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Gossamer Falls Woods

Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Alright, time to add a new look to this front.))

Siphon continued to circle the area, the fact that Vulkoran was messing with the ground making it impossible for him to de-cloak now and get a shot off without messing up the other man's attack. He growled softly to himself, and that's when things suddenly got interesting.


Mikhail had woken up, and seeing that Barry wasn't there, had decided to take a walk back through the forest and map it out some during the daylight. His hope was he would find a nice spot to relax later that night if Kathy showed up again, though as he walked he suddenly became aware of another presence. Praxal, ironically enough was starting to get edgy about it, balking about going much further at their current pace. He soon saw why when he reached the scene of the carnage. Even for Praxal the sight was outlandish.

Praxal was amazed, Mikhail was nothing short of appalled. And in the middle of it all stood some psychotic woman with blood all over the ground by her. Both reached the conclusion to make their presence known fully, though for different reasons. Mikhail out of a sense for vengeance, Praxal more for a wish to test this sudden new demonic feel.

Setting himself, and convincing himself that those people on the ground really were dead, and that the one's trying to fight the mad woman were still very much alive, he moved within a forty foot radius, keeping himself mostly behind a tree, and then with some concentration to prevent the living from being harmed, other than the demoness, unleashed a firestorm across the ground.

The fire would race across the forest floor towards the demoness, casting light, heat and scorching the ground and bodies in it's path at temperatures that a natural fire could never have reached. He doubted it would harm her much, but if he was lucky, the fire might just distract her from doing whatever she was doing.

((If Mia is capable of sensing other demons, by now she will sense a strong demonic presence nearby. Weakened by a human host, but not something she would want to see get released from it's "cage" so to speak. At least, not while she's "sane."))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"You really want a taste?" Art half shouts at her as he dodges the attacks, the Mythril that was once his shield creeps up his arm to form a clawed guantlet. A second later a large fire ball erupts in the palm of his hand and with a flick of his wrist he throws it towards Mia all the while running towards her in the hopes of getting close enough for armed combat.
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Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Needless to say, Mia did not take kindly to all of the new visitors, especially that of the new demon as well as that of the other presence in this world's particular plane of shadow. Growling, Mia whipped the mass of shadow around her, refining part of it into an armor of some sorts much earlier than she would have liked to stay off the flames from both sides. Glaring at the new demon she released the once again suffocating amount of demonic energy into the area.

"These are my hunting grounds, leave now, or are the demons here primitive enough to violate such simple courtesies?"

As a result of both her anger and her sudden surge of power, the chains of symbols on her body became clearly evident to the naked eye, one particular chain "pulsing" dangerously as the demon threatened to release the energy locked beneath it.

(Long story short, in Mia's former world, demons usually respected each other's "hunting grounds". Attacking another demon in the middle of hunting was generally done only by the "lowest level" demons, who couldn't really claim any territory as their own effectively. Thus why Mia is ticked off at Praxal.)
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Taken aback momentarily by Mia's armour suddenly appearing over her he stops mid-run again.

"Demons? Hey Vulkoran, you know what this psycho is talking about?" He calls out as electricity surges along his right arm and across the length of his rapier. "Hey 'demon'," Art calls out to her, the word demon said mockingly. "You want a taste of this?" He calls out to her as he thrusts his rapier forward, electricity arcing from it to her at a blinding speed, his absolute focus on her once more.

((I know Mia is way more powerful than Art, and that she most likely could best him in combat easily given her current strength, though Art is going all out at the moment and as such he's using a lot of anima in his magic. The lightning would be in the form of his rapier blade or a spear.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Praxal smirked at this, a smirk of amusement. "YOUR hunting ground? These grounds were claimed by the Primes LONG before your pathetic arrival. It is YOU who trespass upon the grounds of Kabraxis. And by virtue of him being my father, MINE."

Whether this was the truth or not, if Kabraxis HAD in fact owned these lands was debatable, but Praxal certainly believed so, and seemed to almost be delighting in the taste of Mia's aura.

