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Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy cuddled with Mikhail and Trixie, taking care not to hurt herself on the other girl's body again. She still said nothing, not really knowing what was going on anymore.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie sits thier in solitude, letting the fire warm her.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Mikhail just sits there, up against the two of them, letting the fire warm them for now, looking around and memorizing the cave structure internally.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"um...what now?" Kathy asked, looking around the cave.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He blinks then says, "oh, nothing, just memorizing the area as best as I can and looking around. Nothing to worry about."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie sighed contentedly. "Now I'm bored, which is odd because I don't bore easily."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Well what do you feel like doing to be unbored then? Isn't much we can do here at night you know."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She blushes a bit. "I dunno, do you have any ideas? I dunno what people usually do out like this..." she points out.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Afraid I don't. I actually hadn't planned on being out this late, but here we are."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie sighs, lying next to them. "Well, there's always trying to fill in my gaps in my knowlage," she pointed out, looking at the flames.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He nods slowly. "Alright, well then first I suppose we should start with things you already have heard of from tonight, so where do you want to start?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie sighed. "I dunno where... there seems to be so much I don't know!"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He shook his head slightly. "I'm not sure where to begin myself, so was hoping you'd have some place you wanted to start."

He let's out a small sigh, and almost seems to be drowsy for a second before straightening up some.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She stuck her tounge out at him. "Ppppht. You're a lot of help."

After a bit of thought, she asked, "So, as a starter, how about that school? What's it here for?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He chuckled slightly, then settled down to answer he question.

"Well it's a boarding school, meaning you live on campus in rooms. Heated rooms. It's a learning place really for all of us. Some of the buildings there are pretty old, gotta be like a hundred years old some of them. But they've been modernized with modern heat and utilities such as refrigerators and heating units. I just moved here myself, so I can't exactly tell you every little detail about the place, but I can show you a few people who might be able to if you want."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She smiled a bit. "Well, I met a few people earlier today. One had this split personality, and the other helped me with my clothing," she comments, nodding to the clothing she had shed soon upon entering.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Split personality? Someone like myself, here?"

He seems a bit more excited now. "Did you happen to get a good look at him or a name? Or both?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She gave a strange look to Mikhail. "Chill, dude, I was getting there. His name is Siphon, why?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Hmm, name doesn't ring a bell to me. What'd he look like?"

He pauses a moment then says, "sorry, it's just if he's like me but isn't having to fight with the demon or whatnot, then I'm VERY interested in learning how. Maybe I can be rid of Praxal, or at least harness the power I have from him now without fear of him getting loose."