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Gossamer Falls Woods

Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((BOL! That is just epic, +rep for that one.))

Siphon blinks in surprise then thinks back, uh, what happened?
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Well," Sho says with a chuckle, "I think we all heard the man. Best make ourselves scarce. I'd prefer to spend at least one day without dealing with psychos." Of course, the scream gets her attention and the branches around the clearing rustle in what would appear to be a brief wind that just kicked up. "What the hell was that?" The leaves rattle, especially as they get the second mental shout from Sly. "Is it the other one?"
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Keylo dude... stop moaning about your posts. I don't see anything wrong with them. No one's demanding essays or publishable writing. Really, they're fine.))

"Sounds sensible to me, lets mov..." She stops as the she hears the two blasts of profanity, both mental and conventional. "The crap was that?" Grace blurts out ready to follow wherever they might go.

"Didn't sound like a demon to me."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Siphon shook his head, chuckling. "It sounded like someone tried to do their best impersonation of a bird in flight. And failed. My guess is we just got our distraction, so we should move."

"You don't think they'll harm said person if your even right about what happened?" Aya asked.

"Doubtful, there's no threat, and she's not in a frenzy at this time. Near as I've seen, she doesn't just switch at will like that. I'm pretty well banking that she can't, so let's pray I'm right."

He would lead the way further away from where they were, towards the path they would need to eventually get to town, moving as fast as they could to escape Mia's range.
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Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Damon got to his feet and brushed some lose leaves and such off. "Remind me to never, never do that again." He looked at Sly and asked "Who are you? You weren't with the tour group." He hadn't paid any attention to Ima yet.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Yes, leaving would be good. And I think Siphon's right. Whomever was just communicating with us doesn't seem hostile. I think our distraction will be all right, provided they didn't hurt themselves in the fall." She follows after Siphon, catching up enough to slip her hand in his as the group makes their way out of the woods and onward toward town.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods


What am I exactly again? Her slave? Her meat shield to hide behind?
Caught off guard by Damon's question, Sly was at a loss for words as he tried to come up with a convincing reply. Thankfully for him however, Ima managed to supply an answer where he couldn't.

"He's my bodyguard... at least, that's what the letter."

"Yes! I'm her bodyguard. Her guardian is rather... eccentric when it comes to "her Ima". Threatened to skin me alive and turn me into a purse if I don't stay within twenty feet of her at all times. Regardless of where she is of course."

"And like I said for the fifteenth time, you don't have to follow such ridiculous orders. You can go off and do whatever you want really, and she'll never know. I'm not going to tell her, heck I've never even seen her before."

"If only I could..."
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Damon finally manages to take note of Ima's presence. "I recognize you..." he says, but he doesn't sound too sure of himself. "Anyway, I was headed over here because I saw smoke when you guys found me. Did you see where it came from?"
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"No we-"

"You saw it too? See, I told you I wasn't imagining things..."

The expression on Ima's face when she confirmed her suspicions caused Sly to groan... and shoot a particularly nasty glare at the newcomer for ruining his plan of avoiding conflict.

"Thanks a lot... I was trying to avoid being dragged off on a merry adventure to find the perpetrators, Mr. Bigmouth."

Interest reawakened, Ima decided to once again begin her investigations.

"I think it came from over there, wanna take a look?"

It was times like these, that Sly actually began to wish for the "not-so peppy and nosy" Mia over the child-like Ima...
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Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Let's go, but I don't think there's a hurry. Who ever made the fire is probably long gone by now, and I don't think I want to be in a rush for a little while anyway." He heads off in the direction of the smoke.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

"Right behind ya."

Ima then proceeded to follow after Damon, with a grumbling Sly shortly behind her.
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

Grace and Ellisia follow along close to Sho and Siphon. If it wasn't for the events of yesterday and her recent uncertainty of how to handle the situation, Ellisia would have preferred to confront rather than avoid. But indeed, this was neither the time or place.

((Note. If it's something as simple as following in a group like this when it seems likely, feel free to assume my characters do so. Best not to spend time waiting for me to confirm such things.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

((Roger that. And since we're making ourselves scarce, we can look into changing threads, since we don't want to be there when Ima, Sly, and Damon arrive.))
Re: Gossamer Falls Woods

The group was moving at a snails pace, as Damon was still limping from his fall. Eventually they found the clearing where the other group had been, and the perfect circle of burnt grass.
"What... How would this happen? A circle?"