"It's been some time since I've sensed another with such power. Perhaps I won't simply chase you off like the others. Perhaps you will be of some use to me. I offer you a choice. Meet with me later to discuss a possible, how do humans put it, alliance of power?"

His eyes narrow and the fire on the ground raises higher, threatening to set more trees on fire.

"Or be treated like the trespasser you are. The choice is yours, but do not waste my time. I have more... pressing urges to attend to, and you my dear are making that much harder. That I simply can not tolerate."

((This is two fold. One, Praxal would challenge her for the "feeding" ground either way, since he has his own grand plans, and TWO, it sticks with the concept of he's trying to find a way of destroying Mikhail so he can be released. Because of the high degree of risk involved here with this, I am already beginning to work on another potential character for him to inhabit, frankly because the rate things are going, I don't really expect him to survive.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((I take it the other characters would hear Praxal call this out to Mia? If so I'll edit this to include my post))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

The burning trees were an annoyance to Mia, distorting the "natural" shadows and forcing her to use more power to maintain the link between them and the realm. This left her two options, one was to simply let the trees burn down, the other was to devour the flames with the latter by using more power. Choosing the latter, Mia caused the "gathered mass of shadow" to shoot various "appendages" from it and swallow the burning trees, adding more "substance" and lifeforce to be used as a medium while taking the remnant of the lightning boat that failed to be soaked by the shadows.

"The weak do little to interest me, prove your worth to me if you want my assistance."

Deciding that remaining immobile was becoming too much of a handicap, the demon then caused the mass of shadow to "swallow her completely" creating a temporary globe of defense while she refined the shadows using all of the energy she had devoured. When the globe reopened, numerous "Mia"s leaped out from it, each wielding the same pair of daggers. She would even the odds in her own way...

(Note, those clones aren't completely refined with the exception of their weapons and limbs (meaning while they can dish out damage, it doesn't take much to make them disperse). They're also weaker than the original being about "2x" of a human's strength and speed, but capable of taking "independent action". Either way, this is mainly so people can still post even if I'm not there to respond.)
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((A case of Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, anyone? xD I kid, I kid.))

Art, seeing the tree's swallowed up by the shadow's and Mia and her clones popping out the shadows stops for a moment again to take it all in.

"Well I'll be damned," He says, getting excited. "Looks like you might have some magic I dont know of. Still, that means nothing after what you've done. WE'RE TAKING YOU DOWN!" He shouts the last part at her, the Mythril guantlet thinning out and spreading completely up his left arm. "Let's see how your clones deal with this, hmm?" Electricity surges over Art, laughing could be heard over the crackling of the lightning. "I really havent had this much fun for a while!" The lightning arcs from Art towards Mia and all her clones, unsure if the amount of anima put into the spell would be enough he rushes at Mia with the intent to run her through with his rapier.

((Art is under the impression that Mia is using some form of magic he hasnt learnt yet, hence his outburst. And its up to you if the lightning does anything to the clones, I'll have Art respond to either scenario.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Sorry, but I'm as confused as you are. Ooh, hello. Fun time."

Vulkorans body suddenly becomes a writhing mass of chains, and he rushes into the Mia clones to begins slicing them up.
Vengo meanwhile, seeing that ranged attacks weren't working, had been drawing Red Eco. Standing up after drawing out his maximum, he turns to the tree next to him and punches it. The strike shatters it to matchsticks.

"Ah, I'd forgotten what it felt like to smash things. Good times. Now then..."

He runs to the nearest Mia and drops to the floor, sweeping out with his leg and taking down the clone. He brings his fist down and hammers it's stomach.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

The lightning had a varied effect on the clones, stunning some while apparently "feeding" energy to the others. However, as for the real thing... the lightning was overwhelmed by her aura before it even touched her. Waiting for the last moment before Art's lunge would hit, Mia then proceeded to did what she had done to Alazais, locking the blade in her own as she brought her other blade around, aiming to decapitate the boy.

"I don't have time to deal with you, boy. Go play around in the abyss."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"You think I'm not good enough?" Art leans closer to her and asks her. The Mythril wrapped itself around her blade and arm, his other 'gloved' arm quickly grabbing onto her other. Lightning then started to course over his body again.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"No... far from it!"

