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Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Trust me, I no think it's the same thing," she comments to him, trying hard to let more info then he needed out.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

His face fell slightly. "Oh. Then I guess it doesn't matter. Not that I don't want to meet new people, but if the guy doesn't have a demon he wouldn't be able to help me then."

A sigh and he says, "you know, I considered ways of stopping him when I first was possessed. If I thought destroying my body would get rid of Praxal I would do it, but the sickening thing of it is, once I die, the son of a bitch will just be freed from me, and free to take another host."

He puts his head down and doesn't move for a few minutes. "Oh well, we're stuck with each other for eternity it seems. I just hope I'm up to it."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She looks concernedly at him, getting a bit closer to him. "Aww, don't worry, I'm sure he ma be able to help you anyway. Trust me!" she said with a playful wink.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He blinks. "How so? You just said it didn't seem like the same thing. Unless your suggesting it's not a direct possession but more of a mutual co-operation kind of thing?"

He ponders that for a minute. "I don't know Trixie, if he's not possessed or carrying a demon I don't see how he'd be able to help."

He lets out another small sigh, then mutters to himself, "still need to find out who that silver haired dude was that seemed to be a student, when he looked old enough to be a teacher there. Hmm, maybe Barry can help with Praxal?"

He doesn't seem to realize yet that he spoke out loud.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She cocks her head in intrest, but doesn't say anything.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He catches the look and says, "what is it?"

He thinks a moment. "Oh god, did I say shit out loud AGAIN?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She nods with a smirk
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He tosses his hands up in mock annoyance. "Lovely, now people will think I'm crazy. Wait, I kind of am." He chuckles at this.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie smirks and lays an arm over her shoulders. "Aw well, we all are."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"I guess."

He seems a bit resigned now.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She traced a claw lazily on the earth, thinking a bit.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He stretched his back some, the slight sound of bone popping becoming audible.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She cocks her head again at the sounds of bones breaking. "Are you ok?" she asked.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy seemed to have fallen asleep until she heard the popping, and groggily opened her eyes.

"um...sorry, I kinda drifted off." she said to the others, seeming embarrassed.

"did we work out what we're doing?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Yeah I'm fine, just stretching my back is all."

He looks to Kathy then says, "I think we're still at the same point we were at before, though some time has passed."

He looks at his watch and blinks. "Wow, not too long before day it seems, this night went by fast."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie yawned a bit. "Sorry I kept you up all night..."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He shook his head. "It's alright, I'm just surprised I'm not even tired. I thought I would be, but I'm not."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy smiled sleepily and lay back down, soon drifting off again.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She nodded tiredly to the pair. "I got my bed over there if you guys wanna sleep. There should be enough room on that bearskin for you two, I can always borrow a different skin to sleep on tonight."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"I'll probably stay up for now, no sense for me to try sleeping when I'll be waking up only a few hours from now anyway, but thank you."