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Gosamer Falls - Town proper


Nov 10, 2008
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Not quite over the river and through the woods, well, maybe that last part, but eventually, the small group managed to get themselves back on the road that lead from the school to the town itself. Given that the school was relatively self-contained, Sho herself didn't get here much. Just for the odd bit here or there that she needed...like a dress. As such, each visit was something of a new experience and this time was no exception.

Given Aya's remarks about the town, though, she kept an eye on the blonde, not wanting something unpleasant to crop up while they were here. Thankfully, she was with the group of them, so with any luck this would just be something fun.

"Where to first, kids?" She clapped her hands together, grinning. "I know Aya wanted to find herself some new clothes and Siphon needs duds for tonight. Grace? Ellisia? How about you two?"
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Both of them had to think on that one. Regarding outfits for tonight, Grace had never been allowed to own anything but dresses back home, and Ellisia was a little unsure of what was expected but had a notion of something she could wear.

Grace looks to the sky thinking, and says, "Ehm, I think I'm ok for the dance actually. Though I thought I might check out some other stuff while we shopped. Casual things. My parents never let me choose my own stuff back home, you see."

"I believe I'm ready too actually, but I'm interested in seeing what's around. I'll just follow along."

"Oh, I want to try a baggy t-shirt! And get a pair of jeans and rub them against every wall in town." Grace says with a strange smile.
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Sho arched a brow at the other two girls. "Well, if you're set for dresses, there's no stopping you from shopping for other things." She chuckles at Grace's requests. "Baggy t-shirts can be the best. And we can do that, or just find a car to run over them a few times for you. That might work, too." She snickers. "What about you, Aya? There a style you want to try? Or you prefer?"
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Siphon simply remained quiet, already having a fair idea of where he was going to look, just nodding to Aya to go ahead.

Aya thought for a moment then shook her head. "I'm not really sure. I haven't exactly seen very much in the way of styles here, so I guess I'm just going to look around and see what I can find that catches my eye. If you folks have any recommendations though I'd love to hear them."
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Sho grinned, despite the other girl's uncertaintly. "It's been a while since I've gotten to play dress-up. This could be fun." She cast a look over to Siphon. "You, on the other hand, might be in trouble." Four women and clothes shopping. The poor boy had no idea what he was in for...
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

The pair walk along through the town with the others, Ellisia looking into every shop window, Grace thumbing though a surprisingly large wad of cash that had emerged from somewhere. "Cool. We getting Siph's fancy 'duds' first then? Mine's just a side quest. I tried to make my own trousers once. They weren't very good anyway, but mother found them so offensive she threw them straight into some sub dimension and sealed them off forever. Man I'd love to get those back just to spite her..."
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

"We could. It likely won't take very long. Unless he needs a fitting." She chuckles at Grace's words. "Well, can either find that pair or something even more outrageous." Sho says with a grin. "See if there's anything retro in the shops and get you a pair of jeans with holes all over the place." She glanced around. "All right, let's drag Siphon in for his monkey suit and then we can get him to carry our bags." She grins, latching on to his hand and tugging a little ways ahead of the group. "Your funeral," she teases him. "You find the shop."
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Siphon just chuckles some and steers them over towards a shop he had remembered seeing a few weeks ago that had some nice stuff. Unfortunately he hadn't had money then, or this really would have been a moot point for him. Luckily he had already gotten a fair idea of what they had, and it wasn't long before he had found a fairly dazzling black dress suit.

When he emerged with it on to show them, it would seem as though it truly defined his body, and would remind Sho just what he had meant when he said in certain outfits he would easily pass off as a black ops agent. "So... what do ya think? This work, or different color?"

Aya remained off to one side, letting Sho and Siphon work with his outfit. She definitely raised an eyebrow seeing the outfit, and was somewhat surprised just how.... no, she couldn't think like that. She had the distinct impression despite nothing officially being said that Sho and Siphon were a couple, and as such clamped down on her other thoughts very fast. She didn't think any of them had noticed, but she couldn't be sure.
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Aya needn't have worried, given that Sho's attention was strictly on the man in front of her.

"I think you need the black Ray Bans and you're all set," she teased lightly, walking around him with a smirk on her face to take him in at all angles, her hand dropping low to give him a quick pinch on the rear as she continued around, looking innocent of any wrong-doing. Sliding both of her arms around one of his, she leaned close. "I think I'm going to have to bring a stick with me to the dance. He could feel her giving him a squeeze just before she leaned back. "Suffice to say, the lady approves. It does make your hair stand out a bit, though, but anything lighter isn't really going to go with my dress, I don't think." She studies him for a moment. "Maybe no tie. Then you won't look as MIB." She grins, tugging on it a little.
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Siphon just chuckled some before replying, "alright, then it looks like all I need to do is change back and then go pay for this. Be out in a moment."

Aya managed to keep from smiling at what Sho did. That had cinched it right there, yup, she and Siphon were definitely together. She thought just from what she'd seen that it was a damn good match herself, they seemed to get along very well and... well Aya just needed to move on to another line of thought now.
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Grace is idly messing around with some of the stock but turns to see as Siphon comes out with the suit. "Very snazzy." Then turning to Sho as he changes back, "Are alien's allowed in the MIB though? I can't remember. Only saw it once. Would need the sun glasses too of course..."

As far as Ellisia knew they might be talking about a real organisation. She merely noted how half the clothes here wouldn't survive being worn while swinging a sword. The armpits were all stitched down.
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

"Well, I'm not sure about the MIB's themselves, but they worked with aliens, so..." She shrugs. "So, now that he's done, shall we see if we can't find something you guys might like? The hunt for Grace's saggy-baggy jeans commences!" She laughs a little. She also seems perfectly content to abandon Siphon to pay for his clothes while they browse around, not having any issue leaving the shop, either, if they don't find anything here by the time he's ready to go.
Re: Gosamer Falls - Town proper

Moments after, Siphon exits the fitting room and makes his way over to the registers, and shortly after that he's paid and ready. "Alright ladies, where to now?"

Aya remained silent for now, seemingly gazing around and taking things in now that she was with other people.