In a burst of strength Mia brought her knee up, with enough force behind it to shatter concrete, while absorbing what she could of the lightning with her aura and enduring the rest by dulling her "simulated" pain receptors. She had "bigger fish" to fry.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

As her knee made contact with Art he gave out a little moan though he smiled. "You ever considered why the lightning never hurt me?" He says to her. Though he still was in slight pain from the attack most of it was absorbed by the thin layer of Mythril covering his chest and legs underneath his pyjama's. "Looks like my protection worked after all. I didnt know whether or not I put enough anima in it after all. Looks like I did." Now pissed, Art lets go of Mia's arm and pulls back his fist before forcing it into face, spikes now sticking out. After all, an eye for an eye

((Im out for the night now, so I'll have to respond tomorrow))
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Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Falling backwards towards the shadows beneath her, Mia rather forcibly "dragged" Art along, his fist grazing her face as she attempted to pull him into "her realm"

"Let's go for a little trip then shall we?"

(Kk... although this post is making me gag. If Art DOES get dragged in, chances are Mia will use her "unrestrained powers" in that realm to make Art fight "himself" (and in that realm Mia's creations are basically the exact same thing, except for tidbits like emotion, etc.) Although I'd advise against it, seeing that power is probably a bit... too much for Art to handle, that and I can't think of a way for him to escape from it if he does get dragged in)
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Wha- OH SHIT!"

Vulkoran instantly launches a chain at Art. It wraps around his waist before a hook forms on the end and lodges itself in one of the links, locking in place. Moving back as far as possible to ensure the chain was at it's five meter limit, he calls over to Vengo.

"Hey! I need that crazy ass strength!"

"What'd you need?"

"Punch me! As hard as you can!"

"Dude, are you su-"


Obeying, Vengo hammers Vulkoran's chest as hard as he can. Though he had turned the target area into chains to eliminate pain, Vulkoran still coughed up blood at the sheer force of the punch. He is blown back into the trees, the chain still attached to his hand and unable to stretch any further, theoretically tearing Art out of the Shadow.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Praxal was seething now. The bitch had the AUDACITY to say he had no power worthy of her when HE was the son of one of the greater demons ever known? So be it, she would now be treated as the scum she projected herself to be.

Without warning the fire died down, except for the area where the demoness was now trying to pull the human in. Flames would shoot out from directly underneath her, seeming to block out the shadow rift, though this was arguable if it did or merely hid it because of the light. He walked towards the ara, stopping long enough to absolutely shred one of the "clones" to pieces with his bare hands. Having this host helped with that.


Siphon had seen enough, and now chose the exact moment Mia started her retreat to step back once, making certain he wasn't going to be in the wave of the rift, then decloaked. A moment later, he unleashed six energy blasts from the pistol into the back of her head at near point blank range, while using his other hand to generate a shock blast that would send Art hurling to safety.

Should any spot him, the anger in his eyes would surpass even that of Praxal, and as a result, even the demon himself came to a complete stop.


Praxal was going to enjoy this, enjoy having fun with this bitch that had called him out. His plans though were put on hold by the appearance of yet another. Where the hell did he come from, no demonic aura, yet he just appeared.

Praxal stopped for a moment, gauging the other's abilities.

Siphon on the other hand, wasn't thinking anything beyond the woman in from of him. He had long known that if he were to die, he would return to what he had been, an ascended being with the chance to return, unaware of what had killed him. In fact, he was almost counting that the demoness would TRY to kill him now, for if so, the area would be bathed in a light that even she would HAVE to run away from, or so he hoped. If not, well, there was nothing saying he couldn't seriously mess her up before the other's claimed him, though he would be severely punished for it.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Your all nuts, y know that. If Mia does resort to pulling the fight into the shadow realm, it's worth remembering that Simon's shadow is already there. It is able to exist in both planes simultaneously. So if someone gets dragged there, there may be more options than it may seem, since there's a chance of intervention. Though in honesty I'm not sure what "Simon's shadow's" reaction would be actually be. Just that I could potentially do something if we choose to go that way. It interacting in it's home plane was never something I had to consider before Mia, but it is more than capable of swaying events in any direction there.))

