they're working through an eighth of the ammo or are we running seriously low here?

Also, I'm trying to recall if this is where all the spare ammo is or if there's still more inside. I thought they were keeping most of it out here, though.

And lastly, I find it highly amusing that Tass keeps switching genders when he talks about Chase.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I try to remember that Chase is a her, but sometimes I forget. :confused:

Too many House reruns.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

They have 5/8-7/8 left, my communication skills are impaired after the first day of college classes for the semester.

Also, it wasn't until Chase got strip searched that it was formally revealed that she was female and before that point Moira insisted that Chase was male.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

I'll make it easier on you. Just give something general and descriptive rather than numerical *laughs* "A small portion" "a good chunk of..." Or not. Just trying to make things simpler, since I usually get around to reading this stuff late at night. And so long as they've got a good bit left I won't worry about getting them more. Yet.

And aye, I know Chase's gender, I just think it's funny.
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Phee, I'm being a pest again. I uploaded some "visual reference" for Anna-Lee into my Random Stuff album, if you wouldn't mind putting the links in the profile? The hair's not quite right (she's blonder than Charlie is) but I'm going to run with it. I thought about Claire, when she was the waitress but her hair's brown then and that's too young for Anna-Lee (though the cheerleader outfit could be her younger *laughs*) Anyway, the links...


Thanks, much!
Re: Given that you'll be on the move, I can't give this a sketchy name yet (OOC)

Just keep Anna doing what she's doing (maybe, if she doesn't pass out *laughs*) It's what she'd do anyway until she got too tired or the zombies stopped and I won't be here to post until Thurs. night.
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