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Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

It didn't take much more then that observation and with a mighty swing she smashes the lock with her pipe. "Subway my foot, unless the monsters are riding the rails..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

(Been forgetting your counter)

Futa wears off = 2 turns

Kita emerged onto a small section of catwalk in the subway. It was back a bit, allowing trains plenty of room to go by. A small ladder let workers down to inspect the track, or up into the sewer, it was kind of hard to tell which way was intended.

The track was partially flooded, though it was clean, not the sewer water. It was about knee level, so Kita could walk throught it without too much trouble. The tunnel was alot darker then the sewer, but there was a bit of light, and the walls could guide her.

However, before Kita could decide on what to do, she felt a sharp pain in her lower regions. It seemed her cock was ready to leave, but it wasn't going quietly.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita winced a bit as she felt the pain of her added part. Not like she could do anything about it now, she reasoned. Keeping a hand along the right wall, she moved her way along it, exploring aimlessly for whatever caught her interest...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 1 turns

Kita had to go slow, despite the pain not being all that bad, its hard to walk, and she has to keep her legs clenched together slightly.

Despite leaving the spider nest, Kita could still feel them nearby. Her time with them seemed to have atuned her to their sound. Up ahead she could hear alot of them, preparing for something...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

That's odd, what were they all going this way for? she thought as she moved down the tunnel some more, following the noise. If anything, she'd be able to pay the spiders back for making fun of her... strip her and egg her my foot...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

At that moment, Kita's cock vanished entirely with a sharp pain, casuing her to stumble a bit. As such, she didn't get to the spiders before they were ready. With a loud squeal, they took off down the tunnel, not towards Kita, but in a new direction. Soon there were sounds of gunfire and people yelling. The spiders were attacking something in waves!
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita gasped as she heard the sounds. "Crap, someone's in trouble!" she hissed, moving quickly to join into the brawl, though not on the spider's side. At least she thanks any deity known to her the strange affliction wore itself out before she met more humans...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

There were a great mass of spiders still in the tunnel. They were not all attacking down the tunnel at once. One moves infront of her, almost as to just block her path. It was giving her a strange look, like it wasn't sure if it was allowed to attack her or not. It starts making a wierd noise, a really frightening noise...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita froze as she saw the mass of spiders. She wasn't sure the best reaction at that moment, but didn't take long to move the pipe to a battle-ready stance. "Oy, git out of the way!' she growled as menicinly as possible.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The spider started hissing, and getting even more in Kita's way. Two more came up to join it, forming a simi-circle around the girl. They were very adamant about not letting her pass, though she could try and run past, if she really wanted to.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

She grinned a bit. "Fine, be that way. LEEROY JENKINS!!!" she roared in a mock battlecry, charging past the spiders.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Order Roll

Kita 8+30 = 38
Spider 13+25 = 38
Spider 1+25 = 26
Spider 4+25 = 29

Kita charges down the tunnel, the spiders still bewildered and unable to stop her. She sees light ahead, the spiders are charging into this area. She can see human figures up ahead.

Hit Chances

1: 47 + 24 - 17 = 54 // 17 + 41 = 58 ... failure
2: 32 + 40 - 17 = 55 // 17 + 41 = 58 ... failure
3: 40 + 36 - 17 = 59 // 2 + 41 = 43 ... success
4: 13 + 27 - 17 = 23 // 19 + 41 = 60 ... failure
5: 44 + 15 - 17 = 42 // 12 + 41 = 53 ... failure
6: 5 + 2 - 17 = -10 // 6 + 41 = 47 ... failure

Damage (S6M1 - full auto, 6d10)

7 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 8 + 8 = 43

The figures up ahead fire into the crowd of spiders and Kita, three bullets catch Kita in the leg, knocking her out from the pain and causing her splash down in the cold water. Luck would be on her side at the end, however, her momentum caused her to roll and float face up, otherwise she would have drowned for sure.

When Kita woke up, two soliders were standing over her. "Holy shit! What was a girl doing in with the spiders? Get her to the medic ASAP!" Kita felt light headed, but could feel someone pulling her through the water, then lifting her and carrying her to a fold out cot. Soon, a woman was standing over her, working on her leg.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Ow.... fuckin hell that hurts..." she muttered, groggily sitting up. "G-guess I kinda deserved that following those buggers..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The medic pushed Kita back down. "Stay down mam, you've lost alot of blood. No major vessels hit, but you're still going to be a bit light headed. Don't worry, you're safe now." The medic finished digging around in Kita's leg. There was no pain, this must be some good painkiller they'd given her. "Now, I'm going to bandage this up, and I'll help you over there to that table. We're out of uniforms your size, but we have some bigger ones. It's the only clothes we have right now, I'm afraid, but it'll have to do. I'll get one for you in just a minute.

The medic was very gentile with her touch, even with the painkillers it seemed like a massage. Afterwards, the medic helped her up by the shoulder and brought her over to the table. "Alright, stay right here, I'll be right back".
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"T-thanks..." Kita replied, looking flushed as she sat near the table. She sat there and recovered, meanwhile continuing to berate herself in her head. How COULD she be soo stupid...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita noticed there were more soldiers here, all male. They were all professional, however, and didn't look at Kita. The medic soon returned. "Oh, I'm so sorry for leaving you out here. I should have taken you right to the women's temporary quarters, away from the men. We have some people there resting right now. I'll help you over." With that the medic hoisted the girl again. Kita saw she had the change of clothes in he other hand, so it seemed like she could dress in this "women's temporary quarters" in peace.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Thank you... so what's all you doing down here in the sewer anyway?" she asked as she allowed herself to be carried over, limping slightly due to her injuries.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

(Drawing this out to hero's done. I went ahead and gave him another lesbian scene :eek:)

The medic stated explaining while carrying Kita. "This was a defense position durring the attack. After the nuke went off, surviors gathered here. We havn't had many here lately, though two soliders did join us just before the attack. Other then them, you're the first sense midnight. She gently set Kita down as she went to open the door.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Resting against the wall, Kita nodded. "The typical survivor camp or starting town. Anyway, so you got any idea what's making stuff so odd? Like the, erm, spiders?" she asked with a deeper flush.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"They come off the monster in downtown, that's all we know." The medic continued, finding the door stop. "I'm just going to bring you in here to meet your new roommates, atleast for awhile."

(Alright, as soon as the current plot arc with Hero is done, I'll make the joint topic)