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Gloria (Shortbus)

"Alright then, I'll get you a good sheath for the sword and a strap for the shield to sling it over your shoulder then," Adrik said with a smile as Tabitha and Idryll looked at one another and checked their coin purses to get their money out.

"How about this, you can pay us back double when we complete the mission. Fair enough?" Idryll said, flashing Gloria a wink before Adrik returned with the sword now in a new sheath, which he then handed to Gloria as Idryll and Tabitha both pulled half the cost of the sword out each, and after that they prepared to head back to the guild hall.

Heading back to the guild hall, Idryll looked over at Gloria and motioned at her to follow her out to the practice yard after she changed into her new training clothes, where Idryll got herself ready, and Tabitha took herself a seat to watch the two prepare to go at it. "Hmm, if you like Gloria, we can set up a practice session for you against one of the lesser captured monsters the guild keeps for training purposes. Before you and Idryll go at it. Be a good way of testing your new sword and shield," Tabitha suggested as she sat down.
"Double! You're mad Idryll.. We'll talk about this when we get back to the guild hall.." Gloria would try to get herself a "deal" as Idryll was trying to take advantage of Gloria a little bit earlier than she had expected. While Adrik was out of ear shot, Gloria would make a muffled protest at the suggestion of having to pay double what Tabitha and Idryll did for the sword. Gloria was not going to keep up her protest very long but the shock of Idryll's suggestion was enough to get a reaction from Gloria that would see her huff her chest and stamp her left foot into the ground. This was something Gloria would address later on because she did not want to make a scene inside the forge and have Adrik give their gold back due to their disagreement. It was just too awkward a situation for for Gloria at this moment.

The group would make it back to the guild hall, and Gloria would almost immediately run into her room and change. The dress could not have come off fast enough as Gloria would quickly throw on the much more form fitting attire that was chosen from Sirella's. Looking over at the extra shirt that was given to her, Gloria would keep that aside for the time being. Right now, Gloria wanted to focus solely on training as that was really the whole intent for the rest of the night. Gloria wanted to get herself up to speed, and also address the new sword that was bought for her by Tabitha and Idryll. Before they got started, Tabitha had made a suggestion from the sidelines. Gloria had something else in mind, "That sword isn't mine just yet, I think we need to settle this paying back double madness first." Gloria was trying to hint at a potential wager of some kind but did not want to interfere with her training session with Idryll either.

Gloria was still somewhat upset that the rug was pulled out from under her when Idryll decided to double the price of the sword that was bought from Adrik. Maybe this matter could be settled in some way since it was now weighing Gloria down and obviously so that it needed to be addressed before anything else could really happen.
"Yeah you're right you're right. Double's Far too much hon, and I was a bitch to even suggest it," Idryll said after Tabitha gave her a bit of an incredulous look and thumped her in the gut with an elbow.

"Yeah no shit Idryll. Gloria, so long as we complete the mission tomorrow, you needn't pay me back. Helping to complete the mission will be payment enough for me. And that's not me taking pity, that's me being honest. A thousand gold's far more than the twenty five I paid to help get you properly equipped. So think nothing of it," Tabitha told Gloria with a pretty honest look on her face, while Adrik decided to not make it any of his business what the girls were arguing about.

On the way back, Gloria would overhear Tabitha chewing Idryll out a little bit about that too, giving the elf girl an ear full about trying to take advantage of Gloria like that, and after they arrived back and she had gotten changed and everything, Idryll was standing there waiting for Gloria with her head hanging a little bit. It seemed that Tabitha had given her even more of an ear full while Gloria got changed, and she bowed in apology to Gloria when she came over to settle the matter. "Y-Yeah, double is madness, I agree hon. I'm sorry. Y-You can pay me back the twenty five I paid into it for you if you like after the job tomorrow, but you don't have to since we'll all be getting paid a thousand a piece. Tabitha... m-made me see reason," Idryll said to Gloria, while Tabitha flashed a wink over at Gloria, making it clear that Idryll was at least somewhat scared of Tabitha, or what she'd said to her anyway.

"Now, you get warmed up with one of the lesser monsters Gloria, and yes the sword Is yours. Because I say it is. And you need good equipment to do a good and proper job after all," Tabitha told Gloria with a proud look in her eyes. "What do you want to warm up with? We got blue slimes, which are similar to the green ones save they don't eat your clothing, but are a bit more aggressive. Then we got your basic corrupted wolves that are quite a bit more feral than a regular one. And there's the summoned goblins. All of them we can bring in, where if you "kill" them, they don't actually die, but just get un-summoned as it were," Tabitha went on to ask, giving three examples of lesser monsters that could be brought out for her to fight in a warmup match.
"I appreciate your generosity, but I will at least pay you back the gild weather you like it or not Tabitha. The same goes for you as well, idryll." Gloria would state as she heard both idryll and Tabitha talk once she came back down to the training area. With the sword now settled, Gloria would take possession of it. Swinging her new blade a few more times, Gloria would consider what she could test her weapon against.

"Have either of you been to Crimea before? Maybe I should tske on something that is likely to be found there? I guess with unexpolered ruins, anything could be there.. hmm? Still i have no reason to doubt either of you so perhaps you would not mind pickimg what i fight? I doubt I will be able to pick and choose my enemies when we are in Crimea, so why should I do it now?"

Gloria would make her case that it ahould be Idryll or Tabitha that picked the opponent for Gloria to test her new weapon on. Deferring to the idea that either of them may have been in Crimea previously and would know more of what to expect over there.
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"Very well then, just know that you don't need to okay hon," Tabitha told Gloria with a smile about being repaid. "Now go ahead and get used to the weight of that blade. It's a really good one," she added.

