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Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She nods and goes over to the bearskin, quicklu turning around and ploping on the ground, all curled up.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He moved over closer to Kathy and curled up next to her, using his body warmth to keep her warm. His eyes drifted around the cave, and for now he seemed completely relaxed.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy pressed herself against Mikhail, though she was still asleep.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

During the night, Trixie didn't even shift, sleeping away, until finally she stirred again as she began to awaken.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Mikhail himself too closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep for a few hours, not even realizing he had. He wouldn't stir for some time.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie slowly awoke the next morning, blinking as she smelt the signs of humans, then realized it was only the two she had brought 'home' the other day. Smileing, she got to her feet and streached, arching her back with a small growling purr.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Mikhail too began to stir, and he sat up after a few moments, stretching. "Morning. You sleep well?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Yup!" she said, shaking herself slightly, with a yawn, looking around. "Seems like nothing bad happened last night!"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy groggily awoke as Mikhail moved. she mumbled something quietly and rolled over before going back to sleep.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"So it would seem."

He didn't sound convinced though, and truth be told, he wasn't. He had had nightmares when he had slept about demonic activity nearby, but he was now wondering, since the feeling of dread wasn't gone, if something had happened.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She just smiles and goes to the cave mouth, sniffing out some form of prey. "Drat, nothing nearby," she grumbled, "I think the critters are getting wise on me..."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He nods. "Yeah, they'll adapt to having a new hunter around here in order to survive. Of course also you may have a chance to enroll today at the school, so if you do you won't really have to worry about hunting much."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She smiles. "Yeah, I may have to get used to human food, what a tragedy," she said with a playful grin, going back inside and gathering the deerskin clothes. "So, does it cost anything to get enrolled or anything?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Actually, I'm not sure. My folks set up everything for me, so if there was money involved I wasn't made aware of it. Sorry."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Hmm..." she sighed, thinking to herself. "Well, if it does, I'm sorta screwed at the moment..."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Doesn't hurt to look though. That's IF you want to that is."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Wouldn't hurt me. So, where do I have to go?" she asked, gathering the clothing up real quick.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Well I would think the A building, or maybe go see the Countess directly? Pretty sure that since it's daylight if we need to see the Countess directly that I can find her mansion now."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She nods. "We should wait on Kathy to wake up, though."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He nods back. "Agreed. In the meantime, what shall we do?"