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Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"I dunno, really. If I go hunting, I'd probably be gone too long for you guys to catch me as you guys head out, but I can't really think of anything..."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Neither can I. I suppose we could try getting her up now though, I'm actually not sure if our classes start today or not, but if they do we may have to be there soon."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Hmm, you have a very good point there. Ready to go then?" she asks.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Soon as I get her up yes."

He bends down, and gently starts trying to wake Kathy. "Time to rise and shine and get moving Kathy."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy slowly opened her eyes again, and smiled when she saw Mikhail.

"morning." she said sleepily.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Morning. We're getting ready to move out and try to get Trixie enrolled at the school if we can. I'm also not certain if our classes start today or not, so we should be heading back."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Glad to see you're awake," she said with a smile.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy smiled and nodded as she stood up.
"ok, when are we moving?" she asked, while stretching her stiff limbs.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"As soon as your loose enough to walk without discomfort I guess?"
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie giggled as she started to morph to human, resolving part of herself to need to get used to it.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Kathy grinned at Mikhail as he spoke.

"I'm ready whenever you are."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

He nodded one final time then said to both of them, "alright then, let's move out if your ready Trixie."
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

Trixie nodded as she slid the skirt on. "Ready to go," she said.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

"Alright, here we go then."

Mikhail stepped out of the cave, and started leading them back towards A building.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

She half-scampered, half-walked behind them.
Re: Gosamer Falls Woods - Trixie's Cave

((I'll make a post for A Building arrival))