"Hmm... I've been a few times, but only to the capital, Nevassa, and its surrounding lands," Idryll replied when asked if she'd ever been to Crimea before.

"I've been several times myself, and it's a fairly beautiful country honestly. Been to Nevassa, Pylea in Crimea's river lands area, and as far east as Glassmoor. Glassmoor is surrounded by mostly jungle type area just to the east of it, and some more temperate forest to the west. Between Glassmoor and Nevassa is Gariland, and it's around the central part of Crimea, just to the east of where the great valley is that divides the country from east to west. East is more wild, while west is more civilized, basically. Honestly I'm Kind of hoping that the lands we'll be going to won't be too high up in the mountains, but if it is, then we'll need to bring our cloaks and some warmer stockings and stuff most likely, because Crimea's mountains can get a bit cool, despite being further to the south and stuff than Melior here," Tabitha said, giving Gloria a bit of information as she decided to let Tabitha and Idryll choose her a test opponent. "As for what we could run into... it depends on the ruins. But knowing Crimea, I'd wager it'll be something with tentacles, which means it's both good to have a shield like you both have, and not good at the same time, as you'll be able to block sure, but once the creature those tentacles are attached to gets wise enough, they'll just grab your shield and force you to let it go or get drawn in. So maybe you should test yourself against something that has a greater reach than you, I think. If you're feeling up for it that is," she went on to say, motioning for Idryll to grab something from what appeared to be a closet of sorts at the back of the training yard, where she returned with a staff.

"Alright then, think one of the blue slugs would be a good one to start with then?" Idryll asked Tabitha, who nodded after a few seconds of debate.

With that, Idryll waved the staff and a fairly large sized bluish colored slug appeared with a flash of light. It was definitely bound to the staff, and Idryll by way of the staff, and didn't seem to move without Idryll's permission... likely a safety feature for training purposes. "Alright, whenever you're ready Gloria, I'll let him loose," Idryll said as Gloria got the chance to size up the slug.

The slug sat at a good four and a half feet tall, and a good two feet wide, and it had two large antennae on its head, or what seemed to be its head. On its body along its sides, Gloria saw it had 8 long tentacles that were about an inch and a half thick each, and on its underbelly it had a small slit like pouch that Gloria could clearly see its breeding tentacle. "We're... not entirely sure what they're supposed to be. But we just call them blue slugs," Idryll commented as Gloria got to size the creature up. "Now one last question. Do you want me to stop it before it... w-well, you know? Assuming it manages to get the better of you I mean," she then asked curiously, blushing a bit.
Gloria would listen to Tabitha as she started to explain what she knew of Crimea. As Tabitha would describe it, Gloria would speculate the place was fairly hostile from what she was hearing from Tabitha. "No wonder you wanted to get me this new sword, but the mountains.. That could be a problem." Gloria would emphasize her point by grazing her hand over her skirt and pointing down toward her sandals. Gloria did not entirely think to get a pair of boots or any manner of stockings for her legs.

Once Tabirha was done, idryll would summon forth the monster they had decided upon. A "Blue slug" as it was called by Idryll, Gloria would look it over while bringing her sword and shiled to the ready. Gloria would look back over towards idryll as she voiced her concerns about the monster perhaps getting the better of Gloria. "I guess it depends on how much you want to watch. Though I would rather not have this 'thing' be what I end up being with for my first time" Gloria would indirectly tell Idryll that she was still a virgin and not too keen about changing that status right now. Then again, if gloria did lose, she was in no real position to dictate what her opponenr could or could not do to her were she to be defeated. This was something she had seen happen to others few times.
"Aye, if it's in the mountains, I'd wager they'll provide us with some warm clothing though. But the job descriptions usually inform us about those kinds of things at least," Tabitha replied with a nod.

"Fair enough, I'll keep it from doing anything like that then," Idryll replied about the blue slug, watching and waiting for Gloria to finish getting ready before she let the blue slug go at Gloria.

Once they were ready to begin, the slug slithered towards her a bit quicker than the slimes had before earlier that day, and two of its tentacles prepared to swing out at Gloria in an attempt to knock her down, making it clear what its intentions were. "Do be worried to cut the tentacles off. They'll regenerate after he's been defeated," Idryll told Gloria as the slug advanced on her.
Gloria would take one last look over the situation once Tabitha had mentioned that this mission tomorrow might be in the mountains. Thinking about that right now was not going to do Gloria any favors at all since her primary focus was now the blue slug that Idryll had summoned into the training area. Looking the monster over, Gloria would notice that it seemed to have tentacles that were going to be the main avenue for Gloria to have to defend against. This might be a good time to see how well a good offense would make up for playing defense. With her new sword, Gloria felt that she could move faster and strike faster since the blade and shield she had now were lighter than the weapons she had initially arrived in Melior with earlier in the day.

Looking over toward Idryll as she had said to essentially cut the tentacles off, Gloria would affirm that the tentacles were her target for the time being. Gloria would advance forward to meet the slug and start to see if she could find some way to exploit how the slug moved. Did the tentacles move in any discernable pattern she could exploit. Possibly with the slug being so wide, if Gloria could get herself off to one side and use her speed in that fashion then she could mitigate the potential for only having to deal with one side of tentacles while being out of range of the other. With her sword in one hand and her shield attached to the other, Gloria would move into range and engage the blue slug.