Simon almost looked upset by the madness before him. He also realised he was missing this, and pulled out his electronic binoculars and proceeded to take some pictures. He could write his own book on the insane mix of phenomenons going on here. There was so much to try to follow all at once.

A piece of shattered wood came flying at him with dangerous speed from somewhere in the fight. He didn't react. A strange flicker of the light around him and the debris was splintered and blasted aside.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Same goes for over here actually, since in previous roleplays with Mia, she generally had entire control over the "realm itself" with any other "similar beings" generally leaving her alone/submitting to her. Generally I'd prefer to stay away from that area, since we'd be going into "battles of god-like proportions" at that rate but... eh whatever.))

Attacks from three ways... dead weight attached to her arm...the choice was obvious. Severing her own arm, Mia "hurled" Art and his "mithril hold" into the line of fire, while use the last of the energy she had absorbed to absorb the blasts fired at her. At this stage, the more sensible course of action would have been to retreat, seeing as any more power would require the release of one of her seals. However, seeing as the watchers were already suspicious of her presence, she was beyond caring. If any came, she would strike them down with the full of her force, it was that simple. All she desired now was to crush the insolent young upstart that had disrupted her hunt.

"First seal... in the name of Imian Shadowavia Gradios, I command thee DISPERSE."

With that, the "chain" that had been pulsing broke apart, an enormous amount of energy and power flowing into its master. It's effect was even visible on the clones, who now lunged at their prey with far more power and speed than they had before, becoming seemingly "more real".

Leaping out of the shadow behind Praxal, Mia spun so as to send the impudent demon flying with a kick, an overflowing amount of energy covering her.... This was the amount of power Mia possessed when she assisted in the overthrowing of the ruler of her demonic realm, a fraction of what she had obtained over the span of eternity.

~Somewhere in the abyss~

"Sir, we've detected an abnormal amount of energy from the Zeta sector."

"Plane number and variant?"

"It appears to be Plane ZXVH0054623 sir, Variant 6827."

"How big of an anomaly are we talking?"

"Around four times of the approximated limit sir, what should we do?"

"Damn drifters... send some of the enlightened to scout the place out, once we know what we're up against, we'll deploy enmasse."

"Understood sir, what shall I tell the gods responsible for this plane?"

"Tell them that they are to await punishment for their failure to keep their plane free of foreign disturbances and to prepare for our arrival. Should we not receive a favorable response, they shall be replaced by more "suitable" canidates."


((Eh, I just wanted to leave some room for more "action" as opposed to Mia's homicidal rampages. That and Siphon had an intresting idea in the "Nurse's station" thread so... I'm expanding on that.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((I am reading this a certain way, so will alter if need be. Since I have no idea just how powerful the "clones" of Mia are, I am basing this a certain way.))

Siphon growled at the new antics, knowing from the looks of things he was, for now, completely over matched in firepower and tankability here. He would blast any clones that came near him, or tear them in half with his own inhuman strength, and when he was free to do so, recloaked. Since he was now out of phase with them completely, he didn't have much to worry about for himself, though he couldn't just leave the others to their deaths. He began trying desperately to come up with a new plan, and for the moment, failing miserably.

As soon as Mia had "poofed", Praxal had set his back against a tree. This turned out to be a good move as Mia tried to send him flying. Barely managing to move fast enough to grab her foot, he attempted to flip/toss her over and away from him. "Impudent fool. You wish to release my full power upon this world? So be it, but YOU will be my new host bitch."

((Not being serious there on that last part, much, but mostly said to give her some pause for thought.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((I'm not sure myself actually, since I want to leave it up to general opinion of how powerful they are. All that's really changed is that they're not the "zomg lambs to the slaughter" anymore with the whole being mowed down so easily. As for in what way... *shrugs*, I leave that up to you guys to be fair.))

Rebounding from the toss, Mia used the momentum to launch herself back towards Praxal, the overflowing energy covering even her blades which she raised.

"Not if I erase your entire existence at once, give my regards to the abyss...brat."