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Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

As Kita intensified the assualt, Rika began to moan sharp and short into the gag each time the gun pounded into her bottom. She closed her eyes and let Abi cradle her head in her lap. The solider rubbed the blonde's head, neck, and upper back, while talking dirty to her. "That's right you bitch, take it, take it all in. I know you like it. Just relax and let my friend here pump all the juice out of you. You're such a dirty girl, getting off on this!" She smiled over at Kita every so often, enjoying the bound woman's torment, perhaps a bit too much.

Suddenly, Rika's gasps became shorter and more intense. She was about to reach her peak. "That's right, cum like the dirty bitch you are Rika! Show us how perverse you are!" Abi was quite happy with the result, but Kita still had the chance to deny the blonde her happyness, if she felt so inclined.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita didn't slow. She figured the poor girl was tortured enough earlier, especially considering where she was getting dumped. Still, she kept that part of the plan quiet as she worked the prisoner harder.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Rika actually started bucking back against the gun as she started to cum. The dirty talk had really gotten to her. With one final moan as the barrel plunged deep into her ass, Rika let loose a torrent, coating everything below her, as well as getting on Kita in several places, though she could avoid some of it, where she chose to.

After tightening up for several seconds, the blonde flopped down, limp, gun still inside her. As her heavy breathing slowed, Abi continued to rub her. "Quite a show there, you filthy whore. You should have had a job in a strip club, you'd be their main attraction. The whore that humps guns. A real turn on for the more seedy customers I bet."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita blushed a bit, gently sliding the gun out of her, quickly returning the clip and flushing at how much she got sprayed on. "S-so what now? Try to dump her out of the way?"
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Abi looked up from her gentle teasing. "Well, she's yours, it should be your call, though I assume the others might have some objections to some of the more... tempting options." Rika started blubbering from behind the gag again, though with tears now welling up, it would have been nearly impossible to understand anyway. "I'd be willing to take a turn, but we should probably find something to do with her soon. As much as making her your bitch would be fun, I don't think we can keep her." Hearing Abi talk about Rika as if she were a pet was slightly disturbing, considering how much joy was in the solider's voice.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita gave her an incredulous look. "Even if she is a brat, she is human. Still, I think I got an idea to keep her and her crew occupied if they aren't incapacitated. Take the rifle, I'll lug her where I want her," she said, getting up before picking Rika up by her hogtied limbs. She was heavy, but hopefully she'd manage.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Rika was too heavy for the small Kita to carry, but she could be drug along behind her with ease. It wasn't exactly easy on the blonde, but it was far from the worst thing that could be done to her. Abi gathered the rifles, checked out side the door to make sure it was clear, then stepped out. "I better go first, wherever we're going, lest you walk into a sticky situation like that."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Good point..." Kita commented. She did take a few seconds to slide down Rika's shirt, if only to stop some pain of that sensitive area getting dragged, before starting to work her way to the squid pits. "Let's just say it'll be obvious where she's going if they want her..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Abi stayed right infront of Kita, more or less. She quickly picked up on where the goth wanted to go, a small smile crept over her face. Rika too cound tell where they were going, she began to wail through her gag as she was brought to the squids. "What are we gonna do about the gag, keep it, get a better one, or remove it?" The two got to the gate and saw that it was open, but the squids were contained behind another one on the far side, the ropes to open it being operated from the platform up top.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Better leave it. It's not worth looking for a better one and there's a good chance she'll scream if we remove it..." Kita explained, gently opening the outer gate before glaring down at Rika. "And this is what ya get for not listening, I really hope you learned your lesson," she grumbled, quickly retreating.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

(As Hero is MIA, I'll revive you in this thread.)

As Kita turned slightly, the floor suddenly gave way and she toppled into the building's basement. It made quite a racket, attracting the building's monsterish inhabitants. Unfortunately, Kita couldn't help, having hit her head quite hard, passing out a few seconds later to the sounds of gunfire up above, the other women being forced to abandon her.

When the goth woke up, she'd be alone in the very dark basement. There was hardly enough light to see, but she could make out the stairs on the far wall, made of wood and looking very unstable. There also seemed to be an arch way, going someplace Kita couldn't see. The basement itself had very little in it, just a few chests on the side wall.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

She only had one thing to say as the floor gave way: "AW SHIT ON A SHINGLEEEEEeeeeeee-!!!"

(Sorry, couldn't resist the famous last word there :p )

Kita groaned as she got up again, grabbing at the stolen rifle as she reoriented herself. "Aww man, I was dreaming of striped green spiders for a second there, and now I'm stuck in this hellhole again..." she muttered. Quietly, she moved towards the chest, just to see if she could manage to find something inside it.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The wood was old, and slightly moldy. Fortunately, that meant the locks weren't all that secure, and with only a little trouble Kita managed to pry them open. Most of the stuff inside was just junk, but there were a few ratty old maps of the nearby sewer system, through the arch nearby, but there was not enough light to ready anything more then the title.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Sighing at the lack of light, she decided at the sewer entry being way too dark for now. She'd have to find some light before she could follow the map, though there probably was a reason the maps were made down there.

For now, she headed upstairs, keeping the rifle ready.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The stairs creeked horribly loud as Kita started up them, quite erie in the otherwise dead silence that was in the chamber. One step almost felt like it would break, even under the small girl's weight, but it didn't. Would probably be for the best if the goth made a note of it, and remembered not to step on it again, if she passed once more.

Up top Kita found herself near the back of the building, in a kitchen type area. While in the style of a house, it was set up to feed alot of people, probably around twenty or so. There was a bit of light coming in the windows through the curtain, enough to read the map, though not the best of conditions. Kita could see out into the dining room, no one was there, but not out into the hall, which was probably around the corner.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Quietly keeping on eye on the other entries to the room, Kita quietly looked over the map, her back to the window so most of the light fell onto the paper. Her curiosity was getting the better of her even now.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The map showed the sewer system that was right around this building. The map was quite old, dated from at least 70 years ago, but it would probably still be helpfull. The path in the basement seemed to connect to a mid-sized tunnel with a catwalk. At a T-junction there was a worker's locker room to the right, with a note that said "Conenction to subway (in progress)".
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita decided to pocket it for now, sliding it into her bootsleeve like she did with her knife. Quietly getting straitened up, she decided it may be smart to hit the streets again and find a better home for the night. It was getting late, and if the monsters didn't find her, either this White person or the other group of nutcases would find her...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The building was alot worse for wear then when Kita was last up here. Floorboards colapsed in many places, and there were bullet holes in the walls. But there was one thing, or person, that stood out from all the destruction. Abbie Grey, dead, in the doorway. No visible cause of death, but all her stuff was taken, probably by the survivors.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita would gasp, her face contorting in surprise. Carefully working her way over, Kita would check her injuries, she hoped whatever happened to Abby hadn't befallen her